Currently confd ships binaries for OS X and Linux 64bit systems. You can download the latest release from GitHub
$ wget
Download the binary
$ wget
Move the binary to an installation path, make it executable, and add to path
mkdir -p /opt/confd/bin
mv confd-0.16.0-linux-amd64 /opt/confd/bin/confd
chmod +x /opt/confd/bin/confd
export PATH="$PATH:/opt/confd/bin"
$ make build
$ make install
Since many people are using Alpine Linux as their base images for Docker there's support to build Alpine package also. Naturally by using Docker itself. :)
$ docker build -t confd_builder -f .
$ docker run -ti --rm -v $(pwd):/app confd_builder make build
The above docker commands will produce binary in the local bin directory.
With multi-stage builds you can keep the whole process contained in your Dockerfile using:
FROM golang:1.9-alpine as confd
ADD${CONFD_VERSION}.tar.gz /tmp/
RUN apk add --no-cache \
bzip2 \
make && \
mkdir -p /go/src/ && \
cd /go/src/ && \
tar --strip-components=1 -zxf /tmp/v${CONFD_VERSION}.tar.gz && \
go install && \
rm -rf /tmp/v${CONFD_VERSION}.tar.gz
FROM tomcat:8.5.15-jre8-alpine
COPY --from=confd /go/bin/confd /usr/local/bin/confd
# Then do other useful things...
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