- Hosted by @joshrosso
- Recording date: 2020-04-10
- 00:00:00 - Welcome to TGIK!
- 00:04:41 - Week in Review
- 00:23:01 - Episode Overview
- 00:23:33 - Default Secret Behavior
- 00:41:06 - Encryption at Rest
- 00:58:41 - External Provider Trade-Offs
- 01:05:31 - Integration with Secrets: App Level vs Platform Level
- 01:09:02 - Vault Secret Injection via Agent
- 01:39:31 - Sealed Secrets
- 01:46:09 - CSI Secret Driver
- 01:51:46 - Wrap-Up
- k8s 1.18.1 is out
- Here are all the blog entries you should check out for 1.18 features:
- WG Resource Management has met it's goals and is closing down.
- It's not too late to be involved in 1.19! Check out the shadow application form if you're interested, deadline is 4/14!
- k8s Office Hours are April 15th, this next Wednesday: EU Session and West Coast US session
- Migrating zookeeper into Kubernetes HN comments
- Intro to Service Mesh Interface via the CNCF
- The Docker-compose specification has been published
- Kubevious - another k8s visualization tool
- ArgoCD has been accepted to the CNCF, here's a blog on setting up multicluster gitops
- Sidekick - "By attaching a tiny load balancer as a sidecar to each of the client application processes, you can eliminate the centralized loadbalancer bottleneck and DNS failover management."
- Only mildly k8s related but friend of the show and k8s maintainer Ben Elder has an article on making your own open source virtual background
- Article by Steve Wade on how Mettle uses gitops!
Old episodes:
- tgik.io/065
- tgik.io/066
Secret Review
- Default
- Encryption at Rest
- KMS (Envelope Encryption)
- External Provider
Today's Options
- Vault Injection
- Sealed Secrets (kind of different concern)
- csi-secret-driver
- CSI Secret Driver: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/secrets-store-csi-driver
- Go-Daddy External Secrets: Kubernetes External Secrets
- Kubevault (by appscode): https://kubevault.com
- Vault injector how-to: https://learn.hashicorp.com/vault/getting-started-k8s/sidecar
- Hashicorp announcing the vault helm chart
- Hashicorp secrets store csi driver provider vault