We provide a sample Terraform that you can use as a reference to set up your Kubernetes cluster using Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster. This Terraform gives you a recommended practices for the cluster to help ensure your deployment of PubSub+ Cloud is successful.
You can review the architecture and understand how to deploy using the Terraform. For information about the architecture, see:
This information on this page pertains to the Terraform. For information about the requirements for the Amazon EKS cluster, see the documentation website.
The section describes the architecture reference Terraform project for deploying an Amazon EKS cluster. This information includes Kubernetes components and configuration that:
- are required (or highly recommended) to operate successfully with Solace PubSub+ Cloud
- are recommended but not required to successfully deploy PubSub+ Cloud
- are available to produce a working cluster but where Solace is not opinionated on what to use (an option or the configuration had to be selected as part of the Terraform and doesn't impact the installation of PubSub+ Cloud)
Review these sections below: networking, cluster configuration, and access to and from the cluster.
The following architecture diagram shows the components of the EKS cluster that are created with this Terraform project:
By default, this Terraform creates a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) that is split into six subnets - three public and three private.
The public subnets contain:
- NAT gateways (one per subnet)
- Bastion host
- Network Load balancers (NLBs) Elastic Network Interfaces (ENIs) for any internet-facing event broker service endpoints
The private subnets contain:
- Worker nodes
- NLB ENIs for any internal Event Broker Service endpoints
The public internet is accessed in the private subnets via the NAT Gateways. There are no restrictions on egress traffic to the public internet.
The CIDR Calculator for PubSub+ Cloud can be used to properly size the VPC to support the number of event broker services that you require. A correctly sized VPC CIDR is important as this cannot be changed after the cluster has been created.
The VPC is an optional component. If the VPC that hosts the cluster exists or is created created with other automation, its details can be provided in variables.
The following are Kubernetes cluster settings for: Node Groups Add-ons and Supporting Services
The cluster has the following node groups:
The default (system) node group spans all three availability zones. By default there are two worker nodes in this pool, and it uses the m5.large
instance type. All the standard Kubernetes services, as well as the PubSub+ Mission Control Agent run on these worker nodes.
The cluster has a total of 12 node groups for event broker services. Each event broker service runs in pod (referred to as a broker pod). Instead of spanning multiple availability zones, there are four sets of three node groups with each locked to a single availability zone. These node groups are locked to one availability zone to allow the cluster autoscaler to work properly. In the Terraform, we use pod anti-affinity against the node's zone label to ensure that each pod in a high-availability event broker service is in a separate availability zone.
These node groups are engineered to support a 1:1 ratio of the broker pod to worker node. We use labels and taints on each of these node groups to ensure that only Event Broker Service pods are scheduled on the worker nodes for each scaling tier.
The instance types, labels, and taints for each node group for event broker services are shown in the following table:
Name | Instance type | Labels | Taints |
prod1k | r5.large | nodeType:messaging serviceClass:prod1k |
nodeType:messaging:NoExecute serviceClass:prod1k:NoExecute |
prod10k | r5.xlarge | nodeType:messaging serviceClass:prod10k |
nodeType:messaging:NoExecute serviceClass:prod10k:NoExecute |
prod100k | r5.2xlarge | nodeType:messaging serviceClass:prod100k |
nodeType:messaging:NoExecute serviceClass:prod100k:NoExecute |
monitoring | t3.medium | nodeType:monitoring |
nodeType:monitoring:NoExecute |
Amazon EKS uses an add-on model for built-in supporting services: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/eks-add-ons.html
The Terraform project deploys the following add-ons:
- aws-ebs-csi-driver
- vpc-cni
- coredns
- kube-proxy
- eks-pod-identity-agent
PubSub+ Cloud also requires the use of cluster-autoscaler
and aws-load-balancer-controller
to operate. Instructions can be found below on how to deploy them into the cluster using the Helm values provided by the Terraform project.
This project uses EKS Pod Identities to provide add-ons as well as the cluster-autoscaler
and aws-load-balancer-controller
with the appropriate AWS IAM permissions to operate.
Amazon EKS is configured to efficiently scale up the number of pods on a worker node by having a large warm pool of IP addresses and Elastic Network Interfaces (ENIs). We recommend a 1:1 broker pod to worker node architecture to reduce the number of wasted IP addresses. To accomplish this, the vpc-cni
add-on is configured with WARM_IP_TARGET=1
. For more details, see https://github.com/aws/amazon-vpc-cni-k8s/blob/master/docs/eni-and-ip-target.md.
You have two options for cluster access:
- A bastion host (Enabled by default - but you can choose to exclude it)
- By default, the bastion has a public IP address and is accessible via SSH from the provided CIDRs
- Optionally, can be created without public IP and (in either case) is accessible via the AWS Systems Manager.
- Optionally, the cluster's API can be made public and restricted to provided CIDRs (by default the API is private)
The worker node hosts are accessible via the AWS Systems Manager.
The EKS cluster created by this Terraform project is configured to use API
authentication mode as described here. This method allows for management of the users and roles that can access the cluster API, as well as their access levels, from outside the cluster. Further details of this option can be found in the link above.
The following section is an overview of the steps to use this Terraform. Before you you begin, review the necessary prerequistites.
Here's an overview of the steps:
- Create the Kubernetes cluster.
- Deploy the required storage class.
- Deploy the autoscaler.
- Deploy the the AWS load balancer.
- Configure the IP address uage for the cluster.
To use this Terraform module, you require:
- Terraform 1.3 or above (we recommend using tfenv for Terraform version management)
- AWS Command Line Interface
- yq
- kubectl
- helm
- Navigate to the
directory and create aterraform.tfvars
file with the required variables. The VPC and subnet CIDRs must be sized appropriately for the number of event broker services that you require to be created, this can be done using the (PubSub+ Cloud CIDR Calculator)[https://docs.solace.com/Cloud/Deployment-Considerations/CIDR_calculator/Solace-cloud-CIDR-calculator.xlsx]. In the file, make the following changes:
- The
variable should be set to the latest Kubernetes version that is supported by PubSub+ Cloud. - The
variable must be set with the CIDRs of the networks where the bastion host will be accessed from. - The
variable must be set with the public key of the key pair that will be used to access the bastion host.
See the Terraform README.md for a full list of the required and optional variables that are available.
For example:
region = "eu-west-3"
cluster_name = "solace-eu-west-3"
kubernetes_version = "1.29"
vpc_cidr = ""
public_subnet_cidrs = [
private_subnet_cidrs = [
bastion_ssh_authorized_networks = [""]
bastion_ssh_public_key = "ssh-rsa abc123..."
kubernetes_cluster_admin_arns = ["arn:aws:iam::1234567890:user/person"]
- Apply the Terraform using the following command:
terraform init
terraform apply
- After you create the cluster, set up access to the cluster:
If the bastion host was created with a public IP address, use the
script to open a tunnel and set up your environment to access the cluster:source ./connect.sh --private-key <ssh private key path> # this creates a proxy via the bastion and sets up a KUBECONFIG file with the appropriate proxy configuration
If the Kubernetes API was configured to be fpr public access, all that is required is a
file:export KUBECONFIG=`mktemp` # this can be excluded if you want your standard ~/.kube/config.yaml file updated aws eks update-kubeconfig --region <aws-region> --name <cluster-name>
There are two options for persistent storage that work well with Solace PubSub+ Cloud.
We recommend using GP2 as its performance can be configured by simply increasing the size of the disk, which can be done from within Solace PubSub+ Cloud.
Create a GP2 storage class with these recommended settings:
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/storage-class-gp2.yaml
Creating the GP2 storage class requires that you delete any existing GP2 storage class first if it isn't used, or renaming ours so it does not conflict.
Optionally, GP3 can be used if more performance than even the largest GP2 disk is required. Performance of GP3 is not coupled to disk size.
Create a GP3 storage class with these recommended settings:
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/storage-class-gp2.yaml
For more infomration about deploying the cluster autoscaler, see https://github.com/kubernetes/autoscaler/blob/master/cluster-autoscaler/cloudprovider/aws/README.md
You're supposed to run a cluster-autoscaler version that matches your kubernetes version, so for example use the latest v1.23 cluster autoscaler with kubernetes v1.23.
You can search for the latest correct version here: https://github.com/kubernetes/autoscaler/releases
helm repo add autoscaler https://kubernetes.github.io/autoscaler
helm repo update autoscaler
terraform output -raw -state=terraform/terraform.tfstate cluster_autoscaler_helm_values | \
helm upgrade --install cluster-autoscaler autoscaler/cluster-autoscaler --version 9.43.2 -n kube-system --values - --set image.tag=<version>
We recommend that you deploy the AWS Load Balancer.
helm repo add eks https://aws.github.io/eks-charts
helm repo update eks
terraform output -raw -state=terraform/terraform.tfstate load_balancer_controller_helm_values | \
helm install aws-load-balancer-controller eks/aws-load-balancer-controller --version 1.10.1 -n kube-system --values -
The v2 version of this Terraform project has removed the previously optional IRSA method of workload identity as well as the ability to choose which type of cluster authentication mode (the only option is now API).
Clusters created using the v1 project can be migrated to v2 if they are using pod identity and API authentication.
The v2 version of this Terraform project has moved the use of the node group modules from the cluster module to the main project.