diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 9efec44fdb4..a3bcfcd9518 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -2,7 +2,11 @@
 ## **[Unreleased]**
-## 0.10.0 - 2019-11-11
+- [#925](https://github.com/wasmerio/wasmer/pull/925) Host functions can be closures with a captured environment.
+- [#917](https://github.com/wasmerio/wasmer/pull/917) Host functions (aka imported functions) may not have `&mut vm::Ctx` as first argument, i.e. the presence of the `&mut vm::Ctx` argument is optional.
+- [#915](https://github.com/wasmerio/wasmer/pull/915) All backends share the same definition of `Trampoline` (defined in `wasmer-runtime-core`).
+## 0.10.1 - 2019-11-11
 - [#952](https://github.com/wasmerio/wasmer/pull/952) Use C preprocessor to properly hide trampoline functions on Windows and non-x86_64 targets.
diff --git a/lib/clif-backend/src/code.rs b/lib/clif-backend/src/code.rs
index f1d8489da13..1bd1958e3de 100644
--- a/lib/clif-backend/src/code.rs
+++ b/lib/clif-backend/src/code.rs
@@ -691,7 +691,9 @@ impl FuncEnvironment for FunctionEnvironment {
     /// Generates a call IR with `callee` and `call_args` and inserts it at `pos`
-    /// TODO: add support for imported functions
+    ///
+    /// It's about generating code that calls a local or imported function; in
+    /// WebAssembly: `(call $foo)`.
     fn translate_call(
         &mut self,
         mut pos: FuncCursor,
@@ -763,20 +765,31 @@ impl FuncEnvironment for FunctionEnvironment {
                     readonly: true,
-                let imported_vmctx_addr = pos.func.create_global_value(ir::GlobalValueData::Load {
-                    base: imported_func_struct_addr,
-                    offset: (vm::ImportedFunc::offset_vmctx() as i32).into(),
-                    global_type: ptr_type,
-                    readonly: true,
-                });
+                let imported_func_ctx_addr =
+                    pos.func.create_global_value(ir::GlobalValueData::Load {
+                        base: imported_func_struct_addr,
+                        offset: (vm::ImportedFunc::offset_func_ctx() as i32).into(),
+                        global_type: ptr_type,
+                        readonly: true,
+                    });
+                let imported_func_ctx_vmctx_addr =
+                    pos.func.create_global_value(ir::GlobalValueData::Load {
+                        base: imported_func_ctx_addr,
+                        offset: (vm::FuncCtx::offset_vmctx() as i32).into(),
+                        global_type: ptr_type,
+                        readonly: true,
+                    });
                 let imported_func_addr = pos.ins().global_value(ptr_type, imported_func_addr);
-                let imported_vmctx_addr = pos.ins().global_value(ptr_type, imported_vmctx_addr);
+                let imported_func_ctx_vmctx_addr = pos
+                    .ins()
+                    .global_value(ptr_type, imported_func_ctx_vmctx_addr);
                 let sig_ref = pos.func.dfg.ext_funcs[callee].signature;
                 let mut args = Vec::with_capacity(call_args.len() + 1);
-                args.push(imported_vmctx_addr);
+                args.push(imported_func_ctx_vmctx_addr);
diff --git a/lib/llvm-backend/src/intrinsics.rs b/lib/llvm-backend/src/intrinsics.rs
index b23f1b13cb1..717ed043d70 100644
--- a/lib/llvm-backend/src/intrinsics.rs
+++ b/lib/llvm-backend/src/intrinsics.rs
@@ -207,8 +207,13 @@ impl Intrinsics {
             context.struct_type(&[i8_ptr_ty_basic, i64_ty_basic, i8_ptr_ty_basic], false);
         let local_table_ty = local_memory_ty;
         let local_global_ty = i64_ty;
-        let imported_func_ty =
-            context.struct_type(&[i8_ptr_ty_basic, ctx_ptr_ty.as_basic_type_enum()], false);
+        let func_ctx_ty =
+            context.struct_type(&[ctx_ptr_ty.as_basic_type_enum(), i8_ptr_ty_basic], false);
+        let func_ctx_ptr_ty = func_ctx_ty.ptr_type(AddressSpace::Generic);
+        let imported_func_ty = context.struct_type(
+            &[i8_ptr_ty_basic, func_ctx_ptr_ty.as_basic_type_enum()],
+            false,
+        );
         let sigindex_ty = i32_ty;
         let rt_intrinsics_ty = i8_ty;
         let stack_lower_bound_ty = i8_ty;
@@ -1066,16 +1071,20 @@ impl<'a> CtxType<'a> {
-            let (func_ptr_ptr, ctx_ptr_ptr) = unsafe {
+            let (func_ptr_ptr, func_ctx_ptr_ptr) = unsafe {
                     cache_builder.build_struct_gep(imported_func_ptr, 0, "func_ptr_ptr"),
-                    cache_builder.build_struct_gep(imported_func_ptr, 1, "ctx_ptr_ptr"),
+                    cache_builder.build_struct_gep(imported_func_ptr, 1, "func_ctx_ptr_ptr"),
             let func_ptr = cache_builder
                 .build_load(func_ptr_ptr, "func_ptr")
+            let func_ctx_ptr = cache_builder
+                .build_load(func_ctx_ptr_ptr, "func_ctx_ptr")
+                .into_pointer_value();
+            let ctx_ptr_ptr = unsafe { cache_builder.build_struct_gep(func_ctx_ptr, 0, "ctx_ptr") };
             let ctx_ptr = cache_builder
                 .build_load(ctx_ptr_ptr, "ctx_ptr")
diff --git a/lib/llvm-backend/src/stackmap.rs b/lib/llvm-backend/src/stackmap.rs
index a56c3c6a38d..4a9dbf81633 100644
--- a/lib/llvm-backend/src/stackmap.rs
+++ b/lib/llvm-backend/src/stackmap.rs
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ impl StackmapEntry {
                 ValueSemantic::ImportedFuncCtx(idx) => MachineValue::VmctxDeref(vec![
                     Ctx::offset_imported_funcs() as usize,
                     vm::ImportedFunc::size() as usize * idx
-                        + vm::ImportedFunc::offset_vmctx() as usize,
+                        + vm::ImportedFunc::offset_func_ctx() as usize,
                 ValueSemantic::DynamicSigindice(idx) => {
diff --git a/lib/runtime-core-tests/tests/imports.rs b/lib/runtime-core-tests/tests/imports.rs
index 69b9040cdc6..6b7223c6735 100644
--- a/lib/runtime-core-tests/tests/imports.rs
+++ b/lib/runtime-core-tests/tests/imports.rs
@@ -1,31 +1,131 @@
 use wasmer_runtime_core::{
     compile_with, error::RuntimeError, imports, memory::Memory, typed_func::Func,
-    types::MemoryDescriptor, units::Pages, vm,
+    types::MemoryDescriptor, units::Pages, vm, Instance,
 use wasmer_runtime_core_tests::{get_compiler, wat2wasm};
-fn imported_functions_forms() {
+macro_rules! call_and_assert {
+    ($instance:ident, $function:ident, $expected_value:expr) => {
+        let $function: Func<i32, i32> = $instance.func(stringify!($function)).unwrap();
+        let result = $function.call(1);
+        match (result, $expected_value) {
+            (Ok(value), expected_value) => assert_eq!(
+                Ok(value),
+                expected_value,
+                concat!("Expected right when calling `", stringify!($function), "`.")
+            ),
+            (
+                Err(RuntimeError::Error { data }),
+                Err(RuntimeError::Error {
+                    data: expected_data,
+                }),
+            ) => {
+                if let (Some(data), Some(expected_data)) = (
+                    data.downcast_ref::<&str>(),
+                    expected_data.downcast_ref::<&str>(),
+                ) {
+                    assert_eq!(
+                        data, expected_data,
+                        concat!("Expected right when calling `", stringify!($function), "`.")
+                    )
+                } else if let (Some(data), Some(expected_data)) = (
+                    data.downcast_ref::<String>(),
+                    expected_data.downcast_ref::<String>(),
+                ) {
+                    assert_eq!(
+                        data, expected_data,
+                        concat!("Expected right when calling `", stringify!($function), "`.")
+                    )
+                } else {
+                    assert!(false, "Unexpected error, cannot compare it.")
+                }
+            }
+            (result, expected_value) => assert!(
+                false,
+                format!(
+                    "Unexpected assertion for `{}`: left = `{:?}`, right = `{:?}`.",
+                    stringify!($function),
+                    result,
+                    expected_value
+                )
+            ),
+        }
+    };
+/// The shift that is set in the instance memory. The value is part of
+/// the result returned by the imported functions if the memory is
+/// read properly.
+const SHIFT: i32 = 10;
+/// The shift that is captured in the environment of a closure. The
+/// value is part of the result returned by the imported function if
+/// the closure captures its environment properly.
+const shift: i32 = 100;
+fn imported_functions_forms(test: &dyn Fn(&Instance)) {
     const MODULE: &str = r#"
   (type $type (func (param i32) (result i32)))
   (import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
   (import "env" "callback_fn" (func $callback_fn (type $type)))
+  (import "env" "callback_closure" (func $callback_closure (type $type)))
+  (import "env" "callback_closure_with_env" (func $callback_closure_with_env (type $type)))
   (import "env" "callback_fn_with_vmctx" (func $callback_fn_with_vmctx (type $type)))
+  (import "env" "callback_closure_with_vmctx" (func $callback_closure_with_vmctx (type $type)))
+  (import "env" "callback_closure_with_vmctx_and_env" (func $callback_closure_with_vmctx_and_env (type $type)))
   (import "env" "callback_fn_trap" (func $callback_fn_trap (type $type)))
+  (import "env" "callback_closure_trap" (func $callback_closure_trap (type $type)))
   (import "env" "callback_fn_trap_with_vmctx" (func $callback_fn_trap_with_vmctx (type $type)))
+  (import "env" "callback_closure_trap_with_vmctx" (func $callback_closure_trap_with_vmctx (type $type)))
+  (import "env" "callback_closure_trap_with_vmctx_and_env" (func $callback_closure_trap_with_vmctx_and_env (type $type)))
   (func (export "function_fn") (type $type)
     get_local 0
     call $callback_fn)
+  (func (export "function_closure") (type $type)
+    get_local 0
+    call $callback_closure)
+  (func (export "function_closure_with_env") (type $type)
+    get_local 0
+    call $callback_closure_with_env)
   (func (export "function_fn_with_vmctx") (type $type)
     get_local 0
     call $callback_fn_with_vmctx)
+  (func (export "function_closure_with_vmctx") (type $type)
+    get_local 0
+    call $callback_closure_with_vmctx)
+  (func (export "function_closure_with_vmctx_and_env") (type $type)
+    get_local 0
+    call $callback_closure_with_vmctx_and_env)
   (func (export "function_fn_trap") (type $type)
     get_local 0
     call $callback_fn_trap)
+  (func (export "function_closure_trap") (type $type)
+    get_local 0
+    call $callback_closure_trap)
   (func (export "function_fn_trap_with_vmctx") (type $type)
     get_local 0
-    call $callback_fn_trap_with_vmctx))
+    call $callback_fn_trap_with_vmctx)
+  (func (export "function_closure_trap_with_vmctx") (type $type)
+    get_local 0
+    call $callback_closure_trap_with_vmctx)
+  (func (export "function_closure_trap_with_vmctx_and_env") (type $type)
+    get_local 0
+    call $callback_closure_trap_with_vmctx_and_env))
     let wasm_binary = wat2wasm(MODULE.as_bytes()).expect("WAST not valid or malformed");
@@ -33,85 +133,77 @@ fn imported_functions_forms() {
     let memory_descriptor = MemoryDescriptor::new(Pages(1), Some(Pages(1)), false).unwrap();
     let memory = Memory::new(memory_descriptor).unwrap();
-    const SHIFT: i32 = 10;
     let import_object = imports! {
         "env" => {
             "memory" => memory.clone(),
+            // Regular function.
             "callback_fn" => Func::new(callback_fn),
+            // Closure without a captured environment.
+            "callback_closure" => Func::new(|n: i32| -> Result<i32, ()> {
+                Ok(n + 1)
+            }),
+            // Closure with a captured environment (a single variable + an instance of `Memory`).
+            "callback_closure_with_env" => Func::new(move |n: i32| -> Result<i32, ()> {
+                let shift_ = shift + memory.view::<i32>()[0].get();
+                Ok(shift_ + n + 1)
+            }),
+            // Regular function with an explicit `vmctx`.
             "callback_fn_with_vmctx" => Func::new(callback_fn_with_vmctx),
+            // Closure without a captured environment but with an explicit `vmctx`.
+            "callback_closure_with_vmctx" => Func::new(|vmctx: &mut vm::Ctx, n: i32| -> Result<i32, ()> {
+                let memory = vmctx.memory(0);
+                let shift_: i32 = memory.view()[0].get();
+                Ok(shift_ + n + 1)
+            }),
+            // Closure with a captured environment (a single variable) and with an explicit `vmctx`.
+            "callback_closure_with_vmctx_and_env" => Func::new(move |vmctx: &mut vm::Ctx, n: i32| -> Result<i32, ()> {
+                let memory = vmctx.memory(0);
+                let shift_ = shift + memory.view::<i32>()[0].get();
+                Ok(shift_ + n + 1)
+            }),
+            // Trap a regular function.
             "callback_fn_trap" => Func::new(callback_fn_trap),
+            // Trap a closure without a captured environment.
+            "callback_closure_trap" => Func::new(|n: i32| -> Result<i32, String> {
+                Err(format!("bar {}", n + 1))
+            }),
+            // Trap a regular function with an explicit `vmctx`.
             "callback_fn_trap_with_vmctx" => Func::new(callback_fn_trap_with_vmctx),
+            // Trap a closure without a captured environment but with an explicit `vmctx`.
+            "callback_closure_trap_with_vmctx" => Func::new(|vmctx: &mut vm::Ctx, n: i32| -> Result<i32, String> {
+                let memory = vmctx.memory(0);
+                let shift_: i32 = memory.view()[0].get();
+                Err(format!("qux {}", shift_ + n + 1))
+            }),
+            // Trap a closure with a captured environment (a single variable) and with an explicit `vmctx`.
+            "callback_closure_trap_with_vmctx_and_env" => Func::new(move |vmctx: &mut vm::Ctx, n: i32| -> Result<i32, String> {
+                let memory = vmctx.memory(0);
+                let shift_ = shift + memory.view::<i32>()[0].get();
+                Err(format!("! {}", shift_ + n + 1))
+            }),
     let instance = module.instantiate(&import_object).unwrap();
-    macro_rules! call_and_assert {
-        ($function:ident, $expected_value:expr) => {
-            let $function: Func<i32, i32> = instance.func(stringify!($function)).unwrap();
-            let result = $function.call(1);
-            match (result, $expected_value) {
-                (Ok(value), expected_value) => assert_eq!(
-                    Ok(value),
-                    expected_value,
-                    concat!("Expected right when calling `", stringify!($function), "`.")
-                ),
-                (
-                    Err(RuntimeError::Error { data }),
-                    Err(RuntimeError::Error {
-                        data: expected_data,
-                    }),
-                ) => {
-                    if let (Some(data), Some(expected_data)) = (
-                        data.downcast_ref::<&str>(),
-                        expected_data.downcast_ref::<&str>(),
-                    ) {
-                        assert_eq!(
-                            data, expected_data,
-                            concat!("Expected right when calling `", stringify!($function), "`.")
-                        )
-                    } else if let (Some(data), Some(expected_data)) = (
-                        data.downcast_ref::<String>(),
-                        expected_data.downcast_ref::<String>(),
-                    ) {
-                        assert_eq!(
-                            data, expected_data,
-                            concat!("Expected right when calling `", stringify!($function), "`.")
-                        )
-                    } else {
-                        assert!(false, "Unexpected error, cannot compare it.")
-                    }
-                }
-                (result, expected_value) => assert!(
-                    false,
-                    format!(
-                        "Unexpected assertion for `{}`: left = `{:?}`, right = `{:?}`.",
-                        stringify!($function),
-                        result,
-                        expected_value
-                    )
-                ),
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    call_and_assert!(function_fn, Ok(2));
-    call_and_assert!(function_fn_with_vmctx, Ok(2 + SHIFT));
-    call_and_assert!(
-        function_fn_trap,
-        Err(RuntimeError::Error {
-            data: Box::new(format!("foo {}", 1))
-        })
-    );
-    call_and_assert!(
-        function_fn_trap_with_vmctx,
-        Err(RuntimeError::Error {
-            data: Box::new(format!("baz {}", 2 + SHIFT))
-        })
-    );
+    test(&instance);
 fn callback_fn(n: i32) -> Result<i32, ()> {
@@ -120,18 +212,83 @@ fn callback_fn(n: i32) -> Result<i32, ()> {
 fn callback_fn_with_vmctx(vmctx: &mut vm::Ctx, n: i32) -> Result<i32, ()> {
     let memory = vmctx.memory(0);
-    let shift: i32 = memory.view()[0].get();
+    let shift_: i32 = memory.view()[0].get();
-    Ok(shift + n + 1)
+    Ok(shift_ + n + 1)
 fn callback_fn_trap(n: i32) -> Result<i32, String> {
-    Err(format!("foo {}", n))
+    Err(format!("foo {}", n + 1))
 fn callback_fn_trap_with_vmctx(vmctx: &mut vm::Ctx, n: i32) -> Result<i32, String> {
     let memory = vmctx.memory(0);
-    let shift: i32 = memory.view()[0].get();
+    let shift_: i32 = memory.view()[0].get();
+    Err(format!("baz {}", shift_ + n + 1))
-    Err(format!("baz {}", shift + n + 1))
+macro_rules! test {
+    ($test_name:ident, $function:ident, $expected_value:expr) => {
+        #[test]
+        fn $test_name() {
+            imported_functions_forms(&|instance| {
+                call_and_assert!(instance, $function, $expected_value);
+            });
+        }
+    };
+test!(test_fn, function_fn, Ok(2));
+test!(test_closure, function_closure, Ok(2));
+    test_closure_with_env,
+    function_closure_with_env,
+    Ok(2 + shift + SHIFT)
+test!(test_fn_with_vmctx, function_fn_with_vmctx, Ok(2 + SHIFT));
+    test_closure_with_vmctx,
+    function_closure_with_vmctx,
+    Ok(2 + SHIFT)
+    test_closure_with_vmctx_and_env,
+    function_closure_with_vmctx_and_env,
+    Ok(2 + shift + SHIFT)
+    test_fn_trap,
+    function_fn_trap,
+    Err(RuntimeError::Error {
+        data: Box::new(format!("foo {}", 2))
+    })
+    test_closure_trap,
+    function_closure_trap,
+    Err(RuntimeError::Error {
+        data: Box::new(format!("bar {}", 2))
+    })
+    test_fn_trap_with_vmctx,
+    function_fn_trap_with_vmctx,
+    Err(RuntimeError::Error {
+        data: Box::new(format!("baz {}", 2 + SHIFT))
+    })
+    test_closure_trap_with_vmctx,
+    function_closure_trap_with_vmctx,
+    Err(RuntimeError::Error {
+        data: Box::new(format!("qux {}", 2 + SHIFT))
+    })
+    test_closure_trap_with_vmctx_and_env,
+    function_closure_trap_with_vmctx_and_env,
+    Err(RuntimeError::Error {
+        data: Box::new(format!("! {}", 2 + shift + SHIFT))
+    })
diff --git a/lib/runtime-core/src/backing.rs b/lib/runtime-core/src/backing.rs
index 09c5743b993..c88cb953dfb 100644
--- a/lib/runtime-core/src/backing.rs
+++ b/lib/runtime-core/src/backing.rs
@@ -15,7 +15,11 @@ use crate::{
-use std::{fmt::Debug, slice};
+use std::{
+    fmt::Debug,
+    ptr::{self, NonNull},
+    slice,
 /// Size of the array for internal instance usage
 pub const INTERNALS_SIZE: usize = 256;
@@ -383,9 +387,9 @@ impl LocalBacking {
                                 LocalOrImport::Import(imported_func_index) => {
-                                    let vm::ImportedFunc { func, vmctx } =
+                                    let vm::ImportedFunc { func, func_ctx } =
-                                    (func, vmctx)
+                                    (func, unsafe { func_ctx.as_ref() }.vmctx.as_ptr())
@@ -416,9 +420,9 @@ impl LocalBacking {
                                 LocalOrImport::Import(imported_func_index) => {
-                                    let vm::ImportedFunc { func, vmctx } =
+                                    let vm::ImportedFunc { func, func_ctx } =
-                                    (func, vmctx)
+                                    (func, unsafe { func_ctx.as_ref() }.vmctx.as_ptr())
@@ -546,6 +550,15 @@ impl ImportBacking {
+impl Drop for ImportBacking {
+    fn drop(&mut self) {
+        // Properly drop the `vm::FuncCtx` in `vm::ImportedFunc`.
+        for (_imported_func_index, imported_func) in (*self.vm_functions).iter_mut() {
+            let _: Box<vm::FuncCtx> = unsafe { Box::from_raw(imported_func.func_ctx.as_ptr()) };
+        }
+    }
 fn import_functions(
     module: &ModuleInner,
     imports: &ImportObject,
@@ -569,6 +582,7 @@ fn import_functions(
         let import =
             imports.maybe_with_namespace(namespace, |namespace| namespace.get_export(name));
         match import {
             Some(Export::Function {
@@ -578,10 +592,28 @@ fn import_functions(
                 if *expected_sig == *signature {
                     functions.push(vm::ImportedFunc {
                         func: func.inner(),
-                        vmctx: match ctx {
-                            Context::External(ctx) => ctx,
-                            Context::Internal => vmctx,
-                        },
+                        func_ctx: NonNull::new(Box::into_raw(Box::new(vm::FuncCtx {
+                            //                      ^^^^^^^^ `vm::FuncCtx` is purposely leaked.
+                            //                               It is dropped by the specific `Drop`
+                            //                               implementation of `ImportBacking`.
+                            vmctx: NonNull::new(match ctx {
+                                Context::External(vmctx) => vmctx,
+                                Context::ExternalWithEnv(vmctx_, _) => {
+                                    if vmctx_.is_null() {
+                                        vmctx
+                                    } else {
+                                        vmctx_
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                Context::Internal => vmctx,
+                            })
+                            .expect("`vmctx` must not be null."),
+                            func_env: match ctx {
+                                Context::ExternalWithEnv(_, func_env) => func_env,
+                                _ => None,
+                            },
+                        })))
+                        .unwrap(),
                 } else {
                     link_errors.push(LinkError::IncorrectImportSignature {
@@ -610,8 +642,8 @@ fn import_functions(
             None => {
                 if imports.allow_missing_functions {
                     functions.push(vm::ImportedFunc {
-                        func: ::std::ptr::null(),
-                        vmctx: ::std::ptr::null_mut(),
+                        func: ptr::null(),
+                        func_ctx: unsafe { NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr::null_mut()) }, // TODO: Non-senseā€¦
                 } else {
                     link_errors.push(LinkError::ImportNotFound {
diff --git a/lib/runtime-core/src/export.rs b/lib/runtime-core/src/export.rs
index 213ea06b82f..8729d979752 100644
--- a/lib/runtime-core/src/export.rs
+++ b/lib/runtime-core/src/export.rs
@@ -6,13 +6,18 @@ use crate::{
     module::ModuleInner, table::Table, types::FuncSig, vm,
 use indexmap::map::Iter as IndexMapIter;
-use std::sync::Arc;
+use std::{ptr::NonNull, sync::Arc};
 /// A kind of Context.
 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
 pub enum Context {
     /// External context include a mutable pointer to `Ctx`.
     External(*mut vm::Ctx),
+    /// External context with an environment include a mutable pointer
+    /// to `Ctx` and an optional non-null pointer to `FuncEnv`.
+    ExternalWithEnv(*mut vm::Ctx, Option<NonNull<vm::FuncEnv>>),
     /// Internal context.
diff --git a/lib/runtime-core/src/instance.rs b/lib/runtime-core/src/instance.rs
index 8a8ea457d57..eb47c98e191 100644
--- a/lib/runtime-core/src/instance.rs
+++ b/lib/runtime-core/src/instance.rs
@@ -113,9 +113,13 @@ impl Instance {
             let ctx_ptr = match start_index.local_or_import(&instance.module.info) {
                 LocalOrImport::Local(_) => instance.inner.vmctx,
-                LocalOrImport::Import(imported_func_index) => {
-                    instance.inner.import_backing.vm_functions[imported_func_index].vmctx
+                LocalOrImport::Import(imported_func_index) => unsafe {
+                    instance.inner.import_backing.vm_functions[imported_func_index]
+                        .func_ctx
+                        .as_ref()
+                .vmctx
+                .as_ptr(),
             let sig_index = *instance
@@ -132,7 +136,7 @@ impl Instance {
                 .expect("wasm trampoline");
             let start_func: Func<(), (), Wasm> =
-                unsafe { Func::from_raw_parts(wasm_trampoline, func_ptr, ctx_ptr) };
+                unsafe { Func::from_raw_parts(wasm_trampoline, func_ptr, None, ctx_ptr) };
@@ -199,9 +203,13 @@ impl Instance {
             let ctx = match func_index.local_or_import(&self.module.info) {
                 LocalOrImport::Local(_) => self.inner.vmctx,
-                LocalOrImport::Import(imported_func_index) => {
-                    self.inner.import_backing.vm_functions[imported_func_index].vmctx
+                LocalOrImport::Import(imported_func_index) => unsafe {
+                    self.inner.import_backing.vm_functions[imported_func_index]
+                        .func_ctx
+                        .as_ref()
+                .vmctx
+                .as_ptr(),
             let func_wasm_inner = self
@@ -210,20 +218,26 @@ impl Instance {
                 .get_trampoline(&self.module.info, sig_index)
-            let func_ptr = match func_index.local_or_import(&self.module.info) {
-                LocalOrImport::Local(local_func_index) => self
-                    .module
-                    .runnable_module
-                    .get_func(&self.module.info, local_func_index)
-                    .unwrap(),
-                LocalOrImport::Import(import_func_index) => NonNull::new(
-                    self.inner.import_backing.vm_functions[import_func_index].func as *mut _,
-                )
-                .unwrap(),
+            let (func_ptr, func_env) = match func_index.local_or_import(&self.module.info) {
+                LocalOrImport::Local(local_func_index) => (
+                    self.module
+                        .runnable_module
+                        .get_func(&self.module.info, local_func_index)
+                        .unwrap(),
+                    None,
+                ),
+                LocalOrImport::Import(import_func_index) => {
+                    let imported_func = &self.inner.import_backing.vm_functions[import_func_index];
+                    (
+                        NonNull::new(imported_func.func as *mut _).unwrap(),
+                        unsafe { imported_func.func_ctx.as_ref() }.func_env,
+                    )
+                }
             let typed_func: Func<Args, Rets, Wasm> =
-                unsafe { Func::from_raw_parts(func_wasm_inner, func_ptr, ctx) };
+                unsafe { Func::from_raw_parts(func_wasm_inner, func_ptr, func_env, ctx) };
         } else {
@@ -412,6 +426,7 @@ impl InstanceInner {
                     ctx: match ctx {
                         Context::Internal => Context::External(self.vmctx),
                         ctx @ Context::External(_) => ctx,
+                        ctx @ Context::ExternalWithEnv(_, _) => ctx,
@@ -454,15 +469,16 @@ impl InstanceInner {
             LocalOrImport::Import(imported_func_index) => {
                 let imported_func = &self.import_backing.vm_functions[imported_func_index];
+                let func_ctx = unsafe { imported_func.func_ctx.as_ref() };
                     imported_func.func as *const _,
-                    Context::External(imported_func.vmctx),
+                    Context::ExternalWithEnv(func_ctx.vmctx.as_ptr(), func_ctx.func_env),
         let signature = SigRegistry.lookup_signature_ref(&module.info.signatures[sig_index]);
-        // let signature = &module.info.signatures[sig_index];
         (unsafe { FuncPointer::new(func_ptr) }, ctx, signature)
@@ -581,9 +597,13 @@ fn call_func_with_index(
     let ctx_ptr = match func_index.local_or_import(info) {
         LocalOrImport::Local(_) => local_ctx,
-        LocalOrImport::Import(imported_func_index) => {
-            import_backing.vm_functions[imported_func_index].vmctx
+        LocalOrImport::Import(imported_func_index) => unsafe {
+            import_backing.vm_functions[imported_func_index]
+                .func_ctx
+                .as_ref()
+        .vmctx
+        .as_ptr(),
     let wasm = runnable
diff --git a/lib/runtime-core/src/typed_func.rs b/lib/runtime-core/src/typed_func.rs
index 7904cb0b6d0..d2fe59a617d 100644
--- a/lib/runtime-core/src/typed_func.rs
+++ b/lib/runtime-core/src/typed_func.rs
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ where
     Rets: WasmTypeList,
     /// Conver to function pointer.
-    fn to_raw(&self) -> NonNull<vm::Func>;
+    fn to_raw(self) -> (NonNull<vm::Func>, Option<NonNull<vm::FuncEnv>>);
 /// Represents a TrapEarly type.
@@ -230,8 +230,9 @@ where
 /// Represents a function that can be used by WebAssembly.
 pub struct Func<'a, Args = (), Rets = (), Inner: Kind = Wasm> {
     inner: Inner,
-    f: NonNull<vm::Func>,
-    ctx: *mut vm::Ctx,
+    func: NonNull<vm::Func>,
+    func_env: Option<NonNull<vm::FuncEnv>>,
+    vmctx: *mut vm::Ctx,
     _phantom: PhantomData<(&'a (), Args, Rets)>,
@@ -245,20 +246,22 @@ where
     pub(crate) unsafe fn from_raw_parts(
         inner: Wasm,
-        f: NonNull<vm::Func>,
-        ctx: *mut vm::Ctx,
+        func: NonNull<vm::Func>,
+        func_env: Option<NonNull<vm::FuncEnv>>,
+        vmctx: *mut vm::Ctx,
     ) -> Func<'a, Args, Rets, Wasm> {
         Func {
-            f,
-            ctx,
+            func,
+            func_env,
+            vmctx,
             _phantom: PhantomData,
     /// Get the underlying func pointer.
     pub fn get_vm_func(&self) -> NonNull<vm::Func> {
-        self.f
+        self.func
@@ -268,15 +271,18 @@ where
     Rets: WasmTypeList,
     /// Creates a new `Func`.
-    pub fn new<F, Kind>(f: F) -> Func<'a, Args, Rets, Host>
+    pub fn new<F, Kind>(func: F) -> Func<'a, Args, Rets, Host>
         Kind: ExternalFunctionKind,
         F: ExternalFunction<Kind, Args, Rets>,
+        let (func, func_env) = func.to_raw();
         Func {
             inner: Host(()),
-            f: f.to_raw(),
-            ctx: ptr::null_mut(),
+            func,
+            func_env,
+            vmctx: ptr::null_mut(),
             _phantom: PhantomData,
@@ -414,7 +420,7 @@ where
     /// Call wasm function and return results.
     pub fn call(&self, a: A) -> Result<Rets, RuntimeError> {
-        unsafe { <A as WasmTypeList>::call(a, self.f, self.inner, self.ctx) }
+        unsafe { <A as WasmTypeList>::call(a, self.func, self.inner, self.vmctx) }
@@ -506,56 +512,113 @@ macro_rules! impl_traits {
             $( $x: WasmExternType, )*
             Rets: WasmTypeList,
             Trap: TrapEarly<Rets>,
-            FN: Fn(&mut vm::Ctx $( , $x )*) -> Trap,
+            FN: Fn(&mut vm::Ctx $( , $x )*) -> Trap + 'static,
-            fn to_raw(&self) -> NonNull<vm::Func> {
-                if mem::size_of::<Self>() == 0 {
-                    /// This is required for the llvm backend to be able to unwind through this function.
-                    #[cfg_attr(nightly, unwind(allowed))]
-                    extern fn wrap<$( $x, )* Rets, Trap, FN>(
-                        vmctx: &mut vm::Ctx $( , $x: <$x as WasmExternType>::Native )*
-                    ) -> Rets::CStruct
-                    where
-                        $( $x: WasmExternType, )*
-                        Rets: WasmTypeList,
-                        Trap: TrapEarly<Rets>,
-                        FN: Fn(&mut vm::Ctx, $( $x, )*) -> Trap,
-                    {
-                        let f: FN = unsafe { mem::transmute_copy(&()) };
-                        let err = match panic::catch_unwind(
-                            panic::AssertUnwindSafe(
-                                || {
-                                    f(vmctx $( , WasmExternType::from_native($x) )* ).report()
-                                }
-                            )
-                        ) {
-                            Ok(Ok(returns)) => return returns.into_c_struct(),
-                            Ok(Err(err)) => {
-                                let b: Box<_> = err.into();
-                                b as Box<dyn Any>
-                            },
-                            Err(err) => err,
-                        };
-                        unsafe {
-                            (&*vmctx.module).runnable_module.do_early_trap(err)
-                        }
+            fn to_raw(self) -> (NonNull<vm::Func>, Option<NonNull<vm::FuncEnv>>) {
+                // The `wrap` function is a wrapper around the
+                // imported function. It manages the argument passed
+                // to the imported function (in this case, the
+                // `vmctx` along with the regular WebAssembly
+                // arguments), and it manages the trapping.
+                //
+                // It is also required for the LLVM backend to be
+                // able to unwind through this function.
+                #[cfg_attr(nightly, unwind(allowed))]
+                extern fn wrap<$( $x, )* Rets, Trap, FN>(
+                    vmctx: &vm::Ctx $( , $x: <$x as WasmExternType>::Native )*
+                ) -> Rets::CStruct
+                where
+                    $( $x: WasmExternType, )*
+                    Rets: WasmTypeList,
+                    Trap: TrapEarly<Rets>,
+                    FN: Fn(&mut vm::Ctx, $( $x, )*) -> Trap,
+                {
+                    // Get the pointer to this `wrap` function.
+                    let self_pointer = wrap::<$( $x, )* Rets, Trap, FN> as *const vm::Func;
+                    // Get the collection of imported functions.
+                    let vm_imported_functions = unsafe { &(*vmctx.import_backing).vm_functions };
+                    // Retrieve the `vm::FuncCtx`.
+                    let mut func_ctx: NonNull<vm::FuncCtx> = vm_imported_functions
+                        .iter()
+                        .find_map(|(_, imported_func)| {
+                            if imported_func.func == self_pointer {
+                                Some(imported_func.func_ctx)
+                            } else {
+                                None
+                            }
+                        })
+                        .expect("Import backing is not well-formed, cannot find `func_ctx`.");
+                    let func_ctx = unsafe { func_ctx.as_mut() };
+                    // Extract `vm::Ctx` from `vm::FuncCtx`. The
+                    // pointer is always non-null.
+                    let vmctx = unsafe { func_ctx.vmctx.as_mut() };
+                    // Extract `vm::FuncEnv` from `vm::FuncCtx`.
+                    let func_env = func_ctx.func_env;
+                    let func: &FN = match func_env {
+                        // The imported function is a regular
+                        // function, a closure without a captured
+                        // environment, or a closure with a captured
+                        // environment.
+                        Some(func_env) => unsafe {
+                            let func: NonNull<FN> = func_env.cast();
+                            &*func.as_ptr()
+                        },
+                        // This branch is supposed to be unreachable.
+                        None => unreachable!()
+                    };
+                    // Catch unwind in case of errors.
+                    let err = match panic::catch_unwind(
+                        panic::AssertUnwindSafe(
+                            || {
+                                func(vmctx $( , WasmExternType::from_native($x) )* ).report()
+                                //   ^^^^^ The imported function
+                                //         expects `vm::Ctx` as first
+                                //         argument; provide it.
+                            }
+                        )
+                    ) {
+                        Ok(Ok(returns)) => return returns.into_c_struct(),
+                        Ok(Err(err)) => {
+                            let b: Box<_> = err.into();
+                            b as Box<dyn Any>
+                        },
+                        Err(err) => err,
+                    };
+                    // At this point, there is an error that needs to
+                    // be trapped.
+                    unsafe {
+                        (&*vmctx.module).runnable_module.do_early_trap(err)
-                    NonNull::new(wrap::<$( $x, )* Rets, Trap, Self> as *mut vm::Func).unwrap()
-                } else {
-                    assert_eq!(
-                        mem::size_of::<Self>(),
-                        mem::size_of::<usize>(),
-                        "you cannot use a closure that captures state for `Func`."
-                    );
-                    NonNull::new(unsafe {
-                        mem::transmute_copy::<_, *mut vm::Func>(self)
-                    }).unwrap()
+                // Extract the captured environment of the imported
+                // function if any.
+                let func_env: Option<NonNull<vm::FuncEnv>> =
+                    // `FN` is a function pointer, or a closure
+                    // _without_ a captured environment.
+                    if mem::size_of::<Self>() == 0 {
+                        NonNull::new(&self as *const _ as *mut vm::FuncEnv)
+                    }
+                    // `FN` is a closure _with_ a captured
+                    // environment.
+                    else {
+                        NonNull::new(Box::into_raw(Box::new(self))).map(NonNull::cast)
+                    };
+                (
+                    NonNull::new(wrap::<$( $x, )* Rets, Trap, Self> as *mut vm::Func).unwrap(),
+                    func_env
+                )
@@ -564,56 +627,110 @@ macro_rules! impl_traits {
             $( $x: WasmExternType, )*
             Rets: WasmTypeList,
             Trap: TrapEarly<Rets>,
-            FN: Fn($( $x, )*) -> Trap,
+            FN: Fn($( $x, )*) -> Trap + 'static,
-            fn to_raw(&self) -> NonNull<vm::Func> {
-                if mem::size_of::<Self>() == 0 {
-                    /// This is required for the llvm backend to be able to unwind through this function.
-                    #[cfg_attr(nightly, unwind(allowed))]
-                    extern fn wrap<$( $x, )* Rets, Trap, FN>(
-                        vmctx: &mut vm::Ctx $( , $x: <$x as WasmExternType>::Native )*
-                    ) -> Rets::CStruct
-                    where
-                        $( $x: WasmExternType, )*
-                        Rets: WasmTypeList,
-                        Trap: TrapEarly<Rets>,
-                        FN: Fn($( $x, )*) -> Trap,
-                    {
-                        let f: FN = unsafe { mem::transmute_copy(&()) };
-                        let err = match panic::catch_unwind(
-                            panic::AssertUnwindSafe(
-                                || {
-                                    f($( WasmExternType::from_native($x), )* ).report()
-                                }
-                            )
-                        ) {
-                            Ok(Ok(returns)) => return returns.into_c_struct(),
-                            Ok(Err(err)) => {
-                                let b: Box<_> = err.into();
-                                b as Box<dyn Any>
-                            },
-                            Err(err) => err,
-                        };
-                        unsafe {
-                            (&*vmctx.module).runnable_module.do_early_trap(err)
-                        }
+            fn to_raw(self) -> (NonNull<vm::Func>, Option<NonNull<vm::FuncEnv>>) {
+                // The `wrap` function is a wrapper around the
+                // imported function. It manages the argument passed
+                // to the imported function (in this case, only the
+                // regular WebAssembly arguments), and it manages the
+                // trapping.
+                //
+                // It is also required for the LLVM backend to be
+                // able to unwind through this function.
+                #[cfg_attr(nightly, unwind(allowed))]
+                extern fn wrap<$( $x, )* Rets, Trap, FN>(
+                    vmctx: &vm::Ctx $( , $x: <$x as WasmExternType>::Native )*
+                ) -> Rets::CStruct
+                where
+                    $( $x: WasmExternType, )*
+                    Rets: WasmTypeList,
+                    Trap: TrapEarly<Rets>,
+                    FN: Fn($( $x, )*) -> Trap,
+                {
+                    // Get the pointer to this `wrap` function.
+                    let self_pointer = wrap::<$( $x, )* Rets, Trap, FN> as *const vm::Func;
+                    // Get the collection of imported functions.
+                    let vm_imported_functions = unsafe { &(*vmctx.import_backing).vm_functions };
+                    // Retrieve the `vm::FuncCtx`.
+                    let mut func_ctx: NonNull<vm::FuncCtx> = vm_imported_functions
+                        .iter()
+                        .find_map(|(_, imported_func)| {
+                            if imported_func.func == self_pointer {
+                                Some(imported_func.func_ctx)
+                            } else {
+                                None
+                            }
+                        })
+                        .expect("Import backing is not well-formed, cannot find `func_ctx`.");
+                    let func_ctx = unsafe { func_ctx.as_mut() };
+                    // Extract `vm::Ctx` from `vm::FuncCtx`. The
+                    // pointer is always non-null.
+                    let vmctx = unsafe { func_ctx.vmctx.as_mut() };
+                    // Extract `vm::FuncEnv` from `vm::FuncCtx`.
+                    let func_env = func_ctx.func_env;
+                    let func: &FN = match func_env {
+                        // The imported function is a regular
+                        // function, a closure without a captured
+                        // environment, or a closure with a captured
+                        // environment.
+                        Some(func_env) => unsafe {
+                            let func: NonNull<FN> = func_env.cast();
+                            &*func.as_ptr()
+                        },
+                        // This branch is supposed to be unreachable.
+                        None => unreachable!()
+                    };
+                    // Catch unwind in case of errors.
+                    let err = match panic::catch_unwind(
+                        panic::AssertUnwindSafe(
+                            || {
+                                func($( WasmExternType::from_native($x), )* ).report()
+                            }
+                        )
+                    ) {
+                        Ok(Ok(returns)) => return returns.into_c_struct(),
+                        Ok(Err(err)) => {
+                            let b: Box<_> = err.into();
+                            b as Box<dyn Any>
+                        },
+                        Err(err) => err,
+                    };
+                    // At this point, there is an error that needs to
+                    // be trapped.
+                    unsafe {
+                        (&*vmctx.module).runnable_module.do_early_trap(err)
-                    NonNull::new(wrap::<$( $x, )* Rets, Trap, Self> as *mut vm::Func).unwrap()
-                } else {
-                    assert_eq!(
-                        mem::size_of::<Self>(),
-                        mem::size_of::<usize>(),
-                        "you cannot use a closure that captures state for `Func`."
-                    );
-                    NonNull::new(unsafe {
-                        mem::transmute_copy::<_, *mut vm::Func>(self)
-                    }).unwrap()
+                // Extract the captured environment of the imported
+                // function if any.
+                let func_env: Option<NonNull<vm::FuncEnv>> =
+                    // `FN` is a function pointer, or a closure
+                    // _without_ a captured environment.
+                    if mem::size_of::<Self>() == 0 {
+                        NonNull::new(&self as *const _ as *mut vm::FuncEnv)
+                    }
+                    // `FN` is a closure _with_ a captured
+                    // environment.
+                    else {
+                        NonNull::new(Box::into_raw(Box::new(self))).map(NonNull::cast)
+                    };
+                (
+                    NonNull::new(wrap::<$( $x, )* Rets, Trap, Self> as *mut vm::Func).unwrap(),
+                    func_env
+                )
@@ -629,9 +746,9 @@ macro_rules! impl_traits {
                 unsafe {
                     <( $( $x ),* ) as WasmTypeList>::call(
                         ( $( $x ),* ),
-                        self.f,
+                        self.func,
-                        self.ctx
+                        self.vmctx
@@ -669,8 +786,11 @@ where
     Inner: Kind,
     fn to_export(&self) -> Export {
-        let func = unsafe { FuncPointer::new(self.f.as_ptr()) };
-        let ctx = Context::Internal;
+        let func = unsafe { FuncPointer::new(self.func.as_ptr()) };
+        let ctx = match self.func_env {
+            func_env @ Some(_) => Context::ExternalWithEnv(self.vmctx, func_env),
+            None => Context::Internal,
+        };
         let signature = Arc::new(FuncSig::new(Args::types(), Rets::types()));
         Export::Function {
diff --git a/lib/runtime-core/src/vm.rs b/lib/runtime-core/src/vm.rs
index 0584633dac8..94d89df2e92 100644
--- a/lib/runtime-core/src/vm.rs
+++ b/lib/runtime-core/src/vm.rs
@@ -523,24 +523,65 @@ impl Ctx {
-enum InnerFunc {}
-/// Used to provide type safety (ish) for passing around function pointers.
-/// The typesystem ensures this cannot be dereferenced since an
-/// empty enum cannot actually exist.
+/// Represents a function pointer. It is mostly used in the
+/// `typed_func` module within the `wrap` functions, to wrap imported
+/// functions.
+pub struct Func(pub(self) *mut c_void);
+/// Represents a function environment pointer, like a captured
+/// environment of a closure. It is mostly used in the `typed_func`
+/// module within the `wrap` functions, to wrap imported functions.
+pub struct FuncEnv(pub(self) *mut c_void);
+/// Represents a function context. It is used by imported functions
+/// only.
-pub struct Func(InnerFunc);
+pub struct FuncCtx {
+    /// The `Ctx` pointer.
+    pub(crate) vmctx: NonNull<Ctx>,
+    /// A pointer to the function environment. It is used by imported
+    /// functions only to store the pointer to the real host function,
+    /// whether it is a regular function, or a closure with or without
+    /// a captured environment.
+    pub(crate) func_env: Option<NonNull<FuncEnv>>,
+impl FuncCtx {
+    /// Offset to `vmctx`.
+    pub fn offset_vmctx() -> u8 {
+        0 * (mem::size_of::<usize>() as u8)
+    }
+    /// Offset to `func_env`.
+    pub fn offset_func_env() -> u8 {
+        1 * (mem::size_of::<usize>() as u8)
+    }
+    /// Size of a `FuncCtx`.
+    pub fn size() -> u8 {
+        mem::size_of::<Self>() as u8
+    }
-/// An imported function, which contains the vmctx that owns this function.
+/// An imported function is a function pointer associated to a
+/// function context.
 #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
 pub struct ImportedFunc {
     /// Const pointer to `Func`.
-    pub func: *const Func,
-    /// Mutable pointer to `Ctx`.
-    pub vmctx: *mut Ctx,
+    pub(crate) func: *const Func,
+    /// Mutable non-null pointer to `FuncCtx`.
+    pub(crate) func_ctx: NonNull<FuncCtx>,
-// manually implemented because ImportedFunc contains raw pointers directly; `Func` is marked Send (But `Ctx` actually isn't! (TODO: review this, shouldn't `Ctx` be Send?))
+// Manually implemented because ImportedFunc contains raw pointers
+// directly; `Func` is marked Send (But `Ctx` actually isn't! (TODO:
+// review this, shouldn't `Ctx` be Send?))
 unsafe impl Send for ImportedFunc {}
 impl ImportedFunc {
@@ -550,8 +591,8 @@ impl ImportedFunc {
         0 * (mem::size_of::<usize>() as u8)
-    /// Offset to vmctx.
-    pub fn offset_vmctx() -> u8 {
+    /// Offset to func_ctx.
+    pub fn offset_func_ctx() -> u8 {
         1 * (mem::size_of::<usize>() as u8)
@@ -709,7 +750,9 @@ impl Anyfunc {
 mod vm_offset_tests {
-    use super::{Anyfunc, Ctx, ImportedFunc, InternalCtx, LocalGlobal, LocalMemory, LocalTable};
+    use super::{
+        Anyfunc, Ctx, FuncCtx, ImportedFunc, InternalCtx, LocalGlobal, LocalMemory, LocalTable,
+    };
     fn vmctx() {
@@ -786,17 +829,18 @@ mod vm_offset_tests {
+    #[test]
+    fn func_ctx() {
+        assert_eq!(FuncCtx::offset_vmctx() as usize, 0,);
+        assert_eq!(FuncCtx::offset_func_env() as usize, 8,);
+    }
     fn imported_func() {
-        assert_eq!(
-            ImportedFunc::offset_func() as usize,
-            offset_of!(ImportedFunc => func).get_byte_offset(),
-        );
+        assert_eq!(ImportedFunc::offset_func() as usize, 0);
-        assert_eq!(
-            ImportedFunc::offset_vmctx() as usize,
-            offset_of!(ImportedFunc => vmctx).get_byte_offset(),
-        );
+        assert_eq!(ImportedFunc::offset_func_ctx() as usize, 8);
diff --git a/lib/singlepass-backend/src/codegen_x64.rs b/lib/singlepass-backend/src/codegen_x64.rs
index f4411a74ce4..7a71a289fe2 100644
--- a/lib/singlepass-backend/src/codegen_x64.rs
+++ b/lib/singlepass-backend/src/codegen_x64.rs
@@ -554,18 +554,30 @@ impl ModuleCodeGenerator<X64FunctionCode, X64ExecutionContext, CodegenError>
         // Emits a tail call trampoline that loads the address of the target import function
         // from Ctx and jumps to it.
+        let imported_funcs_addr = vm::Ctx::offset_imported_funcs();
+        let imported_func = vm::ImportedFunc::size() as usize * id;
+        let imported_func_addr = imported_func + vm::ImportedFunc::offset_func() as usize;
+        let imported_func_ctx_addr = imported_func + vm::ImportedFunc::offset_func_ctx() as usize;
+        let imported_func_ctx_vmctx_addr = vm::FuncCtx::offset_vmctx() as usize;
-            Location::Memory(GPR::RDI, vm::Ctx::offset_imported_funcs() as i32),
+            Location::Memory(GPR::RDI, imported_funcs_addr as i32),
-            Location::Memory(
-                GPR::RAX,
-                (vm::ImportedFunc::size() as usize * id + vm::ImportedFunc::offset_func() as usize)
-                    as i32,
-            ),
+            Location::Memory(GPR::RAX, imported_func_ctx_addr as i32),
+            Location::GPR(GPR::RDI),
+        );
+        a.emit_mov(
+            Size::S64,
+            Location::Memory(GPR::RDI, imported_func_ctx_vmctx_addr as i32),
+            Location::GPR(GPR::RDI),
+        );
+        a.emit_mov(
+            Size::S64,
+            Location::Memory(GPR::RAX, imported_func_addr as i32),
diff --git a/lib/spectests/examples/test.rs b/lib/spectests/examples/test.rs
index 8ce199695fc..006fc1397d2 100644
--- a/lib/spectests/examples/test.rs
+++ b/lib/spectests/examples/test.rs
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 use wabt::wat2wasm;
-use wasmer_clif_backend::CraneliftCompiler;
 use wasmer_runtime_core::{backend::Compiler, import::ImportObject, Instance};
 fn main() {