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Bug Report Form | Create a report to help us improve | bug,needs:triage |
If running on a unix system, please include the name and version of the compositor/WM.
Windows and macOS typically can leave this blank, but if you are using additional window
management software on top of the standard for those systems, please indicate that here.
Please run wezterm -V
and include its output here.
If you installed the flatpak version of wezterm, please consider trying
the native package format for your system and comparing the behavior,
as flatpak runs in an isolated sandbox that can prevent some functionality
from working fully.
A clear and concise description of what the bug is
Steps to reproduce the behavior
Please include the relevant section(s) of your wezterm.lua
configuration file.
You can enter "no config" if the issue happens without you having made a config file.
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen
If possible, activate the Debug Overlay by pressing CTRL-SHIFT-L and then copy
and paste the log lines in here. If you launched wezterm from
the command line, copy and paste that output here.
You can also find log files in $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/wezterm
on unix systems,
or $HOME/.local/share/wezterm
on macOS and Windows systems.
Add any other context about the problem here. You can attach screenshots by clicking
this area to highlight it and then drag the files in, or just paste the image from
the clipboard to upload it.