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Why PubSub

Abstraction of various (cloud) pub/sub systems.


A quick glance:

interface Publisher<Message> {
	function publish(message:Message):Promise<Noise>;

interface Subscriber<Message> {
	function subscribe(handler:Envelope<T>->Void):Subscription;

interface Envelope<Message> {
	final content:Outcome<Message, Error>;
	function ack():Void;
	function nack():Void;


Define two interfaces containing all the publishers and subscribers needed. Then, pick an implementation class and use the interfaces as type parameters, wrapped by why.PubSub.


var amqp = new why.pubsub.amqp.Amqp<MyPubSub>(...);
var pubsub:MyPubSub = amqp; // ok, the instance will implement the specified interface

typedef MyPubSub = why.PubSub<Publishers, Subscribers>;

interface Publishers {
	@:pubsub({serialize: v ->})
	@:pubsub.amqp({exchange: 'foo', routingKey: ''})
	var foo(get, never):Publisher<{foo:Int, bar:String}>;
	@:pubsub({serialize: v ->})
	@:pubsub.amqp({exchange: 'cache', routingKey: 'cache.$id'})
	@:pubsub.cache({key: id + foo + bar})
	function cache(id:String, foo:Int, bar:Bool):Publisher<{foo:Int, bar:String}>;

interface Subscribers {
	@:pubsub({unserialize: v -> tink.core.Error.catchExceptions(})
	@:pubsub.amqp({queue: 'bar', prefetch: 2})
	var bar(get, never):Subscriber<{foo:Int, bar:String}>;
	@:pubsub({unserialize: v -> tink.core.Error.catchExceptions(})
	@:pubsub.amqp({queue: 'cache_$id', prefetch: 2})
	@:pubsub.cache({key: id + foo + bar})
	function cache(id:String, foo:Int, bar:Bool):Subscriber<{foo:Int, bar:String}>;



Node.js only. Based on the npm package amqplib for the AMQP 0-9-1 protocol. Compatible to RabbitMQ.

Use the .sync({...}) function to set up the exchanges and queues in the broker.


A simple in-memory message queue. Mainly for local testing.


@:pubsub on Publisher: (required for all implementations)

	// serialize message into binary
	final serialize:T->Chunk;

@:pubsub on Subscriber: (required for all implementations)

	// unserialize binary into message
	final unserialize:Chunk->Outcome<T, Error>;

@:pubsub.cache on Publisher & Subscriber: (optional for all implementations)

Only applicable to functions. If not specified, every time the function gets called, a new instance will be returned. Otherwise, the returned value will be cached by the key specified.

	// cache key. function arguments are accessible here
	final key:String;

@:pubsub.local on Publisher: (required for Local)

	// publish messages to the specified queue name(s)
	final to:EitherType<String, Array<String>>;

@:pubsub.local on Subscriber: (required for Local)

	// subscribe to messages in the specified queue name
	final to:String;

@:pubsub.amqp on Publisher: (required for Amqp)

	// publish messages to this exchange
	final exchange:String;
	// publish messages with this routing key
	final routingKey:String;

@:pubsub.amqp on Subscriber: (required for Amqp)

	// subscribe to messages in this queue
	final queue:String;
	// max "in-flight" messages for this subscription (see amqp doc for more info)
	final prefetch:Int;


  • GCP PubSub