diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Brazilian_Portuguese.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Brazilian_Portuguese.properties index 9eb05673feb37..ce1323f2ae46d 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Brazilian_Portuguese.properties +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Brazilian_Portuguese.properties @@ -1434,8 +1434,7 @@ Hurry Construction = Apressar Construção Hurry Construction (+[productionAmount]⚙) = Apressar Construção (+[productionAmount]⚙) Spread Religion = Espalhar Religião Spread [religionName] = Espalhar [religionName] - # Requires translation! -[civName]'s [unitName] has converted [cityName] to [religionName] = +[civName]'s [unitName] has converted [cityName] to [religionName] = [unitName] de [civName] converteu [cityName] para [religionName] Remove Heresy = Remover Heresia Found a Religion = Fundar uma Religião Enhance a Religion = Aprimorar Religião @@ -2061,8 +2060,7 @@ Provides a unique luxury = Oferece um luxo único Military Units gifted from City-States start with [amount] XP = Unidades Militares oferecidas por Cidades-Estados começam com [amount] de XP Militaristic City-States grant units [amount] times as fast when you are at war with a common nation = Cidades-Estados Militares concedem unidades [amount] vezes mais rápido quando você está em guerra com uma nação comum Gifts of Gold to City-States generate [relativeAmount]% more Influence = Presentes de ouro para cidades-estados geram [relativeAmount]% mais influência - # Requires translation! -Can spend Gold to annex or puppet a City-State that has been your Ally for [amount] turns = +Can spend Gold to annex or puppet a City-State that has been your Ally for [amount] turns = Pode gastar ouro para anexar ou um fantoche de uma cidade-estado que foi sua aliada por [amount] turnos City-State territory always counts as friendly territory = O território da cidade-estado sempre conta como território amigo Allied City-States will occasionally gift Great People = Cidades-Estados Aliadas ocasionalmente presentearão uma Grande Personalidade Will not be chosen for new games = Não será escolhido para novos jogos diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Croatian.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Croatian.properties index 18d5725e80338..006b98bbd01de 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Croatian.properties +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Croatian.properties @@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ Sum: = Iznos: Trade = Trgovina Offer trade = Ponudi trgovinu -They'll decide on their turn = Odlučiti će kad budu na potezu +They'll decide on their turn = Odlučiti će kad dođu na potez Retract offer = Povuci ponudu What do you have in mind? = Što imaš na umu? Our items = Naše stavke @@ -1435,7 +1435,7 @@ Hurry Construction (+[productionAmount]⚙) = Požuri izgradnju (+[productionAmo Spread Religion = Proširi Religiju Spread [religionName] = Proširi [religionName] # Requires translation! -[civName]'s [unitName] has converted [cityName] to [religionName] = +[civName]'s [unitName] has converted [cityName] to [religionName] = [unitName] od [civName] je preobratio [cityName] u [religionName] Remove Heresy = Ukloni Herezu Found a Religion = Osnuj Religiju Enhance a Religion = Unaprijedi Religiju @@ -2062,7 +2062,7 @@ Military Units gifted from City-States start with [amount] XP = Vojne jedinice d Militaristic City-States grant units [amount] times as fast when you are at war with a common nation = Militaristički Gradovi-Države daju jedinice [amount] puta brže kada ste u ratu s zajedničkom nacijom Gifts of Gold to City-States generate [relativeAmount]% more Influence = Pokloni zlata Gradovima-Državama generiraju [relativeAmount]% više Utjecaja # Requires translation! -Can spend Gold to annex or puppet a City-State that has been your Ally for [amount] turns = +Can spend Gold to annex or puppet a City-State that has been your Ally for [amount] turns = Može se potrošiti Zlato za pripojenje ili pretvaranje Grada-Države u marionetu koji je bio vaš Saveznik [amount] poteza City-State territory always counts as friendly territory = Teritorij Grada-Države uvijek se računa kao prijateljski teritorij Allied City-States will occasionally gift Great People = Saveznički Gradovi-Države povremeno će darivati Velikane Will not be chosen for new games = Neće biti odabrano za nove igre @@ -4426,7 +4426,7 @@ Skal, Harald Bluetooth Gormsson, son of King Gorm of the Old and Thyra Dannebod! As a true Viking, who knows not fear, time has come to unleash mighty armies of Northsmen to bring despair upon your enemies! By the will of the Gods, it will be either a glorious triumph or a sumptuous feast in the Valhalla! Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = Kao pravi Viking, koji ne poznaje strah, došlo je vrijeme da oslobodiš moćne vojske Sjevernjaka kako bi bacio očaj na svoje neprijatelje! Po volji Bogova, bit će to ili slavni trijumf ili raskošna gozba u Valhalli! Hoće li tvoje novo carstvo sjati kroz stoljeća povijesti? Copenhagen = Kopenhagen Aarhus = Aarhus -Kaupang = Kaupanger +Kaupang = Kaupang Ribe = Ribe Viborg = Viborg Tunsberg = Tønsberg @@ -4536,7 +4536,7 @@ You have revealed your purposes a bit too early, my friend... = Malo si prerano A wrong calculation, on my part. = Pogrešna računica s moje strane. Venice = Venecija -They will write songs of this.... pray that they shall be in your favor. = Oni će napisati pjesme o ovome... moli se da ti budu naklonjene. +They will write songs of this.... pray that they shall be in your favor. = Napisati će pjesme o ovome... moli se da ti budu naklonjene. Antwerp = Antwerpen How barbaric. Those who live by the sword shall perish by the sword. = Kako barbarski. Oni koji žive od mača, od mača će izginuti. @@ -7178,4 +7178,3 @@ Forest and Jungle Visibility\nIn Unciv, forests and jungles are visible 1 tile o Founding Cities\nThe Settler is a unit that can found a new city. You can build a Settler unit in a city with at least 2 population, and then move them to a good location to found a new city. This will usually be your main way of acquiring more cities. = Osnivanje gradova\nNaseljenik je jedinica koja može osnovati novi grad. Možete izgraditi jedinicu Naseljenika u gradu s najmanje 2 stanovnika, a zatim ih premjestiti na dobru lokaciju kako biste osnovali novi grad. To će obično biti vaš glavni način stjecanja više gradova. Food conversion to Production\nDuring the construction of a Settler, the city will not grow. Instead, the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and from there on every 4th, excess Food (Growth) is converted into Production, with the rest of the excess Food being lost. = Pretvorba hrane u proizvodnju\nTijekom izgradnje Naseljenika, grad neće rasti. Umjesto toga, 1., 2., 4., a odatle svaki 4., višak Hrane (Rast) pretvara se u Proizvodnju, a ostatak viška Hrane se gubi. - diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Dutch.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Dutch.properties index fff56fa25cf79..3b7167626377b 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Dutch.properties +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Dutch.properties @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ Disables: = Schakelt uit Current construction = Huidige bouwwerk Construction queue = Bouwwachtrij # Requires translation! -Queue = +Queue = Wachtrij Pick a construction = Kies een bouwwerk Queue empty = Wachtrij leeg Add to queue = Voeg toe aan wachtrij @@ -982,7 +982,7 @@ Your Golden Age has ended. = Je Gouden Tijdperk is ten einde. [cityName] has been razed to the ground! = [cityName] is totaal verwoest! We have conquered the city of [cityName]! = We hebben de stad [cityName] ingenomen! # Requires translation! -Your citizens are revolting due to very high unhappiness! = +Your citizens are revolting due to very high unhappiness! = Jouw burgers komen in opstand vanwege de hoge ontevredenheid! # Possible HP loss loss when attacking, e.g. (-5 HP) ([amount] HP) = ([amount] HP) @@ -1437,7 +1437,7 @@ Hurry Construction (+[productionAmount]⚙) = Versnel bouw (+[productionAmount] Spread Religion = Verkondig Religie Spread [religionName] = Verkondig [religionName] # Requires translation! -[civName]'s [unitName] has converted [cityName] to [religionName] = +[civName]'s [unitName] has converted [cityName] to [religionName] = [civName]'s [unitName] heeft [cityName] bekeerd tot [religionName] Remove Heresy = Verwijder ketterij Found a Religion = Richt een religie op Enhance a Religion = Hervorm je religie @@ -1610,7 +1610,7 @@ Remove your troops in our border immediately! = Verwijder je troepen binnen onze Sorry. = Sorry. Never! = Nooit! # Requires translation! -Those lands were not yours to take. This has not gone unnoticed. = +Those lands were not yours to take. This has not gone unnoticed. = Het was niet aan jou om te besluiten deze landen in te nemen. Dit is niet onopgemerkt gebleven. Offer Declaration of Friendship ([30] turns) = Bied een vriendschapsverkalring aan ([30] beurten) My friend, shall we declare our friendship to the world? = Mijn vriend, zullen we onze vriendschap verklaren aan de wereld? @@ -2065,7 +2065,7 @@ Military Units gifted from City-States start with [amount] XP = Militaire Eenhed Militaristic City-States grant units [amount] times as fast when you are at war with a common nation = Militaristische Stadstaten geven eenheden [amount] keer sneller als je oorlog voert tegen een andere natie Gifts of Gold to City-States generate [relativeAmount]% more Influence = Giften van goud aan Stadstaten genereren [relativeAmount]% meer Invloed # Requires translation! -Can spend Gold to annex or puppet a City-State that has been your Ally for [amount] turns = +Can spend Gold to annex or puppet a City-State that has been your Ally for [amount] turns = Je kan goud gebruiken om een Stadstaat die een bondgenoot voor [amount] beurten is te annexeren of een stadstaat te maken City-State territory always counts as friendly territory = Stadstaat-territorium geldt altijd as bevriend territorium Allied City-States will occasionally gift Great People = Geallieerde Stadstaten schenken soms Grote Mensen Will not be chosen for new games = Zal niet gekozen worden voor nieuwe spelsessies diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/French.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/French.properties index 1c558f84522d1..4931bd7b11aaf 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/French.properties +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/French.properties @@ -1105,7 +1105,7 @@ Our [name] took [tileDamage] tile damage = Notre [name] a subi [tileDamage] dég An unknown civilization has adopted the [policyName] policy = Une civilisation inconnue a adopté la doctrine [policyName] You gained [Stats] as your religion was spread to [cityName] = Vous avez gagné [Stats] tandis que votre religion s'est diffusée à [cityName] You gained [Stats] as your religion was spread to an unknown city = Vous avez gagné [Stats] tandis que votre religion s'est diffusée à une ville inconnue -Your city [cityName] was converted to [religionName]! = Votre ville [cityName] s'est convertie à [religionName] ! +Your city [cityName] was converted to [religionName]! = Votre ville [cityName] s'est convertie à la religion [religionName] ! Your [unitName] lost its faith after spending too long inside enemy territory! = Votre [unitName] a perdu la foi après avoir passé trop de temps en territoire ennemi ! An [unitName] has removed your religion [religionName] from its Holy City [cityName]! = Un(e) [unitName] a supprimé votre religion [religionName] de sa ville sainte [cityName] ! An [unitName] has restored [cityName] as the Holy City of your religion [religionName]! = Un(e) [unitName] a rétabli [cityName] comme ville sainte de votre religion [religionName] ! @@ -1435,7 +1435,7 @@ Hurry Construction (+[productionAmount]⚙) = Accélérer la construction (+[pro Spread Religion = Diffuser la Religion Spread [religionName] = Diffuser [religionName] # Requires translation! -[civName]'s [unitName] has converted [cityName] to [religionName] = +[civName]'s [unitName] has converted [cityName] to [religionName] = [unitName] de [civName] a converti [cityName] à la religion [religionName] Remove Heresy = Supprimer l'Hérésie Found a Religion = Fonder une Religion Enhance a Religion = Renforcer une Religion @@ -2062,7 +2062,7 @@ Military Units gifted from City-States start with [amount] XP = Les unités mili Militaristic City-States grant units [amount] times as fast when you are at war with a common nation = Les Cités-États Militaristes fournissent des unités [amount] fois plus vite lorsque vous êtes en guerre contre une nation commune Gifts of Gold to City-States generate [relativeAmount]% more Influence = Les présents en Or aux Cités-États génèrent [relativeAmount]% plus d'Influence # Requires translation! -Can spend Gold to annex or puppet a City-State that has been your Ally for [amount] turns = +Can spend Gold to annex or puppet a City-State that has been your Ally for [amount] turns = Peut dépenser de l'Or pour annexer ou fantochiser une Cité-État ayant été votre alliée pendant [amount] tours City-State territory always counts as friendly territory = Les territoires des Cités-États comptent toujours comme des territoires alliés Allied City-States will occasionally gift Great People = Les Cités-États alliées offrent occasionnellement des Personnages Illustres Will not be chosen for new games = Ne sera pas choisi pour une nouvelle partie @@ -4719,7 +4719,7 @@ We are tired of the pretensions of [cityState]. If someone were to put them in t Denounce Civilization = Dénoncer une Civilisation We have been forced to pay tribute to [civName]! We need you to tell the world of their ill deeds. = Nous avons été forcé de payer un Tribut à [civName] ! De grâce, nous vous demandons de révéler au monde leurs odieux agissements ! -We have heard the tenets of [religionName] and are most curious. Will you send missionaries to teach us about your religion? = Nous avons eu vent des dogmes de [religionName] et sommes désireux d'en savoir davantage. Voudriez-vous envoyer des missionnaires pour nous enseigner votre religion ? +We have heard the tenets of [religionName] and are most curious. Will you send missionaries to teach us about your religion? = Nous avons eu vent des dogmes de [religionName] et serions désireux d'en savoir plus. Pourriez-vous envoyer des missionnaires pour nous enseigner votre religion ? #################### Lines from Ruins from Civ V - Vanilla #################### diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/German.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/German.properties index fc87ee43a040c..150d73a0ff94d 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/German.properties +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/German.properties @@ -123,8 +123,7 @@ Disables: = Deaktiviert: Current construction = Aktuelle Produktion Construction queue = Produktionswarteschlange - # Requires translation! -Queue = +Queue = Warteschlange Pick a construction = Wähle ein Bauwerk Queue empty = Warteschlange leer Add to queue = Hinzufügen zur Warteschlange @@ -981,14 +980,12 @@ An unknown civilization has started constructing [construction]! = Eine unbekann Your Golden Age has ended. = Euer Goldenes Zeitalter ist vorbei. [cityName] has been razed to the ground! = [cityName] wurde dem Erdboden gleich gemacht! We have conquered the city of [cityName]! = Wir haben die Stadt [cityName] eingenommen! - # Requires translation! -Your citizens are revolting due to very high unhappiness! = +Your citizens are revolting due to very high unhappiness! = Deine Bürgerinnen und Bürger rebellieren, weil die Unzufriedenheit sehr groß ist! # Possible HP loss loss when attacking, e.g. (-5 HP) ([amount] HP) = ([amount] LP) - # Requires translation! -An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) has attacked [cityName] ([amount2] HP) = +An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) has attacked [cityName] ([amount2] HP) = Eine feindliche [unit] Einheit ([amount] LP) hat [cityName] ([amount2] HP) angegriffen An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) has [battleAction] our [ourUnit] ([amount2] HP) = Eine feindliche [unit] Einheit ([amount] LP) hat unsere [ourUnit] Einheit ([amount2] LP) [battleAction] An enemy [unit] has attacked our [ourUnit] ([amount] HP) = Eine feindliche [unit] Einheit hat unsere [ourUnit] Einheit ([amount] LP) angegriffen Enemy city [cityName] has attacked our [ourUnit] = Die feindliche Stadt [cityName] hat unsere [ourUnit] Einheit angegriffen @@ -1437,8 +1434,7 @@ Hurry Construction = Produktion beschleunigen Hurry Construction (+[productionAmount]⚙) = Produktion beschleunigen (+[productionAmount]⚙) Spread Religion = Religion verbreiten Spread [religionName] = [religionName] verbreiten - # Requires translation! -[civName]'s [unitName] has converted [cityName] to [religionName] = +[civName]'s [unitName] has converted [cityName] to [religionName] = [civName]'s [unitName] Einheit konvertierte [cityName] zu [religionName] Remove Heresy = Ketzerei entfernen Found a Religion = Eine Religion gründen Enhance a Religion = Verbessere eine Religion @@ -2064,8 +2060,7 @@ Provides a unique luxury = Liefert eine einzigartige Luxusressource Military Units gifted from City-States start with [amount] XP = Von Stadtstaaten geschenkte militärische Einheiten starten mit [amount] EP Militaristic City-States grant units [amount] times as fast when you are at war with a common nation = Militaristische Stadtstaaten gewähren Einheiten [amount] mal so schnell, wenn du dich im Krieg mit einem gemeinsamen Feind befindest Gifts of Gold to City-States generate [relativeAmount]% more Influence = Goldgeschenke an Stadtstaaten erzeugen [relativeAmount]% mehr Einfluss - # Requires translation! -Can spend Gold to annex or puppet a City-State that has been your Ally for [amount] turns = +Can spend Gold to annex or puppet a City-State that has been your Ally for [amount] turns = Es kann Gold ausgegeben werden, um einen Stadtstaat, der bereits seit [amount] Runden verbündet ist, zu annektieren oder zu einer Marionette zu machen. City-State territory always counts as friendly territory = Das Territorium eines Stadtstaates zählt immer als befreundetes Territorium Allied City-States will occasionally gift Great People = Verbündete Stadtstaaten werden gelegentlich Große Persönlichkeiten verschenken Will not be chosen for new games = Wird nicht für neue Spiele ausgewählt diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Indonesian.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Indonesian.properties index 1fc0ae91b1408..8816ce76c57de 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Indonesian.properties +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Indonesian.properties @@ -1010,12 +1010,12 @@ An enemy [unit] was destroyed while attacking our [ourUnit] = [unit] musuh telah An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) was destroyed while attacking our [ourUnit] ([amount2] HP) = [unit] musuh ([amount] HP) telah dihancurkan ketika menyerang [ourUnit] kita ([amount2] HP) # Interception messages -Our [attackerName] ([amount] HP) was attacked by an intercepting [interceptorName] ([amount2] HP) = [attackerName] kita ([amount] HP) telah diserang oleh [interceptorName] pencegat ([amount2] HP) -Our [attackerName] ([amount] HP) was attacked by an unknown interceptor = [attackerName] kita ([amount] HP) telah diserang oleh pencegat yang tidak diketahui -Our [attackerName] ([amount] HP) was destroyed by an intercepting [interceptorName] ([amount2] HP) = [attackerName] kita ([amount] HP) telah dihancurkan oleh [interceptorName] pencegat ([amount2] HP) -Our [attackerName] ([amount] HP) was destroyed by an unknown interceptor = [attackerName] kita ([amount] HP) telah dihancurkan oleh pencegat yang tidak diketahui -Our [interceptorName] ([amount] HP) intercepted and destroyed an enemy [attackerName] ([amount2] HP) = [interceptorName] kita ([amount] HP) telah dicegat dan dihancurkan oleh [attackerName] musuh ([amount2] HP) -Our [attackerName] ([amount] HP) destroyed an intercepting [interceptorName] ([amount2] HP) = [attackerName] kita ([amount] HP) telah menghancurkan [interceptorName] pencegat ([amount2] HP) +Our [attackerName] ([amount] HP) was attacked by an intercepting [interceptorName] ([amount2] HP) = [attackerName] kita ([amount] HP) diserang oleh [interceptorName] pencegat ([amount2] HP) +Our [attackerName] ([amount] HP) was attacked by an unknown interceptor = [attackerName] kita ([amount] HP) diserang oleh pencegat yang tidak diketahui +Our [attackerName] ([amount] HP) was destroyed by an intercepting [interceptorName] ([amount2] HP) = [attackerName] kita ([amount] HP) dihancurkan oleh [interceptorName] pencegat ([amount2] HP) +Our [attackerName] ([amount] HP) was destroyed by an unknown interceptor = [attackerName] kita ([amount] HP) dihancurkan oleh pencegat yang tidak diketahui +Our [interceptorName] ([amount] HP) intercepted and destroyed an enemy [attackerName] ([amount2] HP) = [interceptorName] kita ([amount] HP) mencegat dan menghancurkan [attackerName] musuh ([amount2] HP) +Our [attackerName] ([amount] HP) destroyed an intercepting [interceptorName] ([amount2] HP) = [attackerName] kita ([amount] HP) menghancurkan [interceptorName] pencegat ([amount2] HP) Our [interceptorName] ([amount] HP) intercepted and was destroyed by an enemy [attackerName] ([amount2] HP) = [interceptorName] kita ([amount] HP) mencegat dan dihancurkan oleh [attackerName] musuh ([amount2] HP) Our [interceptorName] ([amount] HP) intercepted and was destroyed by an unknown enemy = [interceptorName] kita ([amount] HP) mencegat dan dihancurkan oleh musuh yang tidak diketahui Our [interceptorName] ([amount] HP) intercepted and attacked an enemy [attackerName] ([amount2] HP) = [interceptorName] kita ([amount] HP) mencegat dan menyerang [attackerName] musuh ([amount2] HP) @@ -1435,7 +1435,7 @@ Hurry Construction (+[productionAmount]⚙) = Percepat Pembangunan (+[production Spread Religion = Sebarkan Agama Spread [religionName] = Sebarkan [religionName] # Requires translation! -[civName]'s [unitName] has converted [cityName] to [religionName] = +[civName]'s [unitName] has converted [cityName] to [religionName] = [unitName] [civName] telah mengkonversi [cityName] ke [religionName] Remove Heresy = Hilangkan Kesesatan Found a Religion = Dirikan Agama Enhance a Religion = Perkuat Agama @@ -2062,7 +2062,7 @@ Military Units gifted from City-States start with [amount] XP = Unit militer yan Militaristic City-States grant units [amount] times as fast when you are at war with a common nation = Negara-Kota Militeristik memberikan unit [amount] kali lipat lebih cepat ketika kamu sama-sama berperang melawan musuh yang sama Gifts of Gold to City-States generate [relativeAmount]% more Influence = Pemberian Emas ke Negara-Kota menghasilkan [relativeAmount]% lebih banyak Pengaruh # Requires translation! -Can spend Gold to annex or puppet a City-State that has been your Ally for [amount] turns = +Can spend Gold to annex or puppet a City-State that has been your Ally for [amount] turns = Dapat menghabiskan Emas untuk menganeksasi atau menjadikan Negara-Kota yang telah menjadi Sekutumu sebagai boneka selama [amount] giliran City-State territory always counts as friendly territory = Wilayah Negara-Kota selalu dihitung sebagai wilayah bersahabat Allied City-States will occasionally gift Great People = Negara-Kota Sekutu akan secara berkala memberikan Orang Hebat Will not be chosen for new games = Tidak akan dipilih untuk permainan baru @@ -2792,10 +2792,10 @@ You betrayed your promise to not spread your religion to us = Kamu telah menging Your arrogant demands are in bad taste = Tuntutan aroganmu tidak pantas Your use of nuclear weapons is disgusting! = Caramu menggunakan senjata nuklir itu menjijikkan! You have stolen our lands! = Kamu telah mencuri tanah kami! -You destroyed City-States that were under our protection! = Kamu telah menghancurkan Negara-Kota yang berada di bawah perlindungan kami! -You attacked City-States that were under our protection! = Kamu telah menyerang Negara-Kota yang berada di bawah perlindungan kami! +You destroyed City-States that were under our protection! = Kamu menghancurkan Negara-Kota yang berada di bawah perlindungan kami! +You attacked City-States that were under our protection! = Kamu menyerang Negara-Kota yang berada di bawah perlindungan kami! You attacked our allied City-States! = Kamu menyerang Negara-Kota sekutu kami! -You demanded tribute from City-States that were under our protection! = Kamu telah menagih upeti dari Negara-Kota yang berada di bawah perlindungan kami! +You demanded tribute from City-States that were under our protection! = Kamu menagih upeti dari Negara-Kota yang berada di bawah perlindungan kami! You sided with a City-State over us = Kamu lebih berpihak kepada Negara-Kota daripada kami You spied on us! = Kamu memata-matai kami! You took the alliance we had with a City-State = Kamu mengambil persukutuan yang kami miliki dengan sebuah Negara-Kota @@ -7048,7 +7048,7 @@ Inquisitors = Inkuisitor Inquisitors are the last religious unit, and their strength is removing other religions. = Inkuisitor adalah unit agama terakhir dan kelebihannya adalah menyingkirkan agama lain. They can remove all other religions from one of your own cities, removing any pressures built up. = Mereka bisa menyingkirkan semua agama lain dari satu atau lebih kotamu, menghilangkan tekanan apa pun yang sudah terkumpul. Great prophets also have this ability, and remove all other religions in the city when spreading their religion. = Nabi besar juga memiliki kemampuan ini, dan menyingkirkan semua agama lain di kota saat menyebarkan agama mereka. -Often this results in the city immediately converting to their religion = Sering kali, aksi ini langsung mengonversi kota tersebut menjadi pengikut agama mereka +Often this results in the city immediately converting to their religion = Sering kali, aksi ini langsung mengkonversi kota tersebut menjadi pengikut agama mereka Additionally, when an inquisitor is stationed in or directly next to a city center, units of other religions cannot spread their faith there, though natural spread is unaffected. = Selain itu, saat seorang inkuisitor berada di dalam atau tepat di samping pusat kota, unit dari agama-agama lain tidak bisa menyebarkan agama mereka di sana, meskipun begitu, penyebaran secara alami tidak terpengaruh. The Mayan unique ability, 'The Long Count', comes with a side effect: = Kemampuan unik Maya, 'Perhitungan Panjang', memiliki efek samping: diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Italian.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Italian.properties index 60f7748e49b34..42eda67c53737 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Italian.properties +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Italian.properties @@ -1440,8 +1440,7 @@ Hurry Construction = Accelera costruzione Hurry Construction (+[productionAmount]⚙) = Accellera costruzione (+[productionAmount]⚙) Spread Religion = Diffondi religione Spread [religionName] = Diffondi [religionName] - # Requires translation! -[civName]'s [unitName] has converted [cityName] to [religionName] = +[civName]'s [unitName] has converted [cityName] to [religionName] = [unitName] di [civName] ha convertito [cityName] a [religionName] Remove Heresy = Rimuovi eresia Found a Religion = Fonda Religione Enhance a Religion = Potenzia Religione @@ -2067,8 +2066,7 @@ Provides a unique luxury = Dona una risorsa di lusso unica Military Units gifted from City-States start with [amount] XP = Le unità militari ricevute dalle Città-Stato iniziano con [amount] XP Militaristic City-States grant units [amount] times as fast when you are at war with a common nation = Le Città-Stato militaristiche ti donano unità [amount] volte più in fretta se siete in guerra con un nemico comune Gifts of Gold to City-States generate [relativeAmount]% more Influence = +[relativeAmount]% Influenza dai doni in Oro alle Città-Stato - # Requires translation! -Can spend Gold to annex or puppet a City-State that has been your Ally for [amount] turns = +Can spend Gold to annex or puppet a City-State that has been your Ally for [amount] turns = Puoi spendere Oro per annettere o ridurre a fantoccio una Città-Stato che è stata tua Alleata per [amount] turni City-State territory always counts as friendly territory = Il territorio delle Città-stato conta sempre come territorio amico Allied City-States will occasionally gift Great People = Le Città-Stato alleate ti concederanno occasionalmente dei Grandi Personaggi Will not be chosen for new games = Non verrà scelto per le nuove partite diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Polish.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Polish.properties index 734dd5f6a961b..7e1b3386e9515 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Polish.properties +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Polish.properties @@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ Disables: = Wyklucza: Current construction = Produkcja Construction queue = Kolejka produkcji # Requires translation! -Queue = +Queue = Kolejka Pick a construction = Wybierz produkcję Queue empty = Puste Add to queue = Dodaj do kolejki @@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ Demands = Żądania # Will be deprecated in a few versions Please don't settle new cities near us. = Nie osiedlajcie się w pobliżu naszych ziem! # Requires translation! -Don't settle new cities near us. = +Don't settle new cities near us. = Nie osiedlajcie się w pobliżu naszych ziem. Very well, we shall look for new lands to settle. = W porządku, poszukamy innego miejsca We shall do as we please. = Zrobimy co zechcemy! We noticed your new city near our borders, despite your promise. This will have....implications. = Złamałeś obietnicę zakładając nowe miasto w pobliżu naszych ziem. Cóż...czekają cię konsekwencje... @@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ We noticed your new city near our borders, despite your promise. This will have. # Will be deprecated in a few versions Please don't spread your religion to us. = Prosimy, nie szerz wśród nas twojej religii. # Requires translation! -Don't spread religion in our cities. = +Don't spread religion in our cities. = Nie szerz wśród nas twojej religii. Very well, we shall spread our faith elsewhere. = Dobrze, będziemy szerzyć naszą religię gdzie indziej. We noticed you have continued spreading your faith, despite your promise. This will have...consequences. = Zauważyliśmy, że, pomimo twojej obietnicy, w dalszym ciągu szerzysz wśród nas swoją religię. To będzie miało...konsekwencje. @@ -989,18 +989,18 @@ Your Golden Age has ended. = Koniec Złotej Ery! [cityName] has been razed to the ground! = Miasto [cityName] zostało zrównane z ziemią! We have conquered the city of [cityName]! = Zdobyliśmy miasto [cityName]! # Requires translation! -Your citizens are revolting due to very high unhappiness! = +Your citizens are revolting due to very high unhappiness! = Twoi obywatele buntują się z powodu bardzo wysakiego niezadowolenia! # Possible HP loss loss when attacking, e.g. (-5 HP) # Requires translation! -([amount] HP) = +([amount] HP) = ([amount] PŻ) # Requires translation! -An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) has attacked [cityName] ([amount2] HP) = +An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) has attacked [cityName] ([amount2] HP) = Wroga jednostka [unit] ([amount] PŻ) zaatakowała [cityName] ([amount2] PŻ) # Requires translation! -An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) has [battleAction] our [ourUnit] ([amount2] HP) = +An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) has [battleAction] our [ourUnit] ([amount2] HP) = Wroga jednostka [unit] ([amount] PŻ) [battleAction] naszą jednostkę [ourUnit] ([amount2] PŻ) # Requires translation! -An enemy [unit] has attacked our [ourUnit] ([amount] HP) = +An enemy [unit] has attacked our [ourUnit] ([amount] HP) = Wroga jednostka [unit] zaatakowała naszą jednostkę [ourUnit] ([amount] PŻ) Enemy city [cityName] has attacked our [ourUnit] = Wrogie miasto [cityName] ostrzelało naszą jednostkę [ourUnit] Enemy city [cityName] has attacked our [ourUnit] ([amount2] HP) = Miasto wroga [cityName] zaatakowało naszą jednostkę [ourUnit] ([amount2] PŻ) An enemy [unit] has captured [cityName] = Wroga jednostka [unit] zdobyła nasze miasto [cityName] @@ -1448,7 +1448,7 @@ Hurry Construction (+[productionAmount]⚙) = Przyśpiesz Konstrukcję (+[produc Spread Religion = szerzyć religię Spread [religionName] = Szerz religię [religionName] # Requires translation! -[civName]'s [unitName] has converted [cityName] to [religionName] = +[civName]'s [unitName] has converted [cityName] to [religionName] = Jednostka [unitName] cywilizacji [civName] nawróciła [cityName] na [religionName] Remove Heresy = Zlikwiduj Herezję Found a Religion = Stwórz Religię Enhance a Religion = Umocnij Religię @@ -1621,7 +1621,7 @@ Remove your troops in our border immediately! = Natychmiast wycofaj swoje wojska Sorry. = OK, Przepraszamy... Never! = Nigdy! # Requires translation! -Those lands were not yours to take. This has not gone unnoticed. = +Those lands were not yours to take. This has not gone unnoticed. = Nie miałeś prawa do tych ziem. Nie licz, że ujdzie ci to na sucho. Offer Declaration of Friendship ([30] turns) = Zaoferuj Deklarację Przyjaźni ([30]⏳ tur) My friend, shall we declare our friendship to the world? = Przyjacielu, czy powinniśmy ogłosić światu naszą Deklarację Przyjaźni? @@ -1872,7 +1872,7 @@ Do you want to stage a coup in [civName] with a [percent]% chance of success? = After the city of [cityName] was destroyed, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Po tym jak miasto [cityName] zostało zniszczone twój szpieg [spyName] uciekł z powrotem do naszego ukrycia. After the city of [cityName] was conquered, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Po tym jak miasto [cityName] zostało zdobyte twój szpieg [spyName] uciekł z powrotem do naszego ukrycia. # Requires translation! -After the city of [cityName] was taken over, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = +After the city of [cityName] was taken over, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Po przejęciu miasta [cityName] twój szpieg [spyName] uciekł z powrotem do naszego ukrycia. Due to the chaos ensuing in [cityName], your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Z powodu zaistniałego chaosu w [cityName] twój szpieg [spyName] uciekł z powrotem do naszego ukrycia. # Promotions @@ -1911,7 +1911,7 @@ Update status of currently played game every: = Aktualizuj stan bieżącej gry c In-game, update status of all games every: = W grze – aktualizuj stan wszystkich gier co: Server address = Adres serwera # Requires translation! -Check connection = +Check connection = Sprawdź połączenie Awaiting response... = Oczekiwanie na odpowiedź... Success! = Sukces! Failed! = Niepowodzenie! @@ -2078,7 +2078,7 @@ Military Units gifted from City-States start with [amount] XP = Jednostki wojsko Militaristic City-States grant units [amount] times as fast when you are at war with a common nation = W razie wojny ze wspólnym wrogiem Wolne Miasta (militarne) [amount] razy szybciej przekazują Ci jednostki wojskowe Gifts of Gold to City-States generate [relativeAmount]% more Influence = ¤Złoto ofiarowane Wolnym Miastom generuje [relativeAmount]% więcej Punktów Wpływów # Requires translation! -Can spend Gold to annex or puppet a City-State that has been your Ally for [amount] turns = +Can spend Gold to annex or puppet a City-State that has been your Ally for [amount] turns = Może, za cenę złota, zaanektować lub uczynić miarionetkę z Wolnego Miasta, z którym było w sojuszu przez [amount] tur City-State territory always counts as friendly territory = Obszar Wolnych Miast jest traktowany jako teren przyjazny Allied City-States will occasionally gift Great People = Sojusznicze Wolne Miasta co jakiś czas podarują Ci Wielkich Ludzi Will not be chosen for new games = Nie zostanie wybrany do nowych gier @@ -2116,7 +2116,7 @@ Roads connect tiles across rivers = Pozwala tworzyć mosty nad rzekami (brak kar No Maintenance costs for improvements in [tileFilter] tiles = Brak kosztów utrzymania dla ulepszeń na polach [tileFilter] [relativeAmount]% construction time for [improvementFilter] improvements = [relativeAmount]% czasu produkcji dla ulepszeń [improvementFilter] # Requires translation! -Can build [improvementFilter] improvements at a [relativeAmount]% rate = +Can build [improvementFilter] improvements at a [relativeAmount]% rate = [relativeAmount]% czasu budowy dla ulepszeń [improvementFilter] [relativeAmount]% maintenance cost for buildings [cityFilter] = Koszt utrzymania budynków [cityFilter] mniejszy o [relativeAmount]% ¤Złota Remove [buildingFilter] [cityFilter] = Usuń [buildingFilter] w [cityFilter] Sell [buildingFilter] buildings [cityFilter] = Sprzedaj budynki [buildingFilter] [cityFilter] @@ -2489,7 +2489,7 @@ Triggers voting for the Diplomatic Victory = Rozpoczyna głosowanie za Zwycięst Instantly consumes [positiveAmount] [stockpiledResource] = Natychmiastowo zużywa [positiveAmount] [stockpiledResource] Instantly provides [positiveAmount] [stockpiledResource] = Natychmiastowo zapewnia [positiveAmount] [stockpiledResource] # Requires translation! -Instantly gain [amount] [stockpile] = +Instantly gain [amount] [stockpile] = Natychmiastowo zdobądź [amount] [stockpile] Gain [amount] [stat] = Zdobądź [amount] [stat] Gain [amount]-[amount2] [stat] = Zdobądź [amount]-[amount2] [stat] Gain enough Faith for a Pantheon = Zdobądź wystarczającą ilość Wiary dla Panteonu diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Russian.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Russian.properties index bc1e5c7af27fc..10d2b29ffdd50 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Russian.properties +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Russian.properties @@ -988,11 +988,11 @@ Your citizens are revolting due to very high unhappiness! = ([amount] HP) = ([amount] ОЗ) # Requires translation! -An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) has attacked [cityName] ([amount2] HP) = +An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) has attacked [cityName] ([amount2] HP) = [unit] ([amount] ОЗ) врага атаковал [cityName] ([amount2] ОЗ) # Requires translation! -An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) has [battleAction] our [ourUnit] ([amount2] HP) = +An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) has [battleAction] our [ourUnit] ([amount2] HP) = [unit] ([amount] ОЗ) врага [battleAction] [ourUnit] ([amount2] ОЗ) # Requires translation! -An enemy [unit] has attacked our [ourUnit] ([amount] HP) = +An enemy [unit] has attacked our [ourUnit] ([amount] HP) = [unit] врага атаковал [ourUnit] ([amount] ОЗ) Enemy city [cityName] has attacked our [ourUnit] = Вражеский город [cityName] атакует [ourUnit] Enemy city [cityName] has attacked our [ourUnit] ([amount2] HP) = Вражеский город [cityName] атакует [ourUnit] ([amount2] ОЗ) An enemy [unit] has captured [cityName] = [unit] врага захватывает город [cityName] diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Spanish.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Spanish.properties index f6211b1ec66b0..ee0f244d8c6ad 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Spanish.properties +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Spanish.properties @@ -752,8 +752,7 @@ Overwrite existing file? = ¿Sobreescribir el archivo existente? Overwrite = Sobreescribir It looks like your saved game can't be loaded! = ¡Parece que tu partida guardada no se puede cargar! If you could copy your game data ("Copy saved game to clipboard" - = Si puedes, copia los datos de tu partida ("Copiar partida guardada al portapapeles" - - # Requires translation! - paste into an email to yairm210@hotmail.com) = + paste into an email to yairm210@hotmail.com) = envialos por mail a yairm210@hotmail.com) I could maybe help you figure out what went wrong, since this isn't supposed to happen! = Tal vez podría ayudarte a descubrir qué ha ido mal, ¡esto no debería haber ocurrido! Missing mods: [mods] = Mods perdidos: [mods] Load from custom location = Cargar desde ubicación personalizada @@ -1435,8 +1434,7 @@ Hurry Construction = Acelerar Construcción Hurry Construction (+[productionAmount]⚙) = Acelerar Construcción (+[productionAmount]⚙) Spread Religion = Difundir Religión Spread [religionName] = Difundir [religionName] - # Requires translation! -[civName]'s [unitName] has converted [cityName] to [religionName] = +[civName]'s [unitName] has converted [cityName] to [religionName] = [unitName] de [civName]'s ha convertido [cityName] a [religionName] Remove Heresy = Eliminar Herejía Found a Religion = Fundar una Religión Enhance a Religion = Realzar una Religión @@ -1864,8 +1862,7 @@ Due to the chaos ensuing in [cityName], your spy [spyName] has fled back to our # Promotions Pick promotion = Elige promoción - # Requires translation! - OR = + OR = O units in open terrain = unidades en terreno abierto units in rough terrain = unidades en terreno abrupto wounded units = unidades heridas @@ -2063,8 +2060,7 @@ Provides a unique luxury = Proporciona un lujo único. Military Units gifted from City-States start with [amount] XP = Unidades Militares regaladas por Ciudades-Estado comienzan con [amount] XP Militaristic City-States grant units [amount] times as fast when you are at war with a common nation = Ciudades-Estado Militaristicas dán unidades [amount] veces más rápido al estár en guerra con una nación en común Gifts of Gold to City-States generate [relativeAmount]% more Influence = Regalos de Oro a Ciudades-Estado generan [relativeAmount]% más Influencia - # Requires translation! -Can spend Gold to annex or puppet a City-State that has been your Ally for [amount] turns = +Can spend Gold to annex or puppet a City-State that has been your Ally for [amount] turns = Puede gastar oro para anexar o convertir en títere una ciudad-estado que haya sido su aliada durante [amount] turnos. City-State territory always counts as friendly territory = Territorio de Ciudad-Estado siempre cuenta como territorio amigo Allied City-States will occasionally gift Great People = Ciudades-Estado aliadas regalarán ocasionalmente Grandes Personas Will not be chosen for new games = No será usado en nuevas partidas diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Ukrainian.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Ukrainian.properties index 228ece6b33e46..01532ba3f3ca6 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Ukrainian.properties +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Ukrainian.properties @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ Disables: = Забороняє створювати: Current construction = Зараз створюється Construction queue = Черга на створення # Requires translation! -Queue = +Queue = Черга Pick a construction = Оберіть проєкт Queue empty = Черга порожня Add to queue = Додати до черги @@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ Demands = Вимоги # Will be deprecated in a few versions Please don't settle new cities near us. = Будь ласка, не засновуйте нові міста поблизу нас. # Requires translation! -Don't settle new cities near us. = +Don't settle new cities near us. = Не засновуйте нових міст поблизу нас. Very well, we shall look for new lands to settle. = Дуже добре, ми будемо шукати нові землі для заселення. We shall do as we please. = Ми будемо робити так, як забажаємо. We noticed your new city near our borders, despite your promise. This will have....implications. = Ми помітили ваше нове місто біля наших кордонів, незважаючи на вашу обіцянку. Це матиме... наслідки. @@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ We noticed your new city near our borders, despite your promise. This will have. # Will be deprecated in a few versions Please don't spread your religion to us. = Будь ласка не поширюйте вашу релігію у нас. # Requires translation! -Don't spread religion in our cities. = +Don't spread religion in our cities. = Не поширюйте релігію в наших містах. Very well, we shall spread our faith elsewhere. = Гаразд, ми поширюватимемо нашу віру деінде. We noticed you have continued spreading your faith, despite your promise. This will have...consequences. = Ми помітили, що ви продовжуєте поширювати вашу віру, незважаючи на вашу обіцянку. Це матиме... наслідки. @@ -984,18 +984,18 @@ Your Golden Age has ended. = Ваша Золота доба завершилас [cityName] has been razed to the ground! = Місто [cityName] зруйновано вщент! We have conquered the city of [cityName]! = Ми захопили місто [cityName]! # Requires translation! -Your citizens are revolting due to very high unhappiness! = +Your citizens are revolting due to very high unhappiness! = Ваші громадяни повстали через надвисокий рівень нещастя! # Possible HP loss loss when attacking, e.g. (-5 HP) # Requires translation! -([amount] HP) = +([amount] HP) = ([amount] ОЗ) # Requires translation! -An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) has attacked [cityName] ([amount2] HP) = +An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) has attacked [cityName] ([amount2] HP) = Ворожий підрозділ [unit] ([amount] ОЗ) напав на місто [cityName] ([amount2] ОЗ) # Requires translation! -An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) has [battleAction] our [ourUnit] ([amount2] HP) = +An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) has [battleAction] our [ourUnit] ([amount2] HP) = Ворожий підрозділ [unit] ([amount] ОЗ) [battleAction] наш підрозділ [ourUnit] ([amount2] ОЗ) # Requires translation! -An enemy [unit] has attacked our [ourUnit] ([amount] HP) = +An enemy [unit] has attacked our [ourUnit] ([amount] HP) = Ворожий підрозділ [unit] напав на наш підрозділ [ourUnit] ([amount] ОЗ) Enemy city [cityName] has attacked our [ourUnit] = Вороже місто [cityName] атакувало наш підрозділ [ourUnit] Enemy city [cityName] has attacked our [ourUnit] ([amount2] HP) = Вороже місто [cityName] атакувало наш підрозділ [ourUnit] ([amount2] ОЗ) An enemy [unit] has captured [cityName] = Ворожий підрозділ [unit] захопив місто [cityName] @@ -1443,7 +1443,7 @@ Hurry Construction (+[productionAmount]⚙) = Прискорити будува Spread Religion = Поширити релігію Spread [religionName] = Поширити [religionName] # Requires translation! -[civName]'s [unitName] has converted [cityName] to [religionName] = +[civName]'s [unitName] has converted [cityName] to [religionName] = Підрозділ [unitName] ([civName]) навернув місто [cityName] на [religionName] Remove Heresy = Прибрати єресь Found a Religion = Заснувати релігію Enhance a Religion = Покращити релігію @@ -1616,7 +1616,7 @@ Remove your troops in our border immediately! = Негайно приберіт Sorry. = Вибачте. Never! = Ніколи! # Requires translation! -Those lands were not yours to take. This has not gone unnoticed. = +Those lands were not yours to take. This has not gone unnoticed. = Ті землі були не для вас. Це не минуло непоміченим. Offer Declaration of Friendship ([30] turns) = Запропонувати Декларацію дружби ([30]⏳) My friend, shall we declare our friendship to the world? = Мій друже, чи проголосимо ми нашу дружбу всьому Світові? @@ -1906,7 +1906,7 @@ Update status of currently played game every: = Оновлювати стату In-game, update status of all games every: = У грі, оновлювати статуси всіх ігор кожні: Server address = Адреса серверу # Requires translation! -Check connection = +Check connection = Перевірка з'єднання Awaiting response... = Очікування відповіді... Success! = Успіх! Failed! = Невдача! @@ -2073,7 +2073,7 @@ Military Units gifted from City-States start with [amount] XP = Військов Militaristic City-States grant units [amount] times as fast when you are at war with a common nation = Військові міста-держави надають підрозділи у [amount] рази швидше, якщо ви воюєте зі спільним ворогом Gifts of Gold to City-States generate [relativeAmount]% more Influence = Подарунки містам-державам дають на [relativeAmount]% більше Впливу # Requires translation! -Can spend Gold to annex or puppet a City-State that has been your Ally for [amount] turns = +Can spend Gold to annex or puppet a City-State that has been your Ally for [amount] turns = Може за золото анексувати чи перетворити на маріонетку місто-державу, яка була у союзі із вами упродовж [amount] ходів City-State territory always counts as friendly territory = Територія міст-держав завжди вважається дружньою Allied City-States will occasionally gift Great People = Союзні міста-держави будуть час від часу дарувати видатних людей Will not be chosen for new games = Не буде вибиратися для нових ігор @@ -2111,7 +2111,7 @@ Roads connect tiles across rivers = Дороги зʼєднують клітин No Maintenance costs for improvements in [tileFilter] tiles = Покращення на клітинках типу [tileFilter] утримуються безкоштовно [relativeAmount]% construction time for [improvementFilter] improvements = [relativeAmount]% часу на будівництво покращення [improvementFilter] # Requires translation! -Can build [improvementFilter] improvements at a [relativeAmount]% rate = +Can build [improvementFilter] improvements at a [relativeAmount]% rate = Може будувати покращення [improvementFilter] із швидкістю [relativeAmount]% [relativeAmount]% maintenance cost for buildings [cityFilter] = [relativeAmount]% до вартості утримання споруд [cityFilter] Remove [buildingFilter] [cityFilter] = Прибрати [buildingFilter] [cityFilter] Sell [buildingFilter] buildings [cityFilter] = Продати споруди [buildingFilter] [cityFilter] @@ -2484,7 +2484,7 @@ Triggers voting for the Diplomatic Victory = Розпочинає голосув Instantly consumes [positiveAmount] [stockpiledResource] = Миттєво споживає [positiveAmount] [stockpiledResource] Instantly provides [positiveAmount] [stockpiledResource] = Миттєво надає [positiveAmount] [stockpiledResource] # Requires translation! -Instantly gain [amount] [stockpile] = +Instantly gain [amount] [stockpile] = Миттєво здобути [amount] [stockpile] Gain [amount] [stat] = Отримати [amount] [stat] Gain [amount]-[amount2] [stat] = Отримати [amount]-[amount2] [stat] Gain enough Faith for a Pantheon = Отримати достатньо ☮Віри для Пантеону @@ -7154,7 +7154,7 @@ Skip all units to end a turn quickly = Пропустити ходи всіх п Right-click or long press the "Next unit" button to open a popup menu which allows to end a turn without having to cycle through all units. If some units are automated, a dedicated button is available to move them before ending the turn. = Натисніть правою кнопкою миші, або здійсніть довге натискання на кнопку "Наступний підрозділ" щоб відкрити меню, яке дозволяє завершити хід без необхідності проходити скрізь усі ваші підрозділи. Якщо певні підрозділи було автоматизовано, доступна окрема кнопка, яка дозволить рушити їх перед завершенням ходу. Toggle notification list display = Перемкнути відображення списку сповіщень # Requires translation! -On the World screen, swipe the notification list to the right to temporarily hide it. Click the "Bell" button to display them again. = +On the World screen, swipe the notification list to the right to temporarily hide it. Click the "Bell" button to display them again. = На екрані світу змахніть сповіщення в правий бік щоб тимчасово їх приховати. Натисніть на кнопку із дзвіночком щоб повернути їх назад. # Requires translation! The default state for the notification list can be set in Options > Display > UI - Notifications on world screen. = Entering a City Screen quickly = Швидкий вхід до екрану міста @@ -7226,4 +7226,3 @@ Forest and Jungle Visibility\nIn Unciv, forests and jungles are visible 1 tile o Founding Cities\nThe Settler is a unit that can found a new city. You can build a Settler unit in a city with at least 2 population, and then move them to a good location to found a new city. This will usually be your main way of acquiring more cities. = # Requires translation! Food conversion to Production\nDuring the construction of a Settler, the city will not grow. Instead, the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and from there on every 4th, excess Food (Growth) is converted into Production, with the rest of the excess Food being lost. = - diff --git a/buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/BuildConfig.kt b/buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/BuildConfig.kt index fc4fb7e55bf41..5bdf7ea7d9ecd 100644 --- a/buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/BuildConfig.kt +++ b/buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/BuildConfig.kt @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ package com.unciv.build object BuildConfig { const val kotlinVersion = "1.9.24" const val appName = "Unciv" - const val appCodeNumber = 1091 - const val appVersion = "4.15.2-patch1" + const val appCodeNumber = 1092 + const val appVersion = "4.15.3" const val gdxVersion = "1.13.1" const val ktorVersion = "2.3.12" diff --git a/changelog.md b/changelog.md index 55f9edccd2f86..de94b5f9902b2 100644 --- a/changelog.md +++ b/changelog.md @@ -1,3 +1,37 @@ +## 4.15.3 + +Fixed unique buildings/improvements with zeroed stat not showing before vs after + +4.15.2-patch1 + +Fix worker improvement crash + +Fix Detekt error + +Fix Detekt error + +Tech picker screen performance - ~45% of render time decreased with texture swap minimization tricks + +Notification for city conversion when removing heresy + +chore: Split RegionStartFinder.findStart into subfunctions + +chore: Move region start functions into their own class + +chore: Split strategic+bonus resource placement into subfunctions in its own class + +chore: MapRegions simplification - usingArchipelagoRegions is now a TileMap function + +chore: minor Battle.kt simplification + +By sulai: +- Show "x units due" on Big Button, setting for cycling units +- Constructions table: avoid vertical movement of lower table + +Added option to change the Maximum Autosave turns stored - By Emandac + +Add hotkey for Idle Unit cycle buttons - By itanasi + ## 4.15.2 Added notification when enemy religion spread converts a city diff --git a/core/src/com/unciv/UncivGame.kt b/core/src/com/unciv/UncivGame.kt index f8b165daf53a6..81e1e48aa2aa8 100644 --- a/core/src/com/unciv/UncivGame.kt +++ b/core/src/com/unciv/UncivGame.kt @@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ open class UncivGame(val isConsoleMode: Boolean = false) : Game(), PlatformSpeci companion object { //region AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED VERSION DATA - DO NOT CHANGE THIS REGION, INCLUDING THIS COMMENT - val VERSION = Version("4.15.2-patch1", 1091) + val VERSION = Version("4.15.3", 1092) //endregion /** Global reference to the one Gdx.Game instance created by the platform launchers - do not use without checking [isCurrentInitialized] first. */ diff --git a/fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/1092.txt b/fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/1092.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..dd5625cf6e690 --- /dev/null +++ b/fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/1092.txt @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ + + +Fixed unique buildings/improvements with zeroed stat not showing before vs after + +4.15.2-patch1 + +Fix worker improvement crash + +Fix Detekt error + +Fix Detekt error + +Tech picker screen performance - ~45% of render time decreased with texture swap minimization tricks + +Notification for city conversion when removing heresy + +chore: Split RegionStartFinder.findStart into subfunctions + +chore: Move region start functions into their own class + +chore: Split strategic+bonus resource placement into subfunctions in its own class + +chore: MapRegions simplification - usingArchipelagoRegions is now a TileMap function + +chore: minor Battle.kt simplification + +By sulai: +- Show "x units due" on Big Button, setting for cycling units +- Constructions table: avoid vertical movement of lower table + +Added option to change the Maximum Autosave turns stored - By Emandac + +Add hotkey for Idle Unit cycle buttons - By itanasi \ No newline at end of file