This documentation provides a basic view of the possibilities of the whatwedoCronBundle. The documentation will be extended while developing the bundle.
This bundle has been tested on PHP >= 7.3 and Symfony >= 4.2. We don't guarantee that it works on lower versions.
First, add the bundle to your dependencies and install it.
composer install whatwedo/cron-bundle
Secondly, enable this bundle in your kernel. (if you are using Symfony Flex this is done automatically)
// config/bundles.php
return [
// ...
whatwedo\CronBundle\whatwedoCronBundle::class => ['all' => true],
// ...
There are 2 ways to create a CronJob.
By implementing the CronInterface interface on a command.
// src/Command/MyCommand.php
namespace whatwedo\CronBundle\Tests\App\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
// ...
use whatwedo\CronBundle\CronJob\CronInterface;
* Class TestCommand
* @package whatwedo\CronBundle\Command
class MyCommand extends Command implements CronInterface
// ...
public function getExpression(): string
return '15 13 * * *'; // Execute daily at 13:15
public function getMaxRuntime(): ?int
return null; // Max runtime in seconds or null for unlimited
public function isParallelAllowed(): bool
return true; // Is parallel execution allowed
public function isActive(): bool
return true; // Is the cron active?
By creating a CronJob class and extending the AbstractCronJob.
// src/CronJob/MyCronJob.php
namespace whatwedo\CronBundle\Tests\App\CronJob;
use whatwedo\CronBundle\CronJob\AbstractCronJob;
class MyCronJob extends AbstractCronJob
public function getCommand(): string
return 'app:my-command'; // Symfony command to run
public function getExpression(): string
return '*/5 * * * * '; // Will run every 5 minutes
The command php bin/console whatwedo:cron:scheduler
checks every 15 seconds for CronJobs to be run.
The command has an optional parameter --max-runtime [seconds]
that defines how long the command may run. The default value is 600 seconds.
It is recommended to use a service like
or other services to ensure the command restarts after it exits.
For a one off execution of a CronJob use the Command php bin/console whatwedo:cron:execute [CronJob]
The one of command does not check the CronJob expression. The CronJob will run like a Symfony command.
The bundle provides 3 events, that will be triggered in different stages of the CronJob execution.
event | stage |
whatwedo.cron.start | CronJob execution started |
whatwedo.cron.finished | CronJob execution finished |
whatwedo.cron.error | An error occurred while CronJob execution |