- Hosted by @mauilion
- Recording 08/14/2020
- 00:00:00 - Welcome to TGIK!
- 00:00:00 - Week in Review
- Introducing Hierarchical Namespaces
- 1.19 Release team is on break to prep for KubeCon, will resume on 24 August, 1.19 is close!
- Jeremy Rickard will be your 1.20 release manager
- Dot Releases
- Next week is KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe Virtual
- Schedule
- Check out the mentoring sessions
- Docker has an updated image retention policty
- Helm Releases
- Mike Metral goes over the Pulumi Kubernetes Operator
- Daniele Polencic goes over Graceful Shutdown and Zero Downtime deployments - The PDF diagram they use here is very useful!
- First release of the seccomp operator
- Our break up with Weave Net and how we did it with no downtime