- TODO get rid of NumPy 1D array warning.
- Made vstack and hstack not create new variables.
- Replaced memoize with lazyprop in constraints.
- Changed cvxpy to use new SCS interface.
- Renamed semidefinite to Semidef.
- Switched solver_specific_opts to **kwargs.
- Added vec and documentation for reshape and vec.
- Changed repr to print names in line with class names.
- Changed str for Problem.
- Made < and > map to <= and >=.
- Added warning for NumPy 1D arrays.
- CVXPY throws an error when a solver error is encountered.
- Presolver removes constraints with no variables.
- Conversion from non-linear constraints to linear constraints is cached. This fixes issue #122.
- Fixed bug with sign multiplication.
- Added check that objective is Minimize/Maximize.
- Fixed bug with key error when solving exponential cone problem with CVXOPT.
- Removed a stray println.
- CVXPY import can succeed even if SCS import fails.
- The sign of vector and matrix constant is positive (negative) if all the entries are positive (negative), instead of always being unknown.
- Can now use negative indices.
- Added *_INACCURATE return codes.
- Made all lin_to_matrix functions return SciPy sparse matrix or NumPy matrix (instead of ndarray).