Blazegraph JavaScript API. This version has been completely rewritten and the new API is still evolving.
yarn add
Many (undocumented yet) methods are available. Have a look at the source for more info.
const { prepareBlaze } = require("blazegraph");
const { SELECT, UPDATE } = prepareBlaze({
host: "localhost",
port: 9999,
namespace: "kb" // Those are the default values, passing no params yields the same result
// simple async example
const results = await SELECT`select * { ?s ?p ?o } limit 10`;
const { pipeP, pluck } = require("ramda");
await pipeP(
() => SELECT`select * {?s ?p ?o}`, // 1. query
pluck("p"), // 2. extract only properties
pluck("value"), // 3. extract value from each property
console.log // 4. write results to console
Unstable, do not use in production! The current API is quite specific to Nelson, but feel free to PR breaking changes to make it universal.
Yes, thank you. Please lint, update/write tests and add your name to the package.json file before you PR.
npm install blazegraph --save
Blazegraph-js is released under the MIT license.
Blazegraph is freely available under the GPLv2 open-source license.