From 35fad5b6fa425628bbb9ee2dfccb58288a4b8588 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anne van Kesteren
If reflectedTarget's explicitly set attr-element is - a descendant of any of element's shadow-including ancestors, then return - reflectedTarget's explicitly set attr-element.
If one of the following is true: + +
object and
+ reflectedTarget's explicitly set attr-element's
+ shadow-including root is element's shadow-including
+ rootthen return reflectedTarget's explicitly set + attr-element.
+Return null.
For each attrElement in - reflectedTarget's explicitly set attr-elements:
+ reflectedTarget's explicitly set attr-elements: if one of + the following is true: -If attrElement is not a descendant of any of - element's shadow-including - ancestors, then continue.
object and
+ attrElement's shadow-including root is element's
+ shadow-including rootAppend attrElement to - elements.
then append attrElement to + elements.