Exceptional helps you track errors in your node.js apps!
This CommonJS module posts exception data to Exceptional http://getexceptional.com. Data about the environment and backtrace of the exception are sent.
To use Exceptional for node.js you must have an account at http://getexceptional.com.
Include the exceptional.js file in your application, and set your Exceptional API-KEY
var Exceptional = require(./'exceptional'); Exceptional.API_KEY = **YOUR-API-KEY**
There a are multiple ways you can use exceptional with your node.js app.
- The process.uncaughtException event can be used to catch exceptions that bubble all the way up to the event loop.
process.addListener('uncaughtException', function(err) { Exceptional.handle(err); });
- You can sent exception data to exceptional from inside your own try/catch blocks
try { // Your Code } catch(error) { // Your own error processing Exceptional.handle(error); }
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