0.13.0 (2016-03-09)
- mode: expose set and toggle mode (screen and export) via SlidesService (c49fde8)
0.12.2 (2015-10-12)
- settings: remove duplicated source-snippets service (df6251f)
0.12.1 (2015-10-12)
- templates: fix path of inlined templates (754157c)
0.12.0 (2015-10-12)
- settings: add default implementations for language and code-snippets settings (d70bd53)
- shortcuts: prefer custom shortcuts, run default action only if no custom shortcut to allow (27db787)
- templates: change default file extension for templates from '.tpl.html' to '.html' (106b4ed)
- templates: Default file extension for slides changed from '.tpl.html' to '.html'. Rename your slide files or change back to old extension via slidesConfig.slidesTemplateSuffix
- corner-ribbon: fix horizontal scroll in firefox (e6355bec)
- hotkeys: do not trigger hotkey action if cursor is in input field (8e269aed)
- dependencies: update dependency to angular to 1.4.x (f4dcef34)
- event-toggle: add w11k-event-toggle directive (c8b098d0)
- source-snippets: add source-snippets service to toggle visibility of javascript and typescript examples (65e46dcb)
- slides: scroll to top on navigating to other slide (d61dea94)
- pretty-print: add title to element used in the dom (906b425e)
- config: fix footer template (5ae1eef6)
- keyboard: do not apply event if modifier was pressed (8e2cdea6)
- overlay: do not apply slide styling to overlay (d353f1a9)
- build: add compressed templates.js to dist (48487568)
- footer: add w11k-footer directive (d16095f7)
- master-slides: add multi-transclude-directive w11k-slide-master (00edece1)
- styling: update bootstrap to 3.3.x (c34da3d3)
- overlay: hide overlay completely if inactive (c628cc99)
- navigation: add support for page-up and page-down to navigate forward and backward (97320ac4)
- overlay: add blank-out-overlay (toggle with p or period) (5a187412)
- styling: use 'background' instead of 'background-color' on title slide (3871984c)
- styling: remove less output from dist (b0be0e0b)
- styling: add less support (d442e619)
- corner-ribbon: do not overlay hole slide (c79a46dd)
- title slide: avoid white margins and improve styling (e386609)
- export: remove adding url to external links to avoid layout problems (f71cdb0f)
- corner-ribbon: add basic implementation of corner ribbon (top-right only) (0b9c13ea)
- All sass variable names has changed. See variables.scss for new names. (45c64443)
- mode: save mode (export or screen) in local storage (6279f58d)
- styling: add slide types styling for titled and centered (f2a92dd9)
- prettyprint: fix margin of line numbers if prettyprint is used within a list element (e3dc93fb)
- prettyprint: add support for title attribute (e3dc93fb)
- There is a new top-level-element: div.w11k-pretty-print. This element contains the pre element and, if present, the title. For better encapsulation all styling is now prefixed with .w11k-pretty-print. (e3dc93fb)
- open-once: read w11k-open-once attribute instead of open-once (15b2862f)
- slides: apply some styling fixes from ionic tutorial (ff01bb2c)
- prettyprint: make directive terminal to not evaluate directives and expressions on content (0bf32566)
- prettyprint: improve pretty-print directive to work with unescaped html (e049ea02)
w11k-pretty-print directive now has to be placed at the element containing the code (e049ea02)
<pre w11k-pretty-print lang="html"> <body> <div w11k-slides></div> </body> </pre>
- pretty-print: prettify code blocks once only (4f6bbeee)
- export: toggle export and presentation view by pressing e, define export view as default (43816c3a)
- styling: fixe styling of ordered lists (39f6cf62)
- styling:
- Dependency Injection: use array notation to survive code minimization (4ab4330b)
- slides: fixes vertical align not working because of missing height (68d68d9e)
- release: removes prettypring.scss withoud underscore (20dfef6)
- open-once: extract styling from slides (85b49e80)
- pretty-print: strength css selector to be stronger then bootstraps list selectors (c97a46ae)
- bower: add missing dependency to google-code-prettify (c0845826)
- build: include files in subfolders of dist (1a17c7aa)
- open-once: prefix directive with w11k to avoid name collisions (9415c890)
- pretty-print: prefix directive with w11k to avoid name collisions (a6c99a4e)
- prettyprint: code highlighting with google pretty print
- open-once: directive to open links and on further clicks show window instead of open again
- slides: directive to include slides into page
- slides: navigation via hotkeys:
- Pos1: first slide
- End: last slide
- o: second slide (overview)
- left: next slide (loops at the end)
- right: previous slide (loops at the beginning)
- slides: configurable service to define slides and their templates via slidesConfig constant
- export: stylesheets for screen, print export and screen export