- Blockchain node
- The blockchain node is the core component of the blockchain peer-to-peer network. The blockchain peer-to-peer network consists of a set of autonomous, self-contained and interconnected nodes. The set of interconnected nodes forms a distributed system where each node operates independently of other nodes and is interconnected with other nodes through peer-to-peer connections
- Peer discovery
- The peer-to-peer connections are established automatically through the peer discovery mechanism. The peer discover mechanism starts with the seed node address that is the bootstrap node and periodically fetches the list of known peers from every known peer of a node. This design ensures automatic discovery of new peers that have been recently added to the blockchain and automatic disposition of connections with nodes that have gone offline
- Transaction relay
- After establishing peer-to-peer connections with other nodes the node starts accepting new signed transactions from the clients. All accepted from clients and validated by the node are automatically relayed to the list of known peers in order to propagate new validated transactions through the peer-to-peer network of nodes. Every node in the peer-to-peer network accumulates relayed validated transaction in the local pending state. The local pending state contains the new validated transactions to be included into the new proposed block
- Block proposer
- The block proposer is part of the consensus algorithm employed by the blockchain. This blockchain uses the Proof of Authority (PoA) centralized consensus. Specifically, in this blockchain only the authority node holds the authority account that signs new proposed blocks. The authority node periodically with a random delay creates new blocks from the validated transactions of the pending state, signs the block with the authority account and relays the signed proposed block to other validators to validate and confirm the proposed blocks. Other validators are all the nodes on this blockchain including the authority node itself. The propagation of the new proposed blocks happens through the block relay
- Block relay
- After a new block has been created and signed by the authority node, the proposed block is propagated through the peer-to-peer network using the block relay mechanism. The block relay mechanism reuses the infrastructure of the transaction relay with a notable difference that the block relay mechanism uses the self-relay function, while the transaction relay mechanism does not. The self-relay function relays the proposed block to the authority node itself along with the list of known peers. This design separates the block proposal function from the block validation and confirmation function. There is only one block proposer, the authority node, in this blockchain. This design prevents forks on the blockchain as all nodes either confirm a a single proposed and validated block or reject an invalid proposed block
- Block confirmation
- Each proposed block received through the block relay mechanism is validated against the coned state, and, if successful, is applied to the confirmed state of the node, and is appended to the local block store of the node. The block validation verifies that the proposed block number, the parent hash, and the contained transactions are in accordance with the latest confirmed state maintained on every node. The block validation validates also all transactions from the proposed block against the cloned state. If the proposed blocks is validated, the block becomes confirmed and is applied to the confirmed state, as well as the block is appended to the local block store. The block confirmation concludes the PoA consensus algorithm initiated by the block proposer. This design ensures that all nodes on the peer-to-peer network confirm validated blocks proposed and signed by the authority node in exactly the same order with exactly the same block content
- State sync
- When a new node joins the peer-to-peer network, or an out-of-sync node becomes online again, the state sync process fetches the genesis from the bootstrap node and fetches all newer confirmed blocks from the list of known peers in order to synchronize the node with latest confirmed state on the blockchain. The state sync process on the bootstrap node is also used when initializing a completely new blockchain. In this case a new genesis is persisted with the initial blockchain configuration including the authority account address, the initial owner account, and the initial owner account balance. The latest blockchain state including both the last confirmed block and the list of pending validated transactions is maintained in the state data structure on every node
- Confirmed and pending state
- The confirmed and pending state is an in-memory data structure that is maintained on every node in the peer-to-peer network of the blockchain. The confirmed state reflects the account balances after applying in order transactions from confirmed blocks. The confirmed state is regularly updated with state changes from the next confirmed block on the blockchain. The pending state accumulates new validated transactions sent directly to the node by the clients or relayed from other nodes. The list of pending transactions is used to create, sign, and propose the next block by the authority node. The list of pending transactions is updated after the new proposed block is confirmed and applied to the confirmed state and added to the local block store. Specifically, all confirmed transactions are removed from the list of pending transactions
- Event stream
- The node event stream mechanism publishes important domain events that occur on the blockchain node to be consumed by subscribed clients. The domain events that occur on the node are always available for any client to consume. The client subscribes to the node event stream by specifying the types of event the client is willing to receive. On successful subscription events of all requested event types are delivered to the subscribed client through the gRPC server streaming. At any moment the client can close the streaming without impacting event streaming to other clients subscribed to the same node. The node event stream mechanism provides efficient, real-time notification of external applications about the important domain events that occur on the blockchain e.g. confirmed blocks, confirmed transactions
- Node graceful shutdown
- The node graceful shutdown mechanism provides a
reliable mechanism to notify graceful shutdown to all concurrent processes on
the blockchain node and wait for the graceful termination of node concurrent
processes before shutting down the node’s main goroutine. The node graceful
shutdown happens after the node process receives the
, or theSIGKILL
signal from the other process on the OS. The node graceful shutdown mechanism contributes to the clean shutdown of the blockchain node. The clean shutdown of the node implies that after receiving the shutdown signal the node stops accepting new connections on the gRPC interface, the node stops accepting new requests on existing active gRPC connections, the node finishes processing all requests that have been in progress when the shutdown signal was received, the node correctly updates the confirmed and the pending state, the node finishes all pending operations on the local block store and closes the local block store, the node stops communication with all connected peers and closes all open connections with active peers. The node graceful shutdown mechanism consists of the node shared context hierarchy that spreads all concurrent node processes that have to be notified about the graceful shutdown. When the node graceful shutdown signal is received, the node shared context hierarchy is canceled. This notifies all concurrent node components that the node graceful shutdown has started. The node graceful shutdown mechanism consists of the shared wait group that spreads all concurrent node processes that have to notify the node about the graceful termination success. When every concurrent node process terminates gracefully, the process notifies the node’s main goroutine about the successful termination. The node’s main goroutine waits for all node concurrent processes to terminate gracefully, before terminating the node main process
- Node type
- The
type hosts all the concurrent node processes required to discover peers; accept, validate, and relay transactions; propose, validate, and relay blocks; apply validated blocks to the confirmed state, append validated blocks to the local block store; stream domain events to subscribed clients; and handle the node graceful shutdown including all concurrent processes. The node type contains the node configuration including the node and seed addresses, the node bootstrap flag, the directories for the local key store and the local block store, the blockchain name, the authority account password, the initial owner account password, the initial owner account balance, the period of concurrent node processes. The node type contains the node shared context hierarchy and the node shared wait group to support the node graceful shutdown mechanism. The node type hosts the node event stream to deliver domain events to subscribed clients. The node type contains the confirmed and pending state, and the state sync to initialize new nodes or synchronize out-of-sync nodes with the latest state updates on the blockchain. The node type hosts the gRPC server for all interactions between the node and other nodes, as well as interactions between the node and the clients. The node type contains the peer discovery to automatically connect the node with other nodes on the peer-to-peer network. The node type contains the transaction relay to propagate validated transaction to the list of known peers. The node type contains the block proposer to periodically create, sign, and propose new blocks with pending transactions. In this blockchain the block proposer is only activated on the authority node. All nodes on the blockchain including the authority node are the validator nodes. The node type contains the block relay to propagate proposed and validated blocks to the list of know peers including the authority node that proposed the new block. The node type acts as an extensible container for node concurrent processes that support correct operations of the node in particular and the blockchain in general. The node graceful shutdown mechanism ensures that all node concurrent processes terminate gracefully without unexpected terminations, without throwing in-progress transactions, and without corrupting the blockchain state and the local block store. The node typecfg NodeCfg
Node configuration ctx context.Context
Node shared context hierarchy ctxCancel func()
Graceful shutdown context cancel wg *sync.WaitGroup
Node shared wait group chErr chan error
Concurrent processes error channel evStream *EventStream
Node event stream state *chain.State
Pending and confirmed state stateSync *StateSync
State sync grpcSrv *grpc.Server
gRPC server peerDisc *PeerDiscovery
Peer discovery txRelay *MsgRelay[SigTx, gRPCRealy]
Transaction relay blockProp *BlockProposer
Block proposer blkRelay *MsgRelay[SigBlock, gRPCRealy]
Block relay type Node struct { cfg NodeCfg // Graceful shutdown ctx context.Context ctxCancel func() wg *sync.WaitGroup chErr chan error // Node components evStream *EventStream state *chain.State stateSync *StateSync grpcSrv *grpc.Server peerDisc *PeerDiscovery txRelay *MsgRelay[chain.SigTx, GRPCMsgRelay[chain.SigTx]] blockProp *BlockProposer blkRelay *MsgRelay[chain.SigBlock, GRPCMsgRelay[chain.SigBlock]] } func NewNode(cfg NodeCfg) *Node { ctx, cancel := signal.NotifyContext( context.Background(), syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGKILL, ) wg := new(sync.WaitGroup) evStream := NewEventStream(ctx, wg, 100) peerDiscCfg := PeerDiscoveryCfg{ NodeAddr: cfg.NodeAddr, Bootstrap: cfg.Bootstrap, SeedAddr: cfg.SeedAddr, } peerDisc := NewPeerDiscovery(ctx, wg, peerDiscCfg) stateSync := NewStateSync(ctx, cfg, peerDisc) txRelay := NewMsgRelay(ctx, wg, 100, GRPCTxRelay, false, peerDisc) blkRelay := NewMsgRelay(ctx, wg, 10, GRPCBlockRelay, true, peerDisc) blockProp := NewBlockProposer(ctx, wg, blkRelay) return &Node{ cfg: cfg, ctx: ctx, ctxCancel: cancel, wg: wg, chErr: make(chan error, 1), evStream: evStream, stateSync: stateSync, peerDisc: peerDisc, txRelay: txRelay, blockProp: blockProp, blkRelay: blkRelay, } }
- Start node
- The node start process initiates all the node concurrent
processes, sets up the node graceful shutdown mechanism, and waits for either
the signal to gracefully shutdown the node or an unrecoverable error from any
of the concurrent node processes. The node start process
- Defer the node shared context cancellation when the node process is stopped
- Start streaming domain events to subscribed clients
- Initialize the state and create the genesis of a new node or synchronize the state and update the local block store of an out-of-sync node
- Start the gRPC server with the account, transaction, block, and node gRPC services
- Start the peer discovery
- Start the transaction relay
- Start the block proposer if the node is the bootstrap and the authority node
- Start the block relay
- Wait for either the node cancellation signal on the node shared context cancel channel or an unrecoverable error from any of the node concurrent processes
- Gracefully shutdown the gRPC server
- Wait for all node concurrent processes to gracefully shutdown before terminating the main node process
func (n *Node) Start() error { defer n.ctxCancel() n.wg.Add(1) go n.evStream.StreamEvents() state, err := n.stateSync.SyncState() if err != nil { return err } n.state = state n.wg.Add(1) go n.servegRPC() n.wg.Add(1) go n.peerDisc.DiscoverPeers(n.cfg.Period) n.wg.Add(1) go n.txRelay.RelayMsgs(n.cfg.Period) if n.cfg.Bootstrap { path := filepath.Join(n.cfg.KeyStoreDir, string(n.state.Authority())) auth, err := chain.ReadAccount(path, []byte(n.cfg.AuthPass)) if err != nil { return err } n.blockProp.SetAuthority(auth) n.blockProp.SetState(n.state) n.wg.Add(1) go n.blockProp.ProposeBlocks(n.cfg.Period * 2) } n.wg.Add(1) go n.blkRelay.RelayMsgs(n.cfg.Period) select { case <- n.ctx.Done(): case err = <- n.chErr: fmt.Println(err) } n.ctxCancel() // restore default signal handling n.grpcSrv.GracefulStop() n.wg.Wait() return err }
- gRPC server
- The gRPC server exposes the account, transaction, block, and
node gRPC services for clients and other nodes to interact with the node. Each
gRPC service exposes highly cohesive and loosely coupled blockchain functions
under the well-defined interface described by gRPC ProtoBuf messages and
methods. Each gRPC service depends on specific node components in order to
provide the defined functions. The gRPC server process is one of the node
concurrent processes, so all requests combing from the gRPC services and all
responses going to the gRPC services are concurrent. All gRPC services and
methods are concurrency safe as they internally rely either on the mutex-based
concurrency safe state implementation or the channel-based concurrency safe
implementation of other node concurrent processes. The gRPC server
- Create the TCP listener on the node address
- Defer closing the TCP connection after the graceful stop of the gRPC server
- Create a new gRPC server
- Register the node, account, transaction, and block gRPC services with the gRPC server
- Start the gRPC server to accept connections
func (n *Node) servegRPC() { defer n.wg.Done() lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", n.cfg.NodeAddr) if err != nil { n.chErr <- err return } defer lis.Close() fmt.Printf("<=> gRPC %v\n", n.cfg.NodeAddr) n.grpcSrv = grpc.NewServer() node := rpc.NewNodeSrv(n.peerDisc, n.evStream) rpc.RegisterNodeServer(n.grpcSrv, node) acc := rpc.NewAccountSrv(n.cfg.KeyStoreDir, n.state) rpc.RegisterAccountServer(n.grpcSrv, acc) tx := rpc.NewTxSrv( n.cfg.KeyStoreDir, n.cfg.BlockStoreDir, n.state.Pending, n.txRelay, ) rpc.RegisterTxServer(n.grpcSrv, tx) blk := rpc.NewBlockSrv(n.cfg.BlockStoreDir, n.evStream, n.state, n.blkRelay) rpc.RegisterBlockServer(n.grpcSrv, blk) err = n.grpcSrv.Serve(lis) if err != nil { n.chErr <- err return } }
- gRPC services and methods
- All communication of clients with the blockchain
node and all communication between nodes in the peer-to-peer network happens
exclusively through the gRPC services and methods. Every node provides the CLI
for clients to interact with the node through the gRPC interface. The CLI can
interact with both local and remote nodes in exactly the same way. All
inter-node communication happens through the gRPC interface. Communication
with clients and inter-node communication uses the gRPC request-response, the
gRPC client streaming, and the gRPC server streaming
gRPC service gRPC method gRPC communication style Account
gRPC request-response Account
gRPC request-response Tx
gRPC request-response Tx
gRPC request-response Tx
gRPC client streaming Tx
gRPC server streaming Tx
gRPC request-response Tx
gRPC request-response Block
gRPC request-response Block
gRPC server streaming Block
gRPC client streaming Block
gRPC server streaming Node
gRPC request-response Node
gRPC server streaming
- Node CLI
- The node CLI allows local and remote clients to start the
blockchain node, subscribe to the node event stream, create a new account on
the blockchain, query the account balance, sign and send new transactions to
the blockchain node, search transactions, and search blocks on the blockchain.
All communication between the client and the node happens through the gRPC
interface that is the only interface to interact with the node
CLI command CLI options ./bcn account create
target node address--ownerpass
owner account password./bcn account balance
target node address--account
account address./bcn tx sign
target node address--from
sender address--to
recipient address--value
transfer amount--ownerpass
owner account password./bcn tx send
target node address--sigtx
signed encoded transaction./bcn tx search
target node address--hash
transaction hash prefix--from
sender address prefix--to
recipient address prefix--account
involved account address prefix./bcn tx prove
target node address--hash
transaction hash./bcn tx verify
target node address--hash
transaction hash--mrkproof
Merkle proof--mrkroot
Merkle root./bcn block search
target node address--number
block number--hash
block hash prefix--parent
parent hash prefix./bcn node start
target node address--bootstrap
bootstrap and authority node--seed
seed node address--keystore
key store directory--blockstore
block store directory--chain
blockchain name--authpass
authority account password--ownerpass
owner account password--balance
owner account balance./bcn node subscribe
target node address--events
list of event types e.g. blk,tx,all
The TestNodeStart
testing process
- Set up the bootstrap node
- Configure the bootstrap node
- Start the bootstrap node in a separate goroutine
- Wait for the bootstrap node to start
- Set up the gRPC client connection with the bootstrap node
- Send several transactions to the bootstrap node in a separate goroutine
- Get the initial owner account and its balance from the genesis
- Re-create the initial owner account from the genesis
- Create the gRPC transaction client
- Start sending transaction to the bootstrap node
- Create and sign a new transaction
- Encode the signed transaction
- Call the gRPC
method to send the signed encoded transaction to the bootstrap node
- Set up the client that subscribes to the node event stream
- Set up the gRPC client connection with the bootstrap node
- Create the gRPC node client
- Call the
method to subscribe to the node event stream and establish the gRPC server stream of domain events - Define the expected events to receive after a successful block proposal and the successful block confirmation
- Start consuming events from the gRPC server stream of domain events. For
each received event
- Decode the received domain event
- Verify that the type and the action of the domain event are correct
- Stop gracefully the node
go test -v -cover -coverprofile=coverage.cov ./... -run NodeStart
This use case demonstrates how the blockchain peer-to-peer network with two nodes can be set up and used to send transactions and confirm blocks. The bootstrap node is also the authority node that proposes blocks and serves as the seed node for the initial peer discovery of the other node. A new blockchain account will be created on the other node. Then a transaction from the initial owner account on the bootstrap node will transfer funds to the new account created on the other node. Next a transaction from the new account on the other node will transfer funds to the initial owner account on the bootstrap node. Two clients will subscribe to the bootstrap node and the other node event stream to get notified when both transactions are confirmed. Finally the Merkle proofs for the confirmed transactions will be requested from the other node. The received Merkle proofs will be verified at the bootstrap node. This verifies the inclusion of the confirmed transactions into the list of transactions of the corresponding blocks
- Initialize the blockchain by starting the bootstrap node with parameters for
the blockchain initial configuration
set boot localhost:1122 set authpass password set ownerpass password rm -rf .keystore* .blockstore* # cleanup if necessary ./bcn node start --node $boot --bootstrap --authpass $authpass \ --ownerpass $ownerpass --balance 1000
- Start a new node with the seed node set to the bootstrap node (in a new
set node localhost:1123 ./bcn node start --node $node --seed $boot
- Subscribe a client to the event stream of the bootstrap node (in a new
./bcn node subscribe --node $boot --events tx # <~> tx validated # tx 6040ff5: 231c83f -> cb68e5d 2 1 # <~> tx validated # tx b87703f: cb68e5d -> 231c83f 1 1
- Subscribe another client to the event stream of the other node (in a new
./bcn node subscribe --node $node --events tx # <~> tx validated # tx 6040ff5: 231c83f -> cb68e5d 2 1 # <~> tx validated # tx b87703f: cb68e5d -> 231c83f 1 1
- Create a new account on the other node
./bcn account create --node $node --ownerpass $ownerpass # acc cb68e5de26f72110e13e47b2519fcd48ca941a0f4f572bd9751654d01499b910
- Define a shell function to create, sign, and send a transaction
function txSignAndSend -a node from to value ownerpass set tx (./bcn tx sign --node $node --from $from --to $to --value $value \ --ownerpass $ownerpass) echo SigTx $tx ./bcn tx send --node $node --sigtx $tx end
- Create, sign, and send a transaction transferring funds from the initial owner
account from the genesis on the bootstrap node to the new account on the other
set acc1 4f3748d4d46b695a85f1773b6cb86aa0837818d5df33550180c5b8da7c966a6f set acc2 bba08a59c80977b2bbf5df4f9d09471ddf1592aa7b0133377c5df865e73a8b12 txSignAndSend $boot $acc1 $acc2 2 $ownerpass # SigTx {"from":"231c83f0a857cfb1e88f8adb92371e01aa1bdc80ef88ea443a2fccf02f444720","to":"cb68e5de26f72110e13e47b2519fcd48ca941a0f4f572bd9751654d01499b910","value":2,"nonce":1,"time":"2024-11-09T22:22:35.448578139+01:00","sig":"qYocOAxdbVzuVfAMNAc7/ljAXVaeDLOFfJkqUdxYoEkm0BNX5kxDsLPpLLJ3W5fzrSb9yAkbeVFED/MiEs0+AwA="} # tx 6040ff5315af566ed974a737dbf460f04e73c9a713ef494e9baacfe7dd5dc8f1
- Create, sign, and send a transaction transferring funds from the new account
on the other node to the initial owner account from the genesis on the
bootstrap node
txSignAndSend $node $acc2 $acc1 1 $ownerpass # SigTx {"from":"cb68e5de26f72110e13e47b2519fcd48ca941a0f4f572bd9751654d01499b910","to":"231c83f0a857cfb1e88f8adb92371e01aa1bdc80ef88ea443a2fccf02f444720","value":1,"nonce":1,"time":"2024-11-09T22:23:50.396696709+01:00","sig":"3Olxnj5Zva4Nz8Ito6lrTRwP5OhOIwEmI5pQsdihWFlMxtLGiUf+9sIcX+QBi7CdG/uGtuHADV+wa4VgYj0//AE="} # tx b87703f6bf0035613f638657293da795bc771ff414c000da894b05d22f5a70b8
- Verify that confirmations of both validated transactions are received by both subscribed clients to the bootstrap node and the other node (see commented output above in the subscribed client terminals)
- Check the balance of the initial owner account on the other node
./bcn account balance --node $node --account $acc1 # acc 231c83f0a857cfb1e88f8adb92371e01aa1bdc80ef88ea443a2fccf02f444720: 999
- Check the balance of the new account on the bootstrap node
./bcn account balance --node $boot --account $acc2 # acc cb68e5de26f72110e13e47b2519fcd48ca941a0f4f572bd9751654d01499b910: 1
- Search the first transaction by hash on the other node
set tx1 6040ff5315af566ed974a737dbf460f04e73c9a713ef494e9baacfe7dd5dc8f1 ./bcn tx search --node $node --hash $tx1 # blk eb67728ed258d9e494f1d65dbdac3975d51921be3295116b6c5182f7fc8653db # mrk 6040ff5315af566ed974a737dbf460f04e73c9a713ef494e9baacfe7dd5dc8f1 # tx 6040ff5315af566ed974a737dbf460f04e73c9a713ef494e9baacfe7dd5dc8f1 # tx 6040ff5: 231c83f -> cb68e5d 2 1 blk 1 eb67728 mrk 6040ff5
- Search the second transaction by hash on the bootstrap node
set tx2 b87703f6bf0035613f638657293da795bc771ff414c000da894b05d22f5a70b8 ./bcn tx search --node $boot --hash $tx2 # blk f48ffaf8f80fd0ade95bdb88d473b34e763d5cf233659e9ae8507b62c25f67a0 # mrk b87703f6bf0035613f638657293da795bc771ff414c000da894b05d22f5a70b8 # tx b87703f6bf0035613f638657293da795bc771ff414c000da894b05d22f5a70b8 # tx b87703f: cb68e5d -> 231c83f 1 1 blk 2 f48ffaf mrk b87703f
- Search all transactions involving the initial owner account on the other node
./bcn tx search --node $node --account $acc1 # blk eb67728ed258d9e494f1d65dbdac3975d51921be3295116b6c5182f7fc8653db # mrk 6040ff5315af566ed974a737dbf460f04e73c9a713ef494e9baacfe7dd5dc8f1 # tx 6040ff5315af566ed974a737dbf460f04e73c9a713ef494e9baacfe7dd5dc8f1 # tx 6040ff5: 231c83f -> cb68e5d 2 1 blk 1 eb67728 mrk 6040ff5 # blk f48ffaf8f80fd0ade95bdb88d473b34e763d5cf233659e9ae8507b62c25f67a0 # mrk b87703f6bf0035613f638657293da795bc771ff414c000da894b05d22f5a70b8 # tx b87703f6bf0035613f638657293da795bc771ff414c000da894b05d22f5a70b8 # tx b87703f: cb68e5d -> 231c83f 1 1 blk 2 f48ffaf mrk b87703f
- Define a shell function to request the Merkle proof for the specific
transaction hash and verify the Merkle proof which, in turn, confirms the
inclusion of the transaction into the list of transactions of a block
function txProveAndVerify -a prover verifier hash mrkroot set mrkproof (./bcn tx prove --node $prover --hash $hash) echo MerkleProof $mrkproof echo MerkleRoot $mrkroot ./bcn tx verify --node $verifier --hash $hash \ --mrkproof $mrkproof --mrkroot $mrkroot end
- Request Merkle proofs for the confirmed transactions from the other node.
Verify the received Merkle proofs for the confirmed transactions at the
bootstrap node. Confirm the inclusion of the confirmed transactions into the
list of transactions of the corresponding blocks
set tx1 6040ff5315af566ed974a737dbf460f04e73c9a713ef494e9baacfe7dd5dc8f1 set mrk1 6040ff5315af566ed974a737dbf460f04e73c9a713ef494e9baacfe7dd5dc8f1 set tx2 b87703f6bf0035613f638657293da795bc771ff414c000da894b05d22f5a70b8 set mrk2 b87703f6bf0035613f638657293da795bc771ff414c000da894b05d22f5a70b8 txProveAndVerify $node $boot $tx1 $mrk1 # MerkleProof [{"hash":"6040ff5315af566ed974a737dbf460f04e73c9a713ef494e9baacfe7dd5dc8f1","pos":1}] # MerkleRoot 6040ff5315af566ed974a737dbf460f04e73c9a713ef494e9baacfe7dd5dc8f1 # tx 6040ff5315af566ed974a737dbf460f04e73c9a713ef494e9baacfe7dd5dc8f1 valid txProveAndVerify $node $boot $tx2 $mrk2 # MerkleProof [{"hash":"b87703f6bf0035613f638657293da795bc771ff414c000da894b05d22f5a70b8","pos":1}] # MerkleRoot b87703f6bf0035613f638657293da795bc771ff414c000da894b05d22f5a70b8 # tx b87703f6bf0035613f638657293da795bc771ff414c000da894b05d22f5a70b8 valid
- Confirm that the Merkle proof for the first transaction for an invalid Merkle
root of the second block is incorrect
txProveAndVerify $node $boot $tx1 $mrk2 # MerkleProof [{"hash":"6040ff5315af566ed974a737dbf460f04e73c9a713ef494e9baacfe7dd5dc8f1","pos":1}] # MerkleRoot b87703f6bf0035613f638657293da795bc771ff414c000da894b05d22f5a70b8 # tx 6040ff5315af566ed974a737dbf460f04e73c9a713ef494e9baacfe7dd5dc8f1 INVALID