This repository describes a model that calculates the L2 mass loss fraction for binary mass transfer at very high rates. After downloading the whole repository, you should be able to run the codes "" and "" right away. You may need to install the "pickle" package if you don't have one already, because the data generated by the code is saved that way (a lazy way indeed)
The main input parameters of the model are: donor mass, accretor mass, mass transfer rate, orbital separation. The outputs are: L2 mass-loss fraction, vertical thickness of the accretion disk, advective and radiative cooling rates of the outer disk, etc.
"" computes the L2 mass loss fraction for a grid of mass transfer rates and orbital separations (fixing the masses of the donor and accretor). It should take about a few minutes to finish the calculation for a 100x100 grid. The results are saved in a pickle file, and the first element of the pickle, i.e. "data_all[0]", contains the information about the data structure.
"" computes the L2 mass loss fraction for given set of parameters for an individual case. The results are saved in a pickle file, which contains all the important quantities about the binary mass transfer --- in an order that can be seen by printing "data_all[0]".