This BASH script ease the deployment of any released (including snapshot) jetty distributions directly from the XWiki Maven repository for the purpose of testing. It automate all the tasks to get any XWiki version properly running with any of the supported database in couple of second. It avoid any human mistake during deployment, allowing quick discovering of potential regression. It also aims simplifying developers and testers life, isolating them from the syntax and constraints imposed by the different databases, allowing easy and uniform dump/restore procedure for repetive testing tasks.
This script can automate the following steps:
- Download a distribution package, either release or snapshot (using a jetty based distrbution)
- Deploy that package, and configure it for any supported database
- Cleanup/Create the needed database, user and grants
- Restore a saved permanent directory
- Import a database dump (previously exported with this same tool)
- Launch the configured XWiki under Jetty
- Backup the database and/or the permanent directory after XWiki shutdown
All operations could be done in a multiuser environment, using common databases, without getting conflicting users, databases, ports, ...
This script does not provide any help preparing a test machine, and you will need a working test configuration to use it fully. It require a linux machine with MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle databases properly deployed and configured if you expect to use those databases for your tests.
At the very beginning of this script, there is configuration section that
should be setup to match your existing configuration. The default value are
setup for a properly configured Ubuntu 12.04 server, with Oracle deployed in
, and other database deployed by APT. The Oracle JDBC driver and
the MySQL ConnectorJ driver should be made available in a shared folder,
which default to /usr/local/shared/java
. For MySQL MyISAM to work properly
on MySQL 5.x, a MySQL5MyISAMDialect
class should be custom made, and provided
in the same shared folder, as a .class
While this script provide tons of options, it is really easy to use and usual command-line are simple and repetitive. The script always proceed to the same steps in the same other, and skip uneeded steps depending on choosen options.
The steps are:
Check that the requested test is not already running. A
file is store in the deployment folder during execution. In case of abnormal shutdown, you may need to delete it manually. -
Download into the current working folder the archive required based on
. Skipped unless-w
is used and the archive is not yet available locally. When skipped, the archive must be available locally, or the script will halt. The archive came
, and is a jetty based distribution. -
Unzip the archive in a subfolder of the current working folder. Remove the permanent directory if hsqldb package is used for testing another DB. This step is skipped if
is used. -
Restore the permanent directory when
is used. -
Delete any old database with the current database prefixe (
) available in the chosen database engine (-d
). Then, create the main wiki database, the xwiki user, and grants required privileges. This step is skipped if-k
is used. -
Import the provided database backup when
is used. -
Configure the requested database in
, and copy the required driver (and dialect for MySQL MyISAM) to the deployment folder. Configure the database prefix, and main database name inxwiki.cfg
. Activate the snapshot repository for extensions
when a snapshot release or-a
option is used. This step is skipped for HSQLDB database or if-z
is used. -
Start the jetty server, waiting for CTRL-C or another signal to stop it. This step is skipped if
is used. -
Dump all database with the current database prefixe (
) when-b
is used. Save the permanent data directory (excluding the HSQLDB) if-u
is used.
Almost all option combination is possible. The last option overide any earlier
conflicting options. -e
and -f
are only available for version earlier than 9.5.
If the package is available locally, configure and run the default version (currently XE 4.5.3) using the jetty-hsqldb package for a MySQL innoDB database. If the package is not available, fails with an error and usage message.
xwikitest -v 5.0-rc-1 -d oracle -w
The package jetty-hsqldb of XE 5.0RC1 is downloaded as needed, deployed and run immediately in a matter of second with a fresh empty oracle database.
xwikitest -v 3.5.1 -d psql -e manager -w -b psql351.sql -u
The package jetty-mysql of XEM 3.5.1 is downloaded as needed, deployed and run with a fresh empty PostgreSQL database. Once the jetty server is halted using CTRL-C, the database, and the permanent directory are saved.
xwikitest -v 5.0-milestone-2 -d psql -e manager -w -i psql351.sql -l
The package jetty-mysql of XEM 5.0M2 is downloaded as needed, deployed, the previously saved 3.5.1 database, and permanent directory are restored, than XWiki is run, which on first request will test a migration from 3.5.1 to 5.0M2.
xwikitest -v 5.0-milestone-2 -d mysql -e manager -B psql5M2.sql
The current databases in MySQL are dumped. This will fail if the XEM 5.0M2 is not available, but will proceed even if the databases are not 5.0M2 version.
xwikitest -v 5.0-milestone-2 -d mysql -e manager -U
The current permanent directory in the deployed XEM 5.0M2 will be saved.
xwikitest -v 5.1 -r 20130423.165616-8 -d hsqldb -w -i -b
The package jetty-hsqldb of a snapshot of XE 5.1 will downloaded as needed, deployed and run on a previously backup HSQLDB database (probably from release 3.5.1 according to the name) and a migration will occurs on first request. At jetty server termination, the resulting database will backup. Note that the permanent directory will be left as in the 5.1 package, and in this example may cause the distribution wizard to think that it should not to appear. A better test would be to also restore a permanent directory. This only happen with jetty-hsqldb package or the HSQLDB database, since for other database the permanent directory is at least discarded.
Force the configuration of the snapshot repositories for extensions in
when a release version is used, to allow installing snapshot extensions anyway. -
-b destination
Backup database to the given
just before ending this script. Depending on the database,destination
is either a sql filename (mysql, psql), a zip filename (hsqldb), or a folder name (oracle). The name is relative to the working folder, and the file will be erased just before starting the backup. -
-B destination
Backup current database to the given
. This option works exactly like-b
, and is a shortcut for-knzb destination
. -
-d database
The target database, could be any of
: MySQL server using MyISAM enginemysql
: MySQL server using innoDB enginepostgresql
: PostgreSQL single database (using schema mode)oracle
: Oracle (> 10g)hsqldb
The default is to use MySQL innoDB engine.
-e distribution
(Only if version is lower than 9.5)The XWiki distribution (enterprise or manager). The default is to use the enterprise distribution. For version 9.5 and higher, the distribution is always
. -
-f package
(Only if version is lower than 9.5)The jetty distribution base package (hsqldb or mysql). The default is to use the hsqldb package for the enterprise distribution, and the mysql package for the manager distribution. Except for HSQLDB, which require an hsqldb package, any available package will do, and will be reconfigured for the target database. For version 9.5 and higher, the package is always
. -
-i source
Import the given
dump into the database before starting XWiki. Depending on the database,source
is either a sql filename (mysql, psql), a zip filename (hsqldb), or a folder name (oracle). The name is relative to the working folder, and the file will only be imported if it is found and readable. Thesource
should have been produce by this same tools using the-b
option, but it could be done with a different release of XWiki, which allows testing migration procedure repetitively. -
-I source
Only import the given
in the database without running XWiki. This option works like-i
and is a shortcut for-nzi
. -
Display an help message describing the usage of this script. At the end of most options, it also shows the current values of these options. It could be used as a dry run solution for beginners.
Prevent the automatic cleaning of the database, keeping the current database AS IS. This could use after a initial run to start the same or a later XWiki release on the same database.
Restore a backup of the permanent directory from the given zip file. The name of the zip file is taken relatively to the current working folder. The file should have been created earlier by using the '-u' option. The HSQLDB database is excluded from this operation, and is preserved for HSQLDB database tests.
Only restore a backup of the permanent directory without running XWiki. This option works like
-L and is a shortcut for
-nkzl`. -
Do not run XWiki, only deploy as request, and proceed to other steps like import, export, ...
-p port
Port number on which the Jetty web server will be listening for HTTP requests. Unless specified, this port is automatically chosen based on your user UID, which avoid any collision with other users on the same host. The listening is only done on localhost loopback interface, and could be forwarded throught SSH using -L:localhost:.
-r snapshot
The target snapshot release number (ie: 20120410.161114-97). If specified, a snapshot version will be retrived and deployed in a version-SNAPSHOT folder.
-s dbsuffix
This name is appended to the default
name to create the prefix of all databased created for the current test. The default is to take your username. This is needed to avoind database name collision in a multiuser environment. It could also be use to keep differents test databases for the same user in the same database engine. -
-t port
Port number used by Jetty for its control chanel, allowing its termination. Unless specified, this port is automatically chosen based on your user UID.
Save a backup of the permanent directory into the given zip file just before ending this script. The zip filename is relative to the current working folder and the file will be erased just before starting the backup. The resulting file could be used with
to restore the current data folder in another run of this version or a later release version -
Save a backup of the current permanent directory. This option works like
and is a shortcut for-nkzu
. -
-v version
The target XWiki version for this test (ie: 4.5.3). It defaults to 4.5.3.
Allow downloading the needed archive from If this option is not specified, the needed archive should be available in the current working folder, else this script will end immediately.
Do not redeploy and reconfigure. A previously deployed XWiki with the exact same version should be available and will be used. No check of compatibility with the current option is done. You should use this option with care.