This attribute MUST return the resolved URL of the requested resource.
-This attribute MUST NOT change even if the fetch redirected to a different URL.
The entryType attribute MUST return the DOMString
On getting, the entryType attribute returns the DOMString
The startTime attribute MUST return a {{DOMHighResTimeStamp}}
-[[HR-TIME-2]] with the time immediately before the user agent
-starts to queue the resource for fetching. If there are HTTP redirects or
-equivalent when fetching the
-resource, and if the timing allow check algorithm passes, this
-attribute MUST return the same value as redirectStart.
-Otherwise, this attribute MUST return the same value as
The duration attribute MUST return a {{DOMHighResTimeStamp}} equal
-to the difference between responseEnd and startTime,
"xmlhttprequest", if the request is a result of
-processing an XMLHttpRequest object [[XHR]];
"fetch", if the request is the result of processing
-the Fetch method
"beacon", if the request is the result of processing
-the sendBeacon
-method [[BEACON]];
"other", if none of the above conditions match.
On getting, the
-attribute nextHopProtocol returns the network protocol
-used to fetch the resource, as identified by the ALPN Protocol ID
-[[RFC7301]]; resources retrieved from relevant application caches
-or local resources, return an empty string. When a proxy is
-configured, if a tunnel connection is established then this
-attribute MUST return the ALPN Protocol ID of the tunneled
-protocol, otherwise it MUST return the ALPN Protocol ID of the
-first hop to the proxy. In order to have precisely one way to
-represent any ALPN protocol ID, the following additional
-constraints apply: octets in the ALPN protocol MUST NOT be
-percent-encoded if they are valid token characters except "%", and
-when using percent-encoding, uppercase hex digits MUST be used.
Formally registered ALPN protocol IDs are documented by
-IANA. In case the user agent is using an experimental,
-non-registered protocol, the user agent MUST use the ALPN
-negotiated value if any. If ALPN was not used for protocol
-negotiations, the user agent MAY use another descriptive
The "h3" ALPN ID is defined for the final version
-of the HTTP/3 protocol in the HTTP/3 Internet Draft.
Note that the nextHopProtocol attribute is
-intended to identify the network protocol in use for the fetch
-regardless of how it was actually negotiated; that is, even if ALPN
-is not used to negotiate the network protocol, this attribute still
-uses the ALPN Protocol ID's to indicate the protocol in use.
On getting, the
-workerStart attribute MUST return as follows:
the time immediately before the user agent runs the worker
-required to service the request.
zero, otherwise.
Note that according to the definition of time origin in workers, it is
-possible that some attributes of
-navigation preload requests will have negative {{DOMHighResTimeStamp}}
On getting, the
-redirectStart attribute MUST return as follows:
The time immediately before the user agent starts to
-fetch the resource that
-initiates the redirect, if there are HTTP redirects or
-equivalent when fetching the resource and
-the resource passes the timing allow check algorithm.
zero, otherwise.
On getting, the
-redirectEnd attribute MUST return as follows:
The time immediately after receiving the last byte of the
-response of the last redirect, if there are HTTP redirects or
-equivalent when fetching the resource and
-the resource passes the timing allow check algorithm.
zero, otherwise.
On getting, the
-fetchStart attribute MUST return as follows:
The time immediately before the user agent starts to
-fetch the final
-resource in the redirection, if there are HTTP redirects or
The time immediately before the user agent starts to
-fetch the resource
On getting, the
-domainLookupStart attribute MUST return as follows:
The time immediately after the user agent starts the domain
-data retrieval from the domain information cache, if the user agent
-has the domain information in cache.
The time immediately before the user agent starts the domain
-name lookup for the resource, otherwise.
On getting, the
-domainLookupEnd attribute MUST return as follows:
The time immediately after the user agent ends the domain data
-retrieval from the domain information cache, if the user agent has
-the domain information in cache.
The time immediately after the user agent finishes the domain
-name lookup for the resource, otherwise.
On getting, the
-connectStart attribute MUST return as follows:
The returned time MUST include the time interval to establish the transport
- connection, as well as other time intervals such as SOCKS authentication. It
- MUST include the time interval to complete enough of the TLS handshake to
- request the resource.
If the user agent used TLS False Start [[RFC7918]] for this connection,
- this interval MUST NOT include the time needed to receive the server's
- Finished message.
If the user agent sends the request with early data [[RFC8470]] without
- waiting for the full handshare to complete, this interval MUST NOT include
- the time needed to receive the server's ServerHello message.
If the user agent waits for full handshake completion to send the
- request, this interval includes the full TLS handshake even if other
- requests were sent using early data on this connection.
Example: Suppose the user agent establishes an HTTP/2 connection
-over TLS 1.3 to send a GET request and a POST request. It sends the ClientHello
-at time t1 and then sends the GET request with early data. The
-POST request is not safe [[RFC7231]] (section 4.2.1), so the user agent waits
-to complete the handshake at time t2 before sending it. Although
-both requests used the same connection, the GET request reports a connectEnd
-value of t1, while the POST request reports a connectEnd value for
The time immediately before the user agent starts the handshake
-process to secure the current connection, otherwise.
On getting, the
-requestStart attribute MUST return as follows:
The time immediately before the user agent starts requesting
-the resource from the server, or from relevant application caches
-or from local resources, if the resource passes the timing allow
-check algorithm.
If the transport connection fails after a request is sent and
-the user agent reopens a connection and resend the request,
-requestStart MUST
-return the corresponding values of the new request.
zero, otherwise.
On getting, the
-responseStart attribute MUST return as follows:
The time immediately after the user agent's HTTP parser
-receives the first byte of the response (e.g. frame header bytes
-for HTTP/2, or response status line for HTTP/1.x) from
-relevant application
-caches, or from local resources or from the server, if the
-resource passes the timing allow check algorithm.
zero, otherwise.
On getting, the
-responseEnd attribute MUST return the result of running
-the algorithm to get response end time.
When requested to run the get response end time
-algorithm, the user agent must run the following steps:
If the fetch was aborted due to a network error, return the time
-immediately before the user agent aborts the fetch.
Otherwise, return the time immediately after the user agent
-receives the last byte of the response or immediately before the
-transport connection is closed, whichever comes first. The resource
-here can be received either from relevant application
-caches, local resources, or from the server.
On getting, the
-transferSize attribute MUST return as follows:
the size, in octets received from a HTTP-network fetch, consumed by the
-response header fields and the response payload body [[RFC7230]], if the
-resource passes the timing allow check algorithm.
If there are HTTP redirects or equivalent when
-navigating and if all the redirects or equivalent are same origin, this attribute SHOULD
-include the HTTP overhead of incurred redirects.
This attribute SHOULD include HTTP overhead (such as HTTP/1.1
-chunked encoding and whitespace around header fields, including
-newlines, and HTTP/2
-frame overhead, along with other server-to-client frames on the
-same stream), but SHOULD NOT include lower-layer protocol overhead
-(such as TLS [[RFC5246]]or TCP).
Server-side applications may return the
-Timing-Allow-Origin HTTP response header to allow the User
-Agent to fully expose, to the document origin(s) specified, the
-values of attributes that would have been zero due to the
-cross-origin restrictions previously specified in this
Timing-Allow-Origin Response Header
The Timing-Allow-Origin HTTP response header field
-can be used to communicate a policy indicating origin(s) that are
-allowed to see values of attributes that would have been zero due
-to the cross-origin restrictions. The header's value is represented
-by the following ABNF [[RFC5234]] (using List Extension, [[RFC7230]]):
The sender MAY generate multiple Timing-Allow-Origin
-header fields. The recipient MAY combine multiple
-Timing-Allow-Origin header fields by appending each
-subsequent field value to the combined field value in order,
-separated by a comma.
The timing allow check algorithm, which checks
-whether a resource's timing information can be shared with the
-current document, is as follows:
Creating a resource timing entry
To mark resource timing given a
+response |response|, a global object |global| and
+a DOMString |initiatorType|, perform the following steps:
The Timing-Allow-Origin header may arrive as part of a cached
-response. In case of cache revalidation, according to
-RFC 7234,
-the header's value may come from the revalidation response, or if not present
-there, from the original cached resource.
The following graph illustrates the timing attributes defined by
-the PerformanceResourceTiming interface. Attributes in parenthesis
-may not be available when fetchingcross-origin resources. User agents may
-perform internal processing in between timings, which allow for non-normative
-intervals between timings.
For each resource whose Request has a non-null client, perform
-the following steps:
If the resource is fetched by a
-cross-origin stylesheet which was fetched with no-cors policy,
-abort the remaining steps.
Above cross-origin exclusion should be defined via
-Fetch registry: CSS needs to be defined in terms of Fetch and set
-some kind of "opaque request flag" for no-CORS CSS subresources. In
-turn, Resource Timing should interface with Fetch registry to
-surface resource fetch events.
The above resource exclusion is at risk as currently only one
-implementation passes the related test.
Immediately before the user agent starts to queue the resource
-for retrieval, record the current time in startTime,
-and set nextHopProtocol to the empty DOMString.
Record the initiator of the resource in
If no domain lookup is required, go to the step labeled connect start. Otherwise, immediately
-before a user agent starts the domain name lookup, record the time as
Record the time as domainLookupEnd immediately after the
-domain name lookup is successfully done. A user agent may need
-multiple retries before that. If the domain name lookup fails and
-resource passes the timing allow check record the time as
-domainLookupEnd and go to the step labeledfinal record.
Connect start: If a persistent transport
-connection is used to fetch
-the resource, let connectStart and connectEnd
-be the same value of domainLookupEnd. Otherwise, record the
-time as connectStart immediately before initiating a successful
-connection to the server and record the time as connectEnd
-immediately after the successful connection to the server or proxy is
-established. A user agent may need multiple retries to establish a
-successful connection and should reflect the timestamps for the
-successful connection only.
-Once connection is established set the value of nextHopProtocol
-to the ALPN ID used by the connection. If a connection can not be
-established, record the time up to the connection failure as
-connectEnd and go to the step labeled final record.
When a secure transport is used, the user agent MUST record the
-time as secureConnectionStart immediately before the
-handshake process to secure the connection.
When a secure transport is not used, the user agent MUST set
-the value of secureConnectionStart to 0.
Request start: Immediately before a user agent starts
-sending the request for the resource, record the
-current time as requestStart. If a user agent needed
-multiple retries to send the request, record the current time
-of the last attempt.
Network protocols may not perform the connection
-establishment, secure connection establishment and request sending in a
-sequential manner. Therefore, developers should not expect these values
-to always be in a particular order.
Record the time as responseStart immediately after the user agent receives the
-first byte of the response.
Response end: Record the time as responseEnd immediately after receiving the last byte of
-the response.
Return to the step labeled connect start if the
-user agent fails to send the request or receive the entire
-response, and needs to reopen the connection.
This specification does not specify whether steps
-20 and 21 should run before or after the load event of
-the resource—see issue 82 for
-related discussion.
Monotonic Clock
The value of the timing attributes MUST monotonically increase
-to ensure timing attributes are not skewed by adjustments to the
-system clock while fetching the resource. The difference between any two
-chronologically recorded timing attributes MUST never be negative.
-For all resources, including subdocument resources, the user agent
-MUST record the system clock at the beginning of the root document
-navigation and define subsequent timing attributes in terms of a
-monotonic clock measuring time elapsed from the beginning of the
and certain attributes are set to zero, as described in . Resource providers can
explicitly allow all timing information to be collected for a
-resource by adding the Timing-Allow-Origin HTTP response
+resource by adding the Timing-Allow-Origin HTTP response
header, which specifies the domains that are allowed to access the
timing information.
Statistical fingerprinting is a privacy concern where a