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Dale Eidd edited this page Dec 4, 2022 · 5 revisions

This is supplementary platform support information. Please see the user guide for more information.

Xbox One

If you receive the following error:

Crest requires graphic devices that support compute shaders

  1. Place DirectX 12 at the top of the list of the Graphics API list.
  2. For UWP apps, ensure that your app is declared as Game.

Meta Quest

  1. Follow Meta's and/or Unity's instructions to get setup with Quest and Unity development
  2. Crest does not support OpenGL. Make sure that Vulkan is the only one in the Auto Graphics API list. Be wary that if using the Oculus XR plugin, every time it is enabled in the XR project window it will add and set OpenGL as the graphics API
  3. Set the Depth Submission Mode to anything other than None if using OpenXR and Underwater Renderer or Transparency

Built-in Renderer has a bug where the unity_StereoEyeIndex is not set so you cannot use Transparency or Underwater Renderer.