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File metadata and controls

847 lines (575 loc) · 26.6 KB

Line Documentation

Version: v0.2

Structure of this documentation:

Command Line Options

Entering interactive mode:


Run script (in non-interactive mode):

line [scriptname]

Run commands in line (in non-interactive mode):

line -e 'command1;command2;...'

Plotting file directly (the grammar is same as the plot command):

line -p [filename] (col_selection) (styles), ...

Global Switches

By passing optional arguments to line, you can control the program behavior. The usage is

line --name=value

This works in all three modes. The options can also be changed via set option name=value in the commands or (globally) by modifying options.ini.

Available options are (options with * can only take effects by setting in options.ini or command arguments):

name avaiable values default function
auto-adjust-range true/false true Adjust the range of axis automatically when plotting new data;
auto-compact true/false true Always make the figure compact;
data-title true/false/auto auto Treat the first row of data as title. (Default: auto).
data-delimiter any char/'white'/'auto' auto Delimiter of data
delayed-init true/false true Delayed loading modules in interactive mode
display-when-quit true/false false Always try to display the figure when exiting program (except when having errors)
*font-family-math cm/stix cm Latex font family used by backend
full-label true/false false Always use "filename:column" format for labels
ignore-data-comment true/false true Ignore lines begin with '#'
*mpl-backend string split by ',' Qt5Agg,Qt4Agg,TkAgg Displaying backend used by MPL
*mpl-silent-backend string Agg File writing backend used by MPL
*physical-figure-size float,float 7.2,4.8 The physical figure size used in DPI scaling
prompt-always true/false false Prompt in file mode
prompt-multi-removal true/false true Prompt when removing more than one element
prompt-overwrite true/false true Prompt when saving to an existing file
prompt-save-when-quit true/false false Prompt "save current figure" when quitting interactive mode
rescale-when-split true/false true Change figure's size when splitting
safety 0/1/2 1 When executing python code, 0=>continues; 1=>displays a warning; 2=>prompts for allowance

Command Reference



Alias: p

Plotting data from file to current subfigure. Any exisiting lines will be removed.


plot (source1) (xexpr:)(yexpr) (style=val) (linespec) ..., (source2) (xexpr2:)(yexpr2) (style=val), ...


plot a.txt 1:2 lw=2, lc=red, 3 lc=blue, ($4+1) lc=green
plot a.txt t:x r-,y b-


  • source: Variable name, filename or expression. If source is not given, the previous source in current command is used.
    • If no xexpr, yexpr are given, filename with "/" must be quoted (otherwise it will be treated as expression);
    • Expression must be quoted by $();
  • xexpr, yexpr: Column index, column title, or expression.
    • If the expr is a single token, it will be automatically mapped to column title or index. See Automatic Variable Mapping.
    • If xexpr is omitted, the xaxis will be the data indices.
    • If xexpr and yexpr are both omitted, all columns in the file are added into current figure. If there are multiple columns and the source is a file, the first column is treated as x column.
  • style, val: Styles of the plotted line. See Style name and value.
  • linespec: Matlab-style line descriptor, which consists of short abbreviation of various line/point types and colors. See this link for details.

Related options:

  • --ignore-data-comment=true/false: If true, ignore lines starting with #. (Default: true)

  • --data-delimiter=(delimiter)/white/auto: Set the data delimiter. 'white' means both tab and space. 'auto' means automatically identifing. (Default: auto).

  • --data-title=true/false/auto. Do/don't Treat the first row of data as title. (Default: auto).


Plot histogram from data.


hist (source1) (expr1) (style=val) ..., (source2) (expr2) (style=val), ...


  • source, expr: Same as in plot.

The bin number of histogram can be set as bin=[value].


Alias: add

Append data to current subfigure without removing existing plots. See plot for details.


Update data of exisiting datalines without changing styles.


update line1,line2,... (source1) (xexpr:)(yexpr), (source2) (xexpr2:)(yexpr2), ...


  • line1,line2: Identifier of lines (usually just "line" + digit), see Element Selector for details.
  • source, xexpr, yexpr: See plot for details.

The data generated by source and expressions should have equal columns as the number of lines selected. Otherwise an error will be raised.


Fit line(s).


fit line1,line2,... (rule) (style=val) ...


  • line1,line2: Identifier of lines (usually just "line" + digit), see Element Selector for details.
  • rule: One of "linear","quad","exp","prop" (proportional). If omitted, using linear fit.
  • (style=val): Styles of the plotted line. See Style name and value.
    • when setting "label='$%E$'", displays the latex expression as line label. This cannot be set via set command.


Remove objects in current subfigure. Can only remove datas, lines and texts.


remove selection1, selection2 ...


  • selection1,selection2: Selections of elements, must be line, bar, drawline, polygon or text. See Element Selector for details.

Line indices will change if there are lines removed. Use show line label to see the indices.

Related options:

  • --prompt-multi-removal: Prompt before removing multiple line by style filter. (Default: true)
  • --remove-element-by-style: Remove other graphic elements by style. If false, only remove data lines with certain style. (Default: false)


Batch change lines' colorid and groupid. See Palette System for details.


group AABBC0
group 1122...0
group ABCABC...
group clear

colorid is bind to each character according to its first occurence. For example, "AABBC" will set colorid 1,1,2,2,3. "AACCB" will set the same sequence. groupid is set according to the repeated times of a character. For example, "AABBC" will set groupid to 1,2,1,2,1. groupid can be useful to change style pairwisely, like set line +pairdash. However, Identifier "0" always has colorid 0 and groupid 0. It is usually a black solid line.

The "..." will be expanded by the last repeating unit before it. There are two ways to expand the repeating unit. One is direct repeating:


The other is incremental repeating:


group will automatically determine the way of expansion.


Alias: s

Alias for set future: style

Set style parameters.


set (future/default) (selection1,selection2,...) style1=val1 style2=val2 +class1 -class2 ...
set (future/default) (selection1,selection2,...) clear
set option opt=arg
set palette (type) palettename


set default figure dpi high
set line lw=2
set line +paircross
set gca hold on


  • selection1,selection2: Element Selector. If not given, the style is applied to current subfigure. Note in set default and set future, the selection cannot be omitted and has certain constraint.
  • set default modifies default value of styles, same as updating default.css (but not permanently). Only element type selector can be used in set default.
  • set future modifies the global stylesheet, same as updating default.d.css (but not permanently). The selectors for set future should only be classes.
  • set palette (type) changes palette for line (default), bar, polygon or drawline. The avaiable palette names can be viewed via show palette command. Custom palette can be created in palettes.json.
  • set option changes default options, e.g. set option ignore-data-comment=true. See Global Switches for all avaiable options.

Special Set Commands

If the first parameter of set is in the following list, then the "set" word can be omitted.

  • grid
  • hold
  • legend
  • palette
  • title
  • xlabel, ylabel, x2label, y2label
  • xrange, yrange, x2range, y2range
  • xscale, yscale, x2scale, y2scale


hold on # ==> set gca hold on
grid on # ==> set gca grid visible=true
xlabel "t" # ==> set gca xlabel "t"
xrange 0:10 # ==> set gca xrange 0:10


Display element style, options and miscellaneous info.


show selection1,selection2, ... (stylename)
show currentfile
show pwd
show option [optionname]


  • selection1,selection2: Selections of elements, see Element Selector for details.
  • stylename: Name of style. All styles parameters will be shown if not given.
  • show currentfile shows current save filename;
  • show palettes shows all palettes available;
  • show option shows current global option.


Fill under current line or between lines.


fill line1 line2 (style=val ...)   # fill the area under line1 and line2, using sequential colors
fill line1-line2 (style=val ...)   # fill the area between line1 and line2

fill will generate polygon objects, available for style customizing.

line, hline, vline

Draw line on current subfigure. hline and vline draws horizontally and vertically.


line x1,y1 x2,y2 (style=val ...)
hline y1 (style=val ...)
vline x1 (style=val ...)
  • x1,x2,y1,y2: Start and end position. By default it's data coordinate. You can change it by specifying coord=data/axis.
  • style, val: Styles of the plotted drawline. See Style name and value.


Display text in current figure.


text string pos (style=val ...)


  • pos: Positions 'x,y'. By default it's axis coordinate. Specify coord=data/axis to change it.
  • style, val: Styles of the text. See Style name and value.

split, hsplit, vsplit

Create subfigures.


split hnum,vnum
hsplit hnum
vsplit vnum


  • hnum,vnum: Numbers of subfigures in horizontal/vertical direction. If it is less than current number, extra subfigures will be removed.

Related options:

  • --resize-when-split: Resize the figure automatically when spiltting.

figure, subfigure

Alias of figure: fig

Alias of subfigure: subplot, sp

Select figure or subfigure.


figure (title)
subfigure index
subfigure vnum,hnum,index

The behavior of figure is similar with matlab's figure(). It creates new figure and bring it to the front. Title is not necessary.

The index of subfigure is an integer, starting from left to right and then top to bottom. If vnum and hnum are given, figure will be split first.

Both indices start from 1.


Save current figure to file.


save (filename)

If filename is not present, save will prompt for a new filename. It will also prompt for a new filename (or overwrite) if file exists. Filename may be a variable or expression (will try to convert the result to string).

Related options:

  • --prompt-overwrite=true/false: Prompt before overwritting a file. (Default: true). To use this option in non-interactive mode, set --prompt-always to true.


Alias: cla

Clear current subfigure but keeps style.



Use set gca visible=false to completely hide current subfigure.


Refresh the current subfigure or figure (if "all" is present). This is sometimes useful when setting the figure to be compact.


replot all


Print a string. Will try executing expression (starting with $) before print.


print 'Hello world'
print $(1+2)


Switch to interactive mode. This is useful in line input and script input. All exisiting figures will be displayed.



To function properly, input must be the last command of one line.


Display the current figure. Only works in non-interactive mode.




Load an external script. Additional arguments may be passed.


load filename [args...]

The arguments will be available via arg() function. Number of arguments can be obtained via argc() function.


Change directory.


cd path

pwd, ls

Show current directory and files.




Alias: exit, q

Quit the program.



Related options:

  • --prompt-save-when-quit=true/false: Prompt to save current figure when quitting. (Default: false).
  • --display-when-quit=true/false: Display figure when quitting the program. (Default: false).


Pause the program.


pause [time]


  • time: In seconds. If negative, will prompt "Press Enter to continue...".


Conditional expression.


if [expression] then (command)
else (command)

if [expression] then (command)


  • expression: An expression string. Will parse [Tt]rue and [Ff]alse if yields a string. An empty string is treated as false.
  • command: Controls (if/for/let) must appear in a new line after "then" or "else". Indent is not required.


Initiate a for loop.


for [variable] = [expression] do (command)
    (commands ...)


  • variable: string, with or without the dollar mark;
  • expression: An expression string.
  • command: Controls (if/for/let) must appear in a new line after "do". Indent is not required.

The expression must yield an iterable object (such as list or array) or string. In the latter case, the loop variables are the split results of the string.


Define a variable or function. The function can be called via call command.


let [variable] = [expression]
let [function] = do (command)


  • variable/function: string, with or without the dollar mark;
  • expression: An expression string.
  • command: Controls (if/for/let) must appear in a new line after "do". Indent is not required.

The function defined by do is similar to a function in shell, which is merely a set of code snippet.


Call a user-defined function.


call [function] (args...)

The function must be defined by let ... do command. The arguments will be available via arg() function in the function body.


Line handles simple arithmetic expressions. The grammar is similar to Python or other programming language:

  • Arithmetic operators: + - * / ** ^ |. All the operations are column-wise;
  • Indexing a column: Using column title ['column_title'] or column index (starting from 1) [1] [2];
  • Variable: Start with dollar sign $. Line also tries to parse variables without dollar sign, but they are not guaranteed to be parsed (usually do);
  • Internal function: See the list below. Note this is different from the user-defined functions (the latter is evaluated by call command);
  • String: With either single quotation or double quotation;

It's suggested to quote expression by bracket () to avoid ambiguity with the other part of the command. Alternatively, the dollar sign $ can be put in front of left bracket, which can be used as an identifier of expressions in commands like set or print.


sin($x)     # calculate sin() for each element in $x
$a+$b       # calculate element-wise sum of $a and $b
$file[2]    # get second column of $file
$($x + $y)  # same as ($x+$y), but gets recognized in some commands

Function list:

(1) Mathematical functions:

Name Returns
tp(x) The transpose of x
min(x, y) The minimum element between two arrays x, y
max(x, y) The maximum element between two arrays x, y
range(start, stop, [step]) A uniformly distributed array with step = step
linspace(start, stop, [num]) A uniformly distributed array with total num elements
hist(x, [bins], [norm]) An Nx2 matrix, the first column is value, the second column is distribution

(2) Other functions

Name Return or Function
load('filename'), load('file1','file2',...) Datasheet or Collection of datasheets (if the input is multiple files or multiple files are matched)
save(mat, 'filename') Save a datasheet (collection cannot be saved)
load_stdin() Load datasheet from (not working in interactive mode)
save_stdout(mat) Save a datasheet to stdout
stack(mat1, mat2, ...) Stack datasheets horizontally
col('column_id') Locate a column by title or index (only available in plot, add or hist)
cols('column_id') Locate columns by wildcard or index like '1-5' (only available in plot, add or hist)
expand('wildcard') Expand the wildcard into list of files
len(object) Get the length of string/array
arg(index) Get args passed in shell, by load command or by call command
argc() Get number of args passed in shell, by load command or by call command
set('name', value) Set the value of a variable
cond(c, t, f) If c then t else f. c will not be parsed if it is a string.
python('expr'), $!('expr') Evaluating the expression by Python eval()
system('command') Shell command. Returns whatever the shell returns.

Evaluating Expressions

In either interactive mode or file mode, when any line begins with $, Line tries to evaluate it as an expression. If the expression starts with $variable=..., then it is treated as an asssignment. Otherwise it is treated as an evaluation and the result will be (except the result is None in file mode. This is same as Python).

Example of expressions

line> $a = 2
line> $a
line> $b = load('filename.txt')

Variable will be overrided by reassignment.

Variable x is already defined to be a array from -5 to 5.

Files and Autoloaded Variables

When autoload-file-as-variable is set, Line will try parsing a variable that has not been defined as datasheet or datasheet collection.


$file   # <= load file.txt, stored in variable with same name
$file1 + $file2 # load two files and add them up
$file[2]   # Second column of file.txt

Currently line does not support special charaters in file (such as . + - * /). Please use load() instead.

Automatic Column Mapping

In plot, add or hist, if a variable name has not been defined, Line will try match it as a columns title or index.


plot file $a + $b => plot $file["a"] + $file["b"]
plot file $1 => $file[1]


In Line, any modifiable properties (colors, linewidths, ranges, ...) are get/set by style APIs, and eventually by set/show commands. Line uses a CSS-like style protocol: each element (see figure model below) has a type, name, a set of independent style and style classes.

Set Styles via CSS

The default behavior of Line can be modified by modifying styles/defaults.d.css (modifying defaults.css is also possible, but may cause some weird behavior). The same goal can also be achieved by set default or modifying .linerc file.

Note that currently Line only supports part of CSS. The style names must be predefined and the maximum hierachy of descendant is 2. The available selectors are:

  • ClassNameSelector: .class #name: Select element which inside class;
  • NameSelector #name: Select element which return true by has_name();
  • TypeStyleSelector type[style=val]: Select type element with style;
  • StyleSelector [style=val]: Select element with certain style value;
  • ClassTypeSelector: .class type: Select type element within element with class;
  • ClassSelector .class: Select element which has name in class_names;
  • TypeSelector type: Select element with certain element_type attribute;

Element Selector

Element selection is widely used in Line commands. Line uses a slightly different one from CSS selector to save typing:

Selector Selection
type elements with type
.class elements with class
.class.type descedants with type of element with class
style=val element with certain style value
type:style=val element with certain type and style value. e.g. line[color=black]
name element with name, e.g. line1 descedants with name of element with class


line    # select all data lines
line1   # select data line 1
line:label=y1   # select data line whose label is y1
lw=2    # select all elements with linewidth=2 (including axis, ticks, ...)

Palette System

For figure elements like lines, drawlines and and polygons, Line has a palette system to batch assigning colors. When an element is created, it is assigned a colorid (usually just its index). Color is assigned according to this number. Colorid can be manually set by set command. For data line it also can be changed using group command.

Each data line also has a groupid to distinguish it between others. This is automatically set when using group command to change its colorid. Line also has several style classes for group, such as pairdash, pairdot and paircross.

List of palettes can be found by show palettes, usually it's intrisic palettes and some matplotlib palettes. Palettes can be customized in styles/palettes.json.

Inheritable Style and Element Hierachy

These styles are inheritable:

  • fontfamily (up to subfigure level)
  • fontsize (up to subfigure level)
  • color (up to axis level)
  • visible (up to subfigure level)

The hierachy of elements:

  • figure
    • subfigure
      • xaxis, yaxis, x2axis, y2axis
        • xlabel, ylabel, x2label, y2label
        • xtick, ytick, x2tick, y2tick
        • xgrid, ygrid
      • datalines
      • drawlines
      • texts
      • legend

List of Intrinsic Style Classes

These can be found in styles/defaults.d.css.

  • pairdash
  • pairdot
  • paircross
  • prettycircle

List of Element Type and Applicable Styles

Element Type Style
figure size, width, height, margin, (h/v)spacing, dpi
subfigure rsize, rpos, padding, title, font, fontfamily, fontsize, color, linecolor, xlabel, ylabel, xrange, yrange, xtick, ytick
axis linewidth, linetype, font, fontfamily, fontsize, color, range, scale, visible, zindex
label font, fontfamily, fontsize, text, visible
tick orient, color, font, fontfamily, fontsize, format, linewidth, length, minor, length-minor, linewidth-minor, visible
grid linewidth, linetype, linecolor, visible, zindex
line linewidth, linecolor, linetype, pointsize, pointtype, edgewidth, edgecolor, fillcolor, fillstyle, color, skippoint, clip, label, xlabel, colorid, groupid, visible, zindex
bar bin, norm, linewidth, linecolor, fillcolor, width, label, xlabel, alpha, colorid, visible, zindex
drawline linewidth, linecolor, linetype, pointsize, pointtype, edgewidth, edgecolor, fillcolor, fillstyle, color, coord, visible, zindex
polygon linetype, linecolor, fillcolor, color, alpha, colorid, visible, zindex
text font, fontfamily, fontsize, color, pos, coord, text, visible, zindex
legend linewidth, linecolor, linetype, alpha, fontfamily, fontsize, color, pos, column, visible, zindex

List of Valid Style Values

Style Name Value Description
alpha float
bin int
clip true/false
color or c 'r'/'g'/'red'/'darkred' ... (CSS4 Colors) or 70707F...
colorid int
column int
coord 'data'/'axis'/'figure'
dpi int / 'high'/'mid'/'low'
edgewidth int
fillstyle 'full'/'none'
font string,int (font name, size) or string (font name)
fontfamily string (font name)
fontsize float
format string (indicator like '%f')
groupid int
height int
hold 'on'/'off'/'true'/'false'
hspacing float
label or t string. (Experimental) '![regex]>[repl]' if starts with '!'
length float
length-minor float
linetype or lt '-'/'--'/'-.'/':'/'solid'/'dash'/'dot'/'dashdot'
linewidth or lw float
linewidth-minor float
margin float,float,float,float (left,bottom,right,top)
margin-top,margin-bottom,margin-left,margin-right float
norm 'pdf'/'density'/'distribution'/'probability'/'count'
orient 'in/out'
padding float,float,float,float (left,bottom,right,top)
padding-top,padding-bottom,padding-left,padding-right float
pointsize or ps float
pointtype or pt '.'/'x'/'+'/'*'/'o'/'d'/'s'/'^'/'v'/'<'/'>'/'p'/'h'
pos float,float (x,y) or (subfigure elements only) floating positions
rsize float,float (x,y)
xrange/yange or xlim/ylim float:float:float float:float
scale 'linear'/'log'
size int,int (x,y)
skippoint int
spacing float,float
title string
tick or tics string
text string
visible 'true'/'false'
vspacing float
width float
zindex int