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Table",name:!0,mdxType:"AnchorLink"})),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Below is the complexity table for 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check."),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ol"},(0,i.kt)(p.Z,{url:"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arithmetic_progression",mdxType:"ExternalLink"},"Arithmetic progression"))))}h.isMDXComponent=!0},103:function(t,e,n){"use strict";n.r(e),n.d(e,{meta:function(){return c},default:function(){return h}});var r=n(6156),a=n(7375),i=(n(7294),n(4137)),o=n(2052),l=n(2919),s=n(3042),p=n(9087);function u(t,e){var n=Object.keys(t);if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var r=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);e&&(r=r.filter((function(e){return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t,e).enumerable}))),n.push.apply(n,r)}return n}function m(t){for(var e=1;e {\n storage[count] = value;\n count++;\n }\n const pop = () => {\n if(count === 0) {\n return undefined;\n }\n count--;\n const lastValue = storage[count];\n delete storage[count]\n return lastValue;\n }\n const size = () => {\n return count;\n }\n const peek = () => {\n return storage[count-1]\n }\n return {\n push,\n pop,\n size,\n peek\n 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solution."),(0,i.kt)(l.Z,{mdxType:"CodeBlock"},"\nCode goes here...\n".trim()))}d.isMDXComponent=!0},8440:function(t,e,n){"use strict";n.r(e),n.d(e,{meta:function(){return c},default:function(){return h}});var r=n(6156),a=n(7375),i=(n(7294),n(4137)),o=n(2052),l=n(2919),s=(n(3042),n(9087)),p=n(4070);function u(t,e){var n=Object.keys(t);if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var r=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);e&&(r=r.filter((function(e){return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t,e).enumerable}))),n.push.apply(n,r)}return n}function m(t){for(var e=1;e a -b);\n const sortedArray = arr.sort((a,b) => a -b);\n // Iterate Target Elements.\n for(let index = 0;index a + b, 0)\n return sumOfN - sumOfAll\n}\n"),(0,i.kt)("h2",null,(0,i.kt)(s.Z,{label:"Points to be Taken",name:!0,mdxType:"AnchorLink"})),(0,i.kt)("ol",null,(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ol"},"Array problem expect empty array condition check and single element check."),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ol"},(0,i.kt)(p.Z,{url:"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arithmetic_progression",mdxType:"ExternalLink"},"Arithmetic progression"))))}h.isMDXComponent=!0},103:function(t,e,n){"use strict";n.r(e),n.d(e,{meta:function(){return c},default:function(){return h}});var r=n(6156),a=n(7375),i=(n(7294),n(4137)),o=n(2052),l=n(2919),s=n(3042),p=n(9087);function u(t,e){var n=Object.keys(t);if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var r=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);e&&(r=r.filter((function(e){return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t,e).enumerable}))),n.push.apply(n,r)}return n}function m(t){for(var e=1;e0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:"";return t?"/blogs/".concat(t):"/"},o=[{label:"Home",url:"/"},{label:"JavaScript",url:i("js")},{label:"HTML5",url:i("html")},{label:"React",url:i("react")},{label:"Programming",url:i("programming")},{label:"About",url:"/about"}];function s(){var t=(0,a.Z)(["\n width: 82%;\n margin-top: 35px;\n"]);return s=function(){return t},t}var 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return lastValue;\n }\n const size = () => {\n return count;\n }\n const peek = () => {\n return storage[count-1]\n }\n return {\n push,\n pop,\n size,\n peek\n }\n}\n".trim()),(0,l.kt)("h2",null,(0,l.kt)(s.Z,{label:"Complexity Table",name:!0,mdxType:"AnchorLink"})),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Below is the complexity table for 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solution."),(0,l.kt)(o.Z,{mdxType:"CodeBlock"},"\nCode goes here...\n".trim()))}h.isMDXComponent=!0},2403:function(t,e,n){(window.__NEXT_P=window.__NEXT_P||[]).push(["/blogs/data-structures/stack",function(){return n(2587)}])}},function(t){t.O(0,[329,358,638,774,888,179],(function(){return e=2403,t(t.s=e);var e}));var e=t.O();_N_E=e}]);
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Stack."),(0,l.kt)("hr",null),(0,l.kt)("table",null,(0,l.kt)("thead",{parentName:"table"},(0,l.kt)("tr",{parentName:"thead"},(0,l.kt)("th",u({parentName:"tr"},{align:null})),(0,l.kt)("th",u({parentName:"tr"},{align:"center"}),"Operation"),(0,l.kt)("th",u({parentName:"tr"},{align:"right"}),"Best"),(0,l.kt)("th",u({parentName:"tr"},{align:"right"}),"Average"),(0,l.kt)("th",u({parentName:"tr"},{align:"right"}),"Worst"))),(0,l.kt)("tbody",{parentName:"table"},(0,l.kt)("tr",{parentName:"tbody"},(0,l.kt)("td",u({parentName:"tr"},{align:null}),"1"),(0,l.kt)("td",u({parentName:"tr"},{align:"center"}),"Access"),(0,l.kt)("td",u({parentName:"tr"},{align:"right"})),(0,l.kt)("td",u({parentName:"tr"},{align:"right"}),"O(n)"),(0,l.kt)("td",u({parentName:"tr"},{align:"right"}),"O(n)")),(0,l.kt)("tr",{parentName:"tbody"},(0,l.kt)("td",u({parentName:"tr"},{align:null}),"2"),(0,l.kt)("td",u({parentName:"tr"},{align:"center"}),"Search"),(0,l.kt)("td",u({parentName:"tr"},{align:"right"})),(0,l.kt)("td",u({parentName:"tr"},{align:"right"}),"O(n)"),(0,l.kt)("td",u({parentName:"tr"},{align:"right"}),"O(n)")),(0,l.kt)("tr",{parentName:"tbody"},(0,l.kt)("td",u({parentName:"tr"},{align:null}),"3"),(0,l.kt)("td",u({parentName:"tr"},{align:"center"}),"Insertion"),(0,l.kt)("td",u({parentName:"tr"},{align:"right"})),(0,l.kt)("td",u({parentName:"tr"},{align:"right"}),"O(n)"),(0,l.kt)("td",u({parentName:"tr"},{align:"right"}),"O(n)")),(0,l.kt)("tr",{parentName:"tbody"},(0,l.kt)("td",u({parentName:"tr"},{align:null}),"4"),(0,l.kt)("td",u({parentName:"tr"},{align:"center"}),"Deletion"),(0,l.kt)("td",u({parentName:"tr"},{align:"right"})),(0,l.kt)("td",u({parentName:"tr"},{align:"right"}),"O(n)"),(0,l.kt)("td",u({parentName:"tr"},{align:"right"}),"O(n)")),(0,l.kt)("tr",{parentName:"tbody"},(0,l.kt)("td",u({parentName:"tr"},{align:null}),"5"),(0,l.kt)("td",u({parentName:"tr"},{align:"center"}),"Space Complexity"),(0,l.kt)("td",u({parentName:"tr"},{align:"right"})),(0,l.kt)("td",u({parentName:"tr"},{align:"right"})),(0,l.kt)("td",u({parentName:"tr"},{align:"right"}),"O(n)")))),(0,l.kt)("hr",null),(0,l.kt)("h2",null,(0,l.kt)(s.Z,{label:"When do we use Stack",name:!0,mdxType:"AnchorLink"})),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"We can use it for this problems."),(0,l.kt)("h2",null,(0,l.kt)(s.Z,{label:"Real Time Problems",name:!0,mdxType:"AnchorLink"})),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"We can use it for this problems."),(0,l.kt)("h3",null,(0,l.kt)(s.Z,{label:"$Problem-1$",name:!0,mdxType:"AnchorLink"})),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Below is the problem and its solution."),(0,l.kt)(o.Z,{mdxType:"CodeBlock"},"\nCode goes here...\n".trim()),(0,l.kt)("h2",null,(0,l.kt)(s.Z,{label:"Other Possible Questions",name:!0,mdxType:"AnchorLink"})),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"We can use it for this problems."),(0,l.kt)("h3",null,(0,l.kt)(s.Z,{label:"$Question-1$",name:!0,mdxType:"AnchorLink"})),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Below is the Question and its solution."),(0,l.kt)(o.Z,{mdxType:"CodeBlock"},"\nCode goes here...\n".trim()))}h.isMDXComponent=!0},2403:function(t,e,n){(window.__NEXT_P=window.__NEXT_P||[]).push(["/blogs/data-structures/stack",function(){return n(2587)}])}},function(t){t.O(0,[329,358,638,774,888,179],(function(){return e=2403,t(t.s=e);var e}));var e=t.O();_N_E=e}]);
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similarity index 76%
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-About Webslate
Happy to see you visting WebSlate.IO. I'm a JavaScript and web developer living in sunny Singapore creator of WebSlate.IO.
With a passion for teaching, I started making lot of training materials for free. during pandemic 2020, i started helping people who lose jobs through offline now its online called WebSlate.IO.
Happy to see you visting WebSlate.IO. I'm a JavaScript and web developer living in sunny Singapore creator of WebSlate.IO.
With a passion for teaching, I started making lot of training materials for free. during pandemic 2020, i started helping people who lose jobs through offline now its online called WebSlate.IO.
I'm just getting started.
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-Webslate.io - Algorithms
Big O notation is a mathematical notation that describes the limiting behavior of a function when the argument tends towards a particular value or infinity. Big O is a member of a family of notations invented by Paul Bachmann.
Big O notation is a mathematical notation that describes the limiting behavior of a function when the argument tends towards a particular value or infinity. Big O is a member of a family of notations invented by Paul Bachmann.
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-Big-O Notations
Big O notation is a mathematical notation that describes the limiting behavior of a function when the argument tends towards a particular value or infinity.
Big O is a member of a family of notations invented by Paul Bachmann son of Johann Friedrich Bachmann (1799-1876) and a Lutheran minister (teachings of Jesus Christ and was founded by Martin Luther),
It represents the algorithm’s scalability and performance.
Not every computer hardware is same. Due to this, efficient code takes long time to execute in old machine or in-efficient code execute quickly in high end machine. but that doesn't meant your code is efficient or in-efficient by evaluating through running time. so we need common notation for better evaluation.
Time Complexity is computational complexity that describes the amount of time required to perform the computation.
Its helps to estimate the running time of a program.
Performing an accurate calculation on program's operation time is labour-intensive process because its depends on the hardware spec like compiler, processor speed.
Its important note about Dominant operations are always considered those operation performed largest number of times depends on specific input data.
1. Constant Time O(1)
This takes constant / same time regardless of the number of inputs. always execute in same amount of time, doesn't matter about input size.
Example 1.1: function return whether number is odd or even.
2return n %2?'Odd':'Even';
Example 1.2: Look-up table - function return exist key's value.
Space complexity is the amount of memory required to perform the computation by Algorithm
Algorithm / Program consider Variables, Program Instruction and Execution, contents of the stack if its recursion.
Speed will rely on the computing power of the machine on which it’s executed.
Memory limits are crucial and this will share info on expected space complexity.
When there is constant numbers of variables, which means you have constant space complexity.
In algorithmics, space and time are like two separate poles. Increasing speed will most often lead to increased memory consumption and vice-versa. for example: merge sort, which is extremely fast but requires a lot of memory and bubble sort, a slow algorithm but one that occupies minimal space.
Big O notation is a mathematical notation that describes the limiting behavior of a function when the argument tends towards a particular value or infinity.
Big O is a member of a family of notations invented by Paul Bachmann son of Johann Friedrich Bachmann (1799-1876) and a Lutheran minister (teachings of Jesus Christ and was founded by Martin Luther),
It represents the algorithm’s scalability and performance.
Not every computer hardware is same. Due to this, efficient code takes long time to execute in old machine or in-efficient code execute quickly in high end machine. but that doesn't meant your code is efficient or in-efficient by evaluating through running time. so we need common notation for better evaluation.
Time Complexity is computational complexity that describes the amount of time required to perform the computation.
Its helps to estimate the running time of a program.
Performing an accurate calculation on program's operation time is labour-intensive process because its depends on the hardware spec like compiler, processor speed.
Its important note about Dominant operations are always considered those operation performed largest number of times depends on specific input data.
1. Constant Time O(1)
This takes constant / same time regardless of the number of inputs. always execute in same amount of time, doesn't matter about input size.
Example 1.1: function return whether number is odd or even.
2return n %2?'Odd':'Even';
Example 1.2: Look-up table - function return exist key's value.
Space complexity is the amount of memory required to perform the computation by Algorithm
Algorithm / Program consider Variables, Program Instruction and Execution, contents of the stack if its recursion.
Speed will rely on the computing power of the machine on which it’s executed.
Memory limits are crucial and this will share info on expected space complexity.
When there is constant numbers of variables, which means you have constant space complexity.
In algorithmics, space and time are like two separate poles. Increasing speed will most often lead to increased memory consumption and vice-versa. for example: merge sort, which is extremely fast but requires a lot of memory and bubble sort, a slow algorithm but one that occupies minimal space.
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index a73d756..a0e5dc3 100644
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-Webslate.io - Data Structures
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There are n students, numbered from 1 to n, each with their own yearbook. They would like to pass their yearbooks around and get them signed by other students.
You're given a list of n integers arr[1..n], which is guaranteed to be a permutation of 1..n (in other words, it includes the integers from 1 to n exactly once each, in some order). The meaning of this list is described below.
Initially, each student is holding their own yearbook. The students will then repeat the following two steps each minute: Each student i will first sign the yearbook that they're currently holding (which may either belong to themselves or to another student), and then they'll pass it to student arr[i-1]. It's possible that arr[i-1] = i for any given i, in which case student i will pass their yearbook back to themselves. Once a student has received their own yearbook back, they will hold on to it and no longer participate in the passing process.
It's guaranteed that, for any possible valid input, each student will eventually receive their own yearbook back and will never end up holding more than one yearbook at a time.
You must compute a list of n integers output, whose element at i-1 is equal to the number of signatures that will be present in student i's yearbook once they receive it back.
There are n students, numbered from 1 to n, each with their own yearbook. They would like to pass their yearbooks around and get them signed by other students.
You're given a list of n integers arr[1..n], which is guaranteed to be a permutation of 1..n (in other words, it includes the integers from 1 to n exactly once each, in some order). The meaning of this list is described below.
Initially, each student is holding their own yearbook. The students will then repeat the following two steps each minute: Each student i will first sign the yearbook that they're currently holding (which may either belong to themselves or to another student), and then they'll pass it to student arr[i-1]. It's possible that arr[i-1] = i for any given i, in which case student i will pass their yearbook back to themselves. Once a student has received their own yearbook back, they will hold on to it and no longer participate in the passing process.
It's guaranteed that, for any possible valid input, each student will eventually receive their own yearbook back and will never end up holding more than one yearbook at a time.
You must compute a list of n integers output, whose element at i-1 is equal to the number of signatures that will be present in student i's yearbook once they receive it back.
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-Storage API
One of the good Features in ES6 is Promises Object and their useful methods and they are called software abstraction helps to works smoothly with asynchronous operations. Promise API followed Promises/A+ Specification prior to this, there was Promise/A.
What is Promises/A and Promises/A+ ?
Both are specification for open standard but Javascript currently uses Promise/A+.
The main three reason for using Promise/A+ is Three different states, Value for Fulfilment and for Rejection and thenable object. for more detail see Differences from Promises/A
These Promise/A+ organisation occasionally revise and address the corner cases in to new Specification.
One of the good Features in ES6 is Promises Object and their useful methods and they are called software abstraction helps to works smoothly with asynchronous operations. Promise API followed Promises/A+ Specification prior to this, there was Promise/A.
What is Promises/A and Promises/A+ ?
Both are specification for open standard but Javascript currently uses Promise/A+.
The main three reason for using Promise/A+ is Three different states, Value for Fulfilment and for Rejection and thenable object. for more detail see Differences from Promises/A
These Promise/A+ organisation occasionally revise and address the corner cases in to new Specification.
I would like to continue with an examination of JavaScript Promise API. Let’s have a look at Promise evolution by various libraries. below three libraries which we are going to explore on this article.
One of the good Features in ES6 is Promises Object and their useful methods and they are called software abstraction helps to works smoothly with asynchronous operations. Promise API followed Promises/A+ Specification prior to this, there was Promise/A.
I would like to continue with an examination of JavaScript Promise API. Let’s have a look at Promise evolution by various libraries. below three libraries which we are going to explore on this article.
One of the good Features in ES6 is Promises Object and their useful methods and they are called software abstraction helps to works smoothly with asynchronous operations. Promise API followed Promises/A+ Specification prior to this, there was Promise/A.
I would like to continue with an examination of JavaScript Promise API. Let’s have a look at Promise evolution by various libraries. below three libraries which we are going to explore on this article.
Q.js Library
When.js Library
RSVP.js Library
Using q.js
The q.js is best one for promise implementation by Kris Kowal. It is more evident of promise evolution.
Lets have a look, What makes it special.
It provides two ways to define the promise. one is very famous by Q.defer() and another one is Q.Promise().
The Q.defer() method is custom and flexible way to define promise like defining anywhere in the code likevar deferred = Q.defer(); and any time that can be resolved, rejected and notified (deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.notify).
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+JS Promise (Part 2 - Q.js, When.js and RSVP.js)
I would like to continue with an examination of JavaScript Promise API. Let’s have a look at Promise evolution by various libraries. below three libraries which we are going to explore on this article.
Q.js Library
When.js Library
RSVP.js Library
Using q.js
The q.js is best one for promise implementation by Kris Kowal. It is more evident of promise evolution.
Lets have a look, What makes it special.
It provides two ways to define the promise. one is very famous by Q.defer() and another one is Q.Promise().
The Q.defer() method is custom and flexible way to define promise like defining anywhere in the code likevar deferred = Q.defer(); and any time that can be resolved, rejected and notified (deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.notify).
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index dd367f3..8ec9d72 100644
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+++ b/docs/blogs/js/promises.html
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-JS Promises Basics (Part 1)
One of the good Features in ES6 is Promises Object and their useful methods and they are called software abstraction helps to works smoothly with asynchronous operations. Promise API followed Promises/A+ Specification prior to this, there was Promise/A.
What is Promises/A and Promises/A+ ?
Both are specification for open standard but Javascript currently uses Promise/A+.
The main three reason for using Promise/A+ is Three different states, Value for Fulfilment and for Rejection and thenable object. for more detail see Differences from Promises/A
These Promise/A+ organisation occasionally revise and address the corner cases in to new Specification.
One of the good Features in ES6 is Promises Object and their useful methods and they are called software abstraction helps to works smoothly with asynchronous operations. Promise API followed Promises/A+ Specification prior to this, there was Promise/A.
What is Promises/A and Promises/A+ ?
Both are specification for open standard but Javascript currently uses Promise/A+.
The main three reason for using Promise/A+ is Three different states, Value for Fulfilment and for Rejection and thenable object. for more detail see Differences from Promises/A
These Promise/A+ organisation occasionally revise and address the corner cases in to new Specification.
Rejection triggers catch method, if errors thrown.
In short, running continuation-passing style. Let me shoot few bullets with simple diagram on Promises below.
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-Webslate.io - Mobile Articles
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index 32b3429..4bb782c 100644
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-Deep Linking
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index e5dc28d..70343fe 100644
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-Optimize Web Bundles
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index dd2131d..ef5860e 100644
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-Webslate.io - Problems
There are n students, numbered from 1 to n, each with their own yearbook. They would like to pass their yearbooks around and get them signed by other students.
There are n students, numbered from 1 to n, each with their own yearbook. They would like to pass their yearbooks around and get them signed by other students.
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diff --git a/docs/blogs/problems/array-intersection.html b/docs/blogs/problems/array-intersection.html
index 213eef6..34c9e52 100644
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+++ b/docs/blogs/problems/array-intersection.html
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index d2b933b..3f19464 100644
--- a/docs/blogs/problems/facebook-passing-year-books.html
+++ b/docs/blogs/problems/facebook-passing-year-books.html
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Passing Yearbooks
There are n students, numbered from 1 to n, each with their own yearbook. They would like to pass their yearbooks around and get them signed by other students.
You're given a list of n integers arr[1..n], which is guaranteed to be a permutation of 1..n (in other words, it includes the integers from 1 to n exactly once each, in some order). The meaning of this list is described below.
Initially, each student is holding their own yearbook. The students will then repeat the following two steps each minute: Each student i will first sign the yearbook that they're currently holding (which may either belong to themselves or to another student), and then they'll pass it to student arr[i-1]. It's possible that arr[i-1] = i for any given i, in which case student i will pass their yearbook back to themselves. Once a student has received their own yearbook back, they will hold on to it and no longer participate in the passing process.
It's guaranteed that, for any possible valid input, each student will eventually receive their own yearbook back and will never end up holding more than one yearbook at a time.
You must compute a list of n integers output, whose element at i-1 is equal to the number of signatures that will be present in student i's yearbook once they receive it back.
There are n students, numbered from 1 to n, each with their own yearbook. They would like to pass their yearbooks around and get them signed by other students.
You're given a list of n integers arr[1..n], which is guaranteed to be a permutation of 1..n (in other words, it includes the integers from 1 to n exactly once each, in some order). The meaning of this list is described below.
Initially, each student is holding their own yearbook. The students will then repeat the following two steps each minute: Each student i will first sign the yearbook that they're currently holding (which may either belong to themselves or to another student), and then they'll pass it to student arr[i-1]. It's possible that arr[i-1] = i for any given i, in which case student i will pass their yearbook back to themselves. Once a student has received their own yearbook back, they will hold on to it and no longer participate in the passing process.
It's guaranteed that, for any possible valid input, each student will eventually receive their own yearbook back and will never end up holding more than one yearbook at a time.
You must compute a list of n integers output, whose element at i-1 is equal to the number of signatures that will be present in student i's yearbook once they receive it back.
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-Reverse to Make Equal
On High level note, It worth to read in detail for a better understanding.
This is one of the Facebook interview question and Leet code problem as well - 1460. Make Two Arrays Equal by Reversing Sub-arrays
Below solution sort both array then iterate the first array to check each index value is same, method returns false if there is no match with same index in both array.
Basically, this stores the elements value in hashmap as property name and value as number of occurence and then iterate the second array to check the hashmap is exist with greater than zero and then decrement the hashmap property value when occurence if exist in second array.
Below solution sort both array then iterate the first array to check each index value is same, method returns false if there is no match with same index in both array.
Basically, this stores the elements value in hashmap as property name and value as number of occurence and then iterate the second array to check the hashmap is exist with greater than zero and then decrement the hashmap property value when occurence if exist in second array.
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-Fibonacci Series
The Fibonacci numbers are the numbers in the following integer sequence, called the Fibonacci sequence, and characterized by the fact that every number after the first two is the sum of the two preceding ones.
Leonardo Bonacci, Italian Mathemetician from the Republic of Pisa studied with Muslim schoolmaster who introduced him to the Hindu-Arabic system of Enumeration along with computation. later he investigated various arithmetic sytems in Egypt, France, Greece, Rome and Syria.
In 1202, he published his Liber Abaci (Book of Abacus), Practice of Geometry (1220), Book of Square Numbers (1225) and others etc.
This sequence of numbers (0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34...) called Fibonacci Sequence which is contraction of Filius Bonacci (son of Bonacci).
Problem is about a person who has a pair of newborn rabbits (different gender). here problem to determine the numbers of pairs after a year. at the end of each month, a newborn pair grows to maturity.
Finding the great common divisor of F5 = 5 and F6 = 8 is 1. This is due to the fact that only positive integer that divide F5 = 5 are 1 and 5 (denoted as gcd(F5, F6) = 1 likewise, F6 = 8 are 1,2,4 and 8 (denoted as gcd(F9, F10) = 1) there are common properties available. lets look at them.
For n>=0, GCD(Fn, Fn+1) = 1
For n>=0, GCD(Fn, Fn+2) = 1
Sum of any six consecutive fibonacci numbers is divisible by 4
Sum of 10 consecutive fibonacci numbers is divisible by 11
The Fibonacci numbers are the numbers in the following integer sequence, called the Fibonacci sequence, and characterized by the fact that every number after the first two is the sum of the two preceding ones.
Leonardo Bonacci, Italian Mathemetician from the Republic of Pisa studied with Muslim schoolmaster who introduced him to the Hindu-Arabic system of Enumeration along with computation. later he investigated various arithmetic sytems in Egypt, France, Greece, Rome and Syria.
In 1202, he published his Liber Abaci (Book of Abacus), Practice of Geometry (1220), Book of Square Numbers (1225) and others etc.
This sequence of numbers (0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34...) called Fibonacci Sequence which is contraction of Filius Bonacci (son of Bonacci).
Problem is about a person who has a pair of newborn rabbits (different gender). here problem to determine the numbers of pairs after a year. at the end of each month, a newborn pair grows to maturity.
Finding the great common divisor of F5 = 5 and F6 = 8 is 1. This is due to the fact that only positive integer that divide F5 = 5 are 1 and 5 (denoted as gcd(F5, F6) = 1 likewise, F6 = 8 are 1,2,4 and 8 (denoted as gcd(F9, F10) = 1) there are common properties available. lets look at them.
For n>=0, GCD(Fn, Fn+1) = 1
For n>=0, GCD(Fn, Fn+2) = 1
Sum of any six consecutive fibonacci numbers is divisible by 4
Sum of 10 consecutive fibonacci numbers is divisible by 11
Let's take a problem to find a N-th value of the Fibonacci sequence?
There is various kinds of approaches in order to get this sequence and there is many solutions available. lets see each of them with solutions written in javascript.
Before, lets look at the formulae.
Basically, this approach call itself creating more and more branches of the tree until it hits the base case.
Below is the recursive solution in Javascript.
Time Complexity: O(2n) - Exponential Space Complexity: O(n) - Linear (considering function call stack size, otherwise O(1) Constant.)
Dynamic Programming is mainly an optimization over plain recursion. Wherever we see a recursive solution that has repeated calls for same inputs, we can optimize it using Dynamic Programming.
The idea is to simply store the results of sub problems to prevent re-computations of same inputs.
This helps to reduces time complexities from exponential to polynomial.
In mathematics, two quantities are in the golden ratio if their ratio is the same as the ratio of their sum to the larger of the two quantities where F(n+1) / Fn is most of the time is 1.618
Golden ratio everywhere like example below.
Flower petals
Spiral of Pine Cone, Pineapple
Storms spin in golden sequence
Wave can be measured in this ratio.
Planet alignment and spirals of our Milky way galaxy
Shoulder to elbow and elbow to fingertips will be 1:1.6
Finger tips to wrist and wrist to elbow
bottom of fingertips to wrist
Even your ears, brains, lungs system even helix of our DNA that forms rhythm of our hearbeat.
Fibonacci extensions are a tool that traders can use to establish profit targets or estimate how far a price may travel after a retracement/pullback is finished. Extension levels are also possible areas where the price may reverse.
In finance, Fibonacci retracement is a method of technical analysis for determining support and resistance levels.[1] They are named after their use of the Fibonacci sequence.
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+Space Complexity: O(1)
In mathematics, two quantities are in the golden ratio if their ratio is the same as the ratio of their sum to the larger of the two quantities where F(n+1) / Fn is most of the time is 1.618
Golden ratio everywhere like example below.
Flower petals
Spiral of Pine Cone, Pineapple
Storms spin in golden sequence
Wave can be measured in this ratio.
Planet alignment and spirals of our Milky way galaxy
Shoulder to elbow and elbow to fingertips will be 1:1.6
Finger tips to wrist and wrist to elbow
bottom of fingertips to wrist
Even your ears, brains, lungs system even helix of our DNA that forms rhythm of our hearbeat.
Fibonacci extensions are a tool that traders can use to establish profit targets or estimate how far a price may travel after a retracement/pullback is finished. Extension levels are also possible areas where the price may reverse.
In finance, Fibonacci retracement is a method of technical analysis for determining support and resistance levels.[1] They are named after their use of the Fibonacci sequence.
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-Missing element in Permutation.
An array A consisting of N different integers is given. The array contains integers in the range [1..(N + 1)], which means that exactly one element is missing.
Your goal is to find that missing element.
Write a function:
that, given an array A, returns the value of the missing element.
For example, given array A such that:
A[0] = 2
A[1] = 3
A[2] = 1
A[3] = 5
the function should return 4, as it is the missing element.
Write an efficient algorithm for the following assumptions:
N is an integer within the range [0..100,000];
the elements of A are all distinct;
each element of array A is an integer within the range [1..(N + 1)].
An array A consisting of N different integers is given. The array contains integers in the range [1..(N + 1)], which means that exactly one element is missing.
Your goal is to find that missing element.
Write a function:
that, given an array A, returns the value of the missing element.
For example, given array A such that:
A[0] = 2
A[1] = 3
A[2] = 1
A[3] = 5
the function should return 4, as it is the missing element.
Write an efficient algorithm for the following assumptions:
N is an integer within the range [0..100,000];
the elements of A are all distinct;
each element of array A is an integer within the range [1..(N + 1)].
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-Palindrome Solutions
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-Frog Jump Solution
A small frog wants to get to the other side of the road. The frog is currently located at position X and wants to get to a position greater than or equal to Y. The small frog always jumps a fixed distance, D.
Count the minimal number of jumps that the small frog must perform to reach its target.
Write a function:
1functionsolution(X, Y, D){
2// write your code in JavaScript (Node.js 8.9.4)
that, given three integers X, Y and D, returns the minimal number of jumps from position X to a position equal to or greater than Y.
For example, given:
X = 10
Y = 85
D = 30
the function should return 3, because the frog will be positioned as follows:
after the first jump, at position 10 + 30 = 40
after the second jump, at position 10 + 30 + 30 = 70
after the third jump, at position 10 + 30 + 30 + 30 = 100
Write an efficient algorithm for the following assumptions:
X, Y and D are integers within the range [1..1,000,000,000];
A small frog wants to get to the other side of the road. The frog is currently located at position X and wants to get to a position greater than or equal to Y. The small frog always jumps a fixed distance, D.
Count the minimal number of jumps that the small frog must perform to reach its target.
Write a function:
1functionsolution(X, Y, D){
2// write your code in JavaScript (Node.js 8.9.4)
that, given three integers X, Y and D, returns the minimal number of jumps from position X to a position equal to or greater than Y.
For example, given:
X = 10
Y = 85
D = 30
the function should return 3, because the frog will be positioned as follows:
after the first jump, at position 10 + 30 = 40
after the second jump, at position 10 + 30 + 30 = 70
after the third jump, at position 10 + 30 + 30 + 30 = 100
Write an efficient algorithm for the following assumptions:
X, Y and D are integers within the range [1..1,000,000,000];
Solution need division check with modulo operator whether its remainder is zero.
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-Tape Equilibrium
Tattarrattat (Sound of knocking at the door used by James Joyce in Ulysses, modernist novel)
Some Phrases
Top spot
Able was i ere I Saw Elba
A man, A Plan, A Canal: Panama
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-Webslate.io - Programming
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-10 Things you should know
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-Preventing SSRF Attacks
SSRF stands for Server-Side Request Forgery. Its one type of exploit to server where hacker attempts to gather user information by various way in functionality which is not recommended.
There are mainly two types.
Basic SSRF - Server accept the attacker request and respond.
Blind SSRF - Server
We have two subjects.
Attacker / Hacker - Their motives can be money, info or get paid service for free.
Vulnerable App - App accepts invalid URLs or params.
What is difference between CSRF and SSRF?
-CSRF attack user and browser where SSRF target server directly.
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+Preventing SSRF Attacks
SSRF stands for Server-Side Request Forgery. Its one type of exploit to server where hacker attempts to gather user information by various way in functionality which is not recommended.
There are mainly two types.
Basic SSRF - Server accept the attacker request and respond.
Blind SSRF - Server
We have two subjects.
Attacker / Hacker - Their motives can be money, info or get paid service for free.
Vulnerable App - App accepts invalid URLs or params.
What is difference between CSRF and SSRF?
+CSRF attack user and browser where SSRF target server directly.
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-Webslate - Coming Soon...
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-Welcome to Webslate