Releases: wqian94/AuO
Releases · wqian94/AuO
Improved Recording Experience
Tags, Hotkeys, Online/Offline, Load MIMEs, Modals, and Browser Support
Changes since v1.4:
- Added tagging feature, which allows users to request for AuO to remember times in the audio track and give them string labels, to return to in the future.
- Added hotkeys for the interface to make the interface easier to use. Hotkey mappings can be found in the documentation, or from tooltips by hovering over interactable items.
- Added online/offline mode toggle, which changes the source and destination of loads and saves, respectively.
- Added more MIME types that can be loaded.
- Added modals to take over from native prompt dialogs, to prevent JavaScript execution engine from pausing in the background.
- Added browser support for Safari and friends that don't support default arguments for functions, though their lack of support for the MediaRecorder API precludes AuO from running in these browser anyways.
- Added browser support for Firefox and friends that don't register events unless the elements are added to the DOM tree.
Loading Audio
Changes since v1.3:
- Added support for loading audio files into the editor.
Patched Controls Bug
Changes since v1.2:
- Audio UI bug introduced in v1.2 patched. Ticker and trimming boxes should work again.
Overlaying and Local Saves
Changes since v1.1:
- Overlaying above all elements in page now works correctly.
- Local save functionality implemented.
Patched Panning Bug
Changes since v1.0:
- Updated README to render properly on GitHub.
- Patched bug that caused flash-flickering as the graph moved back and forth while panning via dragging on the graph.
Stable Release
First stable release.
Moved from beta channel (testing) to alpha channel (release).
Changes since v0.5:
- WAV saves now support trimming, just like WebM saves.
- Customizable callback function for handling the server response after saving.
Support for WAV Uploads
Changes since v0.4:
- Relocated the save UI into its own section.
- Added capability to select save format.
- Added WAV support for saving.
Optimizations, Error Handling, and Licensure
Changes since v0.3:
- Added MIT License for the project.
- Major optimizations in rendering each frame. Runtimes cut from a max of ~1000ms to <30ms per frame.
- End-trimming box now shows offset as a negative number (including 0).
- Minor changes to flags for signaling the end of recording, so that AuO will make fewer calls to re-create the buffer, e.g. during playback and saving.
Multiple Channels and Panning
Changes since v0.2:
- Implemented panning by dragging on graphs.
- Added support for multiple channels.