diff --git a/requirements/index.html b/requirements/index.html
index d2c63c3f..be360c8d 100644
--- a/requirements/index.html
+++ b/requirements/index.html
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
- The Requirements for WCAG 3.0 document is the next phase in the development of the next major upgrade to accessibility guidelines that will be the successor to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2 series. The Silver Task Force of the Accessibility Guidelines Working Group and the W3C Silver Community group have partnered to incubate the needs, requirements, and structure for the new accessibility guidance. To date, the group has:
+ The Requirements for W3C Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 3.0 documentation is the next phase of development of the next major upgrade to accessibility guidelines. WCAG 3.0 will be the successor to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2 series. The Silver Task Force of the Accessibility Guidelines Working Group and the W3C Silver Community group have partnered to incubate the needs, requirements, and structure for the new accessibility guidance. To date, the group has:
- - Researched accessibility guidance needs
- - Developed problem statements and opportunities to improve accessibility guidance
- - Received input from industry leaders for directions to proceed
+ - Researched accessibility guidance needs.
+ - Developed problem statements and opportunities to improve accessibility guidance.
+ - Received input from industry leaders for directions to proceed.
- Drafted these high-level requirements for the next phase of the project, the prototyping and public input.
@@ -30,32 +30,32 @@ Introduction
explains what causes these barriers and who they impact, and
suggests how the problems they pose can be solved.
- The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 were designed to be technology neutral, and has stayed relevant for over 10 years. The Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) 2.0 has been implemented in the open source authoring tool communities (chiefly Wordpress and Drupal) with little known uptake in commercial authoring tools. UAAG 2.0 offers useful guidance to user agent developers and has been implemented on an individual success criterion basis. There is no known user agent that has implemented all of UAAG 2.0.
+ Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 was designed to be technology neutral, and has stayed relevant for over 10 years. Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) 2.0 has been implemented in the open source authoring tool communities (chiefly Wordpress and Drupal) with little known uptake in commercial authoring tools. User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG) 2.0 offers useful guidance to user agent developers and has been implemented on an individual success criterion basis. There is no known user agent that has implemented all of UAAG 2.0.
Comparison to WCAG 2.x Requirements
WCAG 3.0 builds on the WCAG 2.0 Requirements of 2006. The WCAG 2.0 requirements are:
- - Ensure that requirements may be applied across technologies
- - Ensure that the conformance requirements are clear
- - Design deliverables with ease of use in mind
- - Write to a more diverse audience
- - Clearly identify who benefits from accessible content
- - Ensure that the revision is "backwards and forward compatible"
+ - Ensure that requirements may be applied across technologies.
+ - Ensure that the conformance requirements are clear.
+ - Design deliverables with ease of use in mind.
+ - Write to a more diverse audience.
+ - Clearly identify who benefits from accessible content.
+ - Ensure that the revision is "backwards and forward compatible".
WCAG 3.0 wishes to advance the WCAG 2.0 Requirements of:
- - applied across technologies
- - clear conformance
- - ease of use
- - diverse audience
- - identify who benefits
+ - applied across technologies,
+ - clear conformance,
+ - ease of use,
+ - diverse audience, and
+ - identify who benefits.
WCAG 3.0 does not want to advance the WCAG 2.0 requirement: "Ensure that the revision is 'backwards and forward compatible'" . The intention is to include WCAG 2.x content, but migrate it to a different structure and conformance model.
The WCAG 2.1 Requirements are very specific to WCAG 2.1 and will not be advanced by WCAG 3.0. WCAG 3.0 plans to migrate the content of WCAG 2.1 to WCAG 3.0, but the WCAG 2.1 Requirements document referred to structural requirements which are specific to WCAG 2.x.
The WCAG 2.1 Requirements are:
- - Define a clear conformance model for WCAG 2.1/dot.x releases
- - Ensure the conformance structure utilizes the WCAG 2.0 A / AA / AAA model
+ - Define a clear conformance model for WCAG 2.1/dot.x releases.
+ - Ensure the conformance structure utilizes the WCAG 2.0 A / AA / AAA model.
@@ -65,12 +65,12 @@ WCAG 3.0 Scope
Disability Needs: An improved measurement and conformance structure that includes guidance for a broad range of disabilities. This includes particular attention to the needs of low vision and cognitive accessibility, whose needs don't tend to fit the true/false statement success criteria of WCAG 2.x.
Emerging Technologies: Flexibility to include emerging technologies, such as augmented/virtual reality(AR/VR/XR) and voice assistants
Support for the Technologies that Impact Accessibility: Advice for all levels of the accessibility technology stack who wish to support the WCAG 3.0 core Guidelines including:
- - digital content, including guidance currently addressed by WCAG 2.x
- - authoring tools, such as content management systems
- - user agents, such as browsers and media players
- - assistive technologies, such as screen readers, screen magnifiers, and assistants for memory, organization, or simplification
- - software and web applications, including mobile apps
- - operating systems and other platforms who may want advice for features to better support people with disabilities
+ - digital content, including guidance currently addressed by WCAG 2.x;
+ - authoring tools, such as content management systems;
+ - user agents, such as browsers and media players;
+ - assistive technologies, such as screen readers, screen magnifiers, and assistants for memory, organization, or simplification;
+ - software and web applications, including mobile apps; and
+ - operating systems and other platforms who may want advice for features to better support people with disabilities.
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ WCAG 3.0 Scope
Silver Task Force Research
Introductory text about the research efforts undertaken, with pointers to methodology and results
The research done in 2017-2018 by the Silver Task Force, the Silver Community Group, and the research partners was used to identify the key problem statements related to the current accessibility guidelines (WCAG 2.x, ATAG 2.0 and UAAG 2.0). See the Silver Research Summary slides for more detailed information. These problem statements were used to identify the opportunities for WCAG 3.0 to address that will improve accessibility guidance.
- During the year of WCAG 3.0 research, a recurring theme was the popularity and quality of the guidance in WCAG 2.0. Most of the opportunities identified in the research were improvements in the structure and presentation accessibility guidance to improve usability, to support more disability needs, and to improve maintenance.
+ A recurring theme identified in the year of WCAG 3.0 research was the popularity and quality of the WCAG 2.0 guidance. Most of the opportunities identified in the research were improvements in the structure and presentation of accessibility guidance to improve usability, support more disability needs, and improve maintenance.
Large and Dynamic Sites
@@ -98,10 +98,10 @@ Opportunities for WCAG 3.0
- Readable: When guidelines are easier to read and understand, users – especially people in the development cycle who are less technical – are more likely to implement accessibility. When all audiences are considered in the language and terminology used in the guidelines, the likelihood increases that they will:
- - reach a larger audience
- - be better understood
- - be easier to translate
- - be interpreted as easier to implement
+ - reach a larger audience,
+ - be better understood,
+ - be easier to translate, and
+ - be interpreted as easier to implement.
- On-ramp for Beginners: When beginning users can develop understanding and mastery of the accessibility guidance, this leads to faster and greater acceptance of accessibility. This also creates the opportunity to convince developers and project managers to include accessibility at the beginning of a project instead of the end.
@@ -111,11 +111,11 @@ Usability
@@ -128,6 +128,9 @@ Maintenance
Evolving Technology: WCAG 3.0 needs a flexible design that can be updated as new technologies emerge, assistive technologies improve, and changing technologies produce new barriers for people with disabilities. Accessibility guidance and all supporting documentation should anticipate common scenarios like new technology and the introduction of new modalities like surface reaction and ultrahaptics. As content technology evolves, it must be re-evaluated against assistive technology for compatibility. Likewise, as assistive technology evolves or emerges, it must be evaluated against the backward compatibility of various content technology.
Governance: Utilize tools that allow interested parties to predict when issues important to them are being discussed. Maintain a backlog that reflects issues along with their status.
+ Backwards compatibility The WCAG 3 guidelines will take a cautious approach to backwards compatibility to early versions of WCAG 3. After the first publication of WCAG 3 guidance and conformance model the guidelines aim to be backwards compatible. However, it will not be bound to backwards compatibility if a substantially more accessible outcome can be achieved. Where there are backwards-incompatible changes, the changes will be highlighted in the supplementary materials so that users of the guidelines know exactly what has changed.
@@ -211,9 +214,9 @@ Flexible maintenance and extensibility
Multiple ways to display
- The Guidelines can be presented in different accessible and usable ways or formats, to address the needs of different audiences.
+ Design the guidelines so that they can be presented in different accessible and usable ways or formats, to address the needs of different audiences.
Technology Neutral
Guidance is expressed in technology-neutral terms so that it can be met using different platforms or technologies. The intent of technology-neutral wording is to provide the opportunity to apply the core guidelines to current and emerging technology, even if specific technical advice doesn't yet exist.
@@ -231,7 +234,7 @@ Regulatory Environment
- The Guidelines motivate organizations to go beyond minimal accessibility requirements by providing a conformance model that enables organizations to demonstrate when a greater effort is made to improve accessibility.
+ The guidelines provide guidance and a conformance model for people and organizations that produce digital assets and technology of varying size and complexity. This includes large, dynamic, and complex websites. The associated informative materials will include guidance for a diverse group of stakeholders including content creators, browsers, authoring tools, assistive technologies, and more.
@@ -242,7 +245,7 @@ Scope
Change Log
Changes Prior to First Public Working Draft
- Moved the Opportunity for Evolving Technologies to Maintenance; added new opportunity for Flexibility in the Conformance section; and minor grammar corrections. (9 July 2018)
- Added headings to individual requirements (25 June 2018)
- Added section on Comparison to WCAG 2.x (25 June 2018)
@@ -258,16 +261,16 @@ Changes Prior to First Pu
- Clarify the broader definition of "disabilities" based on input from public comments and group discussion. The definition sentence in the Introduction paragraph is a proposal for group discussion.
- Change "future" to "unanticipated" in Requirements #2 and add subsequent sentence.
- Change the Requirements Intro paragraph to remove the specific sentence on conformance and pass/fail tests and give greater context on the source of the Requirements.
Changes Prior to Second Version of Requirements
- New requirements for Readability, Regulatory Environment, Motivation, and Scope.
- Added paragraph explaining the differences between Design Principles and Requirements as a result of requests from the AGWG face-to-face meeting of 11 and 12 March 2019.
- Added new Design Principles and Requirements and changed wording of existing Design Principles and Requirements based on feedback from AGWG in Q1 and Q2 2019
- Added a new Scope section to the Introduction that clarifies that WCAG 3.0 plans to address Authoring Tools, User agents and Apps. (26 April 2019)
- Reworded Technology Neutral to bring it more in line with the original WCAG 2.0 Requirements wording. (26 April 2019)
- changed Design Principle 9 to more clearly show that there will not be a hierarchy of disabilities and that when there is no research, how we will address that.