From f55413c8939a28f0ee52a829db644f3da99e07e9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: tobinguyenn Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2024 22:21:55 +0700 Subject: [PATCH] feat: add Laravel Herd completion spec --- src/herd.ts | 603 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 603 insertions(+) create mode 100644 src/herd.ts diff --git a/src/herd.ts b/src/herd.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..734ec0d7c4a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/herd.ts @@ -0,0 +1,603 @@ +const icon = + ""; + +const baseOptions: Fig.Option[] = [ + { + name: ["--help", "-h"], + description: + "Display help for the given command. When no command is given display help for the list command", + }, + { + name: ["--version", "-V"], + description: "Display this application version", + }, + { + name: ["--quiet", "-q"], + description: "Do not output any message", + }, + { + name: ["--verbose", "-vv", "-vvv", "-v"], + description: + "Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug", + }, + { + name: "--ansi", + description: "Force ANSI output", + }, + { + name: "--no-ansi", + description: "Disable ANSI output", + }, + { + name: ["--no-interaction", "-n"], + description: "Do not ask any interactive question", + }, +]; + +const combineOptions = (options: Fig.Option[] = []) => { + if (options.length === 0) { + return baseOptions; + } + + return [...options, ...baseOptions]; +}; + +const completionSpec: Fig.Spec = { + name: "herd", + description: + "Herd is a blazing fast, native Laravel and PHP development environment for macOS. It provides everything that you need to get started with Laravel development", + icon: icon, + subcommands: [ + { + icon: icon, + name: "completion", + description: "Dump the shell completion script", + args: { + name: "shell", + description: + 'The shell type (e.g. "bash"), the value of the "$SHELL" env var will be used if this is not given', + suggestions: ["bash", "fish", "powershell", "zsh"], + isOptional: true, + }, + options: combineOptions([ + { + name: "--debug", + description: "Tail the completion debug log", + }, + ]), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "composer", + description: + "Proxy Composer commands with isolated site's PHP executable", + loadSpec: "composer", + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "coverage", + description: + "Proxy PHP commands with isolated sith Xdebug code coverage enabled", + options: combineOptions(), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "debug", + description: + "Proxy PHP commands with isolated site's PHP executable and debug.ini loaded", + loadSpec: "php", + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "directory-listing", + description: + "Determine directory-listing behavior. Default is off, which means a 404 will display", + args: { + name: "status", + description: + "On or off. (default=off) will show a 404 page; [on] will display a listing if project folder exists but requested URI not found", + suggestions: ["on", "off"], + isOptional: true, + }, + options: combineOptions(), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "edit", + description: "Open the site in your favorite IDE", + options: combineOptions([ + { + name: "--path", + }, + ]), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "fetch-share-url", + description: "Get the URL to the current share tunnel for Expose", + args: { + name: "domain", + isOptional: true, + }, + options: combineOptions(), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "forget", + description: + "Remove the current working (or specified) directory from Herd's list of paths", + args: { + name: "path", + isOptional: true, + }, + options: combineOptions(), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "help", + description: "Display help for a command", + args: { + name: "command_name", + description: 'The command name [default: "help"]', + isOptional: true, + generators: { + script: ["herd", "list", "--raw"], + postProcess: (out) => + out + .trim() + .split("\n") + .filter((line) => line.trim()) + .map((line) => { + const [command, ...descriptionParts] = line + .trim() + .split(/\s{2,}/); + return { + name: command, + description: descriptionParts.join(" "), + icon: icon, + }; + }), + }, + filterStrategy: "fuzzy", + }, + options: combineOptions([ + { + name: "--format", + description: + 'The output format (txt, xml, json, or md) [default: "txt"]', + }, + ]), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "init", + description: + "Start the services defined in the Herd manifest file, and apply the configuration", + options: combineOptions([ + { + name: "--fresh", + description: + 'The output format (txt, xml, json, or md) [default: "txt"]', + }, + ]), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "isolate", + description: + "Change the version of PHP used by Herd to serve the current working directory", + args: { + name: "phpVersion", + description: "The PHP version you want to use; e.g 8.1", + }, + options: combineOptions([ + { + name: "--site", + description: + "Specify the site to isolate (e.g. if the site isn't linked as its directory name)", + }, + { + name: "--silent", + }, + ]), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "isolate-node", + description: + "Change the version of Node used by the CLI for the current working directory", + args: { + name: "nodeVersion", + description: "The Node version you want to use; e.g 21", + }, + options: combineOptions([ + { + name: "--site", + description: + "Specify the site to isolate (e.g. if the site isn't linked as its directory name)", + }, + ]), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "isolated", + description: "List all sites using isolated versions of PHP", + options: combineOptions(), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "isolated-node", + description: "List all sites using isolated versions of Nodes", + options: combineOptions(), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "link", + description: "Link the current working directory to Herd", + options: combineOptions([ + { + name: "--secure", + description: "Link the site with a trusted TLS certificate", + }, + { + name: "--isolate", + description: + "Isolate the site to the PHP version specified, for example 8.3", + }, + ]), + args: { + name: "name", + isOptional: true, + }, + }, + { + name: "links", + description: "Display all of the registered Herd links", + options: combineOptions(), + }, + { + name: "list", + description: "List commands", + args: { + name: "namespace", + description: "The namespace name", + isOptional: true, + }, + options: combineOptions([ + { + name: "--raw", + description: "To output raw command list", + }, + { + name: "--format", + description: + 'The output format (txt, xml, json, or md) [default: "txt"]', + }, + { + name: "--short", + description: "To skip describing commands' arguments", + }, + ]), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "log", + description: "Tail log file", + args: { + name: "key", + }, + options: combineOptions([ + { + name: ["--lines", "-n"], + }, + { + name: ["--follow", "-f"], + }, + ]), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "logs", + description: "Show the log viewer UI for the given site", + options: combineOptions([ + { + name: "--sites", + description: + "Specify the site to tinker with (e.g. if the site isn't linked as its directory name)", + }, + ]), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "loopback", + description: "Get or set the loopback address used for Herd sites", + args: { + name: "loopback", + isOptional: true, + }, + options: combineOptions(), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "open", + description: + "Open the site for the current (or specified) directory in your browser", + args: { + name: "domain", + isOptional: true, + }, + options: combineOptions(), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "park", + description: + "Register the current working (or specified) directory with Herd", + args: { + name: "path", + isOptional: true, + }, + options: combineOptions(), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "parked", + description: "Display all the current sites within parked paths", + options: combineOptions([ + { + name: "--json", + }, + ]), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "paths", + description: "Get all of the paths registered with Herd", + options: combineOptions(), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "php", + description: "Proxy PHP commands with isolated site's PHP executable", + args: { + name: "command", + loadSpec: "php", + }, + options: combineOptions([ + { + name: "--site", + description: + "Specify the site to use to get the PHP version (e.g. if the site isn't linked as its directory name)", + }, + ]), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "proxies", + description: "Display all of the proxy sites", + options: combineOptions(), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "proxy", + description: + "Create an Nginx proxy site for the specified host. Useful for Reverb, Docker, etc", + args: [ + { + name: "domain", + }, + { + name: "host", + }, + ], + options: combineOptions([ + { + name: "--secure", + description: "Create a proxy with a trusted TLS certificate", + }, + ]), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "restart", + description: "Restart the Herd services", + args: { + name: "service", + isOptional: true, + }, + options: combineOptions(), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "secure", + description: "Secure the given domain with a trusted TLS certificate", + args: { + name: "domain", + isOptional: true, + }, + options: combineOptions([ + { + name: "--expireIn", + description: + 'The amount of days the self signed certificate is valid for. Default is set to "368" [default: 368]', + }, + ]), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "secured", + description: "Secure the given domain with a trusted TLS certificate", + options: combineOptions([ + { + name: "--expiring", + description: + "Limits the results to only sites expiring within the next 60 days", + }, + { + name: "--days", + description: + "To be used with --expiring. Limits the results to only sites expiring within the next X days. Default is set to 60. [default: 60]", + }, + ]), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "share", + description: "Share the current site via an Expose tunnel", + options: combineOptions(), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "site-information", + description: "Display information about the specified site", + args: { + name: "path", + isOptional: true, + }, + options: combineOptions(), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "start", + description: "Start the Herd services", + args: { + name: "service", + isOptional: true, + }, + options: combineOptions(), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "stop", + description: "Stop the Herd services", + args: { + name: "service", + isOptional: true, + }, + options: combineOptions(), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "tinker", + description: "Run tinker/Tinkerwell", + options: combineOptions([ + { + name: "--site", + description: + "Specify the site to tinker with (e.g. if the site isn't linked as its directory name)", + }, + ]), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "tld", + description: "[domain] Get or set the TLD used for Herd sites", + args: { + name: "tld", + isOptional: true, + }, + options: combineOptions(), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "unisolate", + description: + "Stop customizing the version of PHP used by Herd to serve the current working directory", + options: combineOptions([ + { + name: "--site", + description: + "Specify the site to un-isolate (e.g. if the site isn't linked as its directory name)", + }, + ]), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "unisolate-node", + description: + "Stop customizing the version of Node used the CLI for the current working directory", + options: combineOptions([ + { + name: "--site", + description: + "Specify the site to un-isolate (e.g. if the site isn't linked as its directory name)", + }, + ]), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "unlink", + description: "Remove the specified Herd link", + args: { + name: "name", + isOptional: true, + }, + options: combineOptions(), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "unproxy", + description: "Delete an Nginx proxy config", + args: { + name: "domain", + isOptional: true, + }, + options: combineOptions(), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "unsecure", + description: + "Stop serving the given domain over HTTPS and remove the trusted TLS certificate", + args: { + name: "domain", + isOptional: true, + }, + options: combineOptions([ + { + name: "--all", + }, + { + name: "--silent", + }, + ]), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "use", + description: "Change the version of PHP used by Herd", + args: { + name: "phpVersion", + description: "The PHP version you want to use; e.g. 8.3", + isOptional: true, + }, + options: combineOptions(), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "which", + description: + "Display which Herd driver serves the current working directory", + options: combineOptions(), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "which-php", + description: "Get the PHP executable path for a given site", + args: { + name: "site", + description: "The site to get the PHP executable path for", + isOptional: true, + }, + options: combineOptions(), + }, + { + icon: icon, + name: "init:fresh", + description: "Initialize a Herd manifest file", + options: combineOptions(), + }, + ], + options: combineOptions(), +}; +export default completionSpec;