This guide outlines the steps to convert from a Debian/Ubuntu package install of Cacti to a source-based install.
If you are looking to run the latest version of Cacti a source based installation is the way to go Often the cacti team releases feature and updates that the packages lag behind on also source based installs provide more control for administrators than a package installation
This document will provide the steps on how to convert a system that has been installed via package on a Debian/Ubuntu system while retaining your settings and data
ensure that cron is stopped to prevent any conflicts during the transition and to prevent the poller from running while backing up the system systemctl stop cron If you have installed the cactid daemon
systemctl stop cactid
cp /usr/share/cacti/site/include/config.php /path/to/backup/config.php
You can copy all of the graph files in /usr/share/cacti/site/rra
to another folder so you can copy them back later.
cp -r /usr/share/cacti/site/rra /path/to/backup/rra
Create a backup of the Cacti database.
mysqldump cacti > cacti.sql
Remove and purge the Cacti package to ensure no conflicts with the source-based install.
apt-get remove cacti && apt-get purge cacti
Follow the appropriate steps to install Cacti from source. Refer to the official Cacti
Once Cacti is installed from source, restore your previous settings by re-importing the database.
mysql cacti < cacti.sql
Copy the backed-up RRA files to the new RRA folder directory in your source installation.
cp -r /path/to/backup/rra /new/cacti/source/path/rra
Once these steps are completed, your Cacti installation will be switched from a package-based install to a source-based one, while retaining your configurations and graphs.