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Type-Checker Extension Guide

This is a WIP guide for the current implementation of the type-inference engine and the accompanying elaborator within the code-generation module.

This is meant primarily as a rough reference document and not a design doc, but hopefully should help in future efforts to extend the Format + Expr + Pattern language with additional primitives over time, with respect to ensuring that the new primitives have full support in the type-inference and elaboration layers.

Type-Inference is a bidirectional type-inference engine that uses a fixed-traversal-order indexing of a Format-rooted tree, by assigning unification-metavariables (UVars) to each node in the tree, regardless of the sub-language (Format vs Expr vs Pattern) of the node in question.

At every stage, all inferred constraints on individual UVars, or between pairs of UVars are recorded, and gradually reified as the total structure of the top-level Format is expanded. If any UVars remain insoluble by the time the top-level Format is fully processed, this is a type-level error and reification of the full tree is not possible.

UVar and UType

We define a higher-level abstraction of UType, which is defined auto-recursively, and which contains zero or more UVars.

As currently defined:

pub enum UType {
    Empty,     // Reserved for value-free Formats (Format::Fail only)
    Hole,      // ground type-hole for shape-only unifications
    Var(UVar), // type-hole
    Record(Vec<(Label, Rc<UType>)>),

For this document, we adopt the following notational conventions:

  • Var(X) and X are both written as ?X, e.g. ?0 and ?N
  • Hole is written as ??, which is a placeholder that is erased as soon as it is unified with something other than another Hole.
  • Base(T) is written as T, e.g. Base(Char) is simply Char
  • Tuple([T0, ..., TN]) is written as (T0, ... TN)
    • The elements of $\mathtt{?X} \simeq (\mathtt{T_0}, ..., \mathtt{T_N})$ are written as ?X[i] (signifying Ti)
  • Record([(Lab0, T0), ..., (LabN, TN)]) is written as { Lab0: T0, ..., LabN: TN },
    • The elements of $\mathtt{?X} \simeq { \mathtt{Lab_0}\mathop{:}\ \mathtt{T_0}, \ldots, \mathtt{Lab_N}\mathop{:}\ \mathtt{T_N} }$ are written as ?X.Labi (signifying Ti)
  • Seq(T) is written as [T]
  • Empty is written as !

Simple Constraints

There are three principal sub-classes of Constraint that can be recorded and later enforced during reification. Note that these are prescriptive, in the sense that they are demands that are placed on the eventual type of a given node, that must be fulfilled in order for the tree to pass type-checking. In particular, if a specific type is later found for a node, that violates the constraints placed on it directly or by implication, the unification algorithm will fail. In this sense, constraints are not type-discovery, but rather, selective narrowing to the possible combinations that would yield a type-valid sub-tree.

  • Equiv (Equivalence): Metavariable ?X is equivalent to a given UType T ($\mathtt{?X} \simeq \mathtt{T}$)
  • Elem (Element): Metavariable ?X is some member of a (possibly singleton) set of ground-types S ($\mathtt{?X} \in \mathcal{S}$)
  • Proj (Projection): Metavariable ?X is one of the following:
    • A sequence whose element type is ?? (or, post-unification, ?Y)
    • A tuple-type which can be selectively indexed into with new metavariable associations $\verb!?X![i] \simeq \verb!?Y!$ that will eventually cover all valid indices, but may start out vacuous.
    • A record-type with an unknown set of field-names, which can be selectively populated with new field name-type pairs (Name, Type). If two implicit fields have the same label, their field-types are forced to unify, and otherwise the full shape of the record is delayed until no more fields could possibly be added (usually when the full tree is reified)

Variant Constraints

Furthermore, there is also a higher-level Constraints type that models not only these static Constraint values, but also supports a mutually-exclusive path of enumerating over a set of Variants, when ?X happens to be an algebraic type. In this case, the value stored is a unique identifier for a particular partial union over the known variants of an abstract ADT, that may not be fully populated with its full set of reachable variants until the entire tree is fully processed.

If two variables with such constraints are ever unified, the contents of these partial sets are reconciled by unifying the UTypes associated with any variants with a common name between the two sets, and otherwise taking the union of the two sets, and repointing the two metavariables to the same identifier (VMId) to ensure that by the end of the process, all metavariables that point to the same union-type agree on the full set of variants in that union.

Basic Unification Guide

Below is a guide for a variety of 'shapes' of Format, Pattern, and Expr primitives that might be added, with a description and example of how the rules for said primitive ought to be implemented, with an actual example from the source-code if one exists.

(As patterns are low-level, there is a lot more context-sensitivity to implementing them, and so we focus mainly on Expr and Format in the first draft).

  • Extend infer_var_XXX where XXX is the appropriate one of format, expr, or scope_pattern, with a new match-case

  • Within the body of the match-case:

    • Always generate the UVar for the current node first

      let newvar = self.get_new_uvar();
    • Recurse into the appropriate infer_var_YYY calls with try (?) and the correct contextual argument (either Ctxt or UScope). The order in which the arguments of super-unary primitives are subjected to recursive inference is arbitrary but must be consistent, and is the order in which they appear in the definition by convention, though any order would be valid as long as it is reflected appropriately in the elaborator layer as well.

      let fmt_var = self.infer_var_format(fmt, ctxt)?;
      let expr_var = self.infer_var_expr(expr, ctxt.scope)?; // from infer_var_format
      let expr_var = self.infer_var_expr(expr, scope)?; // from infer_var_expr
      let (in_var, out_var) = self.infer_vars_expr_lambda(lambda_expr, scope)?; // from infer_var_expr
    • Perform any local unifications with constraints, UTypes, or UVars as appropriate based on the semantics of the primitive in question:

      • Use projective unifications for tuples of unknown arity, records of unknown field-sets, and sequences of unknown element-type
      self.unify_var_proj_index(tup_var, index, var_at_index)?; // requires that ?X[i] ~ ?Y
      self.unify_var_proj_field(rec_var, fieldname, var_in_field)?; // requires that ?X.field ~ ?Y
      self.unify_var_proj_elem(seq_var, elem_var)?; // requires that ?X ~ [?Y]
      • Use BaseSet unifications for types that must be numeric in order to unify properly (either as self.unify_utype_baseset or self.unify_var_constraint)
      let it = self.infer_utype_expr(i, scope)?;
      let jt = self.infer_utype_expr(j, scope)?;
      let kt = self.infer_utype_expr(k, scope)?;
      let _ = self.unify_utype_baseset(it, BaseSet::UAny)?;  // U8 | U16 | U32 | U64
      let _ = self.unify_utype_baseset(jt, BaseSet::USome)?; // U8 | U16 | [U32] | U64
      let _ = self.unify_utype_baseset(kt, BaseSet::U(UintSet::Short8))?; // U8 or U16, U8 default

      (If required by novel primitives, extending BaseSet or UintSet may be appropriate).

      • Use bidirectional unifications when direct-variable equivalence or shapeful relation is known
      let varx = self.infer_var_expr(x, scope)?;
      let vary = self.infer_var_expr(y, scope)?;
      let varz = self.infer_var_expr(z, scope)?;
      self.unify_var_pair(x, y)?; // if ?X ~ ?Y
      self.unify_var_utype(x, Rc::new(UType::Seq(Rc::new(UType::Var(z)))))?; // if ?X ~ [?Z]

      (unify_var_utype can be applied to any equivalence, provided it doesn't create an infinite type)

      • Generate ancillary variables as necessary to populate holes in 'shapeful' types whose constraints are unrelated to any directly scoped meta-variables.
      let seq_var = self.infer_var_expr(seq, scope)?; // ?X ~ [??], where this ?? might be reified to a grounded UType already
      let elem_var = self.get_new_utype(); // ?Y
      self.unify_var_proj_elem(seq_var, elem_var)?; // ?X ~ [?Z] <=> ?Z ~ ?Y
      /* or */
      self.unify_var_utype(seq_var, Rc::new(UType::Seq(Rc::new(UType::Var(elem_var)))))?;
    • Always return Ok(newvar) at the end of the block

  • Respect the same order in the Elaborator

    • Whenever get_new_uvar() is called, either directly or implicitly through an embedded call to infer_var_XXX, ensure the index is incremented accordingly (and in the same order)
    • Call get_gt_from_index on the indices as appropriate to generate the corresponding types for TypedFormat, TypedExpr, and TypedPattern primitives (which should be added as appropriate)