Aliyun Remote Shuffle Service(RSS) is dedicated to improving the efficiency and elasticity of different map-reduce engines. RSS provides an elastic and high efficient management service for shuffle data.
RSS has three primary components: Master, Worker, and Client.
Master manages all resources and syncs shard states with each other based on Raft.
Worker processes read-write requests and merges data for each reducer.
LifecycleManager maintains metadata of each shuffle and runs within the Spark driver.
- Disaggregate Compute and storage.
- Push-based shuffle write and merged shuffle read.
- High availability and high fault tolerance.
- Mappers lazily asks LifecycleManager to registerShuffle.
- LifecycleManager requests slots from Master.
- Workers reserve slots and create corresponding files.
- Mappers get worker locations from LifecycleManager.
- Mappers push data to specified workers.
- Workers merge and replicate data to its peer.
- Workers flush to disk periodically.
- Mapper tasks accomplish and trigger MapperEnd event.
- When all mapper tasks complete, workers commit files.
- Reducers ask for file locations.
- Reducers read shuffle data.
We introduce slots to achieve load balance. We will equally distribute partitions on every RSS worker by tracking slots usage.
The Slot is a logical concept in RSS Worker that represents how many partitions can be allocated on each RSS Worker.
RSS Worker's slot count is decided by rss.worker.numSlots
orrss.worker.flush.queue.capacity * (number of RSS Worker storage directories)
if rss.worker.numSlots
is not set.
RSS worker's slot count decreases when a partition is allocated and increments when a partition is freed.
RSS supports Spark2.x(>=2.4.0) and Spark3.x(>=3.1.0).
Build for Spark 2
./dev/ -Pspark-2 -Dspark.version=[spark.version default 2.4.5]
Build for Spark 3
./dev/ -Pspark-3 -Dspark.version=[spark.version default 3.1.2]
package rss-${project.version}-bin-release.tgz will be generated.
Build procedure will create a compressed package.
├── bin
├── conf
├── master-jars
├── worker-jars
├── sbin
└── spark //Spark client jars
RSS supports HA mode deployment.
- Unzip the package to $RSS_HOME
- Modify environment variables in $RSS_HOME/conf/
#!/usr/bin/env bash
- Modify configurations in $RSS_HOME/conf/rss-defaults.conf
EXAMPLE: single master cluster
rss.master.address master-host:port
rss.metrics.system.enable true
rss.worker.flush.buffer.size 256k
rss.worker.flush.queue.capacity 512
rss.worker.base.dirs /mnt/disk1/,/mnt/disk2
EXAMPLE: HA cluster
rss.metrics.system.enable true
rss.worker.flush.buffer.size 256k
rss.worker.flush.queue.capacity 4096
rss.worker.base.dirs /mnt/disk1/,/mnt/disk2
rss.ha.enable true dev-cluster node1,node2,node3 host1 host2 host3 /mnt/disk1/rss_ratis/
rss.ha.master.hosts host1,host2,host3
- Copy RSS and configurations to all nodes
- Start RSS master
- Start RSS worker
$RSS_HOME/sbin/ rss://master-host:port
- If RSS start success, the output of Master's log should be like this:
21/12/21 20:06:18,964 INFO [main] Dispatcher: Dispatcher numThreads: 64
21/12/21 20:06:18,994 INFO [main] TransportClientFactory: mode NIO threads 8
21/12/21 20:06:19,113 WARN [main] ServerBootstrap: Unknown channel option 'TCP_NODELAY' for channel '[id: 0x8a9442f6]'
21/12/21 20:06:19,129 INFO [main] Utils: Successfully started service 'MasterSys' on port 9097.
21/12/21 20:06:19,150 INFO [main] HttpServer: HttpServer started on port 7001.
21/12/21 20:06:21,615 INFO [netty-rpc-connection-0] TransportClientFactory: Successfully created connection to / after 4 ms (0 ms spent in bootstraps)
21/12/21 20:06:21,661 INFO [dispatcher-event-loop-9] Master: Registered worker
RpcPort: 40115
PushPort: 35489
FetchPort: 35689
TotalSlots: 4096
SlotsUsed: 0
SlotsAvailable: 4096
LastHeartBeat: 0
WorkerRef: NettyRpcEndpointRef(ess://[email protected]:40115)
21/12/21 20:06:23,785 INFO [netty-rpc-connection-1] TransportClientFactory: Successfully created connection to / after 1 ms (0 ms spent in bootstraps)
21/12/21 20:06:23,817 INFO [dispatcher-event-loop-17] Master: Registered worker
RpcPort: 39151
PushPort: 40193
FetchPort: 37455
TotalSlots: 4096
SlotsUsed: 0
SlotsAvailable: 4096
LastHeartBeat: 0
WorkerRef: NettyRpcEndpointRef(ess://[email protected]:39151)
21/12/21 20:06:25,948 INFO [netty-rpc-connection-2] TransportClientFactory: Successfully created connection to / after 1 ms (0 ms spent in bootstraps)
21/12/21 20:06:26,009 INFO [dispatcher-event-loop-25] Master: Registered worker
RpcPort: 41955
PushPort: 37587
FetchPort: 46865
TotalSlots: 4096
SlotsUsed: 0
SlotsAvailable: 4096
LastHeartBeat: 0
WorkerRef: NettyRpcEndpointRef(ess://[email protected]:41955)
Copy $RSS_HOME/spark/*.jar to $SPARK_HOME/jars/
To use RSS, following spark configurations should be added.
spark.shuffle.manager org.apache.spark.shuffle.rss.RssShuffleManager
# must use kryo serializer because java serializer do not support relocation
spark.serializer org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer
# if you are running HA cluster ,set spark.rss.master.address to any RSS master
spark.rss.master.address rss-master-host:9097
spark.shuffle.service.enabled false
# optional:hash,sort
spark.rss.shuffle.writer.mode hash
# we recommend set to true to enable server-side data replication true
# Note: RSS didn`t support Spark AQE now, but we`ll support it soon.
spark.sql.adaptive.enabled false
spark.sql.adaptive.localShuffleReader.enabled false
spark.sql.adaptive.skewJoin.enabled false
If you want to set up a production-ready RSS cluster, your cluster should have at least 3 masters and at least 4 workers. Masters and works can be deployed on the same node, but should not deploy multiple masters or workers on the same node. See more detail in CONFIGURATIONS
We provide a patch to enable users to use Spark with both dynamic allocation and Remote Shuffle Service.
For Spark2.x check Spark2 Patch.
For Spark3.x, set spark.dynamicAllocation.shuffleTracking.enabled=true
This is an active open-source project. We are always open to developers who want to use the system or contribute to it.
See more detail in Contributing.