Same way as you use Sheet
in SwiftUI
NavigationView {
List(0..<20) {
.bottomSheet(isPresented: $isPresented, height: 300) {
List(20..<40) { Text("\($0)") }.listStyle(PlainListStyle())
.navigationBarTitle("Bottom Sheet")
trailing: Button(action: { self.isPresented = true }) {
Both demo preview code are available in example project.
To run the example project, clone this repo, and open iOS Example.xcworkspace from the iOS Example directory.
📱 iOS 13.0+
To install BottomSheet
using Swift Package Manager, add
.package(name: "BottomSheet", url: "", from: "1.0.0"),"
to your Package.swift, then follow the integration tutorial here.
To install BottomSheet
using CocoaPods, add
pod 'BottomSheet', :git => ''
to your Podfile, then follow the integration tutorial here.
BottomSheet is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.