$ScriptDirectory = Split-Path -parent $PSCommandPath $PythonLocations = $( "python\3.9.2-1_64bit\python.exe", "python\3.7.4-pywin32_64bit\python.exe", "python\3.7.4_64bit\python.exe", "python\\python-2.7.13.amd64\python.exe", "python\\python-2.7.13\python.exe", "python\\python.exe", "python\\python.exe", "python\2.7.5_64bit\python.exe", "python\\python.exe" ) # Find python from an explicit location relative to the Emscripten SDK. foreach ($Location in $PythonLocations) { $FullLocation = Join-Path $ScriptDirectory $Location if (Test-Path $FullLocation) { $EMSDK_PY = $FullLocation break } } # As a last resort, access from PATH. if (-Not $EMSDK_PY) { $EMSDK_PY = "python" } # Tell EMSDK to create environment variable setter as a .ps1 file $env:EMSDK_POWERSHELL = 1 & $EMSDK_PY "$ScriptDirectory/emsdk.py" $args # python is not able to set environment variables to the parent calling process, so # therefore have it craft a .ps1 file, which we invoke after finishing python execution, # to set up the environment variables if (Test-Path $ScriptDirectory/emsdk_set_env.ps1) { & $ScriptDirectory/emsdk_set_env.ps1 Remove-Item $ScriptDirectory/emsdk_set_env.ps1 } Remove-Item Env:\EMSDK_POWERSHELL