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Models Developer's Guide

This document describes the design of the model management system in ETA and best practices for using it.


The ETA library relies on a number of large models in order to power its analytics. Models are trained on different machines, by different developers, and constantly need to be shared. We frequently generate new versions of a given model over time as we improve the implementation of the analytic and train it on evolving datasets. In addition, models are valuable, so they need to be archived and backed up to ensure that they remain secure and readily accessible.

The ETA library provides a simple, yet powerful interface that satisifies these constraints.


The eta.core.models module implements the core interface for managing models in ETA. The underlying design principle of the interface is that all models are stored in cloud storage and can be easily downloaded to a local ETA installation as needed using a simple version-aware naming system.

Model versions

Each model is identified by a unique string of the form <name>@<version>, where <name> is the canonical name of the model and <version> is an optional version of the model.

If a model is registered without a version, it can be referenced simply by its <name>. If a model is registered with a version, it can be referenced explicitly using the <name>@<version> syntax. The <name> syntax can also be used with versioned models, in which case the latest version of the model (i.e. the largest version number) will be referenced.

Models search path

The models_dirs field of the ETA config defines the list of directories to use when performing all models-related operations. If you add a new models directory to your path, you can use the eta.core.models.init_models_dir function to initialize it for use with the model management interface.

Model manifest files

Each directory on the model search path contains a manifest.json file that describes the models that have been registered in that directory. The manifest files are lightweight and are maintained in version control in the repository.

The manifest file contains the names and versions of each model registered in its parent directory; it also contain the necessary information to locate each model in cloud storage. When a model is downloaded, it will be stored in the same directory as its corresponding manifest file.

The following is an example contents of a manifest.json file:

    "models": [
            "base_name": "ssd-resnet50-v1-fpn-coco",
            "base_filename": "ssd-resnet50-v1-fpn-coco.pb",
            "version": null,
            "description": "A FPN Single Shot Detector with ResNet50 backbone trained on COCO",
            "manager": {
                "type": "eta.core.models.ETAModelManager",
                "config": {
                    "google_drive_id": "1ZvVQTuDIexyfntq8ajBVp5aSndHW6wQk"
            "default_deployment_config_dict": {
                "type": "eta.detectors.TFModelsDetector",
                "config": {
                    "model_name": "ssd-resnet50-v1-fpn-coco",
                    "labels_path": "{{eta}}/tensorflow/models/research/object_detection/data/mscoco_label_map.pbtxt"
            "date_added": "2019-04-11 12:01:29"

The manager and default_deployment_config_dict entries of the manifest are described in the following sections.

Model managers

The eta.core.models.ModelManager class defines the base implementation of a model manager, which is a class that can upload, download, and delete a model from remote storage. Each entry in a manifest file contains a manager field that describes the model manager instance for that model.

It is straightforward to implement subclasses of ModelManager to support custom cloud (or other remote) storage solutions based on your needs.

All ETA models are currently stored in Google Drive in a publicly accessible folder. The eta.core.models.ETAModelManager class provides the underlying functionality used to download these models.

Note: For security reasons, the ETA model manager is unable to upload and delete models. These tasks must be performed manually by a Voxel51 administrator.

Default deployment configs

The default_deployment_config_dict value in each models manifest entry defines an eta.core.learning.ModelConfig instance that specifies how to load and perform inference with the model using its default settings.

The ModelConfig specifies the type of model (e.g., eta.detectors.TFModelsDetector in the above example) and the config field provides a valid config instance (e.g., eta.detectors.TFModelsDetectorConfig) for instantiating the model.

For example, the following code loads the ssd-resnet50-v1-fpn-coco with its default settings and performs inference on an image:

import eta.core.image as etai
import eta.core.learning as etal

model = etal.load_default_deployment_model("ssd-resnet50-v1-fpn-coco")

image ="/path/to/image.jpg")

with model:
    objects = model.detect(img)


Example output:

    "objects": [
            "label": "vehicle",
            "confidence": 0.95,
            "bounding_box": {
                "bottom_right": {
                    "y": 0.5722222222222222,
                    "x": 0.09765625
                "top_left": {
                    "y": 0.4708333333333333,
                    "x": 0.0
            "attrs": {}

Basic Usage

The following sections provide a brief overview of the basic usage of the model management system. They assume that the following import has been issued:

import eta.core.models as etam

List available models

To generate a list of available models, run:

models = etam.list_models()

The above function lists the names of all models registered in manifests on the current model search path, regardless of whether they are currently downloaded to your machine.

Downloading a model

To determine if a model is currently downloaded locally, run:

is_downloaded = etam.is_model_downloaded(name)

To download a model from the cloud, run:


The above function downloads the model (if necessary) from cloud storage and stores it in the models directory whose manifest.json file contains the model definition.

Recall that model versions can be easily configured in the name argument. For example:

# ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"]

etam.download_model("[email protected]")
# [email protected] is downloaded

# [email protected] is downloaded (the latest version)

Locating and loading models

You can obtain the local path to a model by running:

model_path = etam.find_model(name)

Note that the model will not yet exist at the returned model path if you haven't downloaded it.

Although you are free to manually load a model from its model_path, the ETA library provides several subclasses of eta.core.models.ModelWeights that can automatically load a model given only its name. See the Model weights section for more information.

Publishing a new model

By default, all ETA models are stored in a Google Drive folder with permissions set to be publicly readable. You can publish a new model to this public registry as follows:

# Publishing a new public ETA model
# Assumes the model has been uploaded to Google Drive by an ETA administrator
# and you have the ID of the model in Google Drive

# The name for your model
name = "[email protected]"

# The ID of your model in Google Drive
google_drive_id = "XXXXXXXX"

# A short description of your model
description = "A short description of your model"

# The base filename (no version information, which is added automatically) and
# models directory, respectively, to use when downloading the model. If you
# are uploading a new version of an existing model, these arguments can be set
# to None and the same values are inherited from the most recent version of the
# model. Otherwise, if no models directory is provided, the first directory on
# your models search path will be used by default.
base_filename = "your-model.pb"
models_dir = "/path/to/models/dir"

# Publish the model
    name, google_drive_id, description=description, base_filename=None,

The above publishing process adds an entry to the manifest.json file for your new model in the models directory that you specified (or the first directory in eta.config.models_dir if none is specified). The new model will now be findable by all of the model-related functionality in eta.core.models as long as the models directory you chose above remains on your models search path.

When a published model is downloaded from cloud storage, it will be written to the models directly specified above (i.e. the directory whose manifest.json file contains the model definition) and an appropriate filename will be dervied from the base filename and version number of the model.

Internally, the models an eta.core.models.ETAModelManager to manage access to the model in the public Google Drive folder. However, the publishing process can be easily extended to custom cloud storage solutions. To do so, one should implement a new subclass of eta.core.models.ModelManager and use it together with the eta.core.models.register_model function to implement a custom publishing workflow.

Flushing local models

Over time you may accumulate too many local copies of models. To clear your local disk space, you can flush local models in various ways:

# Flush a specific model from local storage

# Flush an entire models directory

# Flush all local models

Remember that flushing is a reversible operation; you can always re-download all models from cloud storage at any time.

Managing the lifecycle of versioned models

The ETA config provides a max_model_versions_to_keep attribute that allows you to configure the maximum number of versions of a given model to keep on disk. If this limit is execeeded, the oldest versions of a model are deleted until the limit is satisifed again.

You can enforce this limit at any time by running:


Permanently deleting a model

To permanently delete a model, run:


The above command deletes the model from both local and cloud storage, and it deletes the associated entry from the manifest.json file.


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