const _ = require('lodash') const bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib'); const BigNumber = require('bignumber.js'); const coinSelect = require('coinselect') const axios = require('axios') const config = require('./configLoad'); class btcBasic{ constructor(chain){ this.config = config[chain] } get = async (url) => { return (await axios.get(this.config.URL + url)).data } post = async (url, data) => { return (await + url, data)).data } getAddressUtxo = async (address) => { const result = await this.get(`/address/${address}?unspent=true&limit=1000`) return this.utxoMapper(result) } utxoMapper = (utxos) => { utxos = => { const out = {} const amount = new BigNumber(utxo.value).div(1e8).toNumber() _.set(out, 'address', utxo.address) _.set(out, 'txid', utxo.mintTxid) _.set(out, 'txId', utxo.mintTxid) _.set(out, 'vout', utxo.mintIndex) _.set(out, 'scriptPubKey', utxo.script) _.set(out, 'amount', amount) _.set(out, 'satoshis', utxo.value) _.set(out, 'height', utxo.mintHeight) _.set(out, 'confirmations', utxo.confirmations) return _.assign(utxo, out) }) return utxos } getfeeRate = async() => { const result = await this.get('/fee/7') return result.feerate } sendTx = async(rawtx) =>{ let result try { result = await'/tx/send', { rawTx: rawtx }) } catch (err) { console.log(err) throw new Error('broadcast tx failed ')} return result } async getUtxos() { const froms =,'ADDRESS') const utxoSet = new Set(); for (const address of froms) { const utxos = await this.getAddressUtxo(address) utxos.forEach(utxo => { utxoSet.add(JSON.stringify(utxo)) }); } const uniqueUTXOs = Array.from(utxoSet).map(utxoString => JSON.parse(utxoString)) return uniqueUTXOs } network = () => { return bitcoin.networks.testnet } genAddressByRandom = () => { const network = const keyPair = bitcoin.ECPair.makeRandom({ network }) const { address } = bitcoin.payments.p2pkh({ pubkey: keyPair.publicKey, network }) console.log(`Address: ${address},PrivateKey: ${keyPair.toWIF()}`) return address } async sendBTC(address,amount){ const feePrice = await this.getfeeRate() const feeRate = new BigNumber(feePrice).times(1e8).dividedBy(100).integerValue(BigNumber.ROUND_DOWN).toNumber() const value = new BigNumber(amount).times(1e8).toNumber() let targets = [{ address, value }] //const froms // 扩展成50个output // targets = Array(12).fill().map(() => targets).flat(); const utxos = await this.getUtxos() const {inputs, outputs, fee} = coinSelect(utxos,targets,feeRate) if (inputs && outputs){ //build tx const filledOutputs = => { if (!output.address) { output.address = inputs[0].address; // 在这里设置默认值 } return output; }) const network = const tx = new bitcoin.TransactionBuilder(network) inputs.forEach((e)=>tx.addInput(e.txid,e.vout)) filledOutputs.forEach((e)=>tx.addOutput(e.address,e.value)) //sign tx const froms = this.config.KEYPAIR let signer,priKey for (let i =0;i<inputs.length;i++){ priKey = _.find(froms, function(o) { return o.ADDRESS == inputs[i].address}) signer = bitcoin.ECPair.fromWIF(priKey.PRIKEY, network) tx.sign(i,signer) } //send tx const rawtx = const hash = await this.sendTx(rawtx) console.log(`Transfer ${amount} BTC to ${address}. Transaction Hash: ${hash.txid}`); } else { console.log(inputs, outputs, fee) throw new Error('not enough utxos!!!') } } } module.exports = btcBasic