diff --git a/packages/runtime-vapor/__tests__/for.spec.ts b/packages/runtime-vapor/__tests__/for.spec.ts
index e95f28851..fba012c62 100644
--- a/packages/runtime-vapor/__tests__/for.spec.ts
+++ b/packages/runtime-vapor/__tests__/for.spec.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,16 @@
-import { createFor, nextTick, ref, renderEffect } from '../src'
+import { NOOP } from '@vue/shared'
+import {
+ type Directive,
+ children,
+ createFor,
+ nextTick,
+ ref,
+ renderEffect,
+ template,
+ withDirectives,
+} from '../src'
import { makeRender } from './_utils'
+import { unmountComponent } from '../src/apiRender'
const define = makeRender()
@@ -184,4 +195,92 @@ describe('createFor', () => {
await nextTick()
+ test('should work with directive hooks', async () => {
+ const calls: string[] = []
+ const list = ref([0])
+ const update = ref(0)
+ const add = () => list.value.push(list.value.length)
+ const spySrcFn = vi.fn(() => list.value)
+ const vDirective: Directive = {
+ created: (el, { value }) => calls.push(`${value} created`),
+ beforeMount: (el, { value }) => calls.push(`${value} beforeMount`),
+ mounted: (el, { value }) => calls.push(`${value} mounted`),
+ beforeUpdate: (el, { value }) => calls.push(`${value} beforeUpdate`),
+ updated: (el, { value }) => calls.push(`${value} updated`),
+ beforeUnmount: (el, { value }) => calls.push(`${value} beforeUnmount`),
+ unmounted: (el, { value }) => calls.push(`${value} unmounted`),
+ }
+ const t0 = template('
+ const { instance } = define(() => {
+ const n1 = createFor(spySrcFn, block => {
+ const n2 = t0()
+ const n3 = children(n2, 0)
+ withDirectives(n3, [[vDirective, () => block.s[0]]])
+ return [n2, NOOP]
+ })
+ renderEffect(() => update.value)
+ return [n1]
+ }).render()
+ await nextTick()
+ // `${item index} ${hook name}`
+ expect(calls).toEqual(['0 created', '0 beforeMount', '0 mounted'])
+ calls.length = 0
+ expect(spySrcFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1)
+ add()
+ await nextTick()
+ expect(calls).toEqual([
+ '0 beforeUpdate',
+ '1 created',
+ '1 beforeMount',
+ '0 updated',
+ '1 mounted',
+ ])
+ calls.length = 0
+ expect(spySrcFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2)
+ list.value.reverse()
+ await nextTick()
+ expect(calls).toEqual([
+ '1 beforeUpdate',
+ '0 beforeUpdate',
+ '1 updated',
+ '0 updated',
+ ])
+ expect(spySrcFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3)
+ list.value.reverse()
+ await nextTick()
+ calls.length = 0
+ expect(spySrcFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(4)
+ update.value++
+ await nextTick()
+ expect(calls).toEqual([
+ '0 beforeUpdate',
+ '1 beforeUpdate',
+ '0 updated',
+ '1 updated',
+ ])
+ calls.length = 0
+ expect(spySrcFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(4)
+ list.value.pop()
+ await nextTick()
+ expect(calls).toEqual([
+ '0 beforeUpdate',
+ '1 beforeUnmount',
+ '0 updated',
+ '1 unmounted',
+ ])
+ calls.length = 0
+ expect(spySrcFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(5)
+ unmountComponent(instance)
+ expect(calls).toEqual(['0 beforeUnmount', '0 unmounted'])
+ expect(spySrcFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(5)
+ })
diff --git a/packages/runtime-vapor/__tests__/if.spec.ts b/packages/runtime-vapor/__tests__/if.spec.ts
index ad03753b0..03a94ff36 100644
--- a/packages/runtime-vapor/__tests__/if.spec.ts
+++ b/packages/runtime-vapor/__tests__/if.spec.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import {
+ children,
@@ -6,9 +7,11 @@ import {
+ withDirectives,
} from '../src'
import type { Mock } from 'vitest'
import { makeRender } from './_utils'
+import { unmountComponent } from '../src/apiRender'
const define = makeRender()
@@ -24,6 +27,8 @@ describe('createIf', () => {
let spyElseFn: Mock
const count = ref(0)
+ const spyConditionFn = vi.fn(() => count.value)
// templates can be reused through caching.
const t0 = template('')
const t1 = template('')
@@ -34,7 +39,7 @@ describe('createIf', () => {
- () => count.value,
+ spyConditionFn,
// v-if
(spyIfFn ||= vi.fn(() => {
const n2 = t1()
@@ -55,24 +60,28 @@ describe('createIf', () => {
+ expect(spyConditionFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1)
await nextTick()
+ expect(spyConditionFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2)
await nextTick()
+ expect(spyConditionFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3)
count.value = 0
await nextTick()
+ expect(spyConditionFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(4)
@@ -124,4 +133,113 @@ describe('createIf', () => {
await nextTick()
+ test('should work with directive hooks', async () => {
+ const calls: string[] = []
+ const show1 = ref(true)
+ const show2 = ref(true)
+ const update = ref(0)
+ const spyConditionFn1 = vi.fn(() => show1.value)
+ const spyConditionFn2 = vi.fn(() => show2.value)
+ const vDirective: any = {
+ created: (el: any, { value }: any) => calls.push(`${value} created`),
+ beforeMount: (el: any, { value }: any) =>
+ calls.push(`${value} beforeMount`),
+ mounted: (el: any, { value }: any) => calls.push(`${value} mounted`),
+ beforeUpdate: (el: any, { value }: any) =>
+ calls.push(`${value} beforeUpdate`),
+ updated: (el: any, { value }: any) => calls.push(`${value} updated`),
+ beforeUnmount: (el: any, { value }: any) =>
+ calls.push(`${value} beforeUnmount`),
+ unmounted: (el: any, { value }: any) => calls.push(`${value} unmounted`),
+ }
+ const t0 = template('')
+ const { instance } = define(() => {
+ const n1 = createIf(
+ spyConditionFn1,
+ () => {
+ const n2 = t0()
+ withDirectives(children(n2, 0), [
+ [vDirective, () => (update.value, '1')],
+ ])
+ return n2
+ },
+ () =>
+ createIf(
+ spyConditionFn2,
+ () => {
+ const n2 = t0()
+ withDirectives(children(n2, 0), [[vDirective, () => '2']])
+ return n2
+ },
+ () => {
+ const n2 = t0()
+ withDirectives(children(n2, 0), [[vDirective, () => '3']])
+ return n2
+ },
+ ),
+ )
+ return [n1]
+ }).render()
+ await nextTick()
+ expect(calls).toEqual(['1 created', '1 beforeMount', '1 mounted'])
+ calls.length = 0
+ expect(spyConditionFn1).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1)
+ expect(spyConditionFn2).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0)
+ show1.value = false
+ await nextTick()
+ expect(calls).toEqual([
+ '1 beforeUnmount',
+ '2 created',
+ '2 beforeMount',
+ '1 unmounted',
+ '2 mounted',
+ ])
+ calls.length = 0
+ expect(spyConditionFn1).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2)
+ expect(spyConditionFn2).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1)
+ show2.value = false
+ await nextTick()
+ expect(calls).toEqual([
+ '2 beforeUnmount',
+ '3 created',
+ '3 beforeMount',
+ '2 unmounted',
+ '3 mounted',
+ ])
+ calls.length = 0
+ expect(spyConditionFn1).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2)
+ expect(spyConditionFn2).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2)
+ show1.value = true
+ await nextTick()
+ expect(calls).toEqual([
+ '3 beforeUnmount',
+ '1 created',
+ '1 beforeMount',
+ '3 unmounted',
+ '1 mounted',
+ ])
+ calls.length = 0
+ expect(spyConditionFn1).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3)
+ expect(spyConditionFn2).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2)
+ update.value++
+ await nextTick()
+ expect(calls).toEqual(['1 beforeUpdate', '1 updated'])
+ calls.length = 0
+ expect(spyConditionFn1).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3)
+ expect(spyConditionFn2).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2)
+ unmountComponent(instance)
+ expect(calls).toEqual(['1 beforeUnmount', '1 unmounted'])
+ expect(spyConditionFn1).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3)
+ expect(spyConditionFn2).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2)
+ })
diff --git a/packages/runtime-vapor/src/apiCreateFor.ts b/packages/runtime-vapor/src/apiCreateFor.ts
index 362ac762c..c32f57271 100644
--- a/packages/runtime-vapor/src/apiCreateFor.ts
+++ b/packages/runtime-vapor/src/apiCreateFor.ts
@@ -1,13 +1,25 @@
-import { type EffectScope, effectScope, isReactive } from '@vue/reactivity'
+import { getCurrentScope, isReactive, traverse } from '@vue/reactivity'
import { isArray, isObject, isString } from '@vue/shared'
-import { createComment, createTextNode, insert, remove } from './dom/element'
-import { renderEffect } from './renderEffect'
+import {
+ createComment,
+ createTextNode,
+ insert,
+ remove as removeBlock,
+} from './dom/element'
import { type Block, type Fragment, fragmentKey } from './apiRender'
import { warn } from './warning'
+import { currentInstance } from './component'
import { componentKey } from './component'
+import { RenderEffectScope, isRenderEffectScope } from './renderEffectScope'
+import {
+ createChildFragmentDirectives,
+ invokeWithMount,
+ invokeWithUnmount,
+ invokeWithUpdate,
+} from './directivesChildFragment'
interface ForBlock extends Fragment {
- scope: EffectScope
+ scope: RenderEffectScope
/** state, use short key since it's used a lot in generated code */
s: [item: any, key: any, index?: number]
update: () => void
@@ -15,9 +27,11 @@ interface ForBlock extends Fragment {
memo: any[] | undefined
+type Source = any[] | Record | number | Set | Map
/*! #__NO_SIDE_EFFECTS__ */
export const createFor = (
- src: () => any[] | Record | number | Set | Map,
+ src: () => Source,
renderItem: (block: ForBlock) => [Block, () => void],
getKey?: (item: any, key: any, index?: number) => any,
getMemo?: (item: any, key: any, index?: number) => any[],
@@ -27,15 +41,166 @@ export const createFor = (
let oldBlocks: ForBlock[] = []
let newBlocks: ForBlock[]
let parent: ParentNode | undefined | null
+ const update = getMemo ? updateWithMemo : updateWithoutMemo
+ const parentScope = getCurrentScope()!
const parentAnchor = __DEV__ ? createComment('for') : createTextNode()
const ref: Fragment = {
nodes: oldBlocks,
[fragmentKey]: true,
- const update = getMemo ? updateWithMemo : updateWithoutMemo
- renderEffect(() => {
- const source = src()
+ const instance = currentInstance!
+ if (__DEV__ && (!instance || !isRenderEffectScope(parentScope))) {
+ warn('createFor() can only be used inside setup()')
+ }
+ createChildFragmentDirectives(
+ parentAnchor,
+ () => oldBlocks.map(b => b.scope),
+ // source getter
+ () => traverse(src(), 1),
+ // init cb
+ getValue => doFor(getValue()),
+ // effect cb
+ getValue => doFor(getValue()),
+ )
+ return ref
+ function mount(
+ source: any,
+ idx: number,
+ anchor: Node = parentAnchor,
+ ): ForBlock {
+ const scope = new RenderEffectScope(instance, parentScope)
+ const [item, key, index] = getItem(source, idx)
+ const block: ForBlock = (newBlocks[idx] = {
+ nodes: null!, // set later
+ update: null!, // set later
+ scope,
+ s: [item, key, index],
+ key: getKey && getKey(item, key, index),
+ memo: getMemo && getMemo(item, key, index),
+ [fragmentKey]: true,
+ })
+ const res = scope.run(() => renderItem(block))!
+ block.nodes = res[0]
+ block.update = res[1]
+ invokeWithMount(scope, () => {
+ if (getMemo) block.update()
+ if (parent) insert(block.nodes, parent, anchor)
+ })
+ return block
+ }
+ function mountList(source: any, offset = 0) {
+ for (let i = offset; i < getLength(source); i++) {
+ mount(source, i)
+ }
+ }
+ function tryPatchIndex(source: any, idx: number) {
+ const block = oldBlocks[idx]
+ const [item, key, index] = getItem(source, idx)
+ if (block.key === getKey!(item, key, index)) {
+ update((newBlocks[idx] = block), item)
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ function updateWithMemo(
+ block: ForBlock,
+ newItem: any,
+ newKey = block.s[1],
+ newIndex = block.s[2],
+ ) {
+ let needsUpdate = newKey !== block.s[1] || newIndex !== block.s[2]
+ if (!needsUpdate) {
+ const oldMemo = block.memo!
+ const newMemo = (block.memo = getMemo!(newItem, newKey, newIndex))
+ for (let i = 0; i < newMemo.length; i++) {
+ if ((needsUpdate = newMemo[i] !== oldMemo[i])) {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ block.s = [newItem, newKey, newIndex]
+ invokeWithUpdate(block.scope, () => {
+ if (needsUpdate) {
+ block.update()
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ function updateWithoutMemo(
+ block: ForBlock,
+ newItem: any,
+ newKey = block.s[1],
+ newIndex = block.s[2],
+ ) {
+ let needsUpdate =
+ newItem !== block.s[0] ||
+ newKey !== block.s[1] ||
+ newIndex !== block.s[2] ||
+ !isReactive(newItem)
+ block.s = [newItem, newKey, newIndex]
+ invokeWithUpdate(block.scope, () => {
+ if (needsUpdate) {
+ block.update()
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ function unmount({ nodes, scope }: ForBlock) {
+ invokeWithUnmount(scope, () => {
+ removeBlock(nodes, parent!)
+ })
+ }
+ function getLength(source: any): number {
+ if (isArray(source) || isString(source)) {
+ return source.length
+ } else if (typeof source === 'number') {
+ if (__DEV__ && !Number.isInteger(source)) {
+ warn(`The v-for range expect an integer value but got ${source}.`)
+ }
+ return source
+ } else if (isObject(source)) {
+ if (source[Symbol.iterator as any]) {
+ return Array.from(source as Iterable).length
+ } else {
+ return Object.keys(source).length
+ }
+ }
+ return 0
+ }
+ function getItem(
+ source: any,
+ idx: number,
+ ): [item: any, key: any, index?: number] {
+ if (isArray(source) || isString(source)) {
+ return [source[idx], idx, undefined]
+ } else if (typeof source === 'number') {
+ return [idx + 1, idx, undefined]
+ } else if (isObject(source)) {
+ if (source && source[Symbol.iterator as any]) {
+ source = Array.from(source as Iterable)
+ return [source[idx], idx, undefined]
+ } else {
+ const key = Object.keys(source)[idx]
+ return [source[key], key, idx]
+ }
+ }
+ return null!
+ }
+ function doFor(source: any) {
const newLength = getLength(source)
const oldLength = oldBlocks.length
newBlocks = new Array(newLength)
@@ -213,129 +378,6 @@ export const createFor = (
ref.nodes = [(oldBlocks = newBlocks), parentAnchor]
- })
- return ref
- function mount(
- source: any,
- idx: number,
- anchor: Node = parentAnchor,
- ): ForBlock {
- const scope = effectScope()
- const [item, key, index] = getItem(source, idx)
- const block: ForBlock = (newBlocks[idx] = {
- nodes: null!, // set later
- update: null!, // set later
- scope,
- s: [item, key, index],
- key: getKey && getKey(item, key, index),
- memo: getMemo && getMemo(item, key, index),
- [fragmentKey]: true,
- })
- const res = scope.run(() => renderItem(block))!
- block.nodes = res[0]
- block.update = res[1]
- if (getMemo) block.update()
- if (parent) insert(block.nodes, parent, anchor)
- return block
- }
- function mountList(source: any, offset = 0) {
- for (let i = offset; i < getLength(source); i++) {
- mount(source, i)
- }
- }
- function tryPatchIndex(source: any, idx: number) {
- const block = oldBlocks[idx]
- const [item, key, index] = getItem(source, idx)
- if (block.key === getKey!(item, key, index)) {
- update((newBlocks[idx] = block), item)
- return true
- }
- }
- function updateWithMemo(
- block: ForBlock,
- newItem: any,
- newKey = block.s[1],
- newIndex = block.s[2],
- ) {
- let needsUpdate = newKey !== block.s[1] || newIndex !== block.s[2]
- if (!needsUpdate) {
- const oldMemo = block.memo!
- const newMemo = (block.memo = getMemo!(newItem, newKey, newIndex))
- for (let i = 0; i < newMemo.length; i++) {
- if ((needsUpdate = newMemo[i] !== oldMemo[i])) {
- break
- }
- }
- }
- if (needsUpdate) {
- block.s = [newItem, newKey, newIndex]
- block.update()
- }
- }
- function updateWithoutMemo(
- block: ForBlock,
- newItem: any,
- newKey = block.s[1],
- newIndex = block.s[2],
- ) {
- if (
- newItem !== block.s[0] ||
- newKey !== block.s[1] ||
- newIndex !== block.s[2] ||
- !isReactive(newItem)
- ) {
- block.s = [newItem, newKey, newIndex]
- block.update()
- }
- }
- function unmount({ nodes, scope }: ForBlock) {
- remove(nodes, parent!)
- scope.stop()
- }
- function getLength(source: any): number {
- if (isArray(source) || isString(source)) {
- return source.length
- } else if (typeof source === 'number') {
- if (__DEV__ && !Number.isInteger(source)) {
- warn(`The v-for range expect an integer value but got ${source}.`)
- }
- return source
- } else if (isObject(source)) {
- if (source[Symbol.iterator as any]) {
- return Array.from(source as Iterable).length
- } else {
- return Object.keys(source).length
- }
- }
- return 0
- }
- function getItem(
- source: any,
- idx: number,
- ): [item: any, key: any, index?: number] {
- if (isArray(source) || isString(source)) {
- return [source[idx], idx, undefined]
- } else if (typeof source === 'number') {
- return [idx + 1, idx, undefined]
- } else if (isObject(source)) {
- if (source && source[Symbol.iterator as any]) {
- source = Array.from(source as Iterable)
- return [source[idx], idx, undefined]
- } else {
- const key = Object.keys(source)[idx]
- return [source[key], key, idx]
- }
- }
- return null!
diff --git a/packages/runtime-vapor/src/apiCreateIf.ts b/packages/runtime-vapor/src/apiCreateIf.ts
index 967dc3b33..2cfda52b1 100644
--- a/packages/runtime-vapor/src/apiCreateIf.ts
+++ b/packages/runtime-vapor/src/apiCreateIf.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
-import { renderEffect } from './renderEffect'
import { type Block, type Fragment, fragmentKey } from './apiRender'
-import { type EffectScope, effectScope } from '@vue/reactivity'
+import { getCurrentScope } from '@vue/reactivity'
import { createComment, createTextNode, insert, remove } from './dom/element'
+import { currentInstance } from './component'
+import { warn } from './warning'
+import { RenderEffectScope, isRenderEffectScope } from './renderEffectScope'
+import {
+ createChildFragmentDirectives,
+ invokeWithMount,
+ invokeWithUnmount,
+ invokeWithUpdate,
+} from './directivesChildFragment'
type BlockFn = () => Block
@@ -17,7 +25,8 @@ export const createIf = (
let branch: BlockFn | undefined
let parent: ParentNode | undefined | null
let block: Block | undefined
- let scope: EffectScope | undefined
+ let scope: RenderEffectScope | undefined
+ const parentScope = getCurrentScope()!
const anchor = __DEV__ ? createComment('if') : createTextNode()
const fragment: Fragment = {
nodes: [],
@@ -25,29 +34,36 @@ export const createIf = (
[fragmentKey]: true,
+ const instance = currentInstance!
+ if (__DEV__ && (!instance || !isRenderEffectScope(parentScope))) {
+ warn('createIf() can only be used inside setup()')
+ }
// if (isHydrating) {
// parent = hydrationNode!.parentNode
// setCurrentHydrationNode(hydrationNode!)
// }
- renderEffect(() => {
- if ((newValue = !!condition()) !== oldValue) {
- parent ||= anchor.parentNode
- if (block) {
- scope!.stop()
- remove(block, parent!)
- }
- if ((branch = (oldValue = newValue) ? b1 : b2)) {
- scope = effectScope()
- fragment.nodes = block = scope.run(branch)!
- parent && insert(block, parent, anchor)
- } else {
- scope = block = undefined
- fragment.nodes = []
+ createChildFragmentDirectives(
+ anchor,
+ () => (scope ? [scope] : []),
+ // source getter
+ condition,
+ // init cb
+ getValue => {
+ newValue = !!getValue()
+ doIf()
+ },
+ // effect cb
+ getValue => {
+ if ((newValue = !!getValue()) !== oldValue) {
+ doIf()
+ } else if (scope) {
+ invokeWithUpdate(scope)
- }
- })
+ },
+ )
// if (isHydrating) {
@@ -55,4 +71,19 @@ export const createIf = (
// }
return fragment
+ function doIf() {
+ parent ||= anchor.parentNode
+ if (block) {
+ invokeWithUnmount(scope!, () => remove(block!, parent!))
+ }
+ if ((branch = (oldValue = newValue) ? b1 : b2)) {
+ scope = new RenderEffectScope(instance, parentScope)
+ fragment.nodes = block = scope.run(branch)!
+ invokeWithMount(scope, () => parent && insert(block!, parent, anchor))
+ } else {
+ scope = block = undefined
+ fragment.nodes = []
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/packages/runtime-vapor/src/component.ts b/packages/runtime-vapor/src/component.ts
index e33233e10..c43b4c5e8 100644
--- a/packages/runtime-vapor/src/component.ts
+++ b/packages/runtime-vapor/src/component.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
-import { EffectScope } from '@vue/reactivity'
import { EMPTY_OBJ, NOOP, isFunction } from '@vue/shared'
import type { Block } from './apiRender'
-import type { DirectiveBinding } from './directives'
import {
type ComponentPropsOptions,
type NormalizedPropsOptions,
@@ -27,6 +25,7 @@ import { VaporLifecycleHooks } from './apiLifecycle'
import { warn } from './warning'
import { type AppContext, createAppContext } from './apiCreateVaporApp'
import type { Data } from '@vue/shared'
+import { RenderEffectScope } from './renderEffectScope'
export type Component = FunctionalComponent | ObjectComponent
@@ -96,10 +95,9 @@ export interface ComponentInternalInstance {
parent: ComponentInternalInstance | null
provides: Data
- scope: EffectScope
+ scope: RenderEffectScope
component: FunctionalComponent | ObjectComponent
comps: Set
- dirs: Map
rawProps: NormalizedRawProps
propsOptions: NormalizedPropsOptions
@@ -218,11 +216,10 @@ export function createComponentInstance(
- scope: new EffectScope(true /* detached */)!,
+ scope: null!,
provides: parent ? parent.provides : Object.create(_appContext.provides),
comps: new Set(),
- dirs: new Map(),
// resolved props and emits options
rawProps: null!, // set later
@@ -293,6 +290,7 @@ export function createComponentInstance(
// [VaporLifecycleHooks.SERVER_PREFETCH]: null,
+ instance.scope = new RenderEffectScope(instance, parent ? parent.scope : null)
initProps(instance, rawProps, !isFunction(component))
initSlots(instance, slots, dynamicSlots)
instance.emit = emit.bind(null, instance)
diff --git a/packages/runtime-vapor/src/componentLifecycle.ts b/packages/runtime-vapor/src/componentLifecycle.ts
index c67093e27..bb97b089c 100644
--- a/packages/runtime-vapor/src/componentLifecycle.ts
+++ b/packages/runtime-vapor/src/componentLifecycle.ts
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ export function invokeLifecycle(
post ? queuePostFlushCb(fn) : fn()
- invokeDirectiveHook(instance, directive)
+ invokeDirectiveHook(instance, directive, instance.scope)
function invokeSub() {
diff --git a/packages/runtime-vapor/src/directives.ts b/packages/runtime-vapor/src/directives.ts
index 3eab22b2c..2c1d7c052 100644
--- a/packages/runtime-vapor/src/directives.ts
+++ b/packages/runtime-vapor/src/directives.ts
@@ -1,26 +1,49 @@
-import { isFunction } from '@vue/shared'
-import { type ComponentInternalInstance, currentInstance } from './component'
-import { pauseTracking, resetTracking, traverse } from '@vue/reactivity'
-import { VaporErrorCodes, callWithAsyncErrorHandling } from './errorHandling'
-import { renderEffect } from './renderEffect'
+import { invokeArrayFns, isFunction } from '@vue/shared'
+import {
+ type ComponentInternalInstance,
+ currentInstance,
+ setCurrentInstance,
+} from './component'
+import {
+ EffectFlags,
+ ReactiveEffect,
+ type SchedulerJob,
+ getCurrentScope,
+ pauseTracking,
+ resetTracking,
+ traverse,
+} from '@vue/reactivity'
+import {
+ VaporErrorCodes,
+ callWithAsyncErrorHandling,
+ callWithErrorHandling,
+} from './errorHandling'
+import { queueJob, queuePostFlushCb } from './scheduler'
+import { warn } from './warning'
+import {
+ type RenderEffectScope,
+ isRenderEffectScope,
+} from './renderEffectScope'
export type DirectiveModifiers = Record
-export interface DirectiveBinding {
+export interface DirectiveBinding {
instance: ComponentInternalInstance
source?: () => V
value: V
oldValue: V | null
arg?: string
modifiers?: DirectiveModifiers
- dir: ObjectDirective
+ dir: ObjectDirective
+export type DirectiveBindingsMap = Map
export type DirectiveHook<
T = any | null,
V = any,
M extends string = string,
-> = (node: T, binding: DirectiveBinding) => void
+> = (node: T, binding: DirectiveBinding) => void
// create node -> `created` -> node operation -> `beforeMount` -> node mounted -> `mounted`
// effect update -> `beforeUpdate` -> node updated -> `updated`
@@ -37,7 +60,7 @@ export type ObjectDirective = {
[K in DirectiveHookName]?: DirectiveHook | undefined
} & {
/** Watch value deeply */
- deep?: boolean
+ deep?: boolean | number
export type FunctionDirective<
@@ -66,14 +89,20 @@ export function withDirectives(
node: T,
directives: DirectiveArguments,
): T {
- if (!currentInstance) {
- // TODO warning
- return node
+ let bindings: DirectiveBinding[]
+ const instance = currentInstance!
+ const parentScope = getCurrentScope() as RenderEffectScope
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (!instance || !isRenderEffectScope(parentScope))
+ warn(`withDirectives() can only be used inside setup()`)
- const instance = currentInstance
- if (!instance.dirs.has(node)) instance.dirs.set(node, [])
- const bindings = instance.dirs.get(node)!
+ const directivesMap = (parentScope.dirs ||= new Map())
+ if (!(bindings = directivesMap.get(node))) {
+ directivesMap.set(node, (bindings = []))
+ }
for (const directive of directives) {
let [dir, source, arg, modifiers] = directive
@@ -88,25 +117,38 @@ export function withDirectives(
const binding: DirectiveBinding = {
- source,
value: null, // set later
oldValue: undefined,
- bindings.push(binding)
- callDirectiveHook(node, binding, instance, 'created')
- // register source
if (source) {
if (dir.deep) {
const deep = dir.deep === true ? undefined : dir.deep
const baseSource = source
source = () => traverse(baseSource(), deep)
- renderEffect(source)
+ const effect = new ReactiveEffect(() =>
+ callWithErrorHandling(
+ source!,
+ instance,
+ VaporErrorCodes.RENDER_FUNCTION,
+ ),
+ )
+ const triggerRenderingUpdate = createRenderingUpdateTrigger(
+ instance,
+ effect,
+ )
+ effect.scheduler = () => queueJob(triggerRenderingUpdate)
+ binding.source = effect.run.bind(effect)
+ bindings.push(binding)
+ callDirectiveHook(node, binding, instance, 'created')
return node
@@ -115,13 +157,14 @@ export function withDirectives(
export function invokeDirectiveHook(
instance: ComponentInternalInstance | null,
name: DirectiveHookName,
- nodes?: IterableIterator,
+ scope: RenderEffectScope,
) {
- if (!instance) return
- nodes = nodes || instance.dirs.keys()
- for (const node of nodes) {
- const directives = instance.dirs.get(node) || []
- for (const binding of directives) {
+ const { dirs } = scope
+ if (name === 'mounted') scope.im = true
+ if (!dirs) return
+ const iterator = dirs.entries()
+ for (const [node, bindings] of iterator) {
+ for (const binding of bindings) {
callDirectiveHook(node, binding, instance, name)
@@ -149,3 +192,43 @@ function callDirectiveHook(
+export function createRenderingUpdateTrigger(
+ instance: ComponentInternalInstance,
+ effect: ReactiveEffect,
+): SchedulerJob {
+ job.id = instance.uid
+ return job
+ function job() {
+ if (!(effect.flags & EffectFlags.ACTIVE) || !effect.dirty) {
+ return
+ }
+ if (instance.isMounted && !instance.isUpdating) {
+ instance.isUpdating = true
+ const reset = setCurrentInstance(instance)
+ const { bu, u, scope } = instance
+ const { dirs } = scope
+ // beforeUpdate hook
+ if (bu) {
+ invokeArrayFns(bu)
+ }
+ invokeDirectiveHook(instance, 'beforeUpdate', scope)
+ queuePostFlushCb(() => {
+ instance.isUpdating = false
+ const reset = setCurrentInstance(instance)
+ if (dirs) {
+ invokeDirectiveHook(instance, 'updated', scope)
+ }
+ // updated hook
+ if (u) {
+ queuePostFlushCb(u)
+ }
+ reset()
+ })
+ reset()
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/packages/runtime-vapor/src/directivesChildFragment.ts b/packages/runtime-vapor/src/directivesChildFragment.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..518bfa3e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/runtime-vapor/src/directivesChildFragment.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+import { ReactiveEffect, getCurrentScope } from '@vue/reactivity'
+import {
+ type Directive,
+ type DirectiveHookName,
+ createRenderingUpdateTrigger,
+ invokeDirectiveHook,
+} from './directives'
+import { warn } from './warning'
+import {
+ type RenderEffectScope,
+ isRenderEffectScope,
+} from './renderEffectScope'
+import { currentInstance } from './component'
+import { VaporErrorCodes, callWithErrorHandling } from './errorHandling'
+import { queueJob, queuePostFlushCb } from './scheduler'
+ * used in createIf and createFor
+ * manages Directives of child fragments in the component dom.
+ */
+export function createChildFragmentDirectives(
+ anchor: Node,
+ getScopes: () => RenderEffectScope[],
+ source: () => any,
+ initCallback: (getValue: () => any) => void,
+ effectCallback: (getValue: () => any) => void,
+) {
+ let isTriggered = false
+ const instance = currentInstance!
+ const parentScope = getCurrentScope() as RenderEffectScope
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (!isRenderEffectScope(parentScope)) {
+ warn('child directives can only be added to a render effect scope')
+ }
+ if (!instance) {
+ warn('child directives can only be added in a component')
+ }
+ }
+ const directiveBindingsMap = (parentScope.dirs ||= new Map())
+ const dir: Directive = {
+ beforeUpdate: onDirectiveBeforeUpdate,
+ beforeMount: () => invokeChildrenDirectives('beforeMount'),
+ mounted: () => invokeChildrenDirectives('mounted'),
+ beforeUnmount: () => invokeChildrenDirectives('beforeUnmount'),
+ unmounted: () => invokeChildrenDirectives('unmounted'),
+ }
+ directiveBindingsMap.set(anchor, [
+ {
+ dir,
+ instance,
+ value: null,
+ oldValue: undefined,
+ },
+ ])
+ const effect = new ReactiveEffect(() =>
+ callWithErrorHandling(source, instance, VaporErrorCodes.RENDER_FUNCTION),
+ )
+ const triggerRenderingUpdate = createRenderingUpdateTrigger(instance, effect)
+ effect.scheduler = () => {
+ isTriggered = true
+ queueJob(triggerRenderingUpdate)
+ }
+ const getValue = () => effect.run()
+ initCallback(getValue)
+ function onDirectiveBeforeUpdate() {
+ if (isTriggered) {
+ isTriggered = false
+ effectCallback(getValue)
+ } else {
+ const scopes = getScopes()
+ for (const scope of scopes) {
+ invokeWithUpdate(scope)
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ function invokeChildrenDirectives(name: DirectiveHookName) {
+ const scopes = getScopes()
+ for (const scope of scopes) {
+ invokeDirectiveHook(instance, name, scope)
+ }
+ }
+export function invokeWithMount(scope: RenderEffectScope, handler?: () => any) {
+ if (isRenderEffectScope(scope.parent) && !scope.parent.im) {
+ return handler && handler()
+ }
+ return invokeWithDirsHooks(scope, 'mount', handler)
+export function invokeWithUnmount(
+ scope: RenderEffectScope,
+ handler?: () => void,
+) {
+ try {
+ return invokeWithDirsHooks(scope, 'unmount', handler)
+ } finally {
+ scope.stop()
+ }
+export function invokeWithUpdate(
+ scope: RenderEffectScope,
+ handler?: () => void,
+) {
+ return invokeWithDirsHooks(scope, 'update', handler)
+const lifecycleMap = {
+ mount: ['beforeMount', 'mounted'],
+ update: ['beforeUpdate', 'updated'],
+ unmount: ['beforeUnmount', 'unmounted'],
+} as const
+function invokeWithDirsHooks(
+ scope: RenderEffectScope,
+ name: keyof typeof lifecycleMap,
+ handler?: () => any,
+) {
+ const { dirs, ie: instance } = scope
+ const [before, after] = lifecycleMap[name]
+ if (!dirs) {
+ const res = handler && handler()
+ if (name === 'mount') {
+ queuePostFlushCb(() => (scope.im = true))
+ }
+ return res
+ }
+ invokeDirectiveHook(instance, before, scope)
+ try {
+ if (handler) {
+ return handler()
+ }
+ } finally {
+ queuePostFlushCb(() => {
+ invokeDirectiveHook(instance, after, scope)
+ })
+ }
diff --git a/packages/runtime-vapor/src/renderEffect.ts b/packages/runtime-vapor/src/renderEffect.ts
index 97cf5f73e..b61f8c355 100644
--- a/packages/runtime-vapor/src/renderEffect.ts
+++ b/packages/runtime-vapor/src/renderEffect.ts
@@ -19,66 +19,68 @@ export function renderEffect(cb: () => void) {
const instance = getCurrentInstance()
const scope = getCurrentScope()
- let effect: ReactiveEffect
+ if (scope) {
+ const baseCb = cb
+ cb = () => scope.run(baseCb)
+ }
+ if (instance) {
+ const baseCb = cb
+ cb = () => {
+ const reset = setCurrentInstance(instance)
+ baseCb()
+ reset()
+ }
+ job.id = instance.uid
+ }
+ const effect = new ReactiveEffect(() =>
+ callWithAsyncErrorHandling(cb, instance, VaporErrorCodes.RENDER_FUNCTION),
+ )
+ effect.scheduler = () => queueJob(job)
- const job: SchedulerJob = () => {
+ effect.run()
+ function job() {
if (!(effect.flags & EffectFlags.ACTIVE) || !effect.dirty) {
+ const reset = instance && setCurrentInstance(instance)
if (instance?.isMounted && !instance.isUpdating) {
instance.isUpdating = true
- const { bu, u, dirs } = instance
+ const { bu, u, scope } = instance
+ const { dirs } = scope
// beforeUpdate hook
if (bu) {
if (dirs) {
- invokeDirectiveHook(instance, 'beforeUpdate')
+ invokeDirectiveHook(instance, 'beforeUpdate', scope)
queuePostFlushCb(() => {
instance.isUpdating = false
+ const reset = setCurrentInstance(instance)
if (dirs) {
- invokeDirectiveHook(instance, 'updated')
+ invokeDirectiveHook(instance, 'updated', scope)
// updated hook
if (u) {
+ reset()
} else {
- }
- if (scope) {
- const baseCb = cb
- cb = () => scope.run(baseCb)
- }
- if (instance) {
- const baseCb = cb
- cb = () => {
- const reset = setCurrentInstance(instance)
- baseCb()
- reset()
- }
- }
- effect = new ReactiveEffect(() =>
- callWithAsyncErrorHandling(cb, instance, VaporErrorCodes.RENDER_FUNCTION),
- )
- effect.scheduler = () => {
- if (instance) job.id = instance.uid
- queueJob(job)
+ reset && reset()
- effect.run()
export function firstEffect(
diff --git a/packages/runtime-vapor/src/renderEffectScope.ts b/packages/runtime-vapor/src/renderEffectScope.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..10ab470a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/runtime-vapor/src/renderEffectScope.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+import { EffectScope, getCurrentScope } from '@vue/reactivity'
+import type { ComponentInternalInstance } from './component'
+import type { DirectiveBindingsMap } from './directives'
+export class RenderEffectScope extends EffectScope {
+ /**
+ * instance
+ * @internal
+ */
+ ie: ComponentInternalInstance
+ /**
+ * isMounted
+ * @internal
+ */
+ im: boolean
+ /**
+ * directives
+ * @internal
+ */
+ dirs: DirectiveBindingsMap | undefined
+ constructor(
+ instance: ComponentInternalInstance,
+ parentScope: EffectScope | null,
+ ) {
+ const isInOtherScope = parentScope && parentScope !== getCurrentScope()
+ isInOtherScope && parentScope.on()
+ try {
+ super(!parentScope)
+ } finally {
+ isInOtherScope && parentScope.off()
+ }
+ this.im = false
+ this.ie = instance
+ }
+export function isRenderEffectScope(
+ scope: EffectScope | undefined,
+): scope is RenderEffectScope {
+ return scope instanceof RenderEffectScope