development hints and notes for lib-bpmn-engine =============================================== ### update Zeebe exporter protobuf 1. get new source file from 2. ensure you have latest ```protoc``` in your path installed 3. switch to folder pkg/bpmn_engine/exporter/zeebe 4. run ```protoc --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go_out=. --go_opt=Mschema.proto=zeebe/ schema.proto``` ### update documentation The documentation on Github pages is build via [MkDocs]( #### local building and testing documentation 1. ensure you have a Python 3.8+ environment installed 2. install MkDocs, according to their * shortcut: ```pip3 install -r doc-requirements.txt``` 3. within this source repo, run ```mkdocs build``` to get a version of the HTML files Alternatively, you could use a local test-server, which eases the manual validation/verification of documentation updates. ```shell mkdocs serve ``` #### automated Github Pages update There's a Github Action [update-gh-pages.yaml](./.github/workflows/update-gh-pages.yml), which automatically will update the pages on every push to the main branch ### linting From time to time, do some linting (would be better automatically checked via Github actions) Using [go-critic]( ```shell gocritic check ./... ```