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1560 lines (1154 loc) · 68.6 KB

File metadata and controls

1560 lines (1154 loc) · 68.6 KB



  • Disable checkpoint based synchronization for periodically maintained service Periodically maintained services are expected to be populated into memory so that it could be maintained in period. Thus, Synchronization is a must regardless of checkpoint

  • Disable stack-trace from failed responses by default and making it opt-in option. Users can now set 'xenon.ServiceErrorResponse.disableStackTraceCollection' to 'false' to get stack traces in response to failed requests. This options should only be 'false' for non-production environments. In production we should not be returning stack-traces in the response.

  • Fixed an inconsistency around DELETE of a non-existing service: some code paths returned an error (404) in that case while other code paths returned success. Now all code paths return success for a DELETE of a non-existing service.

  • A document new owner and epoch is set only on-demand, when an update is made to to the document. This saves synchronization overhead, as new document versions need not be created due to ownership change. Users who rely on up-to-date owner info are encouraged to use ServiceHost::selectOwner. An example of such usage, in testing context, can be found at VerificationHost::isOwner.

  • Time spent in an executor queue is now reported in OpenTracing traces.

  • Resource cost of using SINGLE_USE query becomes same as regular query.

  • Removal of custom document owner check in migration. Previously, migration had own document owner check logic based on the stored documentOwner information. As part of removing documentOwner field in document, now migration query uses BROADCAST and OWNER_SELECTION option; thus, ownership check happens in query level. Accordingly, latestSourceUpdateTimeMicros now indicates the latest(max) document update time (documentUpdateTimeMicros) in migrated documents.


    • migrateMismatchedOwnerDocuments option in migration request
    • ownerMismatchDocumentCount migration stat entry
  • Upgrade to Lucene 7.2 which includes fix LUCENE-8018 among other improvements. The temporary fix made is now removed from FieldInfoCache. Also we benefit from LUCENE-7868 when using INDEXED_METADATA.

  • Add XenonConfiguration option 'disableObjectCollectionAndMapJsonAdapters' to JsonMapper which disables adapters for types map, list, set. This is to ensure backward compatibility.

  • Add NodeGroupMigrationTaskService which migrates services in one node-group to another by orchestrating migration tasks.

  • Jaeger will now log and ignore bad hostnames for the UDP span transport. This permits detection of invalid configurations without breaking deployment pipelines or developer test scenarios.

  • Make MigrationTaskService work even when queryTask.results.queryTimeMicros returns null.

  • In migration task, usage of FORWARD_ONLY query option is configurable by setting xenon.MigrationTaskService.useForwardOnlyQuery system property, and it is false(disabled) by default.

  • Fix auth related errors observed on 1.6.3.


  • Checkpoint-based synchronization: an optimization introduced into synchronization which creates checkpoints at the end of a successful synchronization cycle and uses those checkpoints as a time-range clause in the next synch cycle's child query. Checkpoints are enabled by default; the user can disable them by setting xenon.SynchronizationTaskService.isCheckpointEnabled to false. If checkpoints are enabled, synchronization runs periodically - the default interval is 30 minutes, but the user can override it using xenon.SynchronizationTaskService.schedulePeriodSeconds.

  • Removal of custom document owner check in migration. Previously, migration had own document owner check logic based on the stored documentOwner information. As part of removing documentOwner field in document, now migration query uses BROADCAST and OWNER_SELECTION option; thus, ownership check happens in query level. Accordingly, latestSourceUpdateTimeMicros now indicates the latest(max) document update time (documentUpdateTimeMicros) in migrated documents.


    • migrateMismatchedOwnerDocuments option in migration request
    • ownerMismatchDocumentCount migration stat entry
  • Add system property JsonMapper.disableObjectCollectionAndMapJsonAdapters which disables adapters for types map, list, set. This is to ensure backward compatibility.


  • Add CORS support. CORS support is added to NettyHttpListener using netty's CorsHandler. It is disabled by default. ServiceHost#[configureHttpListener|configureHttpsListener] are added for subclass to override to configure httpListener.

    Sample CORS configuration:

      protected void configureHttpListener(ServiceRequestListener httpListener) {
          CorsConfig corsConfig = CorsConfigBuilder.forOrigin("")
          // enable CORS
          ((NettyHttpListener) httpListener).setCorsConfig(corsConfig);


  • Fix RootNamespaceService isn't found with local URI GET

  • Add missing service to OperationProcessingContext

  • Fix synch failure due to query page GET timeout

  • Consistent creation of BroadcastQueryPageService

  • Lazy de-serialization of inbound requests using kryo-octet-stream

  • Revert OpenTracing integration


  • Deprecated ServiceOption.ON_DEMAND_LOAD. While the option still exists it has no effect. Applications are discouraged from using it. All indexed services are now eligible for on-demand stop (under memory pressure) and on-demand start. The usual rules still apply; specifically, a service needs to be inactive in order to be eligible for stop. Inactivity threshold is measured as a factor of the maintenance interval. The stop delay factor is a host setting and can be overridden via ServiceHost.setServiceStopDelayFactor().

  • Added support to exclude built-in fields like 'documentVersion' when outputting to JSON. Revamped JSON output methods to use JsonOptions enum instead of various boolean flags. Deprecated JSON output methods that use boolean flags in favor of the new design.

  • Breaking change: Restrict service creation with an ID that is not a valid URI. Caller cannot create a service with '/example/({id}}' as documentSelfLink. Any documentSelfLink supplied by the caller should be parsable by URI.create().

  • OData access to FactoryService now always requires expand parameter to expand documents. Previously, when GET request has any odata parameter(e.g.: $count), response was always expanded regardless of presence of expand parameter. It is changed to always require $expand parameter in order to expand the response. This only applies to GET on factory.

  • Breaking change: When 304 is specified as status code, response operation body becomes always null. Previously, when Operation.STATUS_CODE_NOT_MODIFIED is set, response body behaves different with remote and local op. The HTTP-304 spec defines following for conditional GET request: "The 304 response MUST NOT contain a message-body". To comply with HTTP spec, now response operation body is always null if status code is 304 regardless of remote or local op. Since HTTP spec defines above behavior only for GET. It is guaranteed response body is set to null for GET request. However, current behavior for other actions are xenon specific and may change in future. Therefore, it is not advised to use 304 status code other than GET request.

  • Breaking change: To skip indexing document modification, changed to use new pragma directive Operation.PRAGMA_DIRECTIVE_STATE_NOT_MODIFIED instead of Operation.STATUS_CODE_NOT_MODIFIED. Prior to this version, when Operation.STATUS_CODE_NOT_MODIFIED is set to response, it has skipped index/cache update for stateful service. Since using 304 to imply data modification for update is not correct(described above), now it has changed to use Operation.PRAGMA_DIRECTIVE_STATE_NOT_MODIFIED. This change affected UserService, UserGroupService, ResourceGroupService, RoleService, and TenantService. When these service receives PUT with same body, they were returning 304 before. Now, instead they return 200 with response body without updating persisted documents(no version increase).
    Also, patch request to ServiceHostManagementService now returns 200 instead of 304.

  • Provide configurable replication quorum which decides the success and failure threshold. Api: PATCH PATH/TO/NODESELECTOR -d '{replicationQuorum:REPLICATIONQUORUM}'

  • Integrated OpenTracing with ServiceHost to provide holistic end to end tracing through Xenon built services.


  • Fix auth check for non-persisted stateful service on document-index GET. Auth check for remote GET access on document-index service was introduced at xenon 1.5.5 but had an issue for non-persisted stateful service when auth check query has a condition against document body. It is now fixed in this version.

  • New API support added to synchronize a single stateful child service in a multi-node cluster. Example of API call: curl -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:8000/core/management/synch -d '{ "documentSelfLink": "/core/examples/example-child-id", "kind": "com:vmware:xenon:services:common:SynchronizationRequest" }'

  • New API added to synchronize the factory in a multi-node cluster. Example of calling this API to start the synchronization of the example factory: curl -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:8000/core/management/synch -d '{ "documentSelfLink": "/core/examples", "kind": "com:vmware:xenon:services:common:SynchronizationRequest" }'


  • Upgrade Netty to 4.1.15 and netty-tcnative to 2.0.6

  • Instances java.nio.file.Path are now serializable to JSON


  • Added JVM property - enableOdlSynchronization. If set as true, then synchronization task will be triggered for ON_DEMAND_LOAD service when node-group changed. Otherwise, warning message - "No sync during node-group maintenance" will be shown. By default, the property set as false.

  • Breaking change that restricts users from creating service document with '/' in its document Id.

  • Removed service pause/resume, as the marginal value over stop/start does not justify the increased complexity. This includes a small change to the Service interface: Service.setProcessingStage() now returns void instead of ServiceRuntimeContext.

  • Added SynchronizationManagementService service that provides an API to get availability status of all factories in cluster from one place.

  • Fixed a bug whereby the wrong StatusCode was being returned through Operation.failActionNotSupported(). Instead of returning STATUS_CODE_BAD_METHOD (405) as in the code, it was being translated to (400) STATUS_CODE_BAD_REQUEST.

    PLEASE NOTE: this is a potentially breaking change if you or your test code was relying on the result from this method. The most common way that this would occur is in the result returned from methods that are not handled.

    ex: the following would now return a 405, instead of a 400.

  public void handlePut(Operation patch) {
  • Enable repeated @RouteDocumentation annotation. This enable richer Swagger support for services marked as URI_NAMESPACE_OWNER. @RouteDocumentation now also supports requestBodyType parameter.

  • MigrationTaskService supports migrating deleted documents. When query spec includes "INCLUDE_DELETED" option, migration task first posts the document, then deletes it in destination nodes.

  • Added new stats for ServiceHostManagementService to reflect the current size of the authorization context Cache and the count of cache insertions.

  • Added support for request logging that logs all inbound requests to a Service Host. Logging can be enabled or disabled during host start-up by calling ServiceHost.setRequestLoggingInfo OR by making a PATCH to ServiceHostManagementService.

  • Enable odata $skip support on factory get. e.g.: /core/examples?$skip=5 /core/examples?$skip=5&$limit=10 /core/examples?$skip=5&$top=2

  • Enforce auth check for remote GET access on document-index service

  • Added an optional system property, xenon.BasicAuthenticationService.UPPER_SESSION_LIMIT_SECONDS to set a maximum session duration when passing in sessionExpirationSeconds to BasicAuthenticationService payload. If set, this will be the chosen maximum of any session duration (default or set by consumer).

  • Removed the system property xenon.BasicAuthenticationService.AUTH_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_MICROS in favour of xenon.BasicAuthenticationService.AUTH_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_SECONDS to keep consistency with the new property.


  • Updates to migration task service to assert zero documentOwner mismatches while migrating services that don't use ServiceOption ON_DEMAND_LOAD. This avoids cases when some stateful services fail to migrate due because of pending synchronization.

  • Add auto backup When auto-backup is enabled, host performs incremental backup when underlying document-index service persists document changes. (for default LuceneDocumentIndexService service, it performs commit periodically) The location is configurable by autoBackup host argument parameter. To enable auto-backup, isAutoBackupEnabled argument is added for host start up. Also, /core/management takes AutoBackupConfiguration patch request to toggle the feature at run time.


  • Addition of new "indexed metadata" document indexing and query options.

    When a standard Xenon query is executed, the user-specified query parameters are translated to a Lucene query and executed against the index; documents are then removed from the result set in a post-filtering step if they are e.g. not "current" (don't represent the latest version of the corresponding service at query time) or are documents associated with deleted services.

    The "indexed metadata" feature uses Lucene DocValues fields to track these attributes directly in the index, dynamically updating fields directly in the documents as they are e.g. superseded by newer documents for the same service. This can result in additional indexing overhead (testing showed a decrease of between 20% and 25% in indexing throughput under load), but can also result in significant improvements in query throughput (between 350% and 750% increase in query throughput under similar load).

  • Deterministic document signature calculation for documents that contain Maps. This eliminates false conflicts when reconsiling state caused by a map unorderedness.

  • ForkJoinPool threads owned by a ServiceHost are named like the host uri + the default name.


  • "offset" parameter is added to QueryTask. This enables pagination logic to be executed in QueryTaskService rather than caller visits next pages. Major usecase is to provide data for list style pages, and it is expected to be used with TOP_RESULTS query option and sorting term specified but not limited to.

  • Breaking change:

    Following stat creation methods are removed:

    • StatefulService#getTimeSeriesStat
    • StatefulService#getTimeSeriesHistogramStat
    • StatelessService#getHistogramStat
    • StatelessService#getTimeSeriesStat
    • StatelessService#getTimeSeriesHistogramStat
    • ServiceStatUtils#getTimeSeriesStat
    • ServiceStatUtils#getTimeSeriesHistogramStat New methods are added on ServiceStatUtils to replace removed methods.
    • ServiceStatUtils#getOrCreateHourlyTimeSeriesStat
    • ServiceStatUtils#getOrCreateHourlyTimeSeriesHistogramStat
    • ServiceStatUtils#getOrCreateDailyTimeSeriesStat
    • ServiceStatUtils#getOrCreateDailyTimeSeriesHistogramStat
    • ServiceStatUtils#getOrCreateHistogramStat (renamed from getHistogramStat)
    • ServiceStatUtils#getOrCreateTimeSeriesStat

    Also, NodeGroupService(/core/node-groups/default/stats) had a stat "[RemoteHostID]GossipPatchDurationMicrosPerDay". However, it was actually an hourly stat. So, it was renamed to "[RemoteHostID]GossipPatchDurationMicrosPerHour"

  • Breaking change: Gson's '@SerializedName(value)' is now properly supported, the field name exposed in the DocumentDescription and available in xenon queries now respects Gson's @SerializedName annotation.

    Previously, the exposed JSON document respected this annotation but the DocumentDescription and query service did not respect the annotation, exposing the underlying field with its java name, which was incoherent.

    As a result of this fields which had the 'SerializeName' annotation may no longer be properly indexed as the field name has changed.



  • Providing an override for the method ServiceHost.startDefaultCoreServicesSynchronously to make joining peer nodes optional.

  • Token verification during authentication now returns an AuthorizationContext object instead of a Claims object to ensure ServiceHost has access to the auth token

  • Roll back to Maven 3.3.9 until can be fixed.

  • Breaking change: replace usage of Set with List in NodeGroupBroadcastResult to avoid edge case with equal results documents. In the event that ServiceDocument types properly implement equals, per-node results in NodeGroupBroadcastResult can contain fewer results than expected -- in particular, getSuccessesAs is vulnerable to this bug. For more details, see

  • MigrationTaskService has added two new parameters: "sourceReferences" and "destinationReferences". When specified, migration directly use them as source and destination nodes without checking convergence of node-groups. Therefore, Caller should check convergence before starting migration. Also, migration task retrieves each document from its owner node. The "sourceReferences" needs to include all node uris in source node-group; Otherwise, only partial number of documents will be migrated.

  • MigrationTaskService now sets a 'xn-from-migration' Pragma header when interacting with the destination cluster. Services can leverage this to alter their behavior based on whether handleStart comes from a migration or not.

  • Breaking change: Add support for Accept-Encoding: gzip request header. When present the response body is gzipped and the response header Content-Encoding: gzip is added to the response. Previously, the request header was ignored.

  • Breaking change: Changed signature of Utils.encodeBody() (both overloaded methods) to take an additional 'isRequest' parameter.


  • Breaking change: Links to QueryPageService instances (e.g. the nextPageLink and prevPageLink in ServiceDocumentQueryResult) are now provided through a dedcated forwarding service rather than the default node group forwarding service:


    This change is transparent to most consumers -- the nextPageLink and prevPageLink links can be traversed as normal -- but callers who depend on the old format in some fashion can enable it using the new "xenon.UriUtils.DISABLE_QUERY_PAGE_FORWARDING" flag.

  • Breaking change: The Lucene index service uses a new naming scheme for sorted DocValues fields in 1.5.0. This is transparent to most Xenon consumers, but is breaking for products which depend on opening an existing index at upgrade time instead of migration and which make use of sorted queries; such products should use the new "xenon.LuceneIndexDocumentHelper.DISABLE_SORT_FIELD_NAMING" flag to disable the use of the new naming scheme.

  • Upgrade Netty to 4.1.10 and netty-tcnative to 2.0.1

  • Remove Utils.computeHash, Utils.getCurrentFileDirectory, Utils.atomicGetOrCreate, Utils.toHexString, Utils.toServiceErrorResponseJson as there are obvious/shorter/standard ways to achieve the same. Methods Utils.getOsName and Utils.determineOsFamily are moved to SystemHostInfo.

  • Upgrade Lucene to 6.5.0

  • Upgrade Gson to 2.8.0

  • In MigrationTaskService, calculation of migration target docs(available in "estimatedTotalServiceCount" stats) became optional and default is disabled. To enable getting estimate count, "ESTIMATE_COUNT" migration option needs to be set in migration request.


  • Add ability to expand only selected fields in queries See QueryOption.EXPAND_SELECTED_FIELDS and querySpec.selectTerms also odata format: $select=

  • Add Service.get/SetDocumentIndexPath() enabling a service type to use a custom index service instance. This enables many new scenarios, for production or testing, since the per service instance indexing of the I/O pipeline can now use new types of indexing service. This is similar to the node selector per service path accessors and capability.

  • Add InMemoryLuceneDocumentIndexService, which uses the lucene document index service code but relies on the lucene RAMDirectory index store, vs the memory mapped, file based writer. The in memory index service can be optionally started side by side with the durable index service and can be set as the default index service for service types using the new Service.get/SetDocumentIndexPath() accessors

  • MigrationTask default page size is increased from 500 to 10,000.

  • Switch QueryTaskService to use the 1X node selector, instead of the full replication selector. This greatly reduces the overhead of creating a query task, but still provides the owner selection load balancing benefit. This change should be transparent to users, since all requests to a query task are forwarded to owner (before and after this change).

  • Isolate scheduled task execution for core services from any other service. This is a internal change with no visible API changes (backwards compatible).

  • Add new ServiceOption.CORE reserved for critical runtime services (like the index service, node selector, node group management). The option is currently only used to schedule tasks using the private core scheduled executor.

  • Xenon UI: Introduce pagination on factory services and query results, which allows the UI to handle large amount of documents.

  • "VerificationHost#setTimeoutSeconds()" propagates specified timeout to local peer nodes if exist.

  • All variants of "ServiceHost.initialize()" methods no longer call "setProcessOwner(true)" as part of initialization. This changes the shutdown behavior via DELETE to "/core/management". If application needs "System.exit" to be called at shutdown, it is now required to explicitly call "setProcessOwner(true)" in application code.

  • Incremental backup of document index. "/core/management" endpoint now accepts backup request(PATCH) with local directory specifying "backupType=DIRECTORY". When destination directory contains previous snapshot, it will perform incremental backup. See the detail on wiki page:

    Using backup/restore API on LuceneDocumentIndexService directly is deprecated. API on ServiceHostManagementService must be used.

  • Document signature is computed differently and this may cause issues if signatures are stored externally.


  • Fix migration task bug that may cause data loss when combined with transformation service.

  • Extend per service config REST API to include the node selector path. Add ServiceConfiguration.peerNodeSelectorPath field, reflecting the value set on replicated services instances, through the existing Service.setPeerNodeSelectorPath()


  • Move ServiceHost.failRequestXXXX methods to Operation.failXXXX equivalents

  • Remove per-host connection limit APIs in ServiceClient. Consumers who wish to set connection rate limits should use the per-tag APIs instead.

  • ServiceHost.failRequestXXX methods have been made static so they are useful without a host reference

  • Add pending request queue limit on ServiceClient interface and NettyHttpServiceClient implementation. Default is configured through JVM parameter.

  • Additional levels of Operation tracing, making operation inspection easier. The tracing toggle PATCH request to /core/management now takes a new level property that determines the operation tracing behavior: Level.Fine - Operations are tracked through time series stats available on /core/management/stats named as follows: : Level.Finer - Operations are logged to the java logging output Level.Finest/Level.All - Operations are deeply indexed in the core/operation-index (this was the only level of tracing until now)

  • Added special handling for doc.documentExpirationTimeMicros field in Utils.mergeWithState(desc,source,patch). Previously, source document expiration time was ALWAYS updated by patch expiration time. Special handling is added to patch expiration time. When patch expiration time is 0, source expiration time will NOT be updated. Any other value is set, then source expiration time will be updated to that value.

  • Remove VerificationHost#createExampleServices(ServiceHost, long, List<URI>, Long). Instead of passing List<URI> exampleURIs, overloading methods returns list of full uris.

  • Added local file support for ServiceHostManagementService backup/restore request. "destination" URI parameter now takes "file" scheme for local file in addition to "http" and "https".


  • For factories using setUseBodyForSelfLink, FactoryService will fail the request with 400 (BAD REQUEST) if body is missing in request.

  • Add TestRequestSender sendStatsGetAndWait helper method

  • Add convenience method Operation.getErrorResponseBody() that retrieves a type ServiceErrorResponse if its present in the operation body.

  • Remove LuceneBlobIndexService. The service was originally used for binary serializing service context in pause / resume, which now uses a custom file based service (since 1.2.0)

  • The index service will now purge all document versions for a previously deleted self link, if its recreated with POST + PRAGMA_FORCE_INDEX_UPDATE. This avoids duplicate versions, for the same self link appearing in the index, which can happen due to synchronization or migration (even if the runtime does do a best effort to increment the version when a self is recreated)

  • Added support for simple ODATA filtering on service stats, using URI query parameters. For example: GET /core/document-index/stats?$filter name eq indexedDocumentCount GET /core/document-index/stats?$filter name eq indexedDocument* GET /core/document-index/stats?$filter name eq *PerDay GET /core/document-index/stats?$filter name eq *PerDay and latestValue ge 1000.0

  • Added support for QueryOption#TIME_SNAPSHOT. The new query option will return results that contain latest versions of documents as on a given time. QuerySpecification#timeSnapshotBoundaryMicros will allow specifying the time.

  • Fix bug with JWT token timestamps being interpreted as micros instead of seconds. As the default auth provider in Xenon doesn't persist tokens anyway this is not a breaking change.

  • Update version retention limit through service config update for the service instance.

  • Added support for QueryOption#EXPAND_BINARY_CONTENT. The new query option will return results that contain documents in the binary form. This option should only be set on local query tasks, with the client co-located (same service host) as the query task. This should not be used along with EXPAND_CONTENT / EXPAND_BUILTIN_CONTENT_ONLY / OWNER_SELECTION.


  • Integrations with 3rd party libraries are migrated to a new repository and now have their own release cycle. There are no API changes but the Maven coordinates are different. Update your pom.xml's using this table:

    Old Dependency New Dependency
    com.vmware.xenon:xenon-swagger:1.3.6 com.vmware.xenon:xenon-swagger-adapter:0.0.1
    com.vmware.xenon:xenon-slf4j:1.3.6 com.vmware.xenon:slf4j-xenon:0.0.1
  • Introduce "Operation Tracing" feature to Xenon UI that allows users to trace operations sent or received by a service host instance via an interactive query builder and examine results visually.

  • Fix groupBy on numeric fields. When annotated with PropertyIndexingOption.SORT, add a SortedDocValuesField for the numeric property. The change has no impact on how query specification is written. However a blue-green update is necessary in order for previously indexed documents to be queried using groupBy on a numeric field. Documents which match the query but have the groupBy term missing are returned under a special group "DocumentsWithoutResults".

  • Remove Utils.toServiceErrorResponse(Throwable t, Operation op). Utils.toServiceErrorResponse(Throwable t) or toValidationErrorResponse(Throwable t, Operation op) can be used. The Operation argument is needed for localization of the error.

  • Added support for index upgrade from pre 1.1.1 version. Should be used only as a last resort. If the xenon.kryo.handleBuiltInCollections system property is set to false, index contents can be read back ONLY from pre-1.1.1 created indeces. If documents don't hold instances created by Collections.emptyList() and friends upgrade will still be possible without using this property.


  • Add a new GatewayService to facilitate with blue/green upgrades of xenon node-groups. The GatewayService can be used during upgrades to pause incoming traffic while data is being migrated to the new node-group. Once data has been migrated, the gateway can be resumed to point all incoming traffic to the new node-group.

  • Remove xenon-client from xenon project. The same is available in xenon-utils. Also removed GO toolchain in xenon-common.

  • Enable HTTP/2 over TLS. Xenon consumers can enable this behavior by including a netty-tcnative jar (for OpenSSL) or a jetty-alpn jar (for JDK support) in their classpath. Otherwise, the default behavior of using HTTP1.1 for all HTTPS operations is maintained.

  • Implement version lookup cache inside the document index service. This is a significant optimization for general queries that return lots of results over documents with multiple versions. This change is transparent to clients and does not change the document query API


  • Enforce implicit query result limits. All queries that do not specify a resultLimit, including GETs to factory services, will now be limited to the default, which is 10,000 results. For well behaved clients, this change will be transparent. For clients that issued queries that returned large number of results, without pagination enabled, this change will be noticed and will fail their queries. See

  • NodeSelectorStatus.nodeSelectorStatus has been renamed to status, so it is consistent with NodeState.status. This is a in-memory infrastructure service and the field was just added in 1.3.0, so this change should have minimal side-effects

  • Change the contract for infrastructure method Utils.decodeBody(). It no longer calls operation complete or fail in the supplied operation. The method will now throw an exception on decoding error

  • Introduce ServiceStateMapUpdateRequest to allow deleting map items in a service state through a PATCH request. Passing a null map value in a regular service state PATCH body to delete the corresponding map key does not work in remote requests (due to gson serialization ignoring null values).

  • Add builders for UserGroupState, RoleState, ResourceGroupState

  • The method ServiceHost.nextUUID() is now the preferred way to generate IDs. ServiceHost.getNodeIdHash() has been removed.


  • Bug fixes in QueryFilter when matching null strings.

  • Bug fix when clearing the AuthZ cach for a user.



  • Remove OperationOption.SEND_WITH_CALLBACK. This was an experimental custom protocol that allows re-use of the same http connection across multiple requests. Same functionality as HTTP/2 but supported on HTTPS. Default protocol on HTTPS will now be HTTP1.1 even if OperationOption.CONNECTION_SHARING is enabled. Future support for HTTP/2 with TLS will provide connection re-use in HTTPS connections

  • Fix connection keep-alive behavior. The http client was not keeping connections alive because the default Operation options did not have OperationOption.KEEP_ALIVE. This is a transparent optimization/fix

  • Completed AuthZ Role Policy support to handle DENY option.

  • Added methods to NodeSelectorState to support a 'PAUSE' state for the NodeSelectorService (ConsistentHashingNodeSelectorService).

  • Created a SampleAuthenticationService outlining the contract between framework and a custom authentication service

  • NodeSelectorService.getNodeGroup() is renamed to getNodeGroupPath()

  • Custom node selector implementations must queue SelectAndForwardRequest instance before queuing or using in a different thread context

  • Document version retention now uses a watermark approach by which old versions of a document can be deleted in bulk once the retention threshold is reached.

  • The default consistent hashing selector now uses a FNV hashing algorithm, replacing the use of Murmur3. Better performance, no collisions for millions of keys, better key distribution across nodes. Utils.computeHash uses FNV now as well, and so does Utils.computeSignature. This should be a transparent change except in one situation: If nodes are updated in place, owner selection will re-assign documents on node restart

  • Default logger format now produces UTC-offset, rfc3339 formatted strings, for example 2016-11-09T18:55:36.037Z

  • Added thread id to log formatter.

  • Added support for external authentication in xenon. You can now:

    1. Redirect unauthenticated requests to an external oauth server for authentication
    2. Ability to verify access tokens generated from a configured oauth server
  • Removed public method setAuthorizationContext(ServiceHost, Operation) from

  • Added a new UiFileContentService which provides a simpler internal implementation and enables hosting of UI resources in the root application namespace

  • Support sorting by multiple fields using query task. The order(asc/desc) methods on QueryTask builder can be called multiple times to select more than one sort fields. QueryTask.QuerySpecification now includes additionalSortTerms and additionalGroupSortTerms to capture the same.


  • Document signature calculation changed to be more efficient while format stays the same. If an older signature is compared to a new one documents may incorrectly be reported as different.


  • Note: The release is not recommended for production. Document index service leaks one file descriptor every 5 seconds.

  • Roll back to Lucene to version 6.0.0 due to an issue in 6.2.1. See:

  • Improve Service.setRequestRateLimit methods. Apply rate limits only on requests originating from remote nodes

  • Operations received from remote clients now have the OperationOption.REMOTE set.

  • NodeGroupService.UpdateQuorumRequest PATCH no longer returns the service state as the response. Any subscribers would loose the ability to determine what the PATCH was for.

  • LuceneDocumentIndexService's "backup" API now provides access to the backup .zip file location in its BackupResponse

  • Remove xenon-dns module. The DNS service did not make enough progress to be a full featured registry with native DNS, hence the change.


  • Note: This release has a bug where Lucene will occasionally throw MergeExceptions due to This release should not be used in production.

  • Reduce memory usage under heavy query load, using single index searcher per thread, in LuceneDocumentIndexService. See:

  • Optimize result processing for services with ServiceOption.IMMUTABLE. Skip latest version lookup and validation during query result processing resulting in 3x throughput increase (links processed / sec)

  • Add Utils.getSystemNowMicrosUtc() which can be used for expirations or whenever a non unique time value is sufficient

  • Add Utils.beforeNow convenience method to check if a absolute time value is in the past

  • Throw exception in Utils.getNowMicrosUtc() if detect large drift between wall clock / system time and the xenon sequence value

  • Remove time-series point stats in LuceneDocumentIndexService in favor of the existing per-day / per-hour statistics.

  • Modify the handling of time-series stats aggregated by SUM to record the delta when using adjustStat rather than the updated value.

  • Validate service options for Stateless services. Using PERSISTENCE, REPLICATION, OWNER_SELECTION, STRICT_UPDATE_CHECKING will fail service start.

  • Support serialization in ServiceDocument of collections/maps obtained using Collections.empty*, Collections.singleton* and Arrays.asList().


  • Note: This release has a bug where Lucene will occasionally throw MergeExceptions due to This release should not be used in production.

  • Remove infrastructure Utils.toDocumentBytes/fromDocumentBytes and related methods, KryoSerializers.serialize/deserializeObject are used instead

  • Pause/Resume now happens only for services with ServiceOption.ON_DEMAND_LOAD. Independent of memory usage, a ODL service will be either stopped or paused to disk, the moment we determine its idle. If the service has stats or subscriptions, it will be paused/resumed. If it has neither, it will be simple stopped and on demand started

  • Upgrade Lucene from 6.0.0 to 6.2.1

  • Service pause/resume improvements:

    • New, simple, file based key/value service context index for storing service serialized instance
    • Service.setProcessingStage now atomically serializes service state if processing stage is PAUSED Service.setProcessingStage() now returns ServiceRuntimeContext


  • Improve Xenon UI's' node selector to support multi node group use cases.


  • Add new ServiceOption.IMMUTABLE, for services/documents that have write once, read many semantics (metrics, logs, immutable configuration). Several times faster in terms of POST throughput, for indexed services, since it avoids previous version lookup, version retention. More optimizations will be made in the near future, in a transparent fashion.

  • Use new scheme for generating random self links on factory POST. Instead of UUID.randomGuid(), now use Murmur3 hash of host id plus local, non repeating time in micros. Its 20x faster than the UUID scheme. Add Utils.buildUUID() that uses the new scheme.

  • Fix race condition in authz cache clear when a user access request interleaved with a cache clear operation would result in a stale authz cache

  • Authorize all requests on default notification target services created in ServiceHost.startSubscriptionService()

  • Add "Queries" to Xenon UI to enable building query specifications interactively and reviewing results.


  • Note: This release has a regression where the documentKind field of a ServiceDocument is not set in certain conditions. This release should not be used for production

  • Add errorCode property to ServiceErrorResponse to allow Xenon services to indicate a specific error case that otherwise cannot be expressed through the status code. For xenon's internal errors the range 0x8xxxxxxx is reserved.

  • Add query operation queues per authorized subject in the index service. New scheme offers fair scheduling across users and mitigates head-of-line queuing problems. The support is transparent to all existing code and works with a single queue (for system context) if authorization is disabled.

  • Introduce Xenon UI, a built-in application which federates information from nodes across the node groups and visualize them in a single pane of UI. With this UI you can:

    1. Navigate to any node within the node groups and browse node-specific document contents.
    2. Add/Edit/Delete instances with test payloads.
    3. Extract logs that are specific to each node. NOTE: Xenon UI has only been developed and tested against Chrome as of now. Browser compatibility improvements will be done in future releases.


  • Add PREFIX option in QueryTerm.MatchType to support string prefix field queries

  • Add new SynchronizationTaskService. An instance of this task is created per FactoryService that acts as a dedicated task synchronizing child-services of the associated factory. This also simplifies the FactoryService by moving synchronization functionality to the new task. No functional change, since synchronization still works the same way.

  • Add host "location" property, set via system property xenon.NodeState.location. In case of OWNER_SELECTION, if the owning node is part of a location, quorum is required among hosts in the same location. This is helpful in multi-geo deployment, where strong consistency within a region (with eventual consistency across regions) is required.

  • Add QueryOption.EXPAND_BUILTIN_CONTENT_ONLY, used by synchronization code for state comparison

  • Change ServiceDocumentQueryResult.selectedDocuments from Map<String,String> to Map<String,Object> making it the same as the Map<String,Object> documents field. This avoid ugly escaping of the document content which was already JSON

  • Add support for case insensitive queries. New PropertyIndexingOption.CASE_INSENSITIVE instructs the index service to index the field in lower case. The original field content is preserved in original case. At query time, the field match value must be converted to lower case. New helper methods added to hide the toLower() conversion when using the Query.Builder().

  • Add a new sendWithDeferredResult pair of methods to the request senders The new sendWithDeferredResult set of methods return DeferredResult instances to enable monadic style of chaining potentially asynchronous code blocks. Check the refactored SamplePreviousEchoService and SampleBootstrapService for usage examples. The implementation of DeferredResult encapsulates CompletableFuture with similar interface, excluding the blocking methods.

  • Update "VerificationHost#waitForNodeGroupConvergence" logic to use "NodeGroupUtils" instead of own implementation to check the network convergence. This change makes check logic in test to align with production code. To keep the existing code to work, API signature was kept same but most of the parameters are now unused.

  • Implicitly add PropertyUsageOption.LINKS and PropertyIndexingOption.EXPAND annotations on service document fields which name ends with "Links". Remove the ServiceDocumentDescription.expandTenantLinks() method as it is no longer needed.


  • QueryOption.INCLUDE_ALL_VERSIONS now includes deleted versions, no longer requiring INCLUDE_DELETED to be also set. So it actually trully returns all versions

  • Add support for per thread user defined kryo serializers. See method Utils#registerCustomKryoSerializers

  • Improve QueryFilters to support numeric document properties

  • Add TestRequestSender to provide synchronous API for writing unit tests. This class is recommended for sending operations instead of sendXxx() method variants in VerificationHost. All synchronous methods return response operation or body document which eliminates the use of TestContext in test code. Please reference the TestExampleService for usage.

  • Add stat for tracking number of times maintenance was ran for the ServiceHost.


  • Add a flavor of mergeWithState() that processes a ServiceStateCollectionUpdateRequest object to add and remove elements from a collection

  • Add Operation#appendCompletion method. This method adds completion handler in FIFO style. This is symmetric to nestCompletion which adds completion handler in LIFO. See the javadoc for details.

  • Add time series stats for thread count, CPU, memory, disk in the existing stats tracked by /core/management/stats

  • Add support for new GraphQueryOption.FILTER_STAGE_RESULTS. The option enables automatic filtering of results across query stages, only keeping documents that contributed to results in the final stage. It essentially walks the graph backwards and removes all edges and nodes that did not lead to a graph node in the final stage

  • Support ODATA custom query options to specify tenantLinks. The query param will be used to populate the tenantLinks field of the underlying QueryTask

  • Rename TimeSeriesStats DataPoint data structure to TimeBin

  • Add support for groupBy queries. The new QueryOption.GROUP_BY, in combination with the QuerySpecification.groupByTerm, groupSortTem and groupSortOrder, allow for grouping, by field values of document results. The new ServiceDocumentQueryResult.nextPageLinksByGroup map contains links to the per group results, returning a QueryTask, similar to existing query pages, scoped to results for that group

  • Improve MigrationTaskService's transformation contract to use a TransformRequest for the transform's input and a TransformResponse as the ouput (instead of serializing a Collection directly). Existing transform's work as before, but new contract should be preferred moving forward by specifying MigrationOption.USE_TRANSFORM_REQUEST.


  • Using sourceTimeMicrosUtc field, if set, for time series aggregation.


  • Add a new field sourceTimeMicrosUtc to ServiceStat to capture the time the data value was acquired at the source.


  • Add sample code for Bootstrap Service Tutorial.

  • Move VerificationHost#findUnixProcessInfoByXxx,killUnixProcess to SystemUtils class. Referenced class(ProcessInfo) has moved to SystemUtils class as well.

  • Clear the authz cache maintained in ServiceHost on all nodes in a multi-node deployment.

  • Add support for graph queries. The new GraphQueryTaskService, listening on /core/graph-queries enables multi stage queries that can traverse linked documents. Each stage uses the QueryTask specification, to select the documents that serve as the graph nodes. The graph edges, that link nodes together are specified through link fields, and the of QueryOption.SELECT_LINKS, which is automatically enabled to return the set of document links that form the nodes for the next stage of the graph. Like regular query tasks, both direct, and asynchronous REST pattern models are supported on the task service instance. The following is an example of a two stage graph query Stage 0: Filter documents by kind eq ParentState. SelectLinks: childLink,nephewLink Stage 1: Filter documents by kind eq ChildState AND field name = Jimmy Since each stage is a full query, the results can be sorted, paginated, use complex boolean, nested expression trees, etc. They can even use broadcast for 3x replication scenarios. The graph queries are load balanced across nodes.

  • Modify new QueryOption.SELECT_LINKS and QueryOption.EXPAND_LINKS behavior to properly de-duplicate expanded state for selected links and make the selection results similar to the existing documentLinks and documents, in usage and behavior. The selectedLinks map is now called selectedLinksPerDocument.


  • Add global stats for total service pauses, resumes, cache clears and ON_DEMAND_LOAD service stops on /core/management service.

  • Move a few infrastructure query related helper methods from Utils class to QueryTaskUtils. The mergeQueryResults family of methods are used by core services, so this should have minimal impact

  • Add PropertyUsageOption.REQUIRED to describe fields that are required.

  • Add validateState(description, state) to Utils to validate fields that are required. If the field is null, REQUIRED and ID, a UUID is automatically generated. If the field is null and REQUIRED, an Exception is thrown.

  • Add QueryOption.EXPAND_LINKS for expanding selected link values with the target document state and including it in the query results. The serialized state, is placed in the results.selectedLinks map.

  • Add PropertyUsageOption.SENSITIVE to describe fields that contain sensitive information. When marked, the field will be hidden when serializing to JSON using toJson(boolean hideSensitiveFields, boolean useHtmlFormatting).

  • Add support for configurable auth expiration via JVM property or login request to BasicAuthenticationService.

  • Use SEND_WITH_CALLBACK in NettyHttpServiceClient if the request was configured for connectionSharing and SSL

  • Add QueryOption.SELECT_LINKS for selecting fields marked with PropertyUsageOption.LINK and including the link values in the query results. The link selection will be used for future graph query support and automatic link content expansion.

  • Add transaction flow support, across related operations, similar to authorization context and context id flow support

  • Rename LuceneQueryTaskFactoryService and LuceneQueryTaskService to QueryTaskFactoryService and QueryTaskService. Similar change for local query task service. Service code should use ServiceUriPaths.CORE_QUERY_TASKS ServiceUriPaths.CORE_LOCAL_QUERY_TASKS instead of the service SELF_LINK fields.

  • Upgrade Netty from 4.1.0.CR7 to 4.1.0.Final

  • Add new JVM properties in ServiceClient and ServiceRequestListener interfaces for maximum request and response payload size limits.

  • Remove ServiceClient.sendWithCallback and ServiceHost.sendRequestWithCallback. Functionality is available through OperationOption.SEND_WITH_CALLBACK, symmetric to HTTP/2 functionality that is toggled through CONNECTION_SHARING

  • Add new static fields that map to JVM properties that enable selection of HTTP scheme, for replication and forwarding, in NodeSelectorService interface.

  • Invalidate authz cache in ServiceHost when any authz service(UserGroupService, RoleService or ResourceGroupService) is created, modified or deleted

  • Add Operation.toggleOption and Operation.hasOption to allow direct manipulation of operation options and reduce code in Operation class methods

  • Add support for OData to filter by all searchable fields of a document. Using "ALL_FIELDS" as a property name in a typical OData filter, e.g. /documents?$filter=ALL_FIELDS eq foo, will unfold the search to all indexed fields of document and their sub-fields nested up to 2 levels, excluding the build-in ServiceDocument fields.

  • Introduce PropertyIndexingOption.FIXED_ITEM_NAME. This option directs the document indexing service to ensure the indexing property name will be a fixed value, matching that of the field itself. Applicable for fields of type MAP, it will allow to make queries based on the name of the field to search for keys and values of a map.


  • Add support for expiration on stateful in-memory services. We now support expiration and auto-DELETE on services with ServiceOption.PERSISTED and without

  • Add Operation.disableFailureLogging to allow control on default failure logging behavior. Disable logging of failures on on demand load services, if the demand load action is a DELETE

  • Add OData query parameter $orderbytype used for specifying the type of property specified through $orderby parameter. This allows the OData query service in Xenon to support sorting for both numeric and string types.

  • Add Utils.registerKind(Class<?>, String) allowing for custom mapping of service document types to kind strings. The default is derived from the canonical name of the class, as before. This is not a breaking change.

  • Enable binary payload serialization during replication, using the same KRYO serialization we currently use for storing state in the index. The binary payload is only used during replication to peers so this is an internal optimization, not visible to clients or service authors. HTTP + JSON is still the default mechanism for all I/O between services and clients to xenon hosts. This is not a breaking change.

  • Add StatefulService.getStateDescription() convenience method which also reduces allocations when a service author needs the reflect state document description

  • Upgrade Lucene from 5.3.1 to 6.0.0

  • Use Murmur3 hash, instead of SHA1 for ServiceDocument.equals and document signature calculation

  • Add support for binary serialization of operation body, using KRYO binary serializer (same as what currently used for storing state in the index). The client opts in by setting the operation content type to the new Operation.MEDIA_TYPE_APPLICATION_KRYO_OCTET_STREAM

  • Remove experimental PRAGMA_VALUE_HTTP2, it is now expressed through OperationOption.CONNECTION_SHARING.

  • Add support for starting ServiceHost only with HTTPS. To disable HTTP listener, provide "--port=-1" to the startup parameters.

  • Add support for connection tags, optimize HTTP/2 I/O path. Connection tags allow finer control of connection pools, connection limit. HTTP/2 default connection tag uses (by default) 4 parallel HTTP/2 connections per host, with potentially millions of pending operations in each. Perf gain of 2x on HTTP/2, with these changes.

  • Enable HTTP2 for forwarding (as part of built in owner selection and loadbalancing)


  • Enhance QueryOption.BROADCAST to use documents from owner nodes For details please see:

  • Upgrade netty from 4.1.0.CR3 to 4.1.0.CR7

  • Update JWT(Json Web Token) to use private key when SSL is enabled. Otherwise, default value(same across all nodes) is used. (NOT SECURE) JWT is used to sign/verify authorization context token.

    In multi node environment, it is required to use same certificate and private key within same node group. If different cert is used, communication between nodes will fail since different private key is used to sign/verify json. We are planning certificate rotation in future.

    NOTE: Using the default token is insecure and should not be done in production settings when authorization is enabled.

  • Add additional "Operation#setOperationCompletion" that allows the caller to supply two discrete callbacks: one for successful completion, and one for failure. For completion that does not share code between the two paths, this should be the preferred alternative.

  • Use HTTP/2 for replication and forwarding requests

  • Add logging methods that take lambda expression to construct log message. The lambda is evaluated lazily.

  • Remove PRAGMA_DIRECTIVE_NO_QUEUING and make no-queuing the default behavior. That means finding a service succeeds if the service exists or fails-fast in the case it doesn't. Use PRAGMA_DIRECTIVE_QUEUE_FOR_SERVICE_AVAILABILITY to override the default.


  • Improve index searcher management in lucene document index service. Track index searchers for paginated query tasks using a sorted tree map, and close them when their query task expiration is reached. This avoid query failures under load, for paginated tasks.

  • Add replication request header that allows the replication level to be set per operation. Useful for scenarios that require all peer nodes to see an update, independent of the membership quorum associated with the node group. For example all authorization related updates should replicate to all peers, before the operation completes

  • Switch consistent hashing algorithm used by the default node selector, to Murmur3 32bit, instead of SHA1. Much less memory use, faster, leaner. This is an implementation detail, not visible to consumers to xenon.

  • Add ServiceHost.checkFactoryAvailable and NodeGroupUtils.checkServiceAvailability convenience methods that use broadcast GET requests to all peers, to the service /available suffix, and return success if at least one peer reports status OK. This is useful for tests and production code that wants to determine if factory synchronization is complete, either on initial node start or after node changes

  • Add MigrationTaskService, a task that can synchronize state between two node groups, for a given factory. Used as part of the "blue/green" live upgrade procedure. See wiki for multi node live upgrade details

  • Add userGroupLinks as a field in UserService

  • Remove TypeName.ARRAY and use TypeName.COLLECTION instead


  • New base class to reduce duplicate code when implementing a task service. Subclasses no longer need to override: handleStart(), sendSelfPatch(), updateSelf(). Also provides common validation and default task expiration.

  • New FactoryService.create helpers and ServiceHost.startFactory and startService helpers that reduce duplicate code

  • New Operation.createXXXX(ServiceHost h, link) helpers to eliminate need for UriUtils.buildUri

  • Option to serve a Swagger 2.0 API description of a ServiceHost

  • Add a UiContentService that behaves like a regular web-server serving static files from a folder. It simplifies custom UI hosting.


  • Simplify service synchronization logic during node group changes. Eliminate support for complex divergence scenarios and focus on reliable behavior on a few scenarios. We now throttle synchronization further by electing a single node to synchronize a given factory. Since we already only let a single factory synchronize per node, this further reduces contention. See

  • Throttle peer synchronization of services further: we now only synchronize one replicated factory at a time. A factory already throttles and synchronizes a limited number of children before doing the next batch. This will greatly help with scenarios when N nodes, with lots of existing state, all start and join at once.

  • Add ServiceDocument.PropertyOptions that supercedes ServiceDocument.UsageOptions and can also specify indexing options.

  • Add ServiceRequestSender interface that captures the capability to send Operation. Allows for ServiceHost, Service and ServiceClient to be dealt with uniformly. Clients may need to recompile as a lot of overloaded methods are removed.

  • Add ServiceHost helper method startFactoryServicesSynchronously for starting factory services.

  • Add a new module xenon-client that provides 'xenonc' executable. The client application works with an intuitive DSL to interact with a xenon-host. YAML and JSON are currently supported.


  • Added VerificationHost.waitFor() utility method useful for convergence loops in tests.

  • Support ODATA $orderby and $top

  • Introduce ServiceOption.URI_NAMESPACE_OWNER. Allow for a service to handle all requests that start with a given prefix, allowing for emulation of other REST APIs, gateway style translation, etc.

  • Add handleCreate handler to Service interface. This is not a breaking change. The new handler is opt-in, just like handleStop. Service lifecycle is now symmetric:

    1. Client POST -> handleCreate
    2. Client DELETE -> handleDelete handleStart always follows handleCreate, on owner only. handleStop always follows handleDelete, on owner only. handleStart occurs on service start, due to host restart, synch, or create (on owner) handleStop occurs on service stop, on service host stop, or due to delete (on owner) Added ServiceHost.isServiceCreate(operation) to match ServiceHost.isServiceStop(operation)
  • Add StatelessService & StatefulService handlePeriodicMaintenance method to get periodic maintenance notifications when enabling ServiceOption.PERIODIC_MAINTENANCE. Invoked by handleMaintenance on MaintenanceReason.PERIODIC_SCHEDULE reason.

  • Add StatelessService & StatefulService handleNodeGroupMaintenance method to get node group change notifications. Invoked by handleMaintenance on MaintenanceReason.NODE_GROUP_CHANGE reason.

  • Include ServiceDocument.documentExpirationTimeMicros in the document signature computation done by Utils.computeSignature. Effectively this means that comparisons of two service documents using ServiceDocument.equals will return false if their "documentExpirationTimeMicros" differ.


  • Add PRAGMA_FORCE_INDEX_UPDATE allowing for conflict resolution or overriding version checks on restarting a deleted service

  • Fix NodeGroupBroadcastResponse race, where the jsonResponse list was getting corrupted, thus removing results from some of the nodes. This affected broadcast request behavior.

  • Simplify constructs relating to consensus and availability. ServiceOption.ENFORCE_QUORUM is removed. Its semantics are rolled in with ServiceOption.OWNER_SELECTION. This implies that a service enabling owner selection, will get strong consensus and leader election, across the node group. The membershipQuorum must be properly set for strong consensus on state update. Eventual consistency is still supported and achieved by relaxing the membership quorum (using the REST api on node group /config suffix) Services with just ServiceOption.REPLICATION are always eventually consistent. Xenon will make an attempt to converge state across peers regardless of the options set.

  • Remove NodeState.synchQuorum - Its functionality is collapsed into the existing membershipQuorum field. The quorum number determines when requests are allowed to flow, given node group health, and when resynchronization should occur. If the host argument --peerNodes is used, membership quorum is automatically set to the majority: (total / 2) + 1

  • Services with ServiceOption.ON_DEMAND_LOAD and ServiceOption.REPLICATION will not automatically synchronize on every node group change. Services marked as such are expected to be explicitly synchronized or, on first use.

  • Add FactoryService.create(), update ExampleService. Service authors no longer need to implement a factory service and derive from FactoryService class. Instead, they can just use FactoryService.create() to get a default, functional factory service instance which can then be started with ServiceHost.startService()

  • Enable update of synch quorum through PATCH to node-groups//config. Membership quorum was already supported, now synch quorum is included.

  • Fix consensus protocol commit behavior. Commit messages are no longer sent if the request to owner service fails or the service does not have ENFORCE_QUORUM.

  • Split Service.handleDelete into Service.handleStop and Service.handleDelete. If the service is being stopped, the host has always added a special pragma, indicating this is a DELETE with the intent to stop a service, and to avoid any persistence or replication side effects. This is now formalized through the new handleStop method, invoked only when the service is being issued a DELETE, with the pragma included. This is potentially a breaking change for services that did special cleanup ONLY on stop, not delete+stop


  • Add new per service utility suffix, /available. Provides a consistent mechanism for a service to declare it is available, re-using the underlying stats support. By default, all services that are started and in ProcessingState.AVAILABLE will return 200 (OK) on GET /<service/available

  • Add service host set/get service cache clear delay so cache clears are configurable

  • Fixed bug: when DELETEs occurred during network partition, they would not be correctly synchronized after nodes rejoined.


  • Enable HTTPS support for node groups. Several fixes in URI manipulation now allow Xenon hosts to start with just a HTTPS listener and use exclusively HTTPS for node group operations, including join, maintenance, replication and forwarding

  • Add ServiceHost.Arguments.resourceSandbox to speed up UI development experience. When specified, xenon will publish the UI resource files directly from the file folder, allowing for real time edits / refresh of UI content


  • Implement authorization on stateless services. This is a breaking change for xenon deployments that use authorization and have non factory service implementations of StatelessService class. Stateless services must now be included in roles, using a resource specification over the document self link.


  • Updated the API for backing up or restoring the index. The Bearer parameter is now named bearer (the capitalization changed). While this is a breaking change, we believe this is unused and should be harmless.

  • Added new ServiceOption: CONCURRENT_GET_HANDLING. This is (and has been) the default, but can now be disabled when appropriate.

  • Added SLF4J-Xenon bridge

  • QueryTasks that are broadcast queries can now be direct tasks.


  • Added default support for HTTP Options. StafulService and StatelessService now return the same content as GET on */template suffix, providing a default self documentation capability.

  • Added honoring of verbs (POST, PATCH, etc) in roles

  • Renamed authentication cookie from dcp-auth-cookie to xenon-auth-cookie. This should be transparent for clients that use cookies, but clients that extract the cookie value in order to make an x-xenon-auth-token header need to use this new cookie instead.

  • The basic authentication service (/core/authn/basic) now includes the x-xenon-auth-token header in its response, in addition to the cookie.

  • ExampleServiceHost now takes arguments to create users (one admin, one non-admin that can access example services). This enables you to use the ExampleServiceHost when authorization is enabled with the isAuthorizationEnabled flag. The new arguments are:

    • adminUser
    • adminUserPassword
    • exampleUser
    • exampleUserPassword


  • Add on demand service load, enabled with ServiceOption.ON_DEMAND_LOAD

  • Upgrade to Lucene 5.3.1 from 5.2.1. The Lucene file format is backwards compatible, so this is a transparent update.


  • Indexing I/O path optimizations producing 20% throughput increase. Removed ServiceOption.INSTRUMENTATION from LuceneDocumentIndexService. It can be toggled through /config at runtime.

  • Referer is no longer indexed with every document update

  • All Operation request and response headers are converted to lower case before being added to request/response maps

  • Tunable query limit for service load during factory service restart and during synchronization. A large result limit will increase the service load throughput and decrease overal time for factory child services becoming available. Large limits can impact memory and network utilization however.

  • Add keyPassphrase command line argument for providing SSL private key passphrase.


  • Renamed ServiceOption.EAGER_CONSISTENCY to ServiceOption.ENFORCE_QUORUM

  • Renamed packages, build artifacts and various properties to Xenon (from DCP). This is a runtime and binary breaking change since HTTP headers, runtime properties, command line arguments have changed.


  • Request rate limiting support using authorization subject. New serviceHost.setRequestRateLimit method and rate tracking logic added to ServiceHost.

  • Remove Operation.joinWith and associated support code in service client. Joins are created and sent with OperationJoin.create() and sendWith.

  • Add Claims class to common package that extends the Claims in the jwt package to include a properties map. This can be used to carry arbitrary session state.

  • Add QueryOption.CONTINUOUS so query tasks can be used for real time update notifications with queries spanning the entire index

  • Add ServiceDocument.documentUpdateAction so each state version is associated with the action that caused the change. Also allows subscribers to continuous query tasks to determine if a notification was for a deleted state. This is a breaking change, please delete existing lucene index


  • Service authorization.

  • Basic authentication.

  • Allow booleanClauses to have single clause.

  • Implement sort for QueryTask.

  • Add QueryFilter for in-place evaluation of query specifications against documents.

  • Add support for JavaScript DCP services connected over WebSocket.


  • Start of CHANGELOG. See commit history.