At the moment this repository is deprecated, although you can still use as reference the architecture and some parts of the code. I advocate to start using React Create App. Thanks!
Yet another React boilerplate to rapidly and easily start a React stack project from scratch without the tedious configuration work.
- React
- Hot module reload (
- Production performance build (
- Redux (
- Redux-logger (
- Redux-thunk (
- React Router (
- Babel/ES6/7 (
- Webpack (
- Webpack dashboard (
- CSS modules (
- PostCSS or good ol SASS (
- Autoprefixer (
- PostCSS-simple-var (
- PostCSS-partial-import (postcss-partial-import)
- Unit tests/Coverage
- Jest (
- and React/Redux modules for unit testing
Redux docs example of folder structure, it's good for todo examples but not for real world application so (DO NOT FOLLOW THIS PATTERN).
| src
| actions
| all actions files
| components
| all components files
| container
| all containers files
| constants
| often one contant file?
| reducers
| all reducers files
| store
| one store file
After building/architecting a couple of React/Redux applications I have found that the structure defined in this repo is the most productive and scalable so far. But as everything there is always space for improvements so please let me know your ideas. (SUGGESTED PATTERN)
| src
| index.html
| index.js (root route file)
| shared
| index.reducer.js
| constants.js
| utils.js
| featureBla
| featureBla.actions.js
| featureBla.container.jsx
| featureBla.reducer.js
| featureBla.styles.css
| test
| featureBla.actions.test.js
| featureBla.reducer.test.js
| core (core UI components)
| core.css
| main.component.jsx
| notFound.component.jsx
| styles
| base.css
| grid.css