These are wolfSSL TLS 1.3 clients and servers for both wired and wireless Internet.
Note: wolfSSL v5.5.4 or newer is needed to use these examples with ESP-IDF v5.
See the setup scripts to install.
coming soon:
- Wireless AP client
- Arduino client
coming soon:
- Wireless AP server
- Arduino server
Although the examples were created using VisualGDB extension for Visual Studio, the
examples can of course be compiled using the ESP-IDF
Once the EDP-IDF is installed, use the setp_win.bat to copy wolfSSL files to
the esp-idf\components
directory, typically in
or C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\esp-idf\components
Be sure to run the ESP-IDY X.Y CMD
command prompt that has %IDF_PATH%
cd \workspace\
git clone
cd wolfssl\IDE\Espressif\ESP-IDF\
Build with VisualGDB toolchain from WSL
. /mnt/c/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v5.0/ -b 115200 -p /dev/ttyS15 build flash monitor
If JTAG gets into a mode where it is simply always returning an error (app continually resetting) try using serial port to program a basic, operational "hello world". The Arduino IDE or command-line ESP-IDF can be handy here.
Due to occasional difficulty in switching between toolchains, separate VisualGDB solution files are included for ESP-IDF v4.4.1 and v5.0.
See the ProjectModeSettings
of the respective .vgdbproj
wolfssl/IDE/Espressif/ESP-IDF (will be migrating to wolfSSL/wolfssl-examples )
stackoverflow: What are the differences between .pem, .cer and .der?
Please contact wolfSSL at [email protected] with any questions, bug fixes, or suggested feature additions.