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Robbie Hanson edited this page Oct 15, 2013 · 11 revisions

"Hello World", YapDatabase style:

// Create and/or Open the database file
YapDatabase *database = [[YapDatabase alloc] initWithPath:databasePath];

// Get a connection to the database (can have multiple for concurrency)
YapDatabaseConnection *connection = [database newConnection];

// Add an object
[connection readWriteWithBlock:^(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *transaction) {
	[transaction setObject:@"Hello" forKey:@"World"];

// Read it back
[connection readWithBlock:^(YapDatabaseReadTransaction *transaction) {
	NSLog(@"%@ World", [transaction objectForKey:@"World"]);

As you might guess, you can do a whole bunch of stuff within a single transaction block. For example, you can do batch inserts, or enumerate all objects in the database.

A transaction represents a single atomic operation to the database. Furthermore a read-only transaction represents an immutable snapshot-in-time of the database. Even if another connection makes changes to the data, those changes don't affect an in-progress read-only transaction. Thus your data stays in a consistent state.

Concurrency is straight-forward. Here are the rules:

  • You can have multiple connections.
  • Every connection is thread-safe.
  • You can have multiple read-only transactions simultaneously without blocking.
  • You can have multiple read-only transactions and a single read-write transaction simultaneously without blocking.
  • There can only be a single read-write transaction at a time. Read-write transactions go through a per-database serial queue.
  • There can only be a single transaction per connection at a time. Transactions go through a per-connection serial queue.

Here's how simple it is to add concurrency:

- (void)viewDidLoad
	connection = [database newConnection]; // For main thread (e.g. cellForIndexPath)
	backgroundConnection = [database newConnection]; // Spice it up with concurrency

- (void)dataDidDownload:(NSArray *)objects
	// Perform updates on background thread.
	// The 'backgroundConnection' won't block the separate 'connection',
	// so the user can continue scrolling as fast as possible.
	// Furthermore the 'asyncTransaction' makes it dead-simple for us.
	[backgroundConnection asyncReadWriteWithTransaction:^(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *transaction) {
		for (id object in objects) {
			[transaction setObject:object forKey:object.key];
	} completionBlock:^{
		// Back on the main thread, let's update our view
		[self newDataAvailable];

Now that you've got the idea, learn more about YapDatabase by checking out the other wiki articles.

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