From 8bec5aa474986eb234f07f940f10f307f48438ff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jonnycrunch CBOR
Representation (CBOR) [[RFC7049]] defines a set of formatting rules for the
portable representation of structured data. CBOR is a more concise,
machine-readable, language-independent data interchange format that is
-self-describing and has built-in semantics for interoperability. With specific
-constraints, CBOR can support all JSON data types (including JSON-LD) for
+self-describing and has built-in semantics for interoperability. CBOR prioritizes
+the simplicity of the encoder and decoder over the size of the encoded data.
+With specific constraints, CBOR can support all JSON data types for
translation between the DID document model (described in Data Model and DID Documents) and other core
-Concise Data Definition Language (CDDL) [[RFC8610]] is a notation used to -express Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR), and by extension JSON Data -Structures. The following notation expresses the DID Document model in CBOR -representation with specific constraints for deterministic mappings between -other core representations. +href="#data-model">Data Model and the Core Properties section of the DID Document).
--DID-document = { - ? @context : uri - id : did - ? publicKey : [* publicKey ] - ? authentication : [ *did // *publicKey // *tstr ] - ? service : [ + service ] - ? controller : did / [ *did ] - ? created : time - ? updated : time - proof : any -} - -publicKey = { - id : did - type : text - controller : uri -} +++When producing and consuming DID documents that are encoded in CBOR (as indicated +by a content-type of application/did+cbor in the resolver metadata), the following rules MUST be followed. +
+ ++ Production
++A DID document encoded in CBOR must be represented as a CBOR Map (major type 5) conforming to [[RFC7049]]. +Similar to the JSON encoding of a DID document, all properties of the DID document MUST be represented by using the +property name as the name of the member of the CBOR map. The values of properties of the data model described in § 5. Core Properties, including +all extensions, MUST be encoded in CBOR [[RFC7049]] by mapping INFRA property values to CBOR types as follows:
+ ++
+ + + +- Integer values (A real number without a fractional part) are serialized as CBOR integers (major types 0 and 1), choosing the shortest form.
+- Double values (Number values with a fractional part) are serialized as CBOR floating-point values (major type 7). All floating point values MUST be encoded as 64-bits (additional type value 27), even for integral values.
+- Strings are serialized as CBOR UTF-8 strings (major type 3). Note that, unlike JSON, CBOR does not require any escaping in strings, so all escape codes (if any) present in the alternate representations must be replaced beforehand by their corresponding character.
+- Boolean values MUST be represented as a CBOR Primitve type (major type 7) with value 21 for true and 20 for false).
+- List (A finite sequence of values) MUST be represented as a CBOR Array type (major type 4) .
+- Unordered sets of values MUST be represented as a CBOR Array type (major type 4).
+- Ordered Map ( A Set of properties ) MUST be represented as a CBOR map type (major type 5).
+- Null (Empty values) MUST be represented as a CBOR null literal Primitive type (major type 7) value 22.
+- Other Data Types not otherewise defined in the Abstract Data Model MUST be represented as a CBOR String type. (major type 5)
+- Indefinite-length items are not allowed and MUST be made CBOR definite length.
+- Datetime MUST be encoded as CBOR UTF-8 (major type 3). This datetime value MUST be normalized to UTC 00:00, as indicated by the trailing "Z".
++ To produce a deterministic canonical CBOR representation of a DID document and faciliate maximal lossless compatiblity with other + core representations via the Abstract Data Model the following constraints of a CBOR representation of a DID Document model MUST be followed: + +
+ -did = tstr .pcre "^did\\:(?<method-name>[a-z0-9]{2,})\\:(?<method-specific-id>[A-Za-z0-9\\.\\-\\:\\_]+)" -did-url = tstr .pcre "^did\\:(?<method-name>[a-z0-9]{2,})\\:(?<method-specific-id>[A-Za-z0-9\\.\\-\\:\\_]+)\\;(?<path>[A-Za-z0-9\\/)(?<query>\\?[a-z0-9\\=\\&])#(?<fragment>.+)" +- Property names MUST be represented as text string (major type 3) and contain only UTF-8 strings.
+- Undefined Values of Required Properties as defined in the Data Model that are absent from the CBOR representation SHOULD be labeled with Primitive type (major type 7) with value 23 (Undefined value).
+- Property names in each CBOR map MUST be unique.
+- Integer encoding MUST be as short as possible.
+- The expression of lengths in CBOR major types 2 through 5 MUST be as short as possible.
+- The keys in every map must be sorted lowest value to highest. Sorting is performed on the bytes of the representation of the keys. If two keys have different lengths, the shorter one sorts earlier. If two keys have the same length, the one with the lower value in (byte-wise) lexical order sorts earlier.
++ How to represent Floating-point values that can exceed the range or the precision IEEE 754. See issue #361. +
-service = { - id : did-url - type : text - serviceEndpoint : uri - ? description : text - * tstr => any -} -
+ The property name `@context` MAY be present in the CBOR representation of a DID Document and if present SHOULD be ignored as this property is reserved for JSON-LD processing. +
--When producing DID Documents that are represented as CBOR, in addition to the -suggestions in section 3.9 of the CBOR [[RFC7049]] specification for -deterministic mappings, the following constraints of the DID Document model -MUST be followed: -
++ All properties of the DID document represented in CBOR MUST be included in the root map (major type 5). + Properties MAY define additional data sub structures represented as nested CBOR maps (major type 5) + and is subject to the value representation rules in the lists above and conformance to section § 4.3 Extensibility. +
-- a7 # map(7) - 62 # text(2) - 6964 # "id" - 78 40 # text(64) - 6469643a6578616d706c653a31324433 # "did:example:12D3" - 4b6f6f574d4864727a6377706a626472 # "KooWMHdrzcwpjbdr" - 5a733547477145524176636771583362 # "Zs5GGqERAvcgqX3b" - 3564707550745061396f743639796577 # "5dpuPtPa9ot69yew" - 65 # text(5) - 70726f6f66 # "proof" - a4 # map(4) - 64 # text(4) - 74797065 # "type" - 74 # text(20) - 656432353531395369676e617475726532303138 # "ed25519Signature2018" - 67 # text(7) - 63726561746564 # "created" - 74 # text(20) - 323032302d30352d30315430333a30303a30325a # "2020-05-01T03:00:02Z" - 67 # text(7) - 63726561746f72 # "creator" - 78 8c # text(140) - 6469643a6578616d706c653a31324433 # "did:example:12D3" - 4b6f6f574d4864727a6377706a626472 # "KooWMHdrzcwpjbdr" - 5a733547477145524176636771583362 # "Zs5GGqERAvcgqX3b" - 3564707550745061396f743639796577 # "5dpuPtPa9ot69yew" - 3b206578616d706c653a6b65793d6964 # "; example:key=id" - 3d626166797265696375627478357771 # "=bafyreicubtx5wq" - 6f336e6f73633463617a726b63746668 # "o3nosc4cazrkctfh" - 776436726577657a6770776f65347377 # "wd6rewezgpwoe4sw" - 69726c733465626468733269 # "irls4ebdhs2i" - 6e # text(14) - 7369676e617475726556616c7565 # "signatureValue" - 78 58 # text(88) - 6f3972364c78676f474e38466f616565 # "o9r6LxgoGN8Foaee" - 554136456444637631324776447a4645 # "UA6EdDcv12GvDzFE" - 6d43676a577a76707572325953517941 # "mCgjWzvpur2YSQyA" - 3857327230535357554b2b6e4835744d # "8W2r0SSWUK+nH5tM" - 717a61464c756e3677775a31456f7433 # "qzaFLun6wwZ1Eot3" - 37616d4744673d3d # "7amGDg==" - 67 # text(7) - 63726561746564 # "created" - 74 # text(20) - 323031382d31322d30315430333a30303a30305a # "2018-12-01T03:00:00Z" - 67 # text(7) - 75706461746564 # "updated" - 74 # text(20) - 323032302d30352d30315430333a30303a30305a # "2020-05-01T03:00:00Z" - 68 # text(8) - 40636f6e74657874 # "@context" - 78 1c # text(28) - 68747470733a2f2f7777772e77332e6f # "https://www.w3.o" - 72672f6e732f6469642f7631 # "rg/ns/did/v1" - 69 # text(9) - 7075626c69634b6579 # "verificationMethod" - 81 # array(1) - a5 # map(5) - 62 # text(2) - 6964 # "id" - 78 85 # text(133) - 6261667972656963756274783577716f # "bafyreicubtx5wqo" - 336e6f73633463617a726b6374666877 # "3nosc4cazrkctfhw" - 6436726577657a6770776f6534737769 # "d6rewezgpwoe4swi" - 726c7334656264687332693b6578616d # "rls4ebdhs2i;exam" - 706c653a6b65793d6964626166797265 # "ple:key=idbafyre" - 6963756274783577716f336e6f736334 # "icubtx5wqo3nosc4" - 63617a726b6374666877643672657765 # "cazrkctfhwd6rewe" - 7a6770776f6534737769726c73346562 # "zgpwoe4swirls4eb" - 6468733269 # "dhs2i" - 64 # text(4) - 74797065 # "type" - 6e # text(14) - 45644473615075626c69634b6579 # "EdDsaPublicKey" - 65 # text(5) - 6375727665 # "curve" - 67 # text(7) - 65643235353139 # "ed25519" - 67 # text(7) - 65787069726573 # "expires" - 74 # text(20) - 323031392d31322d30315430333a30303a30305a # "2019-12-01T03:00:00Z" - 6f # text(15) - 7075626c69634b6579426173653634 # "publicKeyBase64" - 78 2c # text(44) - 716d7a3774704c4e4b4b4b646c376344 # "qmz7tpLNKKKdl7cD" - 375062656a4469425670374f4e706d5a # "7PbejDiBVp7ONpmZ" - 62666d633763454b396d673d # "bfmc7cEK9mg=" - 6e # text(14) - 61757468656e7469636174696f6e # "authentication" - 81 # array(1) - 78 83 # text(131) - 6469643a6578616d706c653a31324433 # "did:example:12D3" - 4b6f6f574d4864727a6377706a626472 # "KooWMHdrzcwpjbdr" - 5a733547477145524176636771583362 # "Zs5GGqERAvcgqX3b" - 3564707550745061396f743639796577 # "5dpuPtPa9ot69yew" - 3b6b65792d69643d6261667972656963 # ";key-id=bafyreic" - 756274783577716f336e6f7363346361 # "ubtx5wqo3nosc4ca" - 7a726b63746668776436726577657a67 # "zrkctfhwd6rewezg" - 70776f6534737769726c733465626468 # "pwoe4swirls4ebdh" - 733269 # "s2i" +
+ A2626964781E6469643A6578616D706C653A313233343536373839616263 + 6465666768696E61757468656E7469636174696F6E81A462696478256469 + 643A6578616D706C653A313233343536373839616263646566676869236B + 6579732D316474797065781A45643235353139566572696669636174696F + 6E4B6579323031386A636F6E74726F6C6C6572781E6469643A6578616D70 + 6C653A3132333435363738396162636465666768696F7075626C69634B65 + 79426173653538782C483343324156764C4D7636676D4D4E616D33755641 + 6A5A70666B634A437744776E5A6E367A3377586D715056 ++ +
+A2 # map(2) +62 # text(2) + 6964 # "id" +78 1E # text(30) + 6469643A6578616D706C653A313233343536373839616263646566676869 # "did:example:123456789abcdefghi" +6E # text(14) + 61757468656E7469636174696F6E # "authentication" +81 # array(1) + A4 # map(4) + 62 # text(2) + 6964 # "id" + 78 25 # text(37) + 6469643A6578616D706C653A313233343536373839616263646566676869236B6579732D31 # "did:example:123456789abcdefghi#keys-1" + 64 # text(4) + 74797065 # "type" + 78 1A # text(26) + 45643235353139566572696669636174696F6E4B657932303138 # "Ed25519VerificationKey2018" + 6A # text(10) + 636F6E74726F6C6C6572 # "controller" + 78 1E # text(30) + 6469643A6578616D706C653A313233343536373839616263646566676869 # "did:example:123456789abcdefghi" + 6F # text(15) + 7075626C69634B6579426173653538 # "publicKeyBase58" + 78 2C # text(44) + 483343324156764C4D7636676D4D4E616D337556416A5A70666B634A437744776E5A6E367A3377586D715056 # "H3C2AVvLMv6gmMNam3uVAjZpfkcJCwDwnZn6z3wXmqPV"
-When consuming DID Documents that are represented as CBOR, in addition to the -suggestions in section 3.9 of the CBOR [[RFC7049]] specification for -deterministic mappings the following constraints of the DID Document model MUST -be followed: -
-Additional Considerations:
DagCBOR is a further restricted subset of CBOR for representing the DID Document
as a Directed Acyclic Graph model using canonical CBOR encoding as noted above
with additional constraints. DagCBOR requires that there exist a single way of
@@ -3031,88 +2988,75 @@ DagCBOR
-{ "@context": "",
- "authentication": [
- "did:example:12D3KooWMHdrzcwpjbdrZs5GGqERAvcgqX3b5dpuPtPa9ot69yew;key-id=bafyreicubtx5wqo3nosc4cazrkctfhwd6rewezgpwoe4swirls4ebdhs2i"
- ],
- "created": "2018-12-01T03:00:00Z",
- "id": "did:example:12D3KooWMHdrzcwpjbdrZs5GGqERAvcgqX3b5dpuPtPa9ot69yew",
- "verificationMethod": [
- {
- "curve": "ed25519",
- "expires": "2019-12-01T03:00:00Z",
- "id": "bafyreicubtx5wqo3nosc4cazrkctfhwd6rewezgpwoe4swirls4ebdhs2i;example:key=idbafyreicubtx5wqo3nosc4cazrkctfhwd6rewezgpwoe4swirls4ebdhs2i",
- "publicKeyBase64": "qmz7tpLNKKKdl7cD7PbejDiBVp7ONpmZbfmc7cEK9mg=",
- "type": "EdDsaPublicKey"
- }
- ],
- "updated": "2020-05-01T03:00:00Z"
+ a5 # map(5)
+ 62 # text(2)
+ 6964 # "id"
+ 78 40 # text(64)
+ 6469643a6578616d706c653a313244334b6f6f574d4864727a6377706a6264725a7335474771455241766367715833623564707550745061396f743639796577 # "did:example:12D3KooWMHdrzcwpjbdrZs5GGqERAvcgqX3b5dpuPtPa9ot69yew"
+ 65 # text(5)
+ 70726f6f66 # "proof"
+ d8 2a # tag(42)
+ 58 26 # bytes(38)
+ 000190011b20a7f3a13d0dafa9b8b640fee52173c27b9a66ff27f6669b3be73fc0ee6849e2ce # "\x00\x01\x90\x01\e \xA7\xF3\xA1=\r\xAF\xA9\xB8\xB6@\xFE\xE5!s\xC2{\x9Af\xFF'\xF6f\x9B;\xE7?\xC0\xEEhI\xE2\xCE"
+ 68 # text(8)
+ 40636f6e74657874 # "@context"
+ 78 1c # text(28)
+ 68747470733a2f2f7777772e77332e6f72672f6e732f6469642f7631 # ""
+ 6e # text(14)
+ 61757468656e7469636174696f6e # "authentication"
+ 81 # array(1)
+ 78 83 # text(131)
+ 6469643a6578616d706c653a313244334b6f6f574d4864727a6377706a6264725a7335474771455241766367715833623564707550745061396f7436397965773b6b65792d69643d6261667972656963756274783577716f336e6f73633463617a726b63746668776436726577657a6770776f6534737769726c733465626468733269 # "did:example:12D3KooWMHdrzcwpjbdrZs5GGqERAvcgqX3b5dpuPtPa9ot69yew;key-id=bafyreicubtx5wqo3nosc4cazrkctfhwd6rewezgpwoe4swirls4ebdhs2i"
+ 72 # text(18)
+ 766572696669636174696f6e4d6574686f64 # "verificationMethod"
+ 81 # array(1)
+ 78 40 # text(64)
+ 6469643a6578616d706c653a313244334b6f6f574d4864727a6377706a6264725a7335474771455241766367715833623564707550745061396f743639796577 # "did:example:12D3KooWMHdrzcwpjbdrZs5GGqERAvcgqX3b5dpuPtPa9ot69yew"
Transformation between various core representations SHOULD be performed through parsing and serializing via the Abstract DID Document Data Model (see and Production and Consumptions rules between core representation via the Abstract Data Model). + Given that CBOR is a superset of JSON, the following non-normative advice is given for converting a DID document between CBOR and JSON.
-+This section conflicts with other parts of the specification, since +conversion has to be defined not between any two representations directly, +but rather in terms of parsing and serializing via the abstract +DID document data model (see and +). The content of this section can +potentially be adapted and re-used in other sections such as the one +about the CBOR representation (see ). +
+-A DID Document proof may be constructed using CBOR semantic tagging, such as -tag 98 for CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) [[RFC8152]] -
+Most of the types in CBOR have direct analogs in JSON. The following constraints allow for lossless conversion from CBOR to JSON:
++ When interoperating with a text-based representation such as JSON or JSON-LD it is helpful to utilize additional sematics to aid convertion. CBOR Tags numbers 21 to 23 indicate that a byte string value in DID document represented in CBOR might require a specific encoding to represent properly in JSON. +
-- D8 62 # tag(98) - 67 # text(7) - 7061796c6f6164 # "payload" - d8 2a # tag(42) - 58 25 # bytes(37) - 00017112206c8fdc5c3d2302dda95034 # "\x00\x01q\x12 l\x8f\xdc\\=#\x02\xdd\xa9P4" - f9de57a8591918ecb7d7789387c547f7 # "\xf9\xdeW\xa8Y\x19\x18\xec\xb7\xd7x\x93\x87\xc5G\xf7" - a89d05e72f # "\xa8\x9d\x05\xe7/" - 69 # text(9) - 70726f746563746564 # "protected" - a0 # map(0) - 6a # text(10) - 7369676e617475726573 # "signatures" - 81 # array(1) - a3 # map(3) - 69 # text(9) - 70726f746563746564 # "protected" - 66 # text(6) - 613130313236 # "a10126" - 69 # text(9) - 7369676e6174757265 # "signature" - 78 80 # text(128) - 65326165616664343064363964313964 # "e2aeafd40d69d19d" - 66653665353230373763356437666634 # "fe6e52077c5d7ff4" - 65343038323832636265666235643036 # "e408282cbefb5d06" - 63626634313461663265313964393832 # "cbf414af2e19d982" - 61633435616339386238353434633930 # "ac45ac98b8544c90" - 38623435303764653165393062373137 # "8b4507de1e90b717" - 63336433343831366665393236613262 # "c3d34816fe926a2b" - 39386635336166643266613066333061 # "98f53afd2fa0f30a" - 6b # text(11) - 756e70726f746563746564 # "unprotected" - a1 # map(1) - 63 # text(3) - 6b6964 # "kid" - 78 85 # text(133) - 6469643a697069643a313244334b6f6f # "did:ipid:12D3Koo" - 574d4864727a6377706a6264725a7335 # "WMHdrzcwpjbdrZs5" - 47477145524176636771583362356470 # "GGqERAvcgqX3b5dp" - 7550745061396f7436397965773b6970 # "uPtPa9ot69yew;ip" - 69643a6b65792d69643d626166797265 # "id:key-id=bafyre" - 6963756274783577716f336e6f736334 # "icubtx5wqo3nosc4" - 63617a726b6374666877643672657765 # "cazrkctfhwd6rewe" - 7a6770776f6534737769726c73346562 # "zgpwoe4swirls4eb" - 6468733269 # "dhs2i" - 6b # text(11) - 756e70726f746563746564 # "unprotected" - a0 # tag(0) --