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AWS LoadBalancer Controller for Kubernetes

This module deploys AWS LoadBalancer Controller to a Kubernetes Cluster.


Name Version
terraform >= 0.14
aws >= 3.28
helm >= 2
http >= 2.1


Name Version
aws >= 3.28
helm >= 2
http >= 2.1


Name Source Version
iam_assumable_role_admin terraform-aws-modules/iam/aws//modules/iam-assumable-role-with-oidc ~> 4.0


Name Type
aws_iam_role_policy.controller resource
helm_release.release resource
aws_region.current data source
http_http.iam_policy data source


Name Description Type Default Required
affinity Pod affinity map(any) {} no
aws_max_retries Maximum retries for AWS APIs (default 10) number 10 no
chart_name Helm chart name to provision string "aws-load-balancer-controller" no
chart_namespace Namespace to install the chart into string "kube-system" no
chart_repository Helm repository for the chart string "" no
chart_timeout Timeout to wait for the Chart to be deployed. number 300 no
chart_version Version of Chart to install. Set to empty to install the latest version string "1.3.2" no
cluster_name Name of Kubernetes Cluster string n/a yes
cluster_oidc_issuer_url OIDC provider URL for EKS cluster string n/a yes
default_tags Default tags to apply to all AWS resources managed by this controller map(string) {} no
enable_cert_manager Enable cert-manager injection of webhook certficates bool false no
enable_pod_readiness_gate_inject If enabled, targetHealth readiness gate will get injected to the pod spec for the matching endpoint pods (default true) bool true no
enable_shield Enable Shield addon for ALB (default true) bool true no
enable_waf Enable WAF addon for ALB (default true) bool true no
enable_wafv2 Enable WAF V2 addon for ALB (default true) bool true no
env Fixed environment variables for container map(string) {} no
extra_volume_mounts Extra Volume mounts list(any) [] no
extra_volumes Extra volumes list(any) [] no
fullname_override Full name override for resources string "" no
host_network Use Host Network for pod bool false no
iam_role_description Description for IAM role for controller string "Used by AWS Load Balancer Controller for EKS" no
iam_role_name Name of IAM role for controller string "aws-load-balancer-controller" no
iam_role_path IAM Role path for controller string "" no
iam_role_permission_boundary Permission boundary ARN for IAM Role for controller string "" no
iam_role_policy Override the IAM policy for the controller string "" no
iam_role_tags Tags for IAM Role for controller map(string) {} no
image_repository Image repository on Dockerhub string "amazon/aws-alb-ingress-controller" no
image_tag Image tag string "v2.3.0" no
ingress_class The ingress class this controller will satisfy. If not specified, controller will match all ingresses without ingress class annotation and ingresses of type alb string "alb" no
ingress_max_concurrent_reconciles Maximum number of concurrently running reconcile loops for ingress (default 3) number 3 no
log_level Log level. Either info or debug string "info" no
max_history Max History for Helm number 20 no
metrics_bind_addr The address the metric endpoint binds to. (default ':8080') string ":8080" no
name_override Name override for resources string "" no
pdb PDB for pod map(any) {} no
pod_annotations Additional annotations on a pod map(string) {} no
pod_labels Additional labels on a pod map(string) {} no
pod_security_context Pod Security Context map(any)
"fsGroup": 65534
prefer_ecr_repositories Prefer ECR repositories according to the region. If none can be found, var.image_repository is used bool true no
priority_class_name Priority class for pod string "system-cluster-critical" no
region The AWS region for the kubernetes cluster. Set to use KIAM or kube2iam for example. string "" no
release_name Helm release name string "aws-load-balancer-controller" no
replicas Number of replicas number 1 no
resources Pod Resources map(any)
"limits": {
"cpu": "200m",
"memory": "500Mi"
"requests": {
"cpu": "100m",
"memory": "500Mi"
security_context Security Context for container map(any)
"allowPrivilegeEscalation": false,
"readOnlyRootFilesystem": true,
"runAsNonRoot": true
service_account_annotations Addiitional Annotations for service account map(string) {} no
service_account_name Name of service account to create. Not generated string "aws-load-balancer-controller" no
service_max_concurrent_reconciles Maximum number of concurrently running reconcile loops for service (default 3) number 3 no
sync_period Period at which the controller forces the repopulation of its local object stores. (default 1h0m0s) string "1h0m0s" no
targetgroupbinding_max_concurrent_reconciles Maximum number of concurrently running reconcile loops for targetGroupBinding number 3 no
termination_grace_period_seconds Time period for the controller pod to do a graceful shutdown number 10 no
tolerations Pod Tolerations list(any) [] no
vpc_id The VPC ID for the Kubernetes cluster. Set this manually when your pods are unable to use the metadata service to determine this automatically string "" no
watch_namespace Watch a single namespace if specified, or all namespaces if not string "" no
webhook_bind_port The TCP port the Webhook server binds to. (default 9443) number 9443 no


Name Description
iam_role_arn ARN of IAM role
iam_role_name Name of IAM role
iam_role_path Path of IAM role
iam_role_unique_id Unique ID of IAM role