- Hosted by @mauilion
- Recording date: 2020-06-19
- 00:00:00 - Welcome to TGIK!
- 00:00:00 - Week in Review
k8s.gcr.io is moving - About two weeks until this happens, heads up if it affects you!
Notes from the monthly k8s community meeting:
- SIG Updates:
- Full Notes
- kubernetes community values
- kubecon NA deadline extended!
- great writeup on a recent cve
- Kubernetes Goat - Insecure cluster by default to help learn security
- Argocd 1.16 release
- Starboard Announced!
- https://github.com/swade1987/gitops-with-kustomize
- https://github.com/swade1987/gitops-with-secrets
- CNCF stands with the Black Lives Matter movement
- Adnand Rashid has published a PDF of his CKA Notes
- Speaking of the CKA, it's getting updated, so update your notes!
- Starboard
- Integrations so far: