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Policy Controlled Features

This document lists policy-controlled features being implemented in browsers. It is broken into sections based on the standardization state of each feature. The names used here should be consistent between browsers implementing a particular feature, but there is no requirement that all browsers implement any single feature.

The exact definition of the behaviour controlled by each feature belongs in the spec which defines the feature. Those are linked where available.

Standardized Features

These features have been declared in a published version of the respective specification.

Feature name Spec link(s) Browser Support
accelerometer Generic Sensor API Chrome 66
ambient-light-sensor Generic Sensor API Behind a flag in Chrome7
attribution-reporting Attribution Reporting API Chrome 115
autoplay HTML Chrome 64
battery Battery Status API Status "Open" in Chrome
bluetooth Web Bluetooth Chrome 104
camera Media Capture Chrome 64
ch-ua User-Agent Client Hints Chrome 89
ch-ua-arch User-Agent Client Hints Chrome 89
ch-ua-bitness User-Agent Client Hints Chrome 89
ch-ua-full-version User-Agent Client Hints Chrome 89
ch-ua-full-version-list User-Agent Client Hints Behind a flag in Chrome8
ch-ua-high-entropy-values User-Agent Client Hints Chrome 89
ch-ua-mobile User-Agent Client Hints Chrome 89
ch-ua-model User-Agent Client Hints Chrome 89
ch-ua-platform User-Agent Client Hints Chrome 89
ch-ua-platform-version User-Agent Client Hints Chrome 89
ch-ua-wow64 User-Agent Client Hints Chrome 89
compute-pressure Compute Pressure API Chrome 125
cross-origin-isolated HTML Experimental in Chrome 85
direct-sockets Direct Sockets API
display-capture Media Capture: Screen Share Chrome 94
encrypted-media Encrypted Media Extensions Chrome 64
execution-while-not-rendered Page Lifecycle Behind a flag in Chrome1
execution-while-out-of-viewport Page Lifecycle Behind a flag in Chrome1
fullscreen Fullscreen API Chrome 62
geolocation Geolocation API Chrome 64
gyroscope Generic Sensor API Chrome 66
hid WebHID API Chrome 89
identity-credentials-get Federated Credential Management API Chrome 110
idle-detection Idle Detection API Chrome 94
keyboard-map Keyboard API Chrome 97
magnetometer Generic Sensor API Chrome 66
mediasession Media Session API
microphone Media Capture Chrome 64
midi Web MIDI Chrome 64
navigation-override CSS Spatial Navigation
otp-credentials WebOTP API Chrome 84
payment Payment Request API Chrome 60
picture-in-picture Picture-in-Picture Chrome 71
publickey-credentials-get Web Authentication API Chrome 84
screen-wake-lock Wake Lock API Chrome 84
serial Web Serial API Chrome 89
sync-xhr XMLHttpRequest Chrome 65
storage-access Storage Access Chrome 115
usb WebUSB Chrome 60
web-share Web Share API Chrome 86
window-management5 Window Management API Chrome 111
xr-spatial-tracking2 WebXR Device API Available as a Chrome Origin Trial

Proposed Features

These features have been proposed, but the definitions have not yet been integrated into their respective specs.

Feature name Spec/PR link(s) Browser Support
clipboard-read w3c/clipboard-apis#120 Chrome 86
clipboard-write w3c/clipboard-apis#120 Chrome 86
deferred-fetch whatwg/fetch#1647
gamepad w3c/gamepad#112
speaker-selection w3c/mediacapture-output#96

Experimental Features

These features generally have an explainer only, but may be available for experimentation by web developers.

Feature name Link(s) Browser Support
all-screens-capture Capture all screens API In Origin Trial
browsing-topics Explainer Status "Started" in Chrome
captured-surface-control Captured Surface Control API In Origin Trial
conversion-measurement Explainer Experimental in Chrome3
digital-credentials-get Explainer Behind a flag in Chrome6
focus-without-user-activation Status "Open" in Chrome
join-ad-interest-group Protected Audience (formerly FLEDGE) Behind a flag in Chrome4
local-fonts Local Font Access API and Explainer Experimental in Chrome
run-ad-auction Protected Audience (formerly FLEDGE) Behind a flag in Chrome4
smart-card Draft Spec and Explainer Prototyping in Chrome
sync-script Behind a flag in Chrome1
trust-token-redemption Explainer In Origin Trial in Chrome 84-87
unload Explainer Status "Started in Chrome
vertical-scroll Behind a flag in Chrome1

Retired Features

These features were once standardized or proposed, but their specification and/or implementations have been removed.

Feature name Spec link(s) Browser Support
document-domain HTML Formerly in Chrome, behind a flag
window-placement Window Management API Formerly in Chrome, changed to window-management5


[1]: To enable these, use the Chrome command line flag --enable-blink-features=ExperimentalProductivityFeatures.

[2]: Implemented in Chrome as vr prior to Chrome 79.

[3]: To enable this, use the Chrome command line flag --enable-blink-features=ConversionMeasurement.

[4]: To enable this, use the Chrome command line flag --enable-features=AdInterestGroupAPI,InterestGroupStorage,Fledge.

[5]: Implemented in Chrome 100 as window-placement; changed in Chrome 111 to window-management.

[6]: To enable this, use the Chrome command line flag --enable-features=WebIdentityDigitalCredentials.

[7]: To enable this, use the Chrome command line flag --enable-features=SensorExtraClasses.

[8]: To enable this, user the Chrome command line flag --enable-features=ClientHintUAHighEntropyValuesPermissionPolicy.