- Hosted by @n3wscott
- 02/05/2021
- 00:00:00 - Welcome to TGIK!
- 00:00:00 - Week in Review
- 00:11:20 - We are here to talk about ducks.
- 00:13:50 - Frame the prototype code for the Maths demo.
- 00:15:00 - Kind Cluster booting.
- 00:17:14 - ko apply the Maths controller.
- 00:18:18 - Apply the starter demo resources.
- 00:24:15 - Take a tour of the Maths controller, api and duck type definition.
- 00:32:45 - Frame the "Square" CRD, start with controller runtime.
- 00:36:18 - ko-ify the controller runtimes output to let us use ko for deploying.
- 00:40:15 - Made a Square CRD but found it does not have a status. The drama begins.
- 00:41:05 - Update our Square CRD with the ResultsType duck type shape.
- 00:43:10 - oh noes, forgotten how to pull a resource out of the controller runtime client using the reconciler key, look it up.
- 00:45:00 - Saved by Ben Moss and friends with a copy/pasta controller runtime client get for the resource. On to implementing the simple controller.
- 00:50:21 - Try out our new Square resource controller with an object!
- 00:51:00 - Wait! remember to update the resource status, CR does not do this for you.
- 00:51:57 - Detour to talk about Knative Style reconcilers for a minute.
- 00:54:41 - Applied our updated Square instance, but no status update... Let's dig in.
- 00:59:33 - Found a missing status annotation, put in the wrong place.
- 01:20:30 - We now have the controller updating the status, time to tie it into the original Math controller.
- 01:21:00 - Add the aggregated RBAC for the results duck type. (note there is an issue in the Maths RBAC file that gets fixed soon)
- 01:15:15 - Attempt to show integration with the Maths controller.
- 01:26:36 - Status is gone again on Square! Panic mode!
- 01:29:34 - Correcting the RBAC, still not working, more panic, time to look at some controller logs. :D
- 01:35:30 - WORKING DUCK TYPE!
- 01:37:22 - Let's talk about duck typing.
- 01:38:06 - Per request, detour to poke the demo again. Find that there is still some status update issues from the controller runtime side. The code still has issues. Fix them!
- 01:47:25 - Back to duck typing talk.
- 01:49:37 - Pitch the API Machinery Duck Type Prototype repo proposal.
- 01:53:00 - Thanks so much! See you on the internet.
- Reminder: v1beta1 versions going away in 1.22: CRD and AdmissionWebhookConfiguration
- Kind v0.10 released. This is two weeks old now. Missed it last week!
- Kubernetes 1.21 - Enhancements Freeze: Feb. 9th.
- Release target date for 1.21: April 8th.
- Occasional TGIK host Tiffany Jernigan wrote up an excellent getting started guide to Velero - https://tanzu.vmware.com/developer/guides/kubernetes/velero-gs/
- Pinniped v0.5!. [We gotta do a TGIK on this sometime soon! -- Joe]
- Contour v1.12 released. This release brings local rate limiting, dymamic request headers and header has loadbalancing. Great to seee Contour continue to evolve.
- Controversial view of Helm: Why Helm never felt like it belonged from LittleChimera.
- The core container image distribution system going to the CNCF. Donating Docker Distribution to the CNCF
- Exploring the Kubernetes Operator Pattern nice long form blog post with diagrams.
- Demystifying Google Container Tool Jib Someone needs to take jib the rest of the way to a ko-like experiance. :D
- Updating container images using just Go code in this tutorial by ahmetbp
- Knative in Action has been released to printers, meaning physical copies will be shipping in a few weeks.
- kpack 0.2.0 released today with Windows building support, Notary V1 image signing, and better logging.
Shoutout to ramb.ly for hosting TGIK8s
Follow-up: Duck Types for Kubernetes thread on API Machinery. Discuss at the next API Machinery WG meeting, Feb 10th, 11am PST.
Repos used in this talk:
- github.com/n3wscott/maths the starting repo with Add and Subtract resources.
- github.com/n3wscott/multiply the resulting demo repo adding the Square resource.
Kubecon talks on duck typing: