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153 lines (129 loc) · 6.74 KB

File metadata and controls

153 lines (129 loc) · 6.74 KB



// /pattern/flags
let re1 = /abc/i;
re1.test( 'aBcd' ); // true

// new RegExp( pattern[, flags] )
let re2 = new RegExp( 'a', 'g' );
'aaa'.match( re2 ); // ["a", "a", "a"]


Flag Description
g global match
i ignore case
m multiline: treat beginning (^) and end ($) characters as working over multiple lines
u unicode: treat pattern as a sequence of unicode code points
y sticky: matches only from the index indicated by the lastIndex property of this regular expression in the target string (and does not attempt to match from any later indexes)

Characters meaning

Character Meaning
. any single character except line terminators: [^\n\r\u2028\u2029]
\d [0-9]
\D [^0-9]
\w [A-Za-z0-9_]
\W [^A-Za-z0-9_]
\s [ \f\n\r\t\v\u00a0\u1680\u180e\u2000-\u200a\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff]
\S [^ \f\n\r\t\v\u00a0\u1680\u180e\u2000-\u200a\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff]
[\b] backspace
\cX control character in a string, where X is a letter from A-Z. For example, /\cM/ matches control-M in a string
\ toggle next character treating between special/literal
[^] any character that is not in the empty set of characters (including newlines)

Characters sets

/[abcd]/ is identical to /[a-d]/ // but not equal ('===') due it's an object
/[^abc]/ is identical to /[^a-c]/ // matches negated or complemented character set


// x|y
/a|b/.exec( 'ac' ); // ["a"]
/a|b/.exec( 'bc' ); // ["b"]


Character Meaning
^ beginning of input. If the multiline flag is set to true, also matches immediately after a line break character
$ end of input. If the multiline flag is set to true, also matches immediately before a line break character
\b word boundary: position where a word character is not followed or preceeded by another word-character, such as between a letter and a space. Matched word boundary is not included in the match.
\B non-word boundary: position where the previous and next character are of the same type: Either both must be words, or both must be non-words. Such as between two letters or between two spaces.



RegExp.length; // 2


Returns the RegExp constructor.

// RegExp[Symbol.species]
RegExp[Symbol.species]; // function RegExp() { [native code] }


Read/write integer property of RegExp instances for the index at which to start the next match. Sets and updates automatically if the RegExp instance use the 'g' flag.

// regExpObj.lastIndex
let re = /a/g;
re.exec( 'aba' ); // ["a"]
re.lastIndex; // 1

re.exec( 'aba' ); // ["a"]
re.lastIndex; // 3

re.exec( 'aba' ); // null
re.lastIndex; // 0
Loop over matches

Works because of automatic updates of lastIndex property.

let str = 'a1b2c33';
let re = /\d+/g;
let match;
while ( match = re.exec(str) ) {
	console.log( match[0], "at", match.index ); //  1 at 1; 2 at 3; 33 at 5

Prototype properties


Returns a string consisting of the flags of the current RegExp.

/ /ig.flags;   // "gi"
/ /myu.flags;  // "muy"


Indicates whether or not the "g" flag is used with the RegExp.

/foo/; // true
/bar/.global; // false


Indicates whether or not the "i" flag is used with the RegExp.

/foo/i.ignoreCase; // true
/bar/.ignoreCase; // false


Indicates whether or not the "i" flag is used with the RegExp.

/foo/m.multiline; // true
/bar/.multiline; // false


Returns a String containing the source text of the regexp, and it doesn't contain the two forward slashes on both sides and any flags.

/foo/gmu.source; // "foo"

// starting from ECMAScript 5
new RegExp().source; // "(?:)"

new RegExp( '\n' ).source === "\n";  // prior to ES5
new RegExp( '\n' ).source === "\\n"; // starting with ES5


Indicates whether or not the "y" flag is used with the RegExp.

/foo/y.sticky; // true
/bar/.sticky; // false


Indicates whether or not the "u" flag is used with the RegExp.

/\u{61}/u.unicode; // true
/bar/.unicode; // false