Storage (Disk) is free, and infinite in size
Processing (CPU) is free, except when it isn’t
Flash Storage (SSD) is pricey, and cruelly limited in size
Memory (RAM) is expensive, and cruelly limited in size
Memory is infinitely fast.
Streaming data across the network is ever-so-slightly faster than streaming from disk
Streaming data from disk is the limiting factor if you’re doing things right…
… unless processing (CPU) is the limiting factor in speed
Reading data in pieces from SSD is adequate in some cases, assuming you fit
Reading data in pieces from disk is infinitely slow
Reading data in pieces across the network is even slower
Most importantly,
Humans are important, robots are cheap.
The most important rule for writing scalable code is
Optimize first, and typically only, for Joy
There’s no robust measure for programmer productivity. 'Lines of code' certainly isn’t — this book mostly exists to help you write as few lines of code as possible.
But the fundamental personality traits that drive people to become programmers and data scientists are a love of a) discovering answers, b) discovering simplicities, c) discovering efficiencies.
Phase 1: discover answer
Do this quickly
For anything that stops our solution doesn’t have to be elegant as long as it is readable.
If this is a process that will endure, your next step is to simplify it
Do not even think about what is happening inside the mapper and reducer until you have arrived at the simplest transformation flow you can.
Optimizing your code path might subtract 30% of your run time at the cost of simplicity. Optimizing your data path can in many cases subtract 90% of your run time
Find the parts that are annoying —
Automate out of boredom or terror, never efficiency
To store 10 Billion records with an average size of 1 kB — that’s 10 TB — it costs
$200,000 /month to store it all on ram ($1315/mo for 150 68.4 GB machines)
$ 20,000 /month to have it 10% backed by ram ($1315/mo for 15 68.4 GB machines)
$ 1,000 /month to store it on disk (EBS volumes)
Compare witih
$ 1,600 /month salary of a part-time intern
$ 5,500 /month salary of a full-time junior engineer
$ 10,000 /month salary of a full-time senior engineer
For a 10-hour working day,
$ 270 /day for a 30-machine cluster having a total of 1TB ram, 120 cores
$ 650 /day for that same cluster if it runs for the full 24-hour day
$ 64 /day for a 10-machine cluster having a total of 150 GB ram, 40 cores
$ 180 /day for an intern to operate it
$ 300 /day for a junior engineer to operate it
$ 600 /day for a senior engineer to operate it
Suppose you have a job that runs daily, taking 3 hours on a 10-machine cluster of 15 GB machines. That job costs you $600/month.
If you tasked a junior engineer to spend three days optimizing that job, with a 10-machine cluster running the whole time, it would cost you about $1100. If she made the job run three times faster — so it ran in 1 hour instead of 3 — the job would now cost about $200. However, it will take three months to reach break-even.
As a rule of thumb,
Size your cluster so that it is either almost-always-idle or healthily exceeds the opportunity cost to the humans working on it.
Engineers are more expensive than compute.
Use elastic clusters for your data science team
If you are IO-bound, use the cheapest machines available, as many of them as you care to get
If you are CPU-bound, use the fastest machines available, as many of them as you care to get
If the shuffle is the slowest step, use a cluster that is 50% to 100% as large as the mid-flight data.
For each of
Local Disk
MySQL (local)
MySQL (network)
HBase (network)
Redis (local)
Redis (network)
Compare throughput of:
random readss
streaming reads
random writes
streaming writes
==== Transfer ====
cp | A.1 => A.1 cp | A.1 => A.2 scp | A.1 => A.2 scp | A.1 => B.1 hdp-put | A.1 => hdfs hdp-put | all.1 => hdfs
hdp-cp | hdfs-X => hdfs-X distcp | hdfs-X => hdfs-Y
db read | hbase-T => hdfs-X db read/write | hbase-T => hbase-U
db write | hdfs-X => hbase-T
==== Map-only ====
null | s3 => hdfs null | hdfs => s3 null | s3 => s3
identity (stream) | s3 => hdfs identity (stream) | hdfs => s3 identity (stream) | s3 => s3
reverse | s3 => hdfs reverse | hdfs => s3 reverse | s3 => s3
pig_latin | s3 => hdfs pig_latin | hdfs => s3 pig_latin | s3 => s3
=== Reduce ===
partitioned sort | hdfs => hdfs partitioned sort | s3 => hdfs partitioned sort | hdfs => s3 partitioned sort | s3 => s3
total sort | hdfs => hdfs