English | 中文
kubectl get po -n kube-system
kubectl get no
If the FabEdge service is abnormal, check the pod logs.
# Execute on master node, use the correct pod name.
kubectl get po -n fabedge
kubectl describe po -n fabedge fabedge-operator-xxx
kubectl describe po -n fabedge fabedge-connector-xxx
kubectl describe po -n fabedge fabedge-agent-xxx
kubectl logs --tail=50 -n fabedge fabedge-operator-5fc5c4b56-glgjh
kubectl logs --tail=50 -n fabedge fabedge-connector-68b6867bbf-m66vt -c strongswan
kubectl logs --tail=50 -n fabedge fabedge-connector-68b6867bbf-m66vt -c connector
kubectl logs --tail=50 -n fabedge fabedge-agent-edge1 -c strongswan
kubectl logs --tail=50 -n fabedge fabedge-agent-edge1 -c agent
# Execute on master node.
kubectl exec -n fabedge fabedge-connector-xxx -c strongswan -- swanctl --list-conns
kubectl exec -n fabedge fabedge-connector-xxx -c strongswan -- swanctl --list-sas
kubectl exec -n fabedge fabedge-agent-xxx -c strongswan -- swanctl --list-conns
kubectl exec -n fabedge fabedge-agent-xxx -c strongswan -- swanctl --list-sas
If the tunnel cannot be established, check whether the firewall opens related ports. For details, see the install.
# Run on the connector node.
ip l
ip r
ip r s t 220
ip x p
ip x s
# Run on edge nodes
ip l
ip r
ip r s t 220
ip x p
ip x s
# Run on non-connector nodes in the cloud
ip l
ip r
Note: If edge node has interfaces such as CNI, means flannel residues exist and you need to restart the node.
# Run on the connector node
iptables -S
iptables -L -nv --line-numbers
iptables -t nat -S
iptables -t nat -L -nv --line-numbers
# Run on edge nodes.
iptables -S
iptables -L -nv --line-numbers
iptables -t nat -S
iptables -t nat -L -nv --line-numbers
Check whether the environment has host firewall DROP rules, especially INPUT and FORWARD chains.
FabEdge related certificates including CA, Connector, and Agent, are stored in Secret and managed by Operator automatically. If some certificate-related error occur, you can use the following method to verify it.
# Execute on the master node.
# Start a container for cert.
docker run fabedge/cert
# Get the ID of the container you just started.
docker ps -a | grep cert
65ceb57d6656 fabedge/cert "/usr/local/bin/fabe…" 15 seconds ago
# Copy the executable to the host.
docker cp 65ceb57d6656:/usr/local/bin/fabedge-cert .
# Check out related secret.
kubectl get secret -n fabedge
api-server-tls kubernetes.io/tls 4 3d22h
cert-token-csffn kubernetes.io/service-account-token 3 3d22h
connector-tls kubernetes.io/tls 4 3d22h
default-token-rq9mv kubernetes.io/service-account-token 3 3d22h
fabedge-agent-tls-edge1 kubernetes.io/tls 4 3d22h
fabedge-agent-tls-edge2 kubernetes.io/tls 4 3d22h
fabedge-ca Opaque 2 3d22h
fabedge-operator-token-tb8qb kubernetes.io/service-account-token 3 3d22h
# Verify related secret.
./fabedge-cert verify -s connector-tls
Your cert is ok
./fabedge-cert verify -s fabedge-agent-tls-edge1
Your cert is ok
You can use the script below to quickly collect the diagnostic information. If support is needed, please submit the generated files.
# Run on master node
curl | bash -s master | tee /tmp/master-checker.log
# Run on connector node
curl | bash -s connector | tee /tmp/connector-checker.log
# Run on edge node
curl | bash -s edge | tee /tmp/edge-checker.log
# Run on other nodes
curl | bash | tee /tmp/node-checker.log