- Description: React server needs to know where is the backend server.
- Location: react-app/package.json
"proxy": ""
- Description: Gin server needs to use it to connect to MySQL database.
- Location: gin-app/rest/handler.go
func NewHandler() (HandlerInterface, error) { db, err := db.NewORM("mysql", "root:6ytow2-;S3lA@/gomusic") // Pattern: <username>:<password>@/<schema> // omit other lines }
- Description: Stripe requires an API key for online credit card charging.
- Location:
- react-app/src/CreditCards.js
export default function CreditCardInformation(props) { // omit other lines return ( <div> <StripeProvider apiKey="pk_test_TYooMQauvdEDq54NiTphI7jx"> </StripeProvider> </div> ); }
- gin-app/rest/handler.go
func (h *Handler) Charge(c *gin.Context) { // omit other lines stripe.Key = "sk_test_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dc" }
- react-app/src/CreditCards.js