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If you'd like to make changes and develop for the picoTracker, here are guidelines about how to do so.

picoTracker is based on the Raspberry Pi Pico and it's built around the C SDK of the platform.

The only requirement is to install the toolchain as explained in Getting started document, this will depend on each platform. It's essentially: Basic build tools (build-essentials in Debian based distros), cmake and arm cross compiler.

Coding style

The coding style is based on the Google C++ Style Guide and is enforced with clang-format run on CI so please try to run it locally before submitting a pull request.

Printf, sprintf and friends

The printf family of functions are not to be used as they have significant issues on embedded systems with limited ram, especially in the form of a large buffer that is allocated on the stack. Instead please use the nanoprintf library functions found in nanoprintf.h.

For debug logging, please do not use even nanoprintf functions directly and instead use the Trace class.

Getting started

Building optimized version

Assuming a unix style operating system (Linux, OSX). Below example assumes 8 thread processor on your build machine, adjust -j flag on the make command to match your platform.

~ % git clone
~ % cd picoTracker
picoTracker % git submodule update --init --recursive
picoTracker % mkdir build
picoTracker/build % cd build
picoTracker/build % PICO_SDK_PATH=../sources/Externals/pico-sdk cmake ../sources
picoTracker/build % make -j8

You can also set a specific path that contains the toolchain (gcc etc) with:

PICO_SDK_PATH=../sources/Externals/pico-sdk cmake -DPICO_TOOLCHAIN_PATH=/path/to/your/arm-none-eabi-toolchain  ../sources

Subsequent builds just need the make command. If anything changed on the CMakeLists files, cmake will update itself.

Building Debug version

To create a debug build, you have to replace the cmake step on the previous step with: picoTracker/build % PICO_SDK_PATH=../sources/Externals/pico-sdk cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DPICO_DEOPTIMIZED_DEBUG=1 ../sources/

Testbench for development

While you can perform changes by building and copying the resulting binary onto the Pico using USB, this will be extremely slow and painful. A better setup would be to use a picoProbe and use OpenOCD in order to iterate quickly while you're developing.

Running OpenOCD

(Building OCD is out of scope of this document) openocd/tcl % ../src/openocd -f interface/cmsis-dap.cfg -f target/rp2040.cfg -c "adapter speed 5000" -c "bindto"

The bindto command can be omitted if you're developing locally. Unfortunatelly I develop on an M1 Mac, where gdb-multiarch is not available, so I connect from a remote Linux machine.

Configuring the build for serial output of logs

The main CMake configuration file is located at picoTracker/sources/CMakeLists.txt, there are two options to enable serial output, USB or UART0. To configure either of these options, set 1 to the configuration option you desire:

pico_enable_stdio_usb(${PROJECT_NAME} 0)
pico_enable_stdio_uart(${PROJECT_NAME} 0)

Couple of things to keep in mind:

  • If you decide to use USB passthrough as your serial output, this will consume 6KB of memory which is a pretty scarse resource, and given that this project uses a lot of dynamic allocations, you may find memory issues in the form of hardfaults which may be hard to debug. It SHOULD be ok, but be warned.
  • Another annoying thing about using USB for serial output is that the USB port is not immediately available upon boot, so you cannot see the initial messages.
  • Yet annother annoyence about USB is that you'll have to use two USB ports, one for picoProbe and another one for your serial console to your actual picoTracker Pico.
  • If you choose to use UART0 for serial output, there's an annoyance too. In the final build I decided to simplify input and use a GPIO per key, rather than the matrix I was using during development. This means that UART0 is now used for MIDI in/out, so this port is not free. There are two requirements here:
  • You'll have to figure out the best way to connect your serial output into your picoTracker. Probably the cleanest, but overkill, would be to hack some MIDI cable and plug directly into the MIDI port.
  • You'll have to disable MIDI (so this option will not work for MIDI development/troubleshooting) by enabling add_definitions(-DDUMMY_MIDI) in picoTracker/sources/CMakeLists.txt

Connecting to your serial output

Use your serial communications program of choice to connect to the serial console of the pico. If using USB serial (where the usbmodem device is the Pico USB): ~ % minicom -D /dev/tty.usbmodem2101

If using picoProbe serial though OpenOCD (where the usbmodem device is the picoProbe USB) ~ % minicom -D /dev/tty.usbmodem1101 localhost:4444

Loading code and running it using gdb

Replace localhost with whatever your host running OpenOCD is

gdb-multiarch <PATH_TO_BUILD>/Adapters/picoTracker/main/picoTracker.elf --eval-command="target extended-remote localhost:3333" --eval-command="load" --eval-command="monitor reset init" --eval-command="continue"

This command should load your code into the pico, reset it and run the program. You can go ahead now and use any GDB functionality you may like, or not use it at all other than to load and run your code.

Github Actions CI

The actions CI workflows include a check for the projects specific code formatting style and building the firmware image. It may be useful to run these actions on a local machine, in which case the act could be useful. Note to use act you nee to have docker already installed as well.

MIDI Development

Debugging MIDI TRS (serial) output

NOTE: The original design picoTracker shares the same UART for both serial output for debugging and TRS MIDI output so you MUST enable DDUMMY_MIDI and disable pico_enable_stdio_uart in the CMakeLists.txt file to use the UART for debugging!

A helpful tool for debugging MIDI output is ShowMIDI or for more low level debugging you may want to use a BusPirate.

USB MIDI output


Notes on code structure

Key classes

Some classes are worth documenting specifically here as they contain key pieces of functionality.


picoTrackerEventManager is important because it's where MainLoop() is and hence it's where "events" are dispatched. It is also here that the 1ms tick timer callback is set up and the callback function for it is found: timerHandler(). The timerHandler() function is then the source of the PICO_CLOCK events, which are then dispatched to the picoTrackerEventQueue at the rate of 1Hz.

AppWindow::AnimationUpdate() is the handy spot where we handle calling autosave just because of the convienence of the AppWindow class having easy access to the player, the current project name and the persistance service.