The initial meaning of elements.
(content that could be easily syndicated)
Use it when there is no other more suitable element available for grouping an area of content (e.g., when you are purely grouping content for styling/visual purposes).
Tag |
Description |
<strong> |
strong emphasis |
<b> |
without importance |
Tag |
Description |
<em> |
stressed emphasis |
<i> |
alternative voice or tone |
Tag |
Description |
<u> |
unarticulated annotation |
<ins cite="#" datetime="2017-08-29"> |
text added to document (e.g., updated an article with the new information) |
Tag |
Description |
<s> |
no longer accurate or relevant |
<del cite="#" datetime="2017-08-29"> |
text deleted from document (e.g., updated an article) |
Tag |
Description |
<mark> |
e.g., highlight search phrase on search results page |
<input type="text" list="cities">
<datalist id="cities">
<option value="Kyiv"></option>
<option value="Kharkiv"></option>
<option value="Lviv"></option>
Types |
button, checkbox, file, hidden, image, password, radio, reset, submit, text |
color, date, datetime-local, email, month, number, range, search, tel, time, url, week |
<meter max="10" value="7">7 stars</meter>
<progress value="1" max="10">10%</progress>
<header role="banner">
<nav role="navigation"></nav>
<article role="article">
<section role="region"></section>
<aside role="complementary"></aside>
<footer role="contentinfo"></footer>
Tag |
Description |
<nav> |
links to other pages |
<menu> |
group of controls (like save/edit) within the web app |
Attribute |
Description |
sandbox |
enables an extra set of restrictions for the content in the iframe |
seamless |
treat <iframe> like it is a part of the containing document (e.g., no scrollbars, use parent css) |