[SCB-146] Upgrade Zipkin-brave to 4.13.1
SCB-130 Updated the Github PR template
add checlist for creating PR fro Java Chassis
Updated the README.md links after apache code transfer
JAV-563 Add the ASF licenses
add/update license header for all source files. (using rat?)
remove copyright notices.
add LICENSE and NOTICES for artifacts
Cached the .m2 files to avoid the maven download every time
Avoid deploying stage during the PR
JAV-514 Added the PULL-REQUEST for the contributor of java-chassis
Fixed the javadoc issue of foundation-metrics
JAV-426 Clean up the third party dependenices
JAV-389 Add spanName and callPath attribute in the span annoation.
JAV-427 Fixed the demo docker run issue on Mac
[WIP] Polish the Samples
JAV-62 Rename the artifactId
JAV-65 Clean up the demo assembly setting
JAV-66 Renamed the group id of demo artifacts.