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ISA documentation of our videocard cores

neeeds update

General things

  • There are 8 registers, reg0-reg7
  • reg6 = sp(stack pointer); reg7 = ip (instruction pointer), reg4 - bp (base pointer)
  • All registers are 32bit
  • All instructions are 16bit (except for movl/movh that are 32bit)
  • ISA is strict RISC, so the memory model is load-store
  • There is flag register [CARRY, SIGN, OVERFLOW, ZERO]
  • The address bus is only 16bit (even though you can put 32bit number into register).
  • Each core knows it's index through coreidx op1 instruction
  • At the end of program, you should call interrupt with code 1 (int 1)
  • If jump instruction is in even address in ROM, then assembler puts NOP after jump, becase instruction after jump is always executed
  • If 32-bit instruction is in odd address in ROM, then assembler puts NOP before it, because when half of 32bit instruction is loaded in core - that's undefined behaviour.
  • There is no (yet) hardware support of mutexes, so be carefull
  • ** Important note: make sure that you saved value of reg5 before using label!**


ALU-related instructions

Arithmetics 2-operands

  • add op1 op2 - op1 += op2
  • addc op1 op2 - op1 += op2 + CARRY_FLAG
  • sub op1 op2 - op1 -= op2
  • subc op1 op2 - op1 -= op2 + CARRY_FLAG
  • mul op1 op2 - op1 *= op2
  • div op1 op2 - op1 /= op2
  • cmp op1 op2 - does op1 - op2, but saves only flags

Arithmetics 1-operand

  • inc op1 - op1++
  • dec op1 - op1--

Logic 2 operators

  • and op1 op2 - op1 &= op2
  • or op1 op2 - op1 |= op2
  • xor op1 op2 - op1 ^= op2
  • lsh op1 op2 - op1 <<= op2
  • rsh op1 op2 - op1 >>= op2

Logic 1-operator

  • not op1 - op1 = ~op1


  • mov op1 op2 - op1 = op2
  • movl op1 - op1[15:0] =
  • movh op1 - op2[31:16] =
  • movf op1 - op1 = flag register


  • load op1 op2 - op1 = RAM[op2]
  • store op1 op2 - RAM[op2] = op1


  • je op1 - jump if equal - ip = op1 if ZERO_FLAG==1
  • jne op1 - jump if not equal - ip = op1 if ZERO_FLAG==0
  • jgt op1 - jump if greater then - ip = op1 if ZERO_FLAG==0 && OVERFLOW_FLAG==SIGN_FLAG
  • jge op1 - jump if greater or equal - ip = op1 if OVERFLOW_FLAG==SIGN_FLAG
  • jlt op1 - jump if less then - ip = op1 if OVERFLOW_FLAG!=SIGN_FLAG
  • jle op1 - jump if less or equal - ip = op1 if ZERO_FLAG==1 && OVERFLOW_FLAG!=SIGN_FLAG
  • jmp - jump always - ip = op1


  • coreidx op1 - op1 = coreidx
  • int int_num - call interupt with given 3-bit number. Yet implementer only 1 - core finished its job, stop working.
  • msb reg - my_stack_begin = register
  • mse reg - my_stack_end = register
  • sb reg - whole stack_begin = register
  • excl register - exception load = register (More on stack later)

Some features


You can use labels to make life 100 times easier.

  • Jump labels declaration:
  • Jump label usage:
cmp reg1 0
je FUNCTION_NAME    // under hood will use reg5 to load address
  • value label:
  • value label usage:
mov reg2 MY_VAL // or:
load reg2 MY_VAL // or:
store reg2 MY_VAL // or:
load MY_VAL reg2 // or:
store MY_VAL reg2 // or:
// cannot use two labels in one expression!
  • early substitute

Also there is such thing as 'early substitute'. Assembling pipeline is such that all labels are substituted at the very end of the pipeline. They are usually processed a lot before, since there are many macrosses and architecture details, most instruction expand into more smaller, so jump labels should be updated many times, and value labels propose unsupported instructions (for ex. mov reg imm), so they are also processed. But if you want to substitute value label at the very beginning of the pipeline, you can put '$' sign before value label usage. Example:

add reg2 $NUM // --> add reg2 12 --> movl reg5 12; movh reg5 0; add reg2 reg5
  • core number value
movl reg2 core_num
movh reg2 core_num

Some macroses

load_macro regi +-num // load number from sp+-num to reg
store_macro regi +-num // the same as above, but for saving
movimm regi imm // save number to register
arith_op regi imm // any alu instruction with immediate

Stack managment

  • You can configure size of stack of each core using this shortcut (do this manually is not trivial - just look at generated by assembler code):
stack_size size0 size1 size2 size3
  • Another useful shortcuts (not implemented at moment of writing this documentation):
push reg[i]
pop reg[i]

Note, that assembler reserces labels that start with '__return_', and it's damgerous to name labels as the assembler keywords

  • Configure exception addresses:
exception_addresses addr0 addr1 addr2 addr3 // can use labels (obviously every adequate programmer would)


All instructions except for jumps, movf support suffixes. This is 2 letters at the end of the instruction. Basically the instruction will be executed if some condition is satisfied. It's like one-instruction if statement. Idea is stolen from ARM ISA

Here is the list of suffixes, and the conditions to be satisfied:

Instruction coding

  • 0 bit - 0 if this is regular 16bit instruction, 1 if movl/movh
  • 1 bit - 1 if this is ALU-related instruction else 0


  • [2:5] bit - opcode
'alu': {
        'add': '0000',
        'addc': '0001',
        'sub': '0010',
        'subc': '0011',
        'mul': '0100',
        'mulc': '0101',
        'and': '0110',
        'or': '0111',
        'xor': '1000',
        'lsh': '1001',
        'rsh': '1010',
        'not': '1011',
        'cmp': '1100',
        'inc': '1101',
        'dec': '1110'
  • [6:9] bit - suffixes
'suffixes': {
      'eq': '0000',
      'ne': '0001',
      'gt': '0010',
      'lt': '0011',
      'ge': '0100',
      'le': '0101',
      'cs': '0110',
      'cc': '0111',
      'mi': '1000',
      'pl': '1001',
      'al': '1010',
      'nv': '1011',
      'vs': '1100',
      'vc': '1101',
      'hi': '1110',
      'ls': '1111',
  • [10:12] bit - op1
  • [13:15] bit - op2

Other instructions

  • [2:6] bit - opcode. Here is one tricks: load0-1/store0-1 - 0-1 is the first bit of the corresponding suffix
'other': {
        'load0': '00000',
        'load1': '00001',

        'store0': '00010',
        'store1': '00011',

        'mov0': '00100',
        'mov1': '00101',

        'movh': '00110',
        'movl': '00111',
        'movf': '01000',

        'je':  '01001',
        'jne': '01010',
        'jgt': '01011',
        'jge': '01100',
        'jlt': '01101',
        'jle': '01110',
        'jmp': '01111',

        'coreidx': '10000',
        'int'    : '10001'


  • [7:9] bit - 3 out of 4 bits coding suffix
  • [10:12] bit - op1
  • [12:15] bit - op2


  • [7:10] bit - suffix
  • [11:13] bit - register
  • [16:31] bit - immediate


  • [7:9] bit - op1


  • [7:10] - suffix
  • [11:13] - register/int_number

Assembler USAGE

usage: [-h] -s S [-o O] [-ap] [-a] [-p] [-v]

MCCP assembler

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -s S        Source file
  -o O        Output file
  -ap         Preprocess source then assemble
  -a          Assemble preprocessed
  -p          Preprocess source
  -v          Verbose


  • preprocess and assemble source
python2 ./ -s ../programs/cube_elements_of_vector.mccp -o res -ap -v